Chilam Cheung Assumes Leisurely Pace in Life

Possessing naturally good looks and charisma, Chilam Cheung (張智霖) has always been very popular with the female audience. However, his popularity soared even higher this year after the broadcast of Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲霄II> where he played the devilishly handsome Captain Cool.
Rumored to have received an abundance of job offerings, including an 8-figured deal with his new management contract, Chilam casually laughed it off. Instead of focusing on earnings, he is already very satisfied with his life. He will pace his work projects to achieve balance, which is atypical of most Hong Kong people. His easygoing personality is also reflected in his work attitude. “I never intentionally fight for opportunities. I believe in my abilities.”
Although he maintains an athletic lifestyle and a youthful heart, Chilam slowed down after becoming a father. “I’m scared of dying…now, I don’t do a lot of dangerous activities. I no longer participate in things such as skydiving.” This risk-aversive behavior is also reflected in Chilam’s style of investing, where he no longer looks into buying cars that are priced in the millions (HKD).
Stops Work for Morton
When Morton was born, Chilam took an entire year off to spend time with his new son. He regards his son as the apple of his eye. Taking a one-year hiatus to spend more time with Morton and losing out at least $10 million HKD in earnings, Chilam’s early years as a father was one of the most important journeys of his life. “I saw myself mature too! It’s not to say whether what I learned will be useful in the future, but I just want Morton to feel daddy’s unlimited love and to always remember his happy childhood. This is my biggest reward.”
While most men tend to shy away when talking about their family, Chilam embraces the discussion. He compliments Anita Yeun (袁詠儀) as a good wife. And despite his playboy-like aura, Chilam rarely uses flirtatious and flowery words with his wife – choosing to base their relationship upon trust and understanding.
Since the 1990s, when he received mass recognition for his hit single Modern Day Love Story <現代愛情故事>, Chilam’s career has a been smooth sailing. The actor definitely has it all – on top of his achievements, he is blessed with a wonderful wife and son. Chilam said, “To love and be loved is equally sweet.”
Source: Me Magazine via
This article is written by Su for
Such a good guy… where can I find a man like that? ):
he’S as sweet as he looks!
Aww Chilam isn’t that great of an actor but he’s a lovely husband.
Yup agree he isn’t that great as an actor but I like him as a singer for his warm and deep voice.
Man! I’m getting jealous lol.