Charmaine Sheh Does not Support ‘Turn Off TV’ Movement on TVB Anniversary

After the “Turn Off TV” movement last week, netizens are rallying for another one on December 19, when TVB’s Anniversary Gala will be held. Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼), who will be attending the ceremony for the first time after two years of absence, implored the public not to do so.

At the Caring for Children Foundation Tug-of-War event yesterday at Mongkok, Charmaine remained tactful when commenting on the recent affairs involving the television industry. She said, “Based on my ten years in the industry, which is neither short nor long, I have seen much controversy. I believe all will calm down soon. There will be a solution, don’t worry. With the issuing of new licenses, there is a demand for actors and their pay will increase.”

Charmaine is currently under TVBC management, in which she will film mostly China productions. However, she needs to commit filming a TVB drama every year. In January 2014, Charmaine will film a TVB drama with Raymond Lam (林峯) and Michael Miu (苗僑偉).

Currently, TVB artists are taking time off their busy schedules to prepare for TVB’s sports-themed 2014 calendar shooting. Charmaine, Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎), Roger Kwok (郭晉安), Ben Wong (黃智賢) and Jason Chan (陳智燊) will be featured for the month of May in tennis gear. Asked about the 3D effects that made the photos appear too fake, Charmaine expressed that it is TVB’s effort to inject freshness into their calendar-design. Despite the criticism, there will be people who will like the 3D effects.

Shuttling between China and Hong Kong, Charmaine will make a guest appearance at Louis Yuen’s (阮兆祥) upcoming concert.

Toby Leung (梁靖琪), who was also present for the event, appeared with a bandaged left leg. Toby plays a taekwondo expert in new drama, Midas Touch <點金勝手>, and she twisted her left ligament during filming.

Source: Ming Pao

This article is written by Karen for

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  1. “sports-themed 2014 calendar shooting. Charmaine, Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎), Roger Kwok (郭晉安), Ben Wong (黃智賢) and Jason Chan (陳智燊) will be featured for the month of May in tennis gear. ”

    Jason Chan has indeed got a huge promotion in this calendar thing but seriously, why? WHY?! And Charmaine is like juggling a lo of balls. Crush them all Charmaine!

    1. I must say very diplomatic answer. She will not say anything considered unfriendly to TVB because well.. for obvious reasons.

      1. If you work for a company, would you voice support to a rival in public? I am sure your colleagues, your boss and other stakeholder groups will view your action with disapproval and question your stance.

        So why ridicule her?

      2. Well…obviously no one wants to mess w/the hands the keep the checks coming. And Charmaine has always been a very smart girl regarding on how she speaks to the media. She’s always very PC. 🙂

      3. I didn’t ridicule her, I am stating the obvious which you highlighted. That being said, there were some still working for their employer who did say something negative.

      4. May, I do agree. At least I find her answers PC with substance. There is another actress whenever asked for an opinion never really give one. She speaks stuff but not much of a opinion.I don’t want to name her but I do believe some will certainly know who she is.

      5. Actually Funn, I can’t think of anyone right now. Lol. Who is it that you’re referring to?

  2. I support to have HKTV…but I only think everyone can has his/her right to support or not support turn off TV…Charmaine has her right too…Don’t force people to turn off TV or say that they will turn off TV…in fact…it is the issue between HKTV and HK government… TVB did nothing wrong on it…yea…TVB’s drama is not so good anymore…but o-well…you can choose not to watch it…this year I did not complete a lot of TVB drama because it is so bad…but still I am not against TVB…it is free TV…if I don’t like it…don’t watch it!

  3. Why are people saying that TVB series aren’t good anymore?? That’s complete BS.
    As you all know that most of the scriptwriters, producers, post-production crews & artists in HKTV are from TVB, therefore, if you say TVB drama are bad, HKTV drama sucks even more ’cause probably most of the artist in HKTV you might not even know him/her or that they are just newbies without acting experiences.

    1. HKTV drama is creative it looks realistic and serious and TVB drama looks and feels bland, sloppy, fake, repeating old dramas thats why.. Well are you failing to see that????

      1. They may have the same producers but creating different things.

      2. Hktv drama aren’t creative at all. Seen the trailers and they aren’t even good.honestly tvb series are much better

    2. @sheldon: You obviously either haven’t been around much or don’t know a whole lot about who TVB operates (or you’re just grasping at straws trying to defend TVB).

      Yes, many of the artists and behind the scenes crew at HKTV used to work at TVB — but that doesn’t mean that the quality of the dramas will be the same because the environment they worked under was totally different (plus a slew of other factors, which, if you really want me to list out for you, I can). At TVB, these artists and scriptwriters / directors / producers were like caged animals in a zoo in that they had to abide by alot of very restrictive policies that stifled their creativity — any scriptwriter at TVB will tell you that they are not allowed to write whatever they want to write about because the management doesn’t allow it. At HKTV, these same people were no longer caged animals in a zoo, but rather, animals roaming freely in the wild — meaning that from a creativity standpoint, they were allowed to follow their dreams / visions…the scriptwriters were allowed to write whatever they wanted to write about without much restriction and the producers could shape the series whichever way they wanted too — the management team (i.e. Ricky Wong and vice Chairman To Wai Bing) did not get involved in the productions from a creativity standpoint.

      Here’s a specific example to illustrate the above: HKTV has a series they filmed about the ‘darkness’ of the news media circle (the series starring Vivian Leung, Catherine Chau, and Kate Yeung entitled “The Menu”). TVB’s Inbound Troubles producer Wong Wai Sing revealed in an interview that many years ago, he had wanted to make a series with the exact same theme — in fact, the script was already written, but when he presented it to TVB management, they shot it down and wouldn’t let him film it because they were afraid it would paint news Media outlets in a bad light and didn’t want to bear the consequences of that happening…therefore, producer Wong had to scrap the idea. Well, HKTV embraced the idea and allowed their scriptwriters to go through with it…how’s that for ‘promoting’ creativity (HKTV) rather than ‘stifling’ it (TVB)??

    3. TVB’s drama is getting worse and worse because the story does not make sense…may be because they need to product a lot of drama each year so they shorten the time for production…yes…most of the experience scriptwriters, producers went to HKTV, they are allow to have more time to create, to product…therefore, they drama should be better..OF COURSE, I am NOT going to OVERRATE the drama in HKTV…I only say for now, the drama in HKTV is better, but will it keep the quality???? This is the unknown…So I am not saying HKTV is the best forever, I only say more competition should have better quality for both TVB and HKTV…so the final benefit is us (those who want to watch TV)

    4. TVB series has been a no-good since last year. Quality hit rock bottom like a plane crash at a rapid pace.

  4. This is so pointless. The HK govt didn’t care the first time. They’re not going to care this time either. It’s obvious that they’re trying to “attack” TVB on their anniversary rather than finding a useful way for the gov’t to hear them.

  5. Attacking tvb is rather stupid and yes, it is very pointless. I also don’t support the so called turn off the tv movement. This is a complete pointless strategy. They don’t watch shows on tv, I guess they are just using their computers, laptop, tablets or their smartphone to watch. These devices are completely replacing tv right now

  6. Of course she have no ball tvb is kinda world wide tbh. even in Korea theirs tvb ,Taiwan theirs tvb ,Australia ,Singapore , Vietnam .plus they have the Eric tsang you may think he is a joke but his contact and power in the industry can shut you up anyday.not being bias this is the truth tvb is rich but they are to lazy to raise wages hire better production eg scriptwriters .if tvb dump every scriptwriters and get Koreans or mainland the honkies will be jobless and they just protest again .

  7. You may say the management is control is true however if they do what Ricky do tvb will make lots of enemies eg if apple daily news is owned by la Ka sing tvb will not dare to bite basically a dark business strategy game tvb would rather make strict rules rather then offend those rich business people . You may lot of people joined Ricky in the protest that is Becuase they want the government to speak up they do not support Ricky behaviours or his television .THEY CARE ABOUT THE Future of what the Hong Kong government can put next

    1. Tbh even HKTV did happen or not it won’t changed the fact will people still watch tv ? Do anyone watch tv anyways hahaha ? Form my point the online era will make Ricky vision to fail of creating back the era of television . Nowadays teenages is either drunk ,doing drugs ,studying , playing ps4,Xbox ,computer ,watch America Korea show they don’t even care.

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