Christine Kuo and Elva Ni Attend Albert Yeung’s Son’s Yacht Party

Hong Kong actresses, Christine Kuo (苟芸慧) and Elva Ni (倪晨曦), were spotted aboard a yacht party hosted by EEG Chairman, Albert Yeung’s (楊受成) son, Alex Yeung (楊政龍). Although romantically rumored with Bosco Wong (黄宗澤) in 2006, it turned out that Elva’s boyfriend was Alex Yeung instead.
Yacht Parties for 3 Weeks
Due to Boscolie’s high-profile breakup last week, 2005 Miss Chinese Toronto winner, Elva Ni’s old romantic rumors with Bosco were recycled in tabloid headlines. Stepping forward to clarify that she was never involved with Bosco, Elva instead had a steady boyfriend in the wealthy EEG heir, Alex Yeung.
After completing her studies in Toronto, Elva returned to Hong Kong and signed with Universe Entertainment Ltd last year. In November, Elva was spotted on a date with Alex. Although she denied that she was romantically involved wiht Alex Yeung, it was a known secret among their friends that they were a couple.
Mixing With the Wealthy Second Generation
Alex Yeung is the second son of Hong Kong billionaire, Albert Yeung. Studying Business Administration and Marketing in Boston, USA at Suffolk University earlier, Alex returned to Hong Kong to work at EEG.
At the height of summer season, Alex Yeung threw parties aboard his private yacht over the last 2 weeks, inviting almost two dozen of his friends to join. Photos of Alex’s yacht parties circulated online recently. Among the party goers, there were few men, while there was an abundance of pretty girls.
Elva attended the yacht parties over the last 2 weeks, while bringing along good friends, Christine Kuo, and Korean model, Enjel Choi (蔡恩真). While most of the girls wore skimpy tank tops and shorts, Christine interestingly covered herself from head-to-toe in a t-shirt and long pants.
Christine Kuo Hotly Promoted by TVB
Since both 25-year-old Elva and 29-year-old Christine were former winners of the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant, the women got along extremely well. Since breaking up with her godmother’s son and former Mr. Hong Kong participant, Joey Law ( 羅天宇), Christine has been heavily promoted by TVB.
Branded as a “goddess” among many men due to her beautiful features and curvaeous figure, Christine took on prominent roles in currently aired dramas, Flying Tigers <飛虎> and Ghetto Justice 2 <怒火街頭 2>. Apparently, Christine was also very popular among the wealthy-second-generation bachelors as well!
Source: Face Magazine #271 via
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I would have never guessed Christine Kuo (苟芸慧) was a former Miss Chinese Toronto winner from listening to her try to speak English in 怒火街頭 2.
Since she immigrated to Toronto when she was young (around her teen years), she couldn’t lose the Taiwanese accent when speaking English. I read somewhere that in order to learn and speak a language fluently without an accent, you have to learn it before the teenage years. She had already passed that stage and therefore speaks with the accent.
I looked it up, Christine moved to Canada when she was 12. At that young age, she should be able to speak a lot better than this. Perhaps its because she hung out with Chinese friends in Toronto.
Agree. Christine Kuo’s English was not great though she immigrated with her family to Toronto at the age of around 12. I watched Ep. # 3 of “Ghetto Justice 2” last night and listened to her English and watched her acting. Her single English words were okay, but when she said something about the opening of her medical clinic, I could not understand her English words. I listened to it more than twice, and I still could not get every word of it. Therefore, her English is not typical Canadian English unfortunately. She must have hung around with Taiwanese Chinese in Toronto.
She did not do well in university either. She did it by correspondence at a very unknown university in Ontario (which I never heard of).
Actually I could understand her. Try asking Kevin or Myolie to speak and I doubt they can string a proper sentence together. It is just that she has an accent.
My problem is her acting though. Rather stiff. All these new girls (also the new lawyer at the centre), I am like who are they?!
“She did not do well in university either. She did it by correspondence at a very unknown university in Ontario (which I never heard of).”
Eh eh eh!! Could be more difficult since your results depend on that few days of written examination!
Moreover we don’t know what sort of degree she got. Could be first class.
Same thing with Maggie Cheung Man Yuk and even Charmaine even everybody else. Even Moses. Can’t hear a proper sentence from them.
Having an accent is not a bad thing.
People from southern usa, cockney, esseex, scotland, ireland and more, have accents, so what? Are you gonna say that they are all “not great” at english?
Just because many do not speak in RP, doesn’t mean they are bad. If someone can’t understand some others, it may be their own problem as they have trouble interpreting accents, not the other party. Why blame others when it may be your own problem? Maybe hearing problem, or lacking some interpretative skills? Like when I went to Beijing, despite my crappy mandarin skills (compared to my mom), I’m able to understand what the taxi driver is saying, the normal people are saying, but my mom, whose chinese is SO much better than mine, can’t understand them.
Besides, maybe she (christine) is great at the written word.
OMG why is my reply under moderation!
Having an accent is not a bad thing.
People from southern usa, c0ckney, esseex, scotland, ireland and more, have accents, so what? Are you gonna say that they are all “not great” at english?
Just because many do not speak in RP, doesn’t mean they are bad. If someone can’t understand some others, it may be their own problem as they have trouble interpreting accents, not the other party. Why blame others when it may be your own problem? Maybe hearing problem, or lacking some interpretative skills? Like when I went to Beijing, despite my crappy mandarin skills (compared to my mom), I’m able to understand what the taxi driver is saying, the normal people are saying, but my mom, whose chinese is SO much better than mine, can’t understand them.
Besides, maybe she (christine) is great at the written word.
My comment is about Christine, not about Myolie or Kevin or Charmaine, since I don’t think I heard them speak in English.
Immigrate during teen years not a good idea. The tongue already fit for first mother language.
Fala Chen came to USA when she was 14? Her English is quite good.
I think overcoming accents is easier for others and more difficult for others. The speaker has to be more cognizant of her own pronunciation and actively change it, which is not an easy process.
How about Fala’s english?? She immigrate to USA during teen years too.
Even different universities in Canada vary in their standards. Very few people would do university studies by correspondence in an unknown university here. How good can it be? Even if it is a first-class result, it is not well recognized.
Agree that Myolie’s and Kevin’s English is better than Christine’s. They speak English very clearly. Myolie went to high school in Scotland at a fairly young age (maybe 13) and Kevin spent quite a few years in the States and Canada, therefore their English is pretty good.
” Try asking Kevin or Myolie to speak and I doubt they can string a proper sentence together. “
Kevin can speak English pretty well. I heard him speak it in a movie.
Sorry if her accent doesn’t pass up to your hoity toity standards of Canadian English. But the world is a cultural melting pot. If you can’t understand any forms of english besides your standard Canadian, then I suppose you won’t fare well in UK or Australia or New Zealand or US, even though they all speak english, because you can’t understand them?
Maybe Fala is a faster learner than Christine. Prettier and better actress too
Never heard Fala Chen speaking a lot of English. I do think she still has an accent since she immigrated to Georgia from Chengdu, China, at the age of 14. But since she lived in Georgia, not a place with a lot of Chinese immigrants, her English could be better than Christine’s.
I believe Fala has some Youtube clips where she sings in English. I remember she recited an English passage in “Heart of Greed” and her pronunciation was quite good. She writes sporadic English in her Weibo entries too…
I’m sure dating Sit Sai Hang helped Fala’s Cantonese tremendously. Similar to how Wong Cho Lam has helped Leanne Li’s Cantonese.
Maybe Christine Kuo hasn’t found a boyfriend who is a good Cantonese speech therapist yet.
Give the girls a break. They are inexperience and need guidance and have to start somewhere to gain the experience. I believe Crystal Lee, the new woman lawyer in GJ2, and she was a finalist Ms HK finalist in 2010.
KC and producer Joe Chen were involved in selecting Cristine Kuo. Not sure why they picked her over other candidates. Maybe her look and nice figure conquered them.
I don’t think Leanne Li’s Cantonese is very good, though she has improved quite a bit. She still has accents when she speaks Cantonese even though she has her boyfriend, Wong Cho Nam, to help her.
I think you need some talents to pick up a language easily, and Fala is a pretty smart person in learning.
Fala does look smarter and more calculative. Christine has that bimbo looks. Aimee look smarter than her although they lookalike.
Leanne Li look too serious and mature. She won’t fit as a TVB actress
Singing is easier than speaking. I once read of a very successful scientist who emigrated to I think USA or somewhere and his parents absolutely forbids him to speak any English at all until he reaches the shore and he was a teenager by then. This is to overcome any accent he may have.
I do feel accent is ok, as long as the grammar is correct. The question is can you string a sentence together? Many of these actors, so called raised, studied, lived in England, America, etc can’t.
Kidd, I can speak perfect mandarin TAiwanese style if I am given a script and can practice my lines. Nothing is impossible. The true test is when speaking in a conversation.
Anyway any video of Myolie and Kevin speaking conversational English?
Myolie speaks English well for someone who wasn’t born in Western countries
I studied language acquisition for many years since was my area of study. It takes a lot of work and many factors to learn/acquire a language. It is not neccessarily based on intelligence only. You need to be motivated, have good memory, be integrated into the society and so many other things. You also need proper instruction as well or else you will not be able to speak properly.
Kidd: “Kevin can speak English pretty well. I heard him speak it in a movie.”
Aznlaydee: “Myolie speaks English well for someone who wasn’t born in Western countries.”
sandcherry: “Agree that Myolie’s and Kevin’s English is better than Christine’s.
Funn Lim: “Can’t hear a proper sentence from them.”
Nicole: “Having an accent is not a bad thing.”
Disagree with Kidd, Aznlaydee, and sandcherry but agree with Funn Lim and Nicole. I’ve heard them – as well as many other TVB actor/actresses – speak English before, and that’s why I could tell you who can speak fluent English and who can’t.
I disagree with sandcherry not because I think CK’s English is better than that of KC or MW, but in fact, three of them speak terrible English! There is no such thing as who is better than whom among three of them. Like Nicole said, having an accent is not a bad thing. True. Everyone has an accent. Therefore, I don’t think that when a Chinese person speaks English with Chinese accent, he/she speaks bad English. The best way to know whether the person speaks fluent English or not is by asking gweilos whether they understand or not what the person says (and what I mean by ‘person says’ is that he/she speaks English in A FULL SENTENCE, not A FEW WORDS such as ‘thank you’, ‘good morning’, etc. No offence, but I’m very sure that no gweilos will understand what CK, MW, and KC say even though the three of them can speak a few English words. Even Fala and Moses, whose English are a little bit better than the three of them, still can’t speak English that is easily to be understood by gweilos. Asking gweilos whether they understand or not is a better choice than asking asians whose English is their first language, for the latter tends to understand broken English more (maybe they are more exposed to people whose mother tongue is not English?).
TVB actors/actresses that can speak fluent English: Flora Chan, Bernice Liu, Aimee Chan, and a few more but not many. Myolie, Christine, Fala, Kevin, Moses, and many more are far away from fluency although they can speak English (though it can only be understood by asians).
I think you can’t really judge a person their english by asking Gweilo. Some Gweilos have problem with “chinese” accent and rather slow to pick up our “english” just like us picking up some deep accented gweilo’s english.. For example, I couldn’t understand some english pronouciation from I say they have bad english? LOL
For me the definition of a good English speaker or how bad is not the accent. French speaks with an accent, but no one says they speak bad english? It is a matter of whether they can string a proper sentence together with good grammar and right usage of appropriate words. If they can, whatever the accent, doesn’t matter. Such as Tony Leung, heavy HK accent but he can actually converse comfortably. Some I just feel maybe not. I mean many boasts they can speak this language, that language but when asked to converse in it, they just can’t converse.
Of course shouldn’t use gwailo standard. But scary though, in China I heard Gwailo speaking such good mandarin and in No Good Either Way, even the sikhs could speak fluent cantonese than chinese.
Anyone here can speak fluent foreign language? I suppose you can use that as a standard when answering does that particular artiste speaks good English. Anyone can put on an English accent or whatever.
Veejay I once had a conversation with an American and I can’t understand half the things he is saying because of the lingoes he used. Grammar also all gone out the window. Just because they’re gwailo doesn’t mean they speak the standard proper English. Africans speak properly, never “it’s”, always “it is”.
You cannot determine the standard of one’s ability in a language by whether they use “It’s” or “It is”. Contractions are not wrong, or why will it be taught in schools? It is only discouraged in formal writing.
Veejay: “Some Gweilos have problem with “chinese” accent and rather slow to pick up our “english” just like us picking up some deep accented gweilo’s english.”
What you were talking about was ‘accent’. Like I said, I agreed with Nicole that having an accent is not a bad thing. What I wanted to say is ‘understandable English’, not ‘accented English’. I’m from Canada, and I have a gweilo friend from the US. Yes, she is slow to pick up my accented English but it is understandable. Likewise, she has a friend from UK, and she complained to me that she could only understand 70% British accent and needed some time to pick up what the Englishman said. However, the most important point is that it is UNDERSTANDABLE. I have another chinese friend from Singapore. She immigrated to the US, and yes, she has a chinese accent when speaking English, but all the gweilos can understand what she says. Look at some Indians. When they speak English, they have heavy Indian accent, but it can be understood. While it can’t be understood, it’s because they don’t speak English very well, just like those TVB actors/actresses. After all, everyone does have an accent when speaking English, and it needs some time for people to pick up and understand what the person says because of different accents. However, when one can’t speak fluent English, it’s hard for people to know what you say not because of your accent but your fluency.
Yes, Tony Leung is a good example. Heavy HK accent but understandable. This is want I wanted to say. Donnie Yip is also another example. However, all those TVB actors/actresses are far away from this.
“I looked it up, Christine moved to Canada when she was 12. At that young age, she should be able to speak a lot better than this. Perhaps its because she hung out with Chinese friends in Toronto.”
Being born and raised in western countries doesn’t mean he/she will speak fluent English. I have a friend from Malaysia, and he came to Canada for studying. And guess what? He speaks fluent English as well as Cantonese. On the other hand, I have some friends who was born and raised here, but their English is terrible! Look at Sonija Kwok. She was born and raised here (1/4 British I think), but she speaks in broken English like some of my friends. The conclusion is that even though you’re born or raised in western countries, it doesn’t mean you will speak like the natives because you don’t integrate into the culture. Instead, some people who weren’t born and raised in western countries can speak English fluently because they use the language in their daily lives.
“Kevin can speak English pretty well. I heard him speak it in a movie.”
Speaking English in a movie doesn’t mean the person can speak English well. It can be faked. They can ask someone how to pronounce the words before filming. However, when asked to converse in real life, they can’t except a few words or basic topics. When we say a person can speak fluent English, it means the person can speak in English no matter what topic is given to the person, such as politics, economics, houses, etc.
Fala’s English is great…
no problems.
Nicholas Tse speaks very good English and very natural. I just watched on YouTube his talked at HKUST. I’m impressed by it.
Fala-maybe it is the recording but I can’t hear 8 words out of 10. Not accent but just can’t understand her. She can string a sentence but why all these Chinese stars when speaking English speaks so softly? Like she has no confidence in her command of the language?
Nicholas Tse of course speaks very good English, accent and all because he probably lived and studied overseas all his life with what money can buy.
Malaysians generally speak good english because we use the language everyday. If some people can’t understand chinese or whatever, use English in simplest form and my bet is they can understand.
For example walk into a coffee shop, and instead of saying
“May I have a cup of cold tea with lime please, with less sugar please?” which will probably make the waiter go “Huh?” just say “iced lemon tea, less sugar”
Of course what you will get is lime instead of lemon but hey, tastier!
In HK I tried that in English and all I have is blank looks. And they give me a menu in English! Some even say read the sign but hey can’t read!
Anyway why in Malaysia most knows basic english is because we have other races who orders from Chinese stalls and so they learn keywords.
of course the more educated ones know English because the course is in English.
I just listened to Fala Chen’s video clip in English. Her English is pretty good.
Just finished listening to Fala’s clip and her English is pretty good. I could actually make out what she was saying and her accent wasn’t very strong but you could definitely tell English wasn’t her first language. Overall her English is acceptable.
When I say good English, I just mean day-to-day English conversations, i.e. a person can carry a fluent conversation in English with another person, or she will be able to give a short speech in English without any preparation. If a person has lived and educated in Canada since age 12, she will be expected to speak good English with very little Chinese or Taiwanese accents.
It is rather hard to judge a person’s “Good English” unless we read her essays and writings. Even speeches can be prepared in advance by other people.
“I could actually make out what she was saying and her accent wasn’t very strong but you could definitely tell English wasn’t her first language. Overall her English is acceptable.” ………… Agree! I can tell that Fala was not brought up in Hong Kong, Mainland China or Taiwan.
I think Fala Chen is a smarter person. She learned how to speak Cantonese after she lived in Hong Kong, and her Cantonese is pretty good now. Her acting has improved a lot over the years.
However, Christine Kuo has not improved much in either acting or Cantonese in the last four years. She had been cast in more than 10 drama series in TVB since she won Miss Chinese International.
sandcherry, I live in Ga near where she used to live, and there are lots of chinese peoples here. Also, i came to the us when i was 12 and i speak almost perfect, but my writing are horrible because i don’t use it everyday.
Thanks for telling me that there are lots of Chinese people living in Georgia. I guess most Chinese people like to live in cities with big Chinese populations.
I have never been to Georgia. Pardon my ignorance.
For me when CK spoke in English she seemed fake, like she was trying to show off. Hence it was actually quite irritating to hear her speak. She just doesn’t looks genuine at all.
hah… so it seems bosco didnt cheat wth her… could it be we hve mistaken bosco tht he has never cheated just a bit flirtatious
620 confirmed he cheated in the past.
You actually believe everything 620 says?? Sorry but to me, a lot of the things she says really makes me question and wonder if she even knows what she is doing or talking about.
I don’t want to talk about Bosco anymore and just want to support Myolie, but 620 did said Bosco is 沙沙滾.
That’s the exact word Hetieshou: 沙沙滾
I know that, but like I have said just because 620 says something, does not mean that it is always right or is the 100% truth.
It doesn’t matter if it is the truth or not as Bosco fans will believe what they will anyway apparently.
why is 620 commenting on his infidelity may i knw..
What language is Christine fluent in? Def not Cantonese and English! -_-
I’m guessing Taiwanese since she was born in Taiwan.
Right. Christine can speak Mandarin and Taiwanese fluently, and very little Cantonese (just before Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant Show).
Christine kuo, she look so cakey in GJ 2. English and cantonese sounds awkward.
i don’t get why they’re heavily promoting christine kuo lol..she’s pretty but omg her canto is horrible. lol and i thought she was still going out with joey..guess not. she looks a bit too old for him anyways
She is actually not that pretty.
i thought she looked pretty in the 1st episode of ghetto justice 2
she looks better without the bangs that she sports in tiger cubs
She and Aimee Chan look alike. They can play twins with accents.
you must be joking are you? lol..I always thought Aimee’s facial structure looks weird like a Strawberry head. Large cheekbone and pointy chin. and her voice yikes!
Actually when they were in Super snoops together, when Aimee first appeared I thought it was Christine. When Aimee has long hair, it covers the sides of her head, so her bone structure isn’t so distinctive.
Aimee Chan’s English is good and is typical Canadian English. She was born, raised and educated in Toronto. Aimee cannot read Chinese and she spoke mainly English when she was here. We can tell easily if a person is native or immigrant.
Christine and Aimee don’t look alike. Christine has way bigger eyes and is much prettier.
I do agree with purplepaw that Christine’s face does not suit bangs and looks way better without them.
I can deal with a heavy accent. Oceane Zhu also has a heavy accent (at least, she used to), but I love watching her. In fact, Oceane is one of my more favorite TVB actresses at the moment. Oceane has this certain charm and charisma that makes her very sweet and loveable!
Christine on the other hand… it’s the mixture of bland acting and heavy accent that makes her hard to watch.
Totally agree with you. And she’s much prettier than Christine Kuo.
Oceane Zhu is a lovely and sweet lady
You want to just look at models and not actresses.
All you care about is looks so it is not wrong to say that all you care about is looking at models. These are actresses and actors who need a lot more than looks in order to succeed. They need talent, charm and many other things… But all you do is go on and on about looks… Models are known for their looks only which is why they are called models and not actors and actresses.
3 girls look cute in the pic but honesty, I can’t tell who is who =.=.
Most new people nowadays look the same
yeah liek the korean girls for example, they have same eyes, nose and mouth.. I can’t defer who’s who sometimes too LoL
Went to same surgeons to ‘enhance’ their faces and inflate their chests
Christine is pretty but i really can’t stand her acting at all, It’s really annoying.
Elva Ni and Christine Kuo’s beauty are overpraised. They’re not that pretty and now look like gold diggers.
Tehy certainly do, Aznlaydee. You wont see them hanging out with “kelefe” at all.. that shows they only have eyes on those rich spoiled brats and businessman only..
christine kuo is one of prettiest pageant winners i’ve seen. love to watch her, i dont give a shtt about her accent, she’s attractive enough to compensate for that. tired of watching butterfaces on tvb, change it up a bit. thankyou TVB for oceane zhu and christine kuo, i need to see more of them. thanks!
Christine Kuo has gained some weight in the last 2 years. She was prettier and slimmer when she won Miss Chinese Toronto and Miss Chinese International. She looks a bit fat to me.
I think Christine will have scandal with a top TVB siu sang sooner or later LOL. wait and see
and my premonition tell me it wont be the 3 boys but will be someone else who has access to Christine.
omg i cnt stand this women
she cnt act and only focus on memorializing her lines
I cringe watching her in GJ2. She has been in many series but still can’t show her acting. JJ Jia on the other hand is doing great!
Never know Christine has connection with EEG heir LOL. Any relation or not to her getting bigger roles in TVB now?
“Branded as a “goddess” among many men due to her beautiful features and curvaeous figure”
She is pretty but goddess? I didn’t think she was that beautiful. Nice body quite simply because all other actresses in HK is too thin.
I don’t see any curves
She only has more meat than other flat actresses
You are starting to be like Ron Ng and Edison Chen
You are sounding more and more like a beast now Tony!
Tony sounds like a shallow guy who perves on women
I agree…
Tony, you’re pervert old man
It’s good to be tycoon’s son. Girls come flying at you!
It’s real world. When you have money, you’re more powerful.
“Since breaking up with her godmother’s son and former Mr. Hong Kong participant, Joey Law ( 羅天宇), Christine has been heavily promoted by TVB.”
Joey Law is a regular cast in TVB’s newest sitcom ‘Come Home Love’. It’s his biggest role so far.
Does TVB has a clause to only promote newbies that are not in a relationship?
Not necessary. Vincent Wong married with a baby and still get promoted.
Yes, I believe that’s the case. Even if you’re in a relationship, TVB doesn’t want you to admit it without their consent. Gotta play by their rules.
Yes for actresses. Not applicable for actors.
The newest love rumour: Christine and KC:
10 women of KC – newest Christine.
LOL I just mentioned KC just now! It become true! Somebody must be out to attack all the popular siu sangs!
Or attack 620. All relevant artists are under 620’s fave list.
Finally a new scandal. This time it’s Kevin.
Welcome Christine to the world of rumours. How can she get Kevin in her first rumour?
You are talking like she is trapping KC.
Don’t know why so many of you are against of Christine, not everyone is born same! some learn fast others not… why we only complain and not give any chance!!!
We are not complaining about Christine. We are just stating the facts that Christine’s Cantonese is lousy and her acting is very bland.
In other words, she is not talented in either one of the above. However, she is very lucky though to get this kind of promotion from TVB. A lot of other beautiful actresses did not have 10% of her luck. She should treasure what she has now.
As per Wikipedia:
“Candy Chang (Chinese: 張慧雯), born in November 10, 1989 in Hong Kong, won Miss Chinese Toronto in 2009,[1] and Miss Chinese International Pageant 2010 second runner-up.[2] She is currently a TVB actress. She recently premiered on the popular TVB drama “The Hippocratic Crush” (On Call 36小時) acting the role of Kan Ching Ching 簡晶晶.[3]
Candy Chang aspires to be an outstanding actress. She can speak English, Putonghua, Cantonese, and Japanese.[4] She attended Unionville High School.She has a 3rd year university education majoring in Graphic Design and Visual Arts(from the OCAD University). She did some life-guarding in the past, and she claims it helped her with her role in The Hippocratic Crush.
She won the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2009 and being the Miss Photogenic and Miss Popularity. In November 2010, she represented Toronto to compete in the Miss Chinese International Pageant 2010 and was a huge favorite due to her having one of the best figures.”