Charmaine Sheh to Film TVB Drama in 2013

This year’s TVB Awards race is heating up as controversy and speculation surrounds the leaked nomination list. While Kate Tsui (徐子珊) and Tavia Yeung (楊怡) are rumored to be the front runners for the TV Queen award, Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼) is also a strong contender as her role in When Heaven Burns <天與地> and may also be nominated for the Best Actress and My Favorite Female Character awards. As Charmaine is not currently under a TVB management contract, her inclusion on the nomination list may cause angst and anxiety amongst the fadans.
According to inside sources, TVB hopes to use this as an opportunity to convince Charmaine into signing a long-term contract with them. To further show their sincerity, TVB has also decided not to include Maggie Cheung (張可頤), who starred in The Last Steep Ascent <天梯> into the mix. Unfortunately, TVB’s actions have not impressed Charmaine as she is focused on building her acting career in mainland China.
However, in light of hoping staying relevant in Hong Kong, Charmaine has agreed to star in only one TVB series next year and has not committed to a long-term arrangement.
When asked about her thoughts on the upcoming TVB awards, Charmaine said, “I don’t even know if I’m nominated yet so I haven’t given it much thought. I just know that I put my best efforts into portraying the role in When Heaven Burns. Even if I have confidence in winning the award, it doesn’t mean I’ll win. Everyone puts their best efforts into every series and that’s all that matters.”
Regarding her thoughts Kate and Tavia’s performance in Highs and Lows <雷霆掃毒> and Silver Spoon Sterling Shackles <名媛望族> respectively, Charmaine said, “I’ve watched both series and both characters have lots of opportunity for them to showcase their acting. Kate had to portray a drug addict and Tavia played an opera singer – both of these roles takes time to research and prepare. I think both of them have equal chances of winning.”
Source: Sing Tao
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Charmaine Sheh is always very good in her interviews/speeches. She knows exactly what she should say regarding herself and other artistes. She is an excellent artiste in her acting and public speaking. Very happy for her.
I think it’s good to see her outside of TVB developing so well! I wonder what TVB series would she be starring!
She’s one of my favourite actresses!
It’s sad to say but I think Kate has a very strong chance of winning. I don’t know if I would like it, but Kate’s acting had gradually improved (I haven’t watched Highs and Lows but in her past series.. she has improved)
Charmaine Sheh is also one of my favourite actresses. She can act all kinds of roles, both in modern and ancient drama series.
Yes I agree, not all actresses can act in modern and ancient. But ancient dramas take a lot more work
All the actors/actress that left TVB, they will eventually come back. TVB series is comfortable to watch, compared to ATV. I guess I know all the actors/actress at TVB.
I think so, may not be on a management contract, but on a per-series contract. After all, TVB is still the most powerful (free or paid) TV station in Hong Kong. Every artiste wants to maintain some kind of fame and popularity in Hong Kong, and the only way of doing it is to film drama series for TVB from time to time.
Lucky Hong Kong ppl get to watch it for free. Its so hard to find free tvb series online. You guys should be greatful. I can’t wait to see Andy Lau in the series.
Haven’t been following SSSS closely but from the snippets I’ve seen, Tavia hasn’t really done any opera singing, but rather just shuffled around the stage a couple of times. Does she actually have an opera performance longer than 5 seconds in the series? I’m a fan of both Tavia and Kate but I really want Tavia to win Best Actress this year. I doubt she will with SSSS as her entry though.
Tavia Yeung’s opera singer image was restricted to some 5-second closeups with very little action and absolutely no singing. I heard that she had taken some lessons on Chinese opera singer. Very disappointed at her “opera singer” acting.
Yep, me too dissappointed in her opera acting as like no life in her character at all. so wooden.. even Ron is better than her in SSSS LOL..
I’d like to see you put on the heavy opera clothing, pull off the makeup and ‘shuffle’ around on stage. Both Kate and Tavia had to do their own research in acting out their roles, both characters had their own difficulties to portray…
wearing heavy clothing is just an excuse to cover TY’s poor acting skill. As an opera singer/artist, they must have lively eyes to show their “emotion” and expression.. and TY’s eyes was too lifeless and dead.. she really can’t carry out the opera character good..
Pls note, I’m not talking about her 4th wife character though..I’m talking about her opera acting.
If I could remember correctly, Tavia was running a high fever while filming the opera part of the series. Maybe that’s why she looked/acted so “lifeless”.
I’ve stopped watching this series a while back now, but were talking about the first couple of episodes right? Cuz I thought she retired from “opera” after she married Damian? I could be wrong…
Wow, only “true” fans will give their idol “credit” for putting on costume and makeup as part of a job well done. Don’t even need to discuss the acting part of the portrayal.
Maybe she was really “sick” that time but sorry, I dont really buy it that it’s an excuse for her to act so poorly in the opera scene.. I mean artist often give excuse of sick blah blah for not attending this and that and also did not well in some scenes.. just to hide their poor acting skill. hehe.
LOL, seems like TY is always “sick” the same thing happened in TOT and now Sx4?
Agree with Veejay, not buying it. It’s not just her acting as an opera singer, but her acting is getting worse.
Ex, maybe too much of ‘muscles” to handle a night..hahah u know with who
U mean the one to turns into Hulk when angry and punched/kicked his former gf?
No worries, queen Saturn is invincible la as long as her worshippers keeps believing in her, haha
It seems like TY is always “sick”; the same thing happened in TOT and now SSSS, and now in the new drama series (leg injury). I heard her sick so many times. Perhaps she should take care of her health first and film fewer drama series!
Perhaps your standards are much higher than mine haha. I personally don’t know how to appreciate this type of music and have zero knowledge in Chinese Opera. They’re scary to look at and even more so to listen to IMO @_@ so I prolly can’t distinguish what’s good and bad as well as you can.
I assume Chinese Opera takes a lot of time, effort and energy to master. I thought she did fine portraying an opera singer with taking just a few lessons.
Haha~ I’m actually very surprised that ppl are paying more attention to her eyes than her nose o-o Anyway, was the opera scene THAT important to be reciving so many critiques?
@ momo
Short or long, it’s still her performance. At least, people are critiquing her performance and not her look. Do you prefer people to focus back on her nose?
“I assume Chinese Opera takes a lot of time, effort and energy to master.”
It does. It takes a lifetime and it is an art and it is a dying art from. Tavia was terrible but considering it was just for a few minutes and then we move on to her being wife and all that, it doesn’t matter.
Eventhough it was a short scene, its still very important because she acted as one of China’s top opera singer right? so she must be really good but to my surprise, no life in her eyes so how can she labelled as top singer/performancer? hehe
Yeah I agree, people should pay more attention of ones performance instead of their appearance. Just that there were so many comments here on how distracting her nose is and this and that they forget acting is the most important part.
@Funn Lim
Ah okay~ so we ARE talking about the opera scenes in the first couple of eps here. TY!
I just don’t find the opera scene to be that important in relative to the drama. Do you think it would have been better if they used a double (maybe an experienced Chinese Opera singer) to play Tavia’s part?
No, TY is an artist and given this role so she has to act no matter hwo poor she is..but her acting showed otherwise..not like an opera performancer at
Maybe to me, every scene in the series is important therefore I expect TY will portray her role well.. maybe i shouldnt compare it with Wayne, but that guy is doing good as eunuch like he can really showed different emotions in every scene
Moses Chan is acting as an opera (different type) singer in “War & Beauty 2”, so did Kwan Lai Kit. Will see if they perform well as opera singers. I think Tavia Yeung should perform a bit more as a top opera singer in SSSS. Her action was almost none and she did not sing (or pretended to sing). Anyone could do better than she. We saw Wayne Lai acting and singing in a Cantonese Chinese opera in one of the recent TVB shows, and he did well, unlike Tavia Yeung. Wayne is not trained either.
This is just another way for TVB to create hype for the tv queen. No matter what, the award is going to Tavia. But it’s not because of her acting or fan base, TVB will give it to her. Charmaine will not win the award this year no matter how well her acting was in WHB.
I think so, too. The Best Actress award will be GIVEN to either Tavia Yeung in “SSSS” or Kate Tsui in “HAL”.
So Charmaine will probably not make the final 5 cut by tvb executives. B/c if she makes the top 5, anything can happen w/ the 1 person 1 vote system. Very dangerous for tavia and Kate.
Haha I agree. Charmaine has a lot of fans who would vote for her, and I’m sure there are viewers who would vote for her based solely on her performance. She did do a good job in WHB. It would be dangerous for Tavia and Kate if Charmaine makes the top 5.
Do you think Linda would pose a threat to Tavia and Kate if she were to make the top 5? She does have a strong fan base too.
We should the fact that Charmaine won’t get in Top 5. Plus, how sure are we that the 1 person 1 vote is real? In the end server fail, then the 7 TVB executives vote again…
But it does console me a bit seeing that TVB was forced to acknowledge Charmaine & WHB (I still think Bowie deserves a nomination).
Yup, I agree with sehseh. Bowie gave a very good performance that is worthy of the Best Actor award. Anyhow, glad that Charmaine made it into the top 10 considering that quite a number of strong lead performances were not nominated in the Best categories. Michael Miu for L’Escargot (didn’t watch HAL) and Maggie Siu for MOP. No Ruco Chan for NGEW either.
It’s pretty obvious she won’t win.. She’s not TVB’s “biological daughter” anymore and we all know how TVB always manipulates the results. So political.
I hope it’s a really good series that tvb will be putting her in as she has only 1 series a year.Through the years she’s improved so much. She’s one of my favourite actors.
charmaine did a great job in WHB i can really feel her emotions. and i hope that charmaine next year drama with tvb is with Andy Lau
Remember Myolie wanted to collaborate with Andy first?? she mentioned it in the MS HK 2012
I wouldn’t mind Charmaine getting the BA award. I don’t see that happening though lols =/
When Charmaine started acting she was so bad. We know that every newbie is like that but with Charmaine, we didn’t like the way she acted in the drama series in the past, even Christine Kuo or Aimee acted better than Charmaine when they first started out acting.
TVB promoted Charmaine a lot and she was the lead actress after a few series right after she won the title as the second runner up in Miss Hong Kong 1997. Now with many years of working in the entertainment, her performance has improved.
I agree, especially about her ‘chicken’ voice. Christine and Aimee will most likely be the Charmaines of the future.
Err.. there’s already a Charmaine of the future. Her name is Linda Chung. The same chicken voice, same leading roles from the start, and also the same improvement in acting after years of promotion.
Christine already acted for some years before getting promoted. And Aimee is too old, and she still suck. Charmaine was 31? when she won best actress. Aimee is already 31. Why on earth is TVB still promoting her like a newbie???
Yeah, I agree about that. But Aimee has only been in the industry since 2008, that’s about 4 or 5 years. It took Charmaine 8 years to win Best Actress (although she did have quite a few Top 5 Best Actress nominations). Give Aimee a few more years, she might just WOW us. While she sucks, improvement was certainly shown in TSLA.
And for Christine, she needs to work on her Cantonese before she can impress anyone in Hong Kong or anyone who watches TVB. lol.
Some may sat Charmaine has yet to truly WOW anyone.
Nicole, Linda is a better actress than Charmaine. But both as likable.
I haven’t watched TSLA so I can’t comment on Aimee’s acting in there but her acting and portrayal of the princess in TC totally bugs me.
I don’t think Linda is a better actress than Charmaine now. Wasn’t impressed by Linda’s acting this year at all. Although she will probably surpass Charmaine in a couple of years.
Linda is a better actress than Charmaine, in what sense? What role has Linda played that u don’t think Charmaine can play? I think Charmaine is a more versatile and overall better actress than Linda.
@ Lucia
Charmaine, in her earlier series, was quite torturous… painful to watch. But there was something about her that captured my interest. She had screen presence even when she was just standing around doing nothing. And that’s what her captivating and a star even when her acting was bad. I have always liked her and glad that she has improved tremendously. She’s in the list of my favorites actress: Noel, Ada, Athena, Kenix, Sheren, Nnadia, Vicki, Charmaine.
I really liked Charmaine when she was in her improving stage. Now she’s just pretty stagnant. Her looks are starting to age too. I hope TVB doesn’t give her young girl roles anymore like BTROC.
Other than her gold digger and boyfriend stealer status, I don’t hear any good things about her either.
i miss charmaine
hope her next tvb drama will be a hit
her recent tvb slew hasn’t been so impressive…
my only consolation is that i can watch her mainland dramas next year ^^
interesting to watch her in a different environment
as for the tv queen race…personally i’d choose linda, but that’s coz she wasnt nominated in my fave category. Tavia and Kate still haven’t won me over. But Linda’s Hailey role I particularly love.
I doubt Charmaine can win, even though her performance in WHB was magnificent. There are too many strong contenders (Michelle, Tavia and Kate). I wouldn’t mind having Charmaine winning My Favourite Character though but we all know that’s going to be the pork award for the loser of BA. Or maybe they’ll create another ‘Best Performance’ (or something) for Tavia, if she loses. lol.
Haha, I’m sure they did that especially for Tavia back in 2009 when Sheren blew the competition out of the water.
Charmaine has moved on so much over the years. I remember thinking her and Sunny Chan made a cute onscreen couple, but I definitely can’t see their personalities meshing well together now. Even though I don’t rate her acting that highly, she’s been the only fadan in the last 10 years who has managed to churn out solid performances. She also has this confidence about her that the others seem to be lacking. (Only Kate comes across as well spoken and I like her personality far more than her onscreen personas.)
Haha, yeah. That’s why I brought it up.
Oh yeah. Sort of missed the word “another”
But I (personally) think that award wasn’t for Tavia alone, but to salvage some face for TVB as well. BTROC was so hyped up, received more budget, bigger name cast, but in the end it completely bombed (save for the ratings). There’s a part of me that thinks TVB wants to justify to themselves – and the viewers – that BTROC was worth it after all. And then of course, Tavia was on the rise since Moonlight Resonance anyway and people seemed to expect more of her.
for charmaine, linda and aimee cannot act so well, kate and maggie cheung ho yee can
I have always liked watching Charmaine’s series as she is a pretty versatile actress IMO. Maiden’s Vows is still one of my favourite TVB series in recent years. Glad that she has agreed to film a series per year for TVB. Looking forward to it.
I miss Charmaine in tvb series and haven’t heard much/promotion for her mainland series. How many has she filmed so far and what are they (can someone give titles)??
I’d prefer Tavia than Kate win cause somehow I just cannot like Kate in whatever role she plays. She reminds me too much of the ‘Angelina Jolie’ type. And, they’re promoting Aimee because of Moses (which I think is unfair). I rather like Eliza Sam as a newbie.
If Kate is anything like Angelina Jolie, then she deserves to win. Angelina Jolie is a critically aclaimed actor.
Charm have filmed three series in Mainland so far or I should say four
Justice My Foot (with Roger Kwok)
Female Constables (with Bobby Au Yeung)
Legend of Yuan Empire Founder ( big production)
Marry into the Purple (airing 1 Jan 2013)
LOL Kate can only wish she was Angelina Jolie. TVB promotes her with this femme fatale, sultry image, but she doesn’t have the charisma or acting skills Angelina has.
I like Charmaine Sheh because she can handle all types of roles – charming and glamourous, comedic or serious, good or bad – and she is good in modern and ancient drama series. I don’t think any of the top 5 fadans can or has potentials to surpass Charmaine in the next 2 to 3 years. They are still fairly immature in their acting skills vs. Charmaine Sheh.
Moreover, Charmaine speaks very well for herself or about other artistes in the public. None of the top 5 fadans can do it. Linda Chung is not too bad among the top 5s.
Agree. Compared to the fadans of the 90’s like Ada, Kenix, Noel, or Jessica, I think Charmaine still doesn’t quite compare, but I agree that she is very versatile.
Charmaine Sheh is such an unusual actress. Every actress would do some kind of plastic surgery to make herself prettier, and Charmaine did not care even she had a fairly obvious scar on her lower jaw. This is something I admire her. She cares more about her acting skills/abilities than her pretty face.
Almost all top 5 fadans had something done to their faces to make them look prettier. Perhaps Linda Chung was the only one who didn’t.
Sandcherry, did Charmaine really not do any plastic surgery? I remember her looking really different before.
I don’t know for sure. But if she did not have her fairly visible scar on her lower jaw removed by plastic surgery, I doubt if she had it done on her face.
No surgery as far as I know, even scar is still there. She looks different because you do realise she is 37? She aged. She’s not young anymore, and as people age, they lose fat on their face, look different. But essentially everything else is the same.
I think someone mentioned about breasts? If she did anything, I can tell you it wouldn’t be so small.
But then again, remember she had the scar quite a few years ago, and back then plastic surgery wasn’t the norm as it is now. Also, everyone knew that she had the scar, so if she made any changes, she wouldn’t be able to deny it. There were rumors years ago when she was still climbing the ranks that she got breast implants, but who knows…
Who would blame her for removing a scar on her face? For an actress, your face is the moneymaker. Yoyo mung removed a mole on the side of her face that was getting too big. Removing moles or scars carries no shame.
As for the breast implant comment, I have never heard that rumor. If it was true, then she didn’t get her money’s worth!