Selena Li Earns Millions from Investments

Debuting in 2003 through the Miss Hong Kong pageant, Selena Li (李詩韻) has been cast in significant roles throughout her career. Though Selena’s performances are well-received by viewers, the growth of her fanbase stagnated in the last few years since she has never truly carried a drama on her own. However, Selena has been finding greater entrepreneurial success outside of her acting career.
The 33-year-old actress only films two dramas per year and rarely attended event shows or has endorsements. A source reported that this was due to Selena’s choice to reject many job offers. Filming less has allowed Selena to focus more on her business investments.
During her six-month hiatus this year, Selena admitted that she invested in different areas. “I had no work but I still need an income. I invested a lot, also earning a lot with these investments. In the past few years, I’ve earned a few million dollars [HKD].”
Selena treated the cast of Ghost Dragon of Cold Mountain <寒山潛龍> to a luxurious Australian Wagyu beef dinner last week. It turns out that Selena is actually one of the shareholders of the restaurant, which is situated in the Central district. Though Selena only invested a small share in the restaurant, the restaurant’s majority shareholder is Selena’s rumored boyfriend Mo Xuan (巫翊鳴), the godson of Cheng Huan (清洪). Though Selena and Mo Xuan refer to each other as god brother and sister, the two have been caught kissing each other at a nightclub a few years ago.
Since breaking up with Patrick Tang (鄧健泓) in 2009, Selena has kept her private life under tight wraps. Selena denied dating Mo Xuan and said he never taught her how to invest. “He never took me to a nightclub. We haven’t seen each other in a long time. I’ve been quite busy lately, so I’m never in Hong Kong. Also, in August, my new drama starts filming.”
Selena said she has invested in several restaurants but declined to reveal how much she earned through these investments.
This article is written by Addy for
Selena, end Kenneth’s suffering, end our suffering, just MARRY Kenneth! Please!
Haha, I also ship them! xD Hope the can fall in love with each other xP
I doubt she has that feeling to him. She doesnt seem to like “grass-eater” man.
It is dependent on timing and fate. There are many who are friends and acquaintances fir many years before developing feelings for each other. It may be the case with them as well who knkws?
Meant to say who knows?
Hi HeTieShou,
Yes, I agree, some started out as friends. Not everyone met love at first sight. I had a friend whom befriend a guy for more than 15 yrs, those days she told me they were best of friends, no feelings for each other, they treated each other like brothers/sisters. But I told her one day both of you will eventually fall in love, true enough they’re now happily married with 2 kids.
If Selena likes playful guy then probably Kenneth is not her type. Well, only time will tell.
Him loom,
Thanks for sharing and yes that is true in some cases but of course not in every case. I used to have a very close guy friend and he was the only close guy friend in my life but I knew for sure that we were forever siblings and best friends,but never a couple. That friend of mine has passed away though. I will always remember him and I think that a guy and girl can be just close buddies without getting romantic,even though it is pretty rare.
Time will tell if they end up together or not. However,even if they do not, being good friends for life is not bad either.
I hear you!!!!! Think they look so cute together!
This is what we call beauty with brains.
agree….she is pretty and good acting too…enjoy watch her drama
Yeah, agree with you
She’s both beautiful and intelligence
She also have very good skin.
Agree with Funn Lim I do wish they become an item!!!
not really attractive, but smart at investing.
She may not be Kenix Kwok, but Selina is a hella lot better than the new-ish TVB girls.
Ex: that ugly ‘Gillian’ girl from the currently airing TVB drama
Yes, we have seen that beauty isn’t everything. Since she has the brains to invest wisely and profit decently, any male should ever be so fortunate and be with her. Her beauty and fame can be an “added extra” or a curse depending on how the tabloids write the couple up.
I have seen her in Singaporean English drama, she is really good! Her command in English is superb and so does her acting!
I want to watch! what are the names of the drama?
Spouse for House. Take a look here
She looks so sweet in the above picture.
So happy for her earnings in her investments.
Selena and Kenneth are such a cute couple, but I have a feeling that she wouldn’t want to marry him even at the end of their 5 year promise. If she liked him, she would already have already. I feel like Selena likes men who are more passionate and exciting? Kenneth doesn’t seem like that type.
She’s a much better actress than Linda Chung and Kate Tsui. Wish TVB would promote her more!
Totally agree on that, much better than Linda and many more first line fa Dans
OMG!!!no way! And I’m not even a big fan of Linda nor do i like Kate but to say that Selena is a better actress than them, that’s plain ridiculous. Her acting is just as bad if not worse. At least Linda excels in emotional scenes while Kate can kick ass as a cop (altho looking uncop-like in leather pants, glam curls and fake lashes). Selena is just plain bland, boring, fluffy and forgettable in every role she’s acted in. She was just awful in Slow Boat Home despite sharing lead status with Aimee. She has yet to carve a niche or make any breakthrough despite being in this biz for so many years.
same here
Wasn’t it not long ago that she was portrayed as a party girl on the hunt for a rich man, in other words a gold digger? Interesting how she’s now given a positive spin as a shrewd businesswoman , tho the majority shareholder is her rumored bf ? How things hv changed!
I believe Selena was always somewhat business-minded. In college, she majored in Business Commerce. A few years ago (2009-2010, I think?), she invested and opened a makeup school called Technique, but if I remember correctly, she’s no longer an owner now. Now she’s into investing.
One or two years ago, she was reported to frequent night clubs with various men, but it was probably a phase for her. Also, a woman who goes to nightclubs doesn’t mean she can’t have a mind for good investments. I don’t really believe the gold-digging rumors about her although I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets involved in men who are on the rich side, who also tends to be business-minded. It just happens that if she’s business-minded, she’ll probably attract someone similar and those men will probably tend to be well-off too.
The below article is such a big contrast to what’s being written here :
Which is why we always take anything we read with a grain of salt.
Yeah, including this article lol!
okay…then that’s good…<3 (nothing to say)
Selena seems a clever businesswoman, acting was her second choice good for her. Like her acting. ..very natural.
Wow ! Selena a diamond bachorette.
Support Selena!
She will become a businesswoman when she is retiring from the entertainment industry.
If she declares openly she earns millions, won’t the tax dept comes after her?
She was working in singapore during the hiatus.
Smart move and all the best!