Charmaine Sheh Leaving TVB in April 2011?

TVB’s Number #1 Sister, Charmaine Sheh Si Man’s contract with TVB will be expiring in April 2011. With only two months left to her TVB contract, Charmaine still has not renewed her contract yet. Losing the 2010 TVB Best Actress Award to Sheren Tang Shui Man allegedly incited Charmaine’s decision to consider relocating her career outside of TVB] and earning Yuan!
A former Miss Hong Kong pageant winner, Charmaine worked at TVB for nearly thirteen years. Among TVB’s actresses, Charmaine was highly prolific and starred in numerous popular series, including Beyond the Realm of Conscience <宮心計>, Forensic Heroes II <法證先鋒 II>, andCan’t Buy Me Love <公主嫁到>. As one of the top TVB actresses, Charmaine’s market value was quite high and she was popular among advertisers.
Since Charmaine’s contract will expire in April, the contract terms should have been finalized six months earlier. However, Charmaine did not want to make a commitment until after the results of the 2010 TVB Anniversary Awards. Since the top award of Best Actress fell in the hands ofSheren Tang, Charmaine was disappointed to receive the consolation prize of My Favorite Female Character Award. This has led to a tug of war with TVB.
Due to her popularity in China , Charmaine would not have any problems finding work outside of TVB. When asked about her TVB contract last month, Charmaine said that the terms were still in negotiation, with participation in high quality productions and portrayal of fresh roles being important requirements. At the same time, Charmaine revealed that she did not rule out the possibility of focusing her career outside of TVB since the filming fees were higher in China . While filming <帶刀女捕快>, Charmaine was injured and thus unable to film for new TVB series, Forensic Heroes 3 <法證先鋒III >. With the wealthy businessman, Charles Chan, as the new majority stakeholder at TVB, perhaps there will be a new way of management and the contract renewal with Charmaine will be successful after all.
Another TVB artist, Bowie Lam’s contract will be expiring in June 2011. Allegedly, he has decided not to renew his contract with TVB and will film in China instead. Earlier, Bowie won the 15th Asian TV Best Actor Award in Singapore , an achievement which was not celebrated by TVB until a month later. Although TVB organized a celebratory event to mend matters, apparently this did not dissuade Bowie . In recent years, Bowie often appeared at jewelry and auto shows in China and he was very popular in mainland.
Jayne: With Charles Chan as the new stakeholder, it does pose a question of whether TVB’s artist management will be affected. Charmaine is truly very popular in Hong Kong and China and if TVB were to lose such a big star, it is a big loss.
That’s not good. I guess all of the good actors/actresses are leaving TVB
I haven’t really follow any TVB’s series lately b/c the storyline is really repetitive. I really miss the 80’s and late 90’s (early 2000’s) series. All of the actors/actresses back then were much more better – in terms of acting.
So agree with you!!!!!!!!
That’s because you guys are all older -.-
Us younger generations have been watching these plot lines for ages. I guess these repetive stuff has grew on us.
I really wish Charmaine would stay.
I hope Charmaine Sheh doesn’t leave TVB. Although, She’s so popular… even if she did leave, it wouldn’t be hard to find another tv company to sign to, but please don’t D:
Not sure if this news is true or confirmed yet, but if it is the case, then I don’t blame Charmaine. She has been with TVB for 13 years and has remained loyal to them all these years. I’m sure she lost some money making opportunities throughout the years because she was so busy filming TVB series. I don’t think it’s so much that she was upset over not winning best actress last year, but I think it’s more geared toward the fact that it’s time to expand her opportunities farther outside of TVB. She’s extremely popular in China and can definitely find some great opportunities there to develop her career there. I like the fact that she focused on TV and acting these years rather than trying to branch out to singing and movies, etc. I think that’s why she has improved a lot over the years.
I do think that TVB needs to appreciate and recognize their veteran actors, though. They spend so much time promoting new stars that the veteran stars will eventually want to venture out when they start feeling undervalued, underpaid, and underrated.
I agree. I hope that with the new changes in TVB there will be improvements in how they handle and treat their actors. One thing they should do is let them focus on just acting instead of venturing out on singing or movies. I mean, Raymond Lam may have done a satisfactory transition to singing (mostly because of his good looks and fan base; i am a fan but i do see the bias here), but there are many actors/actresses that simply cannot sing and should stop trying (Kate Tsui, Bosco Wong). They should definitely improve on their acting because that’s where their talents are,
Agree. TVB should focus on groom actors since they are television series producer. They do not need to push every actor they are promoting to become a singer. Polishing their talent is more important. Bosco Wong has a natural talent in acting. He has shown great potential in his first major role in the series ‘Find the Light’. TVB should groom him on that.
I doubt it’s because she’s upset over not winning the Best Actress award. Charmaine Sheh has been highly favored by TVB in all the years that shes worked for them.. to leave over something so silly just doesn’t make sense. Perhaps she would like some new challenges that China productions can offer or she would like to experience some other things in life besides acting, as she’s not young anymore… maybe she wants to settle down and have kids. Who knows?
@Judy; Saying Charmaine is unwilling to renew contract due to losing tv queen seems like something the reporters would make up.
” Losing the 2010 TVB Best Actress Award to Sheren Tang Shui Man allegedly incited Charmaine’s decision to consider relocating her career outside of TVB] and earning Yuan!”
“Since Charmaine’s contract will expire in April, the contract terms should have been finalized six months earlier. However, Charmaine did not want to make a commitment until after the results of the 2010 TVB Anniversary Awards. Since the top award of Best Actress fell in the hands ofSheren Tang, Charmaine was disappointed to receive the consolation prize of My Favorite Female Character Award. This has led to a tug of war with TVB.”
The above 2 paragraph should be removed. Honestly, this is silly. She has already won one for ‘Maiden’s Vow’. Her dream for this award already fulfilled. Why would would she use this as deciding factor for her to renew her contract or not?
She has stayed in the same company for 13 years, filming the same kind of series. Maybe she want to try different things instead of staying stagnant in her career.
It’s the way it was written in the article?
Anyway logically speaking one doesn’t mind winning more than once. However I don’t believe the gossip.
It is in the end all about the money. The award means nothing, does nothing. It is the salary. Maybe she wants to be an independent contract artiste.
I don’t think she has been filming the same series. Going to China would not mean she is filming a different sort of series. In the end the stories are the same.
Like I said in the end it is about the money and freedom to choose materials.
@ Funn
“It’s the way it was written in the article?”
I’m not asking Jayne to remove those paragraph. I’m not that stupid to not realise that that’s what written in the original article and Jayne was just translating. My intention was to show how silly those 2 paragraphs ware and it’s unnecessary for the original article writer to put it in there.
“Anyway logically speaking one doesn’t mind winning more than once. “
‘Wouldn’t mind getting more’ is not as crucial as important as ‘have not gotten one before and wanted one’ which is the case for Kenix Kwok.
Look like TVB wanna change the blood. They are choosing new faces to promote, such as Mag Lam or Super Voice band (less than Mag Lam).
However, I don’t think the article is so rite. She might change to series contract like other famous artists (Bobby, Jessica) but I don’t think she will leave. With her status now, it’s obvious that she can do it this way.
I totally support Charmaine if she were too change her contract to per series contract like Bobby and Jessica. Granted, she will spend less time in TVB and HK, but at least she can choose whatever project she want, and has a larger variety in terms of production companies and co-stars.
I mean *if she were to change.
I agree. She doesn’t have to leave completely! I really like Bobby’s mainland body of work and am excited to see what Charmaine will be doing in China too.
I hear that Charmaine is not only popular in HK but also very popular in China too. I hope everything works out well for her. I’m a new fan lol
look like out with the old and in with the new for TVB.
Ugh the new are not that great. All shell and no substance.
My money is on her trying to get hitched to a billionaire.
Wow a lot of hong kong actors are going towards Mainland the big brother in the hood. I remembered when I was in middle school I met a lot of students that immigrated from hong kong and they were very upset that China is taking hong kong back. They said they rather be run by England. A lot of hong kongese moved to Canada as well. But NOW that China got the second place in economic wise I guess a lot of hong kongese won’t look down on China anymore. Which hong kong is china as well but don’t know why in series they still call mainland countryside. Very funny and ignorant people.
I think they were upset because of politics more than economic. China used to be a communist country and very controlled. Living growing up in a capitalist city with so much freedom, of course, they won’t look at this change favourably. But, now that China are more open up and not a communist in practice anymore, their change in view is also logical.
I’ve watch a lot of TVB series, but, never heard China being called countryside. If you mean ‘heung ha’, it can also mean hometown. So, ‘fan heung ha’ means going back to hometown.
My guess… she’s leaving TVB. She is only signing per series contract. It is a great time to start a “family” or going into the movie industry to get more bacon.
TVB pay is cheap and quality still sucks!
Sorry guys I am the one not missing her acting in TVB series. I was not really like her acting at first because she tried to copy cat Catalina Lau.
A few years later her acting had improved in some series. But lately her acting was suck…When she won her award I think due to favor/connection. It always happen that way Asia in most case.
Same here not gonna miss her. Never like her acting which is mediocre at best.
Its funny how she got tempted by outside money when TVB is planning to give her award with Sister Fa series
“TVB is planning to give her award with Sister Fa series”
TVB management tell you that?
If she has a better offer which offers more money and better quality work, why not? Mainland China’s TV industry now is growing at a rapid rate and attracting many investors and she may even try to find ways to break into the silver screen. Eric Tsang himself maybe won’t mind taking her in as he said he likes her as an actress.
The only reason I assume she would stay is because she feels strongly attached to TVB in an emotional way, just how Virginia Lok mentioned.
Charmaine may not be the best or the prettiest actress, but who knows what she can achieve once she gets free from TVB and can actively roam outside for better quality productions? I myself don’t consider Charmaine’s acting or looks as great, but she has a compelling charisma.
I hope she can truly find the best way for her life. Best of Luck Charmaine.
I don’t think going to China will raise her credentials, it will however expand her savings in the bank. Sorry, I am one of those who doesn’t think HK actors and actresses in China giving quality or better performances because the ones that are big budget (in China sense) or high quality or rather serious drama does not involve HK actors but rather local Chinese actors and actresses. It is purely economic. If she gets into a China movie directed by one of the greats then I would think it is a career move for quality instead of quantity.
I think she plans to earn as much as she can. An actress life in Asia can be very fleeting, so if this is her time to demand for higher income, I would tell her to go for it. But maybe 3 years time or so she will return to TVB. For someone who doesn’t follow Chinese series (from China), when a TVB actress/actor leaves TVB, it would seem they have disappeared for a few years into anonymity. TVB has distribution network, China doesn’t. For money, you go elsewhere. For networking, TVB is still the big brother. Fans of Charmaine who may be upset by her decision, I have no doubt she will come back a few years later when she has made enough. Those who never return are those who never made a name for themselves in HK anyway. However I do believe she wants to be an independent free agent. 1 series in HK, many more elsewhere.
But what’s the fun watching HK actors in China production when their voices are dubbed with very manly voices? Perhaps they should brush up on their mandarin?
Hmm does something like Can’t Buy Me Love increase her credentials? In terms of popularity hike and advertising jobs, yeap, but as an actress personally I don’t find so.
I agree however that what mainland China offers is mainly money, and if she’s lucky to be a pet actress of a good producer then she might found new grounds to play in her acting.
HK actors do get to be in big budgeted productions as the main star although it’s rare. Kevin Cheng is an example. He’s currently leading an epic mainland production alongside Nicky Wu and a popular rising young actress. Raymond Lam is the lead in an 80 episode TV series and a big budgeted movies, and he’s still in TVB while getting these.
I agree, though Charmaine is not very pretty nor is she the BEST actress, she does have a certain charisma that gives her good screen presence. Plus, she has a reputation of being very hard working and persistent. She will probably succeed in whatever she pursues. I hope she still appears in at least a couple of tvb series this coming year.
“TVB management tell you that?”
It was all over the news back then.
I dont care what she plan to do as long as she is happy, I will support her wholeheartly. I think she is a good actress, and the most importantly she is the hardest worker. I admire her hard work and professinalism. I wish her all the best and hope she can adventures more outside TVB. Last but not least I want her to find her MR Right. She deserves the happiness life.
aWith Charmaine I don’t think trying to earn more money by, say, venturing into the China film market, is her aim. She is supposedly the best paid actor/actress in TVB, having acquired several million HK dollars and is still earning more. Now that money is no longer a problem I think she is in a position to be more selective in the choice of series given her.When she does not need to act in so many series she will have more time for herself and can concentrate on other personal matters, romance perhaps! Well, she has said before that she would like to be married and have a family and I don’t think she should wait too long. But, whatever it is I hope she chooses wisely and all good wishes go to her.
She is highest paid not because of her TVB salary, which I am sure is high but does not commensurate with her fame but rather advertisements. That’s where she earns her millions.
Personally, I will be very sad and going to miss her news and shows from HK. I admire her perseverance and professionalism. I always look out to read about her during my lunch break and is part of my hobby. Soon this be will less and less …. China internet all in chinese I can’t understand.