Chilam Cheung and Myolie Wu at “The Rippling Blossom” Promo

Chilam Cheung, Myolie Wu Hang Yee, and Michael Tse Tin Wah attended a promotional event for TVB series, The Rippling Blossom <魚躍在花見>, which will be broadcast in Hong Kong on February 7th. Since Tavia Yeung Yi was filming in China , she did not appear at the event yesterday. Myolie especially took leave from filming in Hengdian to return to Hong Kong for the event. Myolie also took the opportunity to apply for her travel visa for an upcoming concert performance in the United States and Canada .
Myolie’s good friend, Eileen Yeow Ying Ying, recently announced that she was three months pregnant. Eileen also wished that Myolie become a mother soon as well. In response, Myolie said, “I am happy for Eileen. But I am so young, it will be a long time before I become a mother!” Eileen indicated that she did not mind whether the baby was a boy or girl. After giving birth, Eileen intends to breastfeed her child.
Busily preparing for his upcoming concert, Chilam said that the concert sales tickets were trending positively. His record company considered increasing the number of performances. Will Chilam’s good friend, Aaron Kwok Fu Sing, be one of the guest performers? Chilam said, “There will definitely be guest performers, but the details are not finalized yet.”
Source: the Sun
Jayne: I’m excited to see Chilam again! While there are better and more handsome actors out there, Chilam is certainly very likeable and his smile makes my heart flutter! Perhaps it is his boyish features, dimples, and his easy-going personality. There are not many actors out there that make me feel this much like a fan girl!!
Agree with you on Chilam! I love him too! He’s one of those that doesn’t get or look old at all. He’s like another Steven Ma-can still look compatible with a young costar in her early 20’s even when they are in their 40’s. I’m assuming he’s paired up with Myolie and Michael with Tavia in this series?
Chilam is great!!! I remember loving his cute dimples since I was little kid!! He still looks so young!!! Omg!
Myolie is terribly lucky to act with Chilam.
“While there are better and more handsome actors out there, ..
There are not many more handsome actors than Chilam out there. lol
Chilam is already very handsome.
Agreed. Chilam is very handsome. What a pretty face. He’s aging excellently too and looks like same age as Myolie Wu in the picture above LOL!!
Haha i agree. I’ve always thought Chilam was one of the best looking male actors in TVB/HK. He looks very good for a man turning 40.
@Kidd, Chilam has boyish good looks which I find very appealing and he has a down-to-earth approachability about him. His looks have a bit of a “feminine” edge to them. Other actors which I find to be good looking and also possessing a bit of a “feminine” edge would be Raymond Lam (due to his gentle way of speaking and sometimes fashion sense), Leon Lai, Daniel Wu for his facial features, Ethan Ruan, etc. IMO, many Hong Kong and Taiwanese male actors probably fall into this category rather than the smothering sexy type I describe below.
When I say “handsome,” I guess I am referring to a more masculine kind of look in a man. Actors which I find to be more handsome would be Huang Xiao Ming, Louis Koo (when he was a little younger, he is not aging that well lately), Aaron Kwok, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Jerry Yan, Takashi Sorimachi, and Kevin Cheng in his age range. I find these manly type of men to be sexy, due to their brooding looks, muscles, and overall aura.
Handsome is in the eye of the beholder and there are different standards and definitions among everyone of course. Some women might prefer nice muscles or a nice smile.
I just prefer more hard edge male beauty. But I find Chilam very, very good looking and drool worthy.
Maybe I’m in the minority that dun think he is handsome, but his cutesy attracted me.
Myolie should get rid of his hairdo, it makes her look like Mary Hon than whenever.
I was just about to comment that I like Myolie’s hairdo! LOL
I hope Myolie lets her hair grow out because I’m not really fond of her with super short hair
To be honest..the hair doesn’t suit her and makes her look older than her age.
The boyish straight cut hair she normally has suits her better.
He’s not cute, he’s HOT
These are not very complementing photos of him though. He can look much better.
Love his singing. Don’t know why he never really made it big as a singer…
Julian is a nice guy, cute face, good acting and good voice, but not everyone is meant to be a star. At least he’s a very likeable star; among the rare stars with the least amount of haters – or none at all
Yeah, I love his dimples too. He’s very cute. I also agree with fox that he’s more into “cute” than “handsome”.
Masaharu, heehe I’ll like to see who you would define as “handsome” just for curiosity’s sake.
I love Chilam and his dimples. He is a very good-looking guy and very nice, so Anita is definitely very lucky. Did he ever had a concert during his singing career? It might be his first. He can definitely sing, not sure why he is not as popular as a singer. I look forward to this serie.
Men have a list of “cute,” “pretty” and “hot” women. For us, we have a similar list of men that falls into different types. Would like to hear everyone’s input on “cute/ good looking,” “handsome” and “hot” men.
My list is very long…but usually I put the younger, baby-faced men as “cute” and the brooding, muscular guys under “hot.”
Jayne, my description of these terms is pretty much in line with yours.
“Cute”-younger, sunshine, nice smile, shy looking, more feminine like features. Chilam falls under this category. I would also include celebs like Jimmy Lin (esp when he was younger), Edison Chen, Nic Tse, Sammul Chan, Wu Chun, Alfred Hui, most of the young singers in the boy groups, etc,
“Handsome”-the more mature looking, princely looking, nice features. Gives a “gentlemen feel” Ex: Kevin Cheng, Alex Fong Chung sun (my fave), Moses Chan, Matthew Ko, Vincent Wong, Raymond Lam, Kenneth Ma, Leon Lai, Joe Ma, Huang Xiao Ming, etc.
“Hot”: My favorite category. Has nice features but also muscular, bigger built. Sexy version of men.
Ex: Ron Ng, Bosco Wong, Him Law, Stephen Huynh, Daniel Wu, Kenny Wong, Vanness Wu I used to put Louis Koo and Raymond Lam in this category until they got too skinny, so now they are in the handsome category, lol.
Can a man be cute, handsome and hot at the same time?
I wouldn’t call Moses Chan handsome. Cute maybe. Can there be a category “Gentlemanly”. Then Moses is that. Daniel Wu isn’t hot to me. I find him rather bland. Hot means sexy and so few can fit that category. Bowie is surprisingly sexy when he wants to be. Alex Fong (Chung Soon) is one if he does not go “man-childish” on me. Edison Chen is no longer cute. He should be in dirty category. Sammul Chan is not cute, he’s handsome. boy Groups like those looking like girls are weird but basically most Korean boy groups are not cute, hot or sexy but one word describe them well; HUNK.
Chilam is handsome, at his age being called cute may sound not right.
Haha, that’s probably the easiest to do, combine all these terms together, since all these terms basically mean that they are pleasing to the eye and good to look at no matter in what way. “EYE CANDY!!!”
And also, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we’ll probably use different terms to describe the stars anyway. One might say so and so is cute, another may say he’s hot. So, yeah, let’s just combine them all togeher.
@ Funn
“Daniel Wu isn’t hot to me. I find him rather bland. “
I don’t find Daniel Wu hot either. But, I find his friend Terence Yin very hot. He already captured my attention when I first saw him in Gen X-Cop. He has a kind of smoldering (hope I use the correct work) good look.
@Funn- I wouldn’t call Moses Chan handsome. Cute maybe. Can there be a category “Gentlemanly”.
I actually find Moses Chan to be very masculine in his facial features. Not exactly handsome but he’s very masculine.
Jayne, not when he starts running or talking with gestures. He can be rather effiminate or however you spell that darn word!
Funn, I found Moses to be the most hot in” Gem of Life.” He wore those designer shirts very well and he was very believable as the playboy character, Terence.
Does Moses exaggerate on his effeminate gestures for his comedy roles? I don’t think I’ve really paid attention to how he looks when he’s running.
In Japanese dramas, where every camera angle is carefully orchestrated to present the actors in the most attractive way, this would never have happened. Moses would have been told to run in a more masculine fashion.
Masaharu, heehe I’ll like to see who you would define as “handsome” just for curiosity’s sake.
Only about looks and not inclusive of acting or singing, and not necessarily the people I like
TVB: No one. Kevin Cheng, Stephen Huynh getting close.
HK Films: Daniel Wu, Louis Koo.
Korea: Lee Byung Hyun, Jang Dong Gun. Many others are cute and pretty.
Japan: Many are cute men.
Mainland: Huang Xiao Ming.
Taiwan: Lee Hom.
Maybe I left some names out.
Of course my “cute” list will be different.
For example: Julian Cheung, Fred Cheng, Won Bin, Kim Hyun Joong, Angelababy.
I also have a list of people I personally and subjectively find “attractive” in MY eyes but they’re not “cute” or “handsome” or “pretty” in public’s eyes.
For example: Alex Fong Chun Sung, Bosco Wong, Kate Tsui.
Masaharu, hehe quite a short list. I think TVB actors need better stylists. Better hair and clothes really can do wonders!
Haha, that’s probably the easiest to do, combine all these terms together, since all these terms basically mean that they are pleasing to the eye and good to look at no matter in what way. “EYE CANDY!!!”
And also, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we’ll probably use different terms to describe the stars anyway. One might say so and so is cute, another may say he’s hot. So, yeah, let’s just combine them all togeher.
Since beauty is in the eyes of the beholder that’s why some may be “cute” to person A but “handsome” to person B.
Such as Funn thinking Chilam is handsome, but I think Chilam is cute. I think Sammul is cute plus pretty.
I found Alex Fong Chun Sung attractive and especially “hot” in his manly roles but most people find him bland.
Bosco Wong is often regarded as an average guy on the streets but I found him attractive in the way cute at times, yet hot at other times.
I forgot about Ron Ng. He can fit into Kevin Cheng’s category. The ones with traditional good looking faces and okay bodies.
Moses Chan is “suave” and “gentlemanly”. His face is mature-looking and is not a cutie.
Something that I must add.
The late Leslie Cheung – handsome in a beautiful way. I can’t explain it but there’s a hint of femininity in his features.
He was very effiminite in person. Thinking back and I can’t remember when I saw his concert in Malaysia probably months or something before his death. Could be longer date and I remember thinking his voice was fading, he was friendly but effiminite in the way he talked, sat down, etc.
I don’t find Daniel Wu hot either. But, I find his friend Terence Yin very hot. He already captured my attention when I first saw him in Gen X-Cop. He has a kind of smoldering (hope I use the correct work) good
I actually found Andrew Lin more attractive than Terence Yin. Andrew is manly and quite handsome.
Ron and Raymond are handsome and hot!
Chilam has baby cuteness and never grow old at all!
Him Law, William Chak, Benjamin Yuen all have hot bodies with abs! I love how Him always goes topless in the series with Joe Ma. His body is hot!
I find Stephen Fung hot, cute and handsome.
Maybe it’s like that:
Hot = Overall proportion from head to toe must be good, height helps, darker skin helps, muscles help so cannot be skinny. Therefore, only applicable to those who’ve appeared half naked on screen before.
Handsome = Facial features in classical proportions. Can be short, skinny or even fat!
Cute = Young, still short of being handsome, but generally pleasant looking with a boyish charm.
Moonriver, your definition of “Hot” made me laugh…hehe not many half naked actors on television. Btw, I think Kenneth Ma possesses a very hot body (wide shoulders, good pecs, and body) from his soccer practice. I find his body sexy and his face is good looking, but not exactly handsome. So I’ll say he’s “attractive” because it is still borderline list.
I’ll like to add that being “hot” doesn’t necessarily mean “handsome” for me because “hot” is really more about sex appeal while “handsome” are technically very good looking features.
Also, some women find Tony Leung to be hot because of his electric and soul-deep eyes. So it really depends on what you’re focusing on.
I don’t think Kenneth Ma is handsome, cute or hot at all. His face is mature. I don’t see muscles too on him but he’s very tall and big.
Tony Leung is beyond hot. Same goes for Leslie Cheung. I can’t find a suitable word to describe them…
Kenneth Ma had some topless scenes in “The Driving Power” and I think in “Triumph in the Skies” as well. I wonder why TVB directors don’t ask him to take his shirt off more to gain more female fans, as he does have a very fit body.
My list of definition to men in TVB:
Cute: Chilam, Alfred Hui, Oscar Leung.
Bosco also falls to cute section but it’s the past Bosco, in 2002-2005.
Mostly comes from the boyish feel in their faces and the cute gestures as well.
Handsome: Ron, Kevin
Their faces give me the handsome feeling, but they dun have the boyish feel.
Pretty: Lam Fung
Lol, it might be weird but I think he is pretty :P. This word mostly uses for girls? Somehow he looks pretty to my eyes. I dun really find he is handsome or hot (sometimes can be), he is half in cute list but he dun really have the open mind. He looks like a sheep or a cat.
Manly: Moses, Joe, Alex Fong Chun Sun
I like Joe’s look. He is very manly.
Girly: Sammul
Uhm, to me he looks girly. Not cute, not pretty. Girly here dun have the negative feeling, just means the feeling he gives me.
Hot: Nobody in TVB
Nobody in TVB can make me feel they are so hot :P.
I think Raymond can be handsome and pretty and cute at the same time. He’s cute when he smiles!
Oscar Leung is so cute! He’s very lucky because like Chilam he’s aging very well too. He still look like he’s about 21-22 years old. Cute!
I don’t like Moses appearance. He’s not handsome and he looks older than Kevin. His smile isn’t cute too.
Bosco is not handsome or pretty! I don’t get why some people can say he’s attractive or good looking. There are a lot of people in HK more handsome than him.
Yes, Oscar is very cute. He dun look handsome but he has the boyish charming. Baby face. I saw him in real person, just like a kid.
Bosco has the boyish feeling. I think he looks the best in TITS.
Uhm, I dun like Raymond Wong’s look. Dunno why but he always gives me the feeling that he has just passed a serious illness. I also saw him in real person. Maybe his eyes give me this feeling. That’s why the role in SITS fit him the best.
Bosco don’t look that boyish. He’s dark. You should see his latest MV with his bald hair. He look like he had just join the army or triad. He look like a bad boy.
I agree with one person above. Edison looks dirty now. Ewwwwww.
Bosco is not by the book handsome. He does not have the conventional good looks like Ron. But, he has loads of charisma and I find his unique look attractive, especially his mouth.
I think Raymond Wong is cute! He look soft and someone who can be a good husband!
Outside TVB I don’t like Shawn Yue or Nicholas Tse. They’re not handsome or cute at all. Shawn Yue looks old for his age.
Here’s my long, long list of male eye candy. It gets me in a good mood just thinking about these guys!
“Attractive” (not technically perfect features, but still attractive):
Kenneth Ma, Bosco Wong, Raymond Wong
“Cute/ Good Looking” (a softer male beauty):
Chilam Cheung, Raymond Lam, Leon Lai, Daniel Wu for his facial features, Ethan Ruan, William Chak, Sammul Chan
“Handsome” (technically very good looking features that are more masculine):
Huang Xiao Ming, Dylan Kuo, Louis Koo, Aaron Kwok, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Jerry Yan, Kevin Cheng, Edison Chen, Ron Ng, Leehom Wang
“Hot” (it’s all about sex appeal, muscles, and brooding dangerous types):
Stephen Huynh, Benjamin Yuen, Takashi Sorimachi, Godfrey Gao, Nicholas Tse, Andy On
I would put Kenneth Ma under cute and hot.
His smile just melts my heart…
Jerry Yan has the Takeshi Kaneshiro kind of handsome, but a little too effeminate (Funn, note spelling) so he becomes not-so-hot.
How about Aniki Jin – what was his other name? I think he’s pretty hot too.
Have just found a person who may fit Hot in my dictionary: Tony Leung.
His eyes and his smile make me melt. He is not handsome but the feeling is hot.