Christine Kuo Has to Notify Family When Filming Rape Scene

Samantha Ko’s (高海寧) rape scene in Friendly Fire <法網狙擊> has not aired yet, but it has already received much media attention due to the actress completely baring her back in the 30-second scene.
At a Friendly Fire dinner gathering, Christine Kuo (苟芸慧) revealed that she had asked Samantha how the scene was filmed and whether Samantha had to take off her clothes. Although the scene gives off the illusion that Samantha is nude, she wore a taped down vest to prevent overexposure. Christine joked and said that many male colleagues were envious of Ronan Pak (白健恩) who acted as Samantha’s rapist.
Known for her conservative nature, Christine was also willing to push her own boundaries and film a rape scene in the future, as it was necessary for an actress to portray different real-life situations onscreen. However, to avoid her parents’ misunderstanding and concern, she will have to notify them prior to filming. Last year, while filming a make out scene with Michael Tse (謝天華) inside a car in Friendly Fire, her family was shocked by tabloid claims that Christine had seduced the married Michael. Christine recalled the tear-inducing incident, “I learned that it is necessary to communicate with my family, friends, and those that love me to prevent unnecessary misunderstandings.”
Also at the cast dinner was popular Friendly Fire onscreen couple, Sammy Leung (森美) and Sharon Chan (陳敏之). Sammy clarified that tabloids had wrongly reported that his depression healed recently, which had in fact been stabilized three years ago. He continues to take medication due to attention deficit disorder. As depression is hereditary, Sammy took his 6-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son to be medically diagnosed. “Fortunately, they are fine which relieved me.”
cristine kuo is reallllyyy pretty!!!
no, she’s not, there’s nothing special about her, that’s why she’s acting in a rape scene
Agree…’s just make-up that covers her average face….doubt she knows how to film a rape scene……didn’t she say before she was a virgin or something like that……..anyways, TVB’s rape scenes are pathetic……lasts for 5 seconds.
She needs to just go away. Can’t act, always ruins a good series ahem Tiger Cubs. Never forgive.
why it sounded as if the family or friends don’t know she’s acting? hv to prior notice them in advance? isn’t she an actress? that really sounds weird to me!
Christine’s family is in Canada. Since they don’t live together, it is easy for misunderstandings to develop, especially when tabloids reported that she seduced Michael Tse last year.
No wonder she is so concerned about what her family and friends think. I think her family is open minded to let her become an actress and do these scenes. If it were me, my parents would forbid me to enter the circle and of course do these scenes. They would freak out!!!
Parents can only do so much these days. Kids are their own bosses now. Moreover, Christine Kuo is supporting her family financially, so she is the real boss in her family.
she practising getting raped? are all tvb actors warming up for category III movies, somebody please pass christine kuo wong jing’s number
TVB has been pushing the boundaries lately with revealing scenes. Like rape, and steamy bed scenes/ making out.
They rely on this for ratings! Tsk tsk.
when will this rape trend go away? i find it very disturbing that TVB is relying on this get ratings.
Yep, agree. Disturbing that every series is to have a rape scene.
If this “rape trend” goes away, Janyestars will have one less thing to write about.
Not sure if it even works. Their supposed to be sexy scenes have nothing to reveal. REALLY LOLsssssss
I think Christine Kuo just wanted to create more noise for herself. Her popularity has gone down a bit lately after the anniversary awards ceremony. She is a super smart person …….. made a big noise in the car scene with Michael for a while (at least 2 to 3 articles), and now makes more noise just to learn how to do a rape scene in future. When she has a rape scene, I think the whole world knows by having 30+ articles!
She’d better learn how to act than to make so many rumours. She is pretty and if she can act, she will achieve her goals more – popularity and money.
I think she needs to tell her family not to automatically believe anything the tabloids say.
I’d rather they just imply rape. What I mean is, say, a woman enters her apartment and opens her lights and a masked man is there and she drops her bag while the man is moving towards her, END SCENE.
That’s just as effective as showing 1 second scenes and scenes where she is raped in the missionary position…
The “make out” scene of her and Michael in FF was nothing. LOL
She is a pretty smart lady. She will probably play politics to push herself to more leading roles in the future, instead of relying on improving her acting skills.
I suggest that Christine Kuo works harder in her acting skills and Cantonese pronunciation instead of making so many noises about sexy scenes. Her family should know better than that if their daughter wants to stay in the entertainment industry ……… it is required in the script!!!
I don’t think Eliza Sam would make many rumours/noises on this kind of topic. Eliza seems to be a more natural and genuine person to me.
Why are rape scenes the new trend?
Are TVB scripts getting so vapid and boring that rape scenes need to be added to spice things up?
Christine Kuo’s desire to film one to be apart of the trend makes her seem incredibly stupid.
Plus, although Samantha Ko is a good and charismatic actress, she isn’t very attractive and if I was a guy, I would not care to see her bare back.
What sort of family believes tabloid over your own daughter’s character? Was she raised apart from them or something?
Feel sorry for Christine.
It is not a big deal but I just think she wants more attention.
With this kind of “news”, she does not need to say anything.
It is not a big deal but I just think she wants more attention.
Agree absolutely. Her parents left their children in Toronto, Canada, and headed back to Taiwan when Christine was about 19 or 20 years old, they surely were not close to them.
I would not say that they were not close. Maybe the children wanted to live separately so that they can develop their careers?? Many families have to live apart due to school, work and other things. Just because they don’t live together all the time does not mean that they are not close.
Really…it is very clear that she riding on the bandwagon to generate more publicity to yourself. She should spend more time in brushing up her language and acting instead of this.