Chen Kun Introduces Younger Brother to Zhou Xun?

Earlier this week, the Hong Kong media snapped photographs of Zhou Xun (周迅) shopping in the Central district with a tall, mysterious man, who was speculated to be her new romantic interest. The pair seemed to know each other very well, and Zhou Xun’s good friend, Chen Kun (陈坤) was walking alongside them.
Shortly after, Hong Kong reporters called Chen Kun to verify the identity of the mysterious man. Annoyed, Chen Kun snapped, “How did you get my number? Even if Xiao Xun and I go shopping, what’s the problem? I regret picking up your call.” After uttering a word of profanity, he hung up the phone.
When the news circulated, speculation was rife over the identity of the mysterious man and why the usually calm Chen Kun’s hot temper flared. Chen Kun’s representative, Miss Xu, clarified that the mysterious man is actually Chen Kun’s younger brother, Sam, who works as his assistant.
Chen Kun also explained on his Weibo that Zhou Xun and he stayed at the same building, so it is not unusual for both of them to go out together. Regarding the profanity, he joked, “I saw that the highlights [of the news report] was F***! Wow, I’m mighty!”
Despite the clarification, Miss Xu was upset about the twist of words used by the media. “After yesterday’s clarification on Weibo, today’s newspaper shows a different version. This really proves the angles of news reports are always changing. The only nice thing in the entire article are the words, ‘hunky guy’.”
Many fans already knew about the existence of Chen Kun’s younger brother, Sam, and were not surprised when they saw his photos in the news. Fans showed their contempt for the media by making fun of Sam’s sudden popularity.
This article is written by Karen for
I would be upset too if reporters found my PRIVATE and PERSONAL phone number.
the reporters are good now aday,,, they even got their private phone number
Fans all know the existence of Sam long time ago. Suddenly he turns up to be Zhou Xun’s new beau. I wonder how the reporter get Chen Kun’s phone no. Media should do their research before publishing such news. It turns out to be a laughing stock since China media also knew abt Sam. He has been accompanied his brother at functions and there are lots of picture of him with Chen Kun. I believe Sam is his half brother. (Chen has a stepfather).
Hah, Lin Chiling is not going to be happy, Chen Kun did not introduce his brother to her.
Must say, his brother is very good looking as well!
star quality
His brother has a girlfriend who is also an actress under his brother management.