Cindy Au Secures A New Job

(Above) Cindy and Roger’s kids are already 16 and 13 respectively.

Wrapping up filming for the last episode of HoyTV’s show Health Concern Group <健康關注組>, Cindy Au (歐倩怡) revealed that she has found a new job as a university research assistant!

Cindy Wishes Roger Continued Success

Having mentioned previously that money is tight after her divorce, and that her memory is no longer as sharp as before, the 44-year-old shared about her latest updates. “I’m doing a lot of things at the same time. I’m currently working as a research assistant at a university. It will get busier soon, and we will be recruiting different people to help with the research. We will be collecting their blood and other data for analysis. I will be spending more time working in seclusion over there,”

Many celebrity friends showed up for Roger’s 60th birthday.

When asked about ex-husband Roger Kwok (郭晉安) celebrating his recent sixtieth birthday with a huge group of friends, Cindy responded, “I saw many people celebrating with him, I’m also glad that he’s happy too,” Probed if she be meeting up with Roger for a belated celebration, she simply said, “I know he’s very busy with many engagements, let’s see if he will be available. (What’ll you wish him?) Wish him continued fame and popularity!”  Adding that she has been in constant contact with Roger discussing matters related to the kids, Cindy does not mind meeting up for the children’s sake.

Having brought her daughter on a South Korean vacation in July, she is already planning her next trip to somewhere where it snows for a White Christmas come year end, while her son, who is currently studying in England, will not be able to join in. Will they ever go on vacation as a whole family? “Together? For the time being it’s just my daughter and my parents, it depends on everyone’s schedule, let’s see if things can work out,”

Thankfully, the children, Brian and Blair, have also been sensitive and avoided asking too much about their parents’ divorce; nor is she concerned about their classmates in school giving them a hard time with constant questions. “Kids nowadays are very mature, they won’t ask around much, they’re in an international school so the children don’t watch much television or entertainment news,” Cindy added, “I’m also not really that close with other parents, but we do interact on social media, like wishing each other all the best”.

Source: HK01

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