Daniel Wu: “Lisa S. Values Chinese Customs”

Daniel Wu Yiu Cho appeared on a television interview to promote his new film, Triple Tap <枪王之王>. Since Daniel and Lisa S.’s April wedding in South Africa , the new groom said that he did not feel truly different aside from wearing a wedding ring on his finger.
Previously, Daniel never considered marrying a Caucasian woman. However, Lisa S. understands Chinese culture and the importance of respecting [family] elders. Lisa did not like children before, but was willing to change her views to accommodate Daniel, who loves children. Daniel respects his wife for her compromise, allowing them to share the same vision in their marriage.
At the Shanghai Film Festival, Daniel approached Lisa’s ex-boyfriend, Oscar winner, Adrien Brody, and announced his marriage to Lisa. The news shocked Adrien!
Source: Tom.com
Jayne: Daniel and Lisa S. seem to be such a well-matched, loving couple!
I didn’t know Lisa’s ex-boyfriend was Adrien Brody!! OMG!
I’m happy for the couple, but that’s not a good picture of the dashing Daniel. He looks..err old here? -_-” For sure there can be better photos taken.
“At the Shanghai Film Festival, Daniel approached Lisa’s ex-boyfriend, Oscar winner, Adrien Brody, and announced his marriage to Lisa. The news shocked Adrien!”
Haha, is this a case of showing off to the ex?
Oh I like DAniel Wu & LIsa
Is she caucasian? I thought she was Eurasian. Anyways, they are very cute 2gether, in my opinion they are a good match for each other.
her dad is half chinese/half french and her mother is full german. so shes pretty much considered to be caucasian.
But he has always dated semi Caucasian women! Eurasian is semi caucasian right?
Eurasian is part European and part Asian. Didn’t I see him take wedding photos with a full Asian woman?? I guess it was for an ad or something.
Well, I think a lot of people are shocked about who they marry so I am not surprised that Daniel said that he never thought of marrying a caucasian. Hey, you can’t help who you fall in love with anyways. Love is blind and I believe that race/nationality should not matter at all when you love someone.
I did not like kids at one point in my life since I felt they were just annoying and troublesome. However, I learned to love them because they are just so sweet and innocent. Also, after my brothers had kids, my views really changed. Kids just bring so much joy to you…
I also wanted to add, why did Daniel announce his marriage to Lisa’s ex for? Sorry, but I kind of feel that is a bit mean and he is acting like he is trying to rub it in his face or something. I personally would not be that pleased if I ever had an ex and then one day his wife comes to me and tells me that they are married. I would not care anymore but what is the point of doing that??
“I also wanted to add, why did Daniel announce his marriage to Lisa’s ex for? Sorry, but I kind of feel that is a bit mean and he is acting like he is trying to rub it in his face or something. I personally would not be that pleased if I ever had an ex and then one day his wife comes to me and tells me that they are married. I would not care anymore but what is the point of doing that??”
Who knows? But it doesn’t necessarily meant in a bad way. It could just be a friendly announcement since Adrien was someone who’s close to Lisa.
Lisa is technically Eurasian (with a French-Chinese father and Jewish American mother), but in the article, I used the word “Caucasian” to describe his sentiment that he never thought of marrying a non-Asian woman.
I think Daniel announced his marriage to Adrien Brody as a playful gesture. Not every couple necessarily carry a grudge after breaking up, perhaps after Adrien got over his shock, he was happy for Lisa S. Daniel seems to have a good sense of humor, don’t think he intended to spike any jealous feelings.
Ok, I guess I was taking things too seriously… Maybe Daniel did mean it in a playful way.
Eurasians are asians as well, because if they arent asian and arent european either, then what are they? Please respect us, we are asians too Jayne!
Asians denote geography as well as ethnicity whilst eurasians denote ethnicity in the sense they’re mixed. I am sure Jayne does not mean any insult to fellow eurasians. In fact with so many mixed marriages these days who isn’t a eurasian these days?
haha yeah I know Funn Lim. It is just anoying when europeans say “u r not european” and asians say “u r not asian”. Then what the hell am I?
I agree with u Lim.