Delays in Sonija Kwok’s Wedding Plans

Since Sonija Kwok (郭羨妮) met mainland action choreographer, Zhu Xiaojie (朱少杰), the pair fell passionately in love and decided to spend the rest of their lives together. At an earlier Beijing fashion show, Sonija announced that the couple would get married at the end of the year. It was known that the wedding dress will be designed by Dorian Ho (何國鉦). However, it appeared that Sonija’s wedding plans may have been altered.
In a telephone interview, Dorian Ho noted that Sonija has not appeared for body measurements and that the wedding gown has not been designed yet. Dorian noted that it would be very difficult to complete the gown before the end of the year. “Sonija has not discussed the wedding gown details with me yet. She said we will talk about it later. She is very low-key. I think she has her own plans. (Will the wedding take place next year?) “We will not have enough time to complete it this year. I can work with next next year.”
Refusing TVB’s Advice
Since Sonija announced her marriage and and revealed her happiness, many netizens teased her. No wonder she had to be so low-key in the wedding planning. As TVB’s contracted artists, Sonija refused their offer for a grand wedding ceremony in Beijing. She decided to hold her wedding on a small island to avoid the media. She chose a wedding planning service that catered to foreigners and will only invite her closest family and friends to the wedding. Taking into account that her fiance’s relatives and friends lived in Beijing, Sonija will have have a wedding banquet in Beijing later.
Regarding rumors that TVB had proposed that Sonija hold her wedding in Beijing, Deputy Director of External Affairs, Tsang Sing Ming (曾醒明) was uncertain over the matter. However, he will respect Sonija’s individual wishes.
Jayne: Would not be surprised if this turns out to be a ploy to distract the media and Sonija holds wedding ceremony quickly!
congrat to sonija, wish her be happy.
Congrats to her and wish her happiness. I am glad that she got to know her current fiance first before just jumping quickly to marriage. Anyways, really hope that she will share at least some of her happiness with everyone.
I always thought it’s a waste for Sonija to had engaged with this mainland action choreographer, Zhu Xiaojie. Sonija is prettier and she can easily find any rich guy to marry but Sonija choose to marry this guy who barely make enough $$$ to support her “actual” lifestyle. Maybe Sonija was seeking for true love rather than materialistic lifestyle that most hk women dream of.
Is Zhu XiaoJie really that poor? I don’t think he should be. Even though he may not be really rich or well off, that doesn’t mean that he is poor. Good for her if she is marrying more for love…
Zhu may not be as rich as those rich businessman in hk or mainland but Zhu is definitely belongs to the working class where he still needs to work hard for money. I always thought Sonija can do better like other champions like marrying wealthy men since Sonija is considered one of the prettiest mshk too.
Sonijia future husband he is not millionairs and definately is no where near the “rich” society. Martials arts actions choreographer don’t make much money, you can Google their salary.
Similar to Leila Tong, married to a theater actor, not rich neither. Theater actors also do not make alot of money. Macy Chan also nice girl, Eric Suen is lucky.
Sonijia never appears as “gold digger”, she always appears to be the independent woman and place love above (look at her dating history). Wish her many happiness with Zhu xiaojie, since her past relationship doesn’t work out. Many happiness on your future marriage and God bless you Sonijia.
@LeilaFan: Leila Tong didn’t get married with a rich guy but a guy who can push her career in theater field higher. So she might be viewed as a gold-digger.
Fox, ever since she got married, she is not acting in theater field, so what you say there no backup to your statement.
Also when Leila married, she is still young, and she still doing series with TVB, there still plenty of opportunities for her including in the mainland industry.
@LeilaFan: but she might come back.
BTW, I dun mind that. Leila is a kinda good actress.
I don’t know if you have noticed, but actresses for the most part marry in 2 categories. One is someone rich or two is another person from the circle. Sonja is marrying another person from the circle so it is still in the norm and isn’t anything unusual. Also, I think if she loved him then it should not just be based on money only. At least he has a job and career and isn’t unemployed. If she is marrying for love then good for her…
I also don’t agree that it is a waste for her to marry Zhu because I think it is more important to find a good man that you love and are compatible with. It is useless to marry someone rich and for money only. Money comes and goes, but finding a person that you love and will love you back is priceless and is something that money cannot buy.
Leila just married someone from the circle as well so it is nothing unusual. Is Eric dating Macy Chan?? Are they married yet?? Is she an actress? I have not followed his news in a long time so am wondering how he is doing.
@ Leilafan
Leila married a theater director.
Leilafan didn’t say Leila’s marriage is unusual. She just said Leila didn’t marry a rich man.
Why are you so hung up with actresses marrying fellow actors or someone within the circle? Do you have something against such relationship? I can understand that you might feel actresses marrying rich men is just for the money, so, you frowned upon such marriage. But, what’s your problem with actresses marrying fellow actors or someone within the circle? You seem to have problem with both.
Do you feel that actresses marrying outside the circle is more admirable and their love more true?
NO, I am not against them marrying rich or from the circle. BUT, I was just saying that that is the usual norm, that’s all. GEEZ!! I knew you would pick on that like you ALWAYS do. I DO NOT have a problem with them marrying within the circle or anyone rich since it is NOT my life so why the hell should I give a care???!!! I was JUST saying that that was the typical pattern that I saw from actresses, that’s all…
” I knew you would pick on that like you ALWAYS do.”
Drop the ALWAYS. I’ve not done that for quite awhile already. There are many instances I can do that and I did not.
“NO, I am not against them marrying rich or from the circle. BUT, I was just saying that that is the usual norm, that’s all. GEEZ!! . “
If you don’t have a problem with it, why did you keep on mentioning this in every opportunity? I know this is a discussion forum and you can speak whatever you like. But, if you keep bringing the same point up again and again, there must be something to it. It’s even more so when you always lump them together with actresses marrying rich (which you frown upon). Leilafan didn’t say anything about marrying within the circle or Leila’s marriage being unusual. She just said Leila didn’t marry rich. But, you instantly bring on the actresses marrying within the circle issue. You always lump these 2 together.
Maybe you did not realise the impression you give people through your comments. But, the impression I get from them is you have a problem with actresses marrying within the circle and actresses marrying rich and I’m curious to know why.
Lastly, stop thinking that people pick on you just because they question your POV.
I was wondering, wasn’t Leila’s husband was with someone else when he got with Leila? As in Leila was a third party?
LeilaFan are you really a Leila Fan? cause I am not a big fan and I know she is working on theatre with Vincent Wong
NO, I don’t have a problem with them marrying rich or from the circle, but ONCE again, it is just the norm that I see. Just because I mention someone more than once does NOT mean that I have a problem with it.I have been a fan of idols since I was 5 and have noticed those are the 2 main categories that they do marry from. Leilafan made it seem like it was so admirable or out of the blue for Leila not to marry someone rich. Therefore, I said that she just married someone else from the circle which is typical of most actresses…Also, it’s not my life so it is not my business or yours or anyone who they marry or not… I am not Yue Lao nor am I his assistant. I don’t have the power to pair or split anyone up.
Others I don’t feel like they are picking on me, but with you I do!! If you don’t like my POV, then just don’t respond. Who the hell told you to respond to me???
Out of curiosity, since you guys heavily debate with each other with differences in POV, will this affect you guys when you guys went to bed?
No offence ya.
“Others I don’t feel like they are picking on me, but with you I do!!
Really? Didn’t you feel the same towards Fox? I remember last time you complain about Fox always pick on you too.
“If you don’t like my POV, then just don’t respond.
Did you apply this advice to yourself? I don’t think so since I see you replying to every comment you disagree with or dislike.
Read back your own comments. You are not any better. If what I did now is considered picking on you, you are also picking on people who express their dislike on Mainland series and other issue that you disagree with. You repeat and repeat your point again and again even after people already give their reason for their dislike of Mainland series (i.e. they have tried to watch some but it not to their taste). You question their judgement just like I question yours. But, you get all upset and dramatic when I do so.
You know what, even of I put my point point across very politely, you will still feel that I’m picking on you because ‘Kidd ALWAYS pick on me’ already stuck hard on you mind.
“Who the hell told you to respond to me???”
No one told me. I choose to do so.
This is a public forum. you make a comment on a public forum and you don’t allow people to respond to you?
I admit that I was a bit harsh on you last time and responded too much. But, I have refrain from doing so quite a lot of time already. So, don’t jump on me and make it seem like I always pick on you just because I respond to you this way once in a while. I have been cordial to you many a time and tone down on my response already.
@ Funn
I remember there’s news of Leila being 3rd party in another relationship but not this one.
“Also, it’s not my life so it is not my business or yours or anyone who they marry or not… I am not Yue Lao nor am I his assistant. I don’t have the power to pair or split anyone up.”
What a dramatic off tangent reply. Going to the extreme like this.
@HeTieShou @Kidd
I think Kidd likes to pick apart discussions to the point where she wants to just understand the reasoning and logic behind an issue. This tendency to do so may come across as confrontational, but it’s really just a thorough method in covering all bases.
Many of us have been actively sharing our point of views with each other for over a year. Having online discussions, or reading any kind of writing, we tend to read between the lines, focus on the issues we want to focus on, and may sometimes misinterpret the tone. We’re all here because we share a common interest and enjoy the discussion exchange.
@ Jayne
Very sorry for causing a ruckus in your forum again.
Yes, I think in a very detailed manner. In fact, someone has read my palms and told me that I think twice as much as normal people. This is a double edged sword. If I use my brain in useful positive area, I will attain great success. But, if my brain focus on the negative it will harm me very much too. What he said is true. This kind of thinking is not very good in some cases and it’s detrimental to me. In situation where I need to have faith and belief, I could not do so because the belief in question can’t get past my logic and analysis. But, that’s how my brain works.
@ Kidd: Fox understand you :P.
Since there aren’t too many frequent posters in this forum, to reply someone a lot in different topics is a kinda normal action. So HTS, I think shouldn’t make it a big deal.
Moreover, maybe ppl will agree with you sometimes but disagree with you some other times.
“Yes, I think in a very detailed manner. In fact, someone has read my palms and told me that I think twice as much as normal people. This is a double edged sword. If I use my brain in useful positive area, I will attain great success. But, if my brain focus on the negative it will harm me very much too.”
Your mind can be controlled if you choose to apply it in the direction that you want. Meditation can be very powerful in this regard. Having a logical tendency is a blessing, as it allows you to act with reason and capability to learn and perhaps evolve your thinking.
Applying such traits to a job that requires your detail-oriented and logical skills would be good. Hehe definitely don’t take a boring job where you have too much idle time on your hands, left wandering about unnecessary thoughts.
There’s also a difference in thoroughness versus over-analysis. Being thorough in a situation where it is warranted and worth the time, while over-analyzing in situations that are unnecessary or not useful. Your logical skills should help you assess what are the priorities that are worth your time.
Hehe in your case where you like to understand the root of the problem and not satisfied with quick answers, talking to someone older with more life experience or a mentor at work may help you focus on those priorities and clear thoughts.
As for faith, I sometimes have the same issue. But don’t get hung up over the details, but rather how well the faith works for you overall. The faith you choose should be flexible and can be adapted to suit your personal needs and situation. Sometimes finding the right religious teacher can make such a difference because he/she will make it applicable to you and your life. Finding that religious group, with people who are interested in seeking the same truths, also help.
Personally, I don’t think you need to accept all the preached faiths taught in a particular religion, but if you can pick out the most meaningful parts to guide you through troubled times, that is enough. There is a lifetime ahead to learn about yourself and what works.
I think Kidd’s problem with HTS’ POV is the POV is not singular on the subject but goes off tangent in connecting other unrelated stuff to that POV which can be frustrating to read. I understand Kidd, she has picked apart my POV before. Isn’t that the purpose of this whole forum/blog? An opinion is an opinion and no more. And every opinion is good opinion if it has something of an opinion in it. There can be opinion without any opinion expressed, and I think therein lies Kidd’s problems with such POV.
“. I understand Kidd, she has picked apart my POV before.”
And I have to give it to Funn to be able to stand me when I do that.
But, Funn is not a weak debater either. She can give out as good as she gets.
Kidd, you’re making me blush!
@ Veejay, I wouldn’t necessarily agree with you “t’s a waste for Sonija to had engaged with this mainland action choreographer, Zhu Xiaojie”. She did meet him towards her older years. If Sonja had meet a rich man when she come won the Miss Hong Kong her life would be so different. I wonder why she never got chased by the elite playboys, wonder if her background (eg: family, education etc) contributed to her lack of appeal. She was very pretty when she won the Miss HK crown as she looked mixed. Half Western and half Asian.
She has a number of love rumours with many men. She was said to be rumour queen in TVB.
However I agree that “t’s a waste for Sonija to had engaged with this mainland action choreographer, Zhu Xiaojie” quote is kinda unnecessary. It isn’t a waste for her to choose a good man.
If she is going out with a rich man, I blv some ppl in here will be the first person who call her gold-digger.
Her family and education? As in lack of or she comes from a ‘problematic’ family?
i agree that it is a waste for Sonija to have engaged with this mainland guy. He has nothing compatible with her. i wonder why no one thinks he is a gold digger. He is definitely poor and it is no wonder he just jumped at her. i never heard of a man asking for a woman to marry him after knowing each other for just a few months. Most of the men delay the wedding while the women urge for it. This guy just turned it all upside down. Sonija is very pretty and rich and who is this guy? Is it love or what? A good decent guy will ask for his girl to kindly wait for him until he is compatible with her financially and socially, until he can secure her and their new family. i pray that Sonija comes to her senses. dating a man is totally different from marrying a man. i hope she knows better than to sign the paper so quickly.
she realized she had to act quickley to avoid being a leftover girl LOL.
who knows if he really loves her or maybe he loves her but her money more. btw im sure he is not sure by the normal definition.
forget about rich fellas if i was rich i wouldn’t even think of dating her. she is getting old and there are alot of younger more beautiful actresses out there.
“he is not POOR” by normal def.
Congrats Sonija.
BTW, now can confirm that she wasn’t pregnant last time?
“In a telephone interview, Dorian Ho noted that Sonija has not appeared for body measurements and that the wedding gown has not been designed yet”
Maybe she’s pregnant!!? She’s probably big and therefore hasn’t contacted him. Maybe she’s so low key that she got married quietly. (just sign papers) Hmmm
Few months left from the date of the rumour. If she is pregnant, it’s 6-7 months now and the tummy will be big.
Btw, where is Sonija lately? I haven’t seen her since her wedding announcement and Dorian Ho’s fashion show….
Not certain about her pregnancy rumors. Need a recent photo to tell.
She is filming in china, if I rmb rite.
BTW, the movie White Snake with her appreance has just released the pix and trailer. I dun see her :(.
To Jayne,
There is an recent article & pic. of Sonija. You can see her slim body.
Sonija’s been through alot of heartache in previous failed relationships. She seems to be in a good and wiser place right now, and I hope that her wedding will go as she plans!
But I hope too, that she’ll place more of her attention, time and effort on her marriage…decidedly more important and long-lasting than the one-day event that a wedding is.
Pregnant or not, I give her my well wishes for the wedding. I’m quite keen to see Dorian Ho’s design.
Sonija Kwok has not aged well. She was so pretty when she won Miss Hong Kong. Without a rich boyfriend /husband and not being famous enough in the entertainment industry means she cannot maintain her beauty due to a lack of finance. If I was a man, I rather choice Sonija as a person then Michelle Reis (Le Ga Yan) anyday.
Yes, Sonija is so pretty.
never view her as pretty really and Michelle Ries is 100 times more beautiful however she the “gold digger” she only sleeps with wealthy men LOL
You need to be a member of the billionaire club before you have access to her hehe
Haha!! I think Sonijia Kwok is pretty, just her lips take away her beautifulness, LOL!!! Maybe I should show you picture of me and my husband and see if you think I’m pretty, since your standard on beauty like Michelle Reis is quite high, LOL!!
@exoidus, haha I once saw a photo of the guy Michelle Reis was seeing, the guy who spend million on an advertisement to wish her a happy birthday. He was soooo old, lol, if I was in Lee Ga Yan’s league, I would definitely date a tycoon’s son then an old man..Imagine my grandfather’s face if I brought someone his age home as my boyfriend. (heartache straight away)
LOL, you could always argue to your gp that it’s love and have nothing to do with his money since he is actually poor hehe.
Or that it’s an investment as the guy old guy is going to die soon and you inherit all his fortune
I actually don’t consider Michele Reis beautiful at all. I don’t understand why everyone says that she is so beautiful. She should thank her dad then because she looks like him(have seen her mom she looks nothing like her). Keep in mind that she did have some minor plastic surgery and wears lots of make up. Many celebs look great in public and all, but when you see the “real” them at home and all, different story…
I also think Sonja is pretty, but her face ages quickly. What is wrong with her lips?? I think they are fine..
I really can’t find prob with Sonija lol..I actually think her lips is quite pretty..
Agree with you on Michelle that she had a minor surgery done before. I guess it’s pretty common nowadays for having a nose restructure, eyelids, jawbone restructuring, etc.
Do you think Charmaine Sheh has had any plastic operation before?
Michele Reis’ plastic surgery was minor anyways, but I still don’t think she is that great looking. I knew before that you can fix your nose and eyes, but did not know until recently that you can fix your cheeks and jaw bone too… I guess the only thing that cannot be fixed with plastic surgery is your skin…
I don’t think Charmaine has had anything done because she still looks the same as she did in the past. If she did have anything done, it is very minor and nothing major at all.
Sonja has a very bony structured face so of course she will not age well. The type of face that she has looks good when you are young, but doesn’t look good as you age…
She still looks good now anyways LOL.. My relative saw her in person one time at KUALA LUMPUR when she was here for promotion…and he said she’s REALLLY Pretty in person. Her skin colour is really clear porcelain and her face feature are very sharp looking too.
Well, she is not that old yet so she should still look good. My sister in law saw her once and says she is pretty since she is mixed. It’s just that her facial structure is bony so she would age as well as others with a fuller face.
Meant to say will “not” age as well…
Agree with you on her bony structure, i also notice that she looks older compare with Charmaine. I think their age gap is only 2-3 yrs difference?
yeah, I also think Charmaine didnt had any niptuck done since she looks the same from the time she first join tvb. Actually I quite like Charmaine, I think she’s one of those hardworking tvb artist who managed to break thru all those bad allegations/rumors and become what she is now an A-list actress with the highest income in TVB.
You know another singer/actress that has a bony structure? Vivian Chow… She has the same type of facial structure that Sonja has. You would look good when young, but you will not age as well.
Charmaine has a fuller face. Sonja is actually only 1 year older than Charmaine. She was born in 1974 and Charmaine was born in 1975. I actually don’t really like Charmaine much, but I do admire her hardwork. I think she is actually sort of lucky as well because many artists work hard but still aren’t successful due to not having the timing, luck and other things….
Thanks for the info of Charmaine and sonija’s birthdate. Well, I also dun like Charmaine at first especially when she first starred with ChiLam. I found her voice rather annoying than pleasant and her image wasn’t that good either when she was buried with tons of bad rumours/allegations of her being the 3rd party of someone’s relationship but after many years later, Charmaine has proved everyone wrong, she didn’t destroy any relationship and she solely concentrate with her work until she gained this reputation :).
that’s strange…a lot of people think vivian chow ages well. she is 44 yrs old this year
I personally don’t think that Vivian Chow aged well at all. One of my friends used to think that she was one of the most beautiful actresses and singers ever, but now he thinks he is one of the least attractive actresses that he has ever seen…
Sonija is pretty. I’ve just visited her micro blog. She just came back from her vacation from Japan. She also posted her latest pic. without make up. She still look beautiful & skinny. I think she will have another Mainland China series in August. I hope to see her with Steven Ma in TVB series.
Can you send me the link to her micro blog? would like to see Sonija without makeup on..
Speaking about pairing with Steven Ma again in series, I wish tvb will arrange that soon… cuz Steven is also one of my fav actor.
Here is her blog site:
Money is important of course but to me, love is far more so. If you marry and still poor and you love each other then you would build a relationship but if you marry for money only, then you would feel so bored with your partner after a month or so. The marriage would not last very long.
Sonija is still rather pretty but its the person underneath that is more important. So this kung fu cheorographer she is marrying is not rich – so what as long as he is good to her and ambitious. The Cantonese saying goes “ling hey pak so gung, mok hey siu leen kung” which means: you can critizise an old person but never a young man, as young people would have the strength to make more money whereas if you are old then you have very litte chance of making money.
True but how do you define love in the first place. You might think you love one person only to find out that it isn’t love.
LOL, the old man have already made a fortune whereas there are great uncertainty whether the young man can make it big
Well, thats just the old Cantonese phrase which people use. Of course, there are still young people out there who never make it big, up to the day they die. Could be laziness, with no luck on their way, hundreds of reasons.
Define love, (well to me anyway, its just something that you feel. Its a feeling you know when the right person comes along. You want to be with that person all the time, you want to share your thoughts, feelings, everything with that person, you would be unselfish and want that person to be happy. You feel pain when that person feel pain and miss that person when you don’t see them.
problem is that your feelings changes continuosly so what you feel as love for another person might change.
in that case money is a more secure for most people. however at this point the value of paper money no longer makes sense.
gals marries a rich grandpa, he dies and she inherits a fortune and be happy LOL
Well, I have been very happily married for a long time so maybe my views are different to yours. Money of course is very important but without good health, thats no use either. I would not be happy being married to someone as old as my grandpa just because he’s rich.
Here is the image of Sonija Kwok in the new movie It’s love:
Is it the angle? Almost couldn’t recognise her. Photoshopped till death.
What movie is this? Brothel lady??
白蛇传说 is its Chinese name.
Sonija’s smile looks very stiff and unnatural in the pic.
I find it’s attractive :P.