“Divas in Distress” Ending Spoilers Revealed!

The theme of rivalry and revenge has always been one of the most popular genres for Hong Kong television viewers. TVB’s recent hit drama, Divas in Distress <巴不得媽媽…>, also explores on those themes – but comically. Starring Liza Wang (汪明荃) and Gigi Wong (黃淑儀), their first collaboration in thirty years, Divas in Distress is about how Liza and Gigi, portraying two popular television actresses in the seventies, grow to dislike each other after various misunderstandings. Thirty years later, Gigi’s son, Chin Ka Lok (錢嘉樂) falls in love with Liza’s daughter, Yam, and sired a son, Michel, with her. However, Yam dies from childbirth, and Liza holds a grudge against Chin Ka Lok and his family ever since.
Since its premiere on August 27, the ratings for Divas in Distress stayed toe-to-toe with the ratings of King Maker <造王者>, which aired its final episode last weekend. Although overshadowed by King Maker’s epic finale, Divas in Distress only staggered a couple of ratings points behind, and achieved an average rating of 30 points and peaked at 35 points.
Divas in Distress will air its final episode this coming Sunday, September 23. In the finale, Liza discovers that Michel’s blood type is different from Chin Ka Lok’s, but the same as his grandfather’s, Henry Lee (李成昌). She concludes that Chin Ka Lok may not be Gigi and Henry’s biological son. In a hilarious conclusion, it turns out that Henry had mixed up his own blood type, so Liza’s worries are finally over.
On the other hand, Liza’s son, Him Law (羅仲謙) and Gigi’s neice, Mandy Wong (黃智雯) will finally get engaged. Chin Ka Lok and Eliza Sam (岑麗香) will also have their happy ending. The feminine, but straight “So Gay” (Koo Ming Wah 古明華) and the tomboy Lo Lo (Wan Yu Hung 溫裕紅) will also become a couple.
No Word on a Sequel Yet
In an interview with Metro Radio yesterday, Koo Ming Wah discussed his recent rise in popularity. He laughed and said, “It’s true that I’ve been doing more interviews lately, but my work has not increased much!” Asked if people often mistook him to be very feminine due to his character, he laughed again, “It’s not that they’re mistaken, it’s that they think it’s true! They’re not used to seeing the real, manlier me!”
As of now, Koo Ming Wah has not heard of any news of TVB planning for a sequel to Divas in Distress. He joked that everyone should send in letters of suggestions to put pressure on TVB to do one.
When the topic of Him Law’s “car-shaking” scandal with Tavia Yeung (楊怡), came up, Koo Ming Wah teased, “When you’re in love, you’ll do it anywhere! But my wife and I are way too old to do that. Maybe they’ve been really busy!”
Source: ihktv.com
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
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I’m excited for this! So gay is my favorite so far!
haha me too! I think he definitely stole the whole show 🙂
LOL agreed.
1) these spoilers tend to be inaccurate so let’s see about this time.
2) seriously? sequel? if they do it, proves tvb is just lazy.
I understand what you mean, but some sequels do prove themselves worthy.
but then again, such sequels worked well in the past, but now ? maybe not so much.
I can think of sequel title: 巴不得 Bra Bra . . .
xDDD -thumbs up-
So need to have at least C cup to be cast?
Eliza, Christine, and aimee can battle over bra size and speaking Cantonese.
Special guest star is Toby’s D cups. 😀
So they can hire all the actresses in TVB with weird odd numbered bra sizes in D+ size cups?
bahaha i can’t stop laughing
wait so does it mean that him and mandy will get together? i hope they do. synopsis on tvb.com makes it seem like theyll break up and same for the next ep preview
im betting a cheesy ending…?
I was right, it was a cheesy ending.
I kinda like the ending. Rather funny. Didn’t like Him and Mandy though. Someone reminded me he had more chemistry with Yoyo in L’Escargot. Which is true.
I have to re-watch the ending again if I miss something… but my first reaction they could have done more dramatic for the end of the world. Oh well.
Supposed to be tongue in cheek. They don’t believe the end of world thing. I thought it was draggy but in some ways witty. Like how 4 in love? That ended with alien spaceship thing which was the wittiest part of the bland show,. Overall the ending may seem strange but it is funny in its own way.
I can’t see a sequel since already whatever to be said has been said in painfully slow moving way for the young couple. I think I like the next door married couple wih an active sex life more than the meandering abusive boring Mandy-Him.
I know, i found him- mandy relationship are boring and mandy acting in here is wierd and painful to watch. Skip their part most of the time. Btw, is eliza malaysian?.
Eliza born in Vancouver, Canada
I, also find Him Law’s and Mandy’s bit boring. Him Law’s attitude in the series seems weird especially the way he treats Mandy. Other bits if the series is entertaining. Not a bad series after all but not sure of a sequel!
I find him- mandy relationship not only boring but quite abusive with Him ‘manhandling’ Mandy in many scenes. And also find Him’s character to be very spoiled, bratty, and very self-centered.
The actions Sing Sing often do to Man Hei are like in Korean series.
And I can see that HimHim doesn’t know how to control his strength. He did any “beater” scenes quite strong, sometimes more violent than the scenes request. Maybe he dun intently did that but it’s natural behavior from HimHim. Actually thank to Diva, I can’t view HimHim as a caring guy anymore.
I watch episode 13-18 when I went back to hometown during the weekend. Mandy and Himhim’s relationship reminds me of idol drama couple relationship.
Kidd it has none of the romance or the subtlety. I find their relationship too punishing.
Their love story makes me think that I am watching a Korean drama.
LOL – I found Him and Mandy romance painful also. The next door couple having sexy time every day was pretty good bit. I might be odd one out, but I really like So Gai and Lo lo as a couple.
BTW, there is a full theme song on “Divas in Distress” … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvm8SLf9yxg
I don’t get the sugary food theme when no one is doing any sugary food thing in he series.
They could have done a food fight.
Oh such a good ending, love it so much.
it WAS a great ending until the end with the cliffhanger…i hated that!
Already watch the ending?
Was there a cliffhanger?
(Wan Yu Hung 溫裕紅) her english name is Esther. FYI, she is a breast cancer survivor… so she looks healthy now. Her role was really somewhat a breakthrough.
Her pairing with So Gei is interesting!
Koo Ming Wah (古明華) TVB.com interviews… 4 clips:
I love So Gay. The most interesting chac. Eliza is also cute and good for a newbie.
But I dun really like HimHim. His love with Mandy is cute but he is one pose wonder. I rmb he was better than that in D.I.E 2
I find it sad that Him’s best performance to date is still D.I.E Again… All the way back in 2009. I wonder what happened lol Dating happened?
Agree. He was good in DIE 2. Tiger Cubs dun need him to act much so he is ok. But Diva his expression is so monotone. But I like his love with Mandy. But So Gay is the best.
Actually him was ok in THC as onion
I dont watch this THC so I dont know how Him is.
In Diva I feel pity for the role Sing Sing. The role is kinda interesting but Him Him, please move your face and put some emotions in your eyes. I see no fire, only dead fish eyes. He can do better than that.
Especially next to So Gay, Him Him’s weakness in acting shows more.
But I still like HimMandy couple when they have quarrel.
I don’t really like Him and Mandy’s relationship in DID, but they had good bantering chemistry. However, ManHim seemed to have better chemistry in Tiger Cubs and Suspects in Love.
Their lesser chemistry in DID may be a fault in the directing, but I personally think it’s because Him began dating Tavia around that time, so this may have caused his acting to not be as “open” as it was before. If you checked out any BTS footage/interviews of Suspects in Love, ManHim were very close. I wouldn’t be surprised if they really were seeing each other around that time.
Him’s character in THC and TC were very similar. Both very headstrong, stubborn, and overconfident. Okay performance, but not as good as D.I.E. Again. In that drama, Him really didn’t seem like himself. He was a completely different person.
TVB needs better love song choices…
..instead of repeating the same crap over and over again.
Totally agreed. I couldn’t stand the song being played over and over and over again, esp. when the singing was not great to start with. (same with LC’s song in Witness Insecurity) The song came on, I immediately forwarded the scene until the song ended.
Yeah, they are using TVB’s The Voice contestants singers…rather have the originals.
What kind of ending is that????
Very unusual ending that I watch it live from Hong Kong feed. I wont spoil the ending but its TVB. Ehhhh….
So, I rewatch the ending, it was disappointing ending. It seems to me it’s a cliffhanger after the 12/21 doomsday bust. They could have dump Mandy and Him draggy scenes and various news report stories just to get happy ending.
Did I remember incorrectly, or is the scientist arguing about the end the world the same scientist in Three Kingdoms RPG who “explained” time travel?
Yes, it’s the same person
Referring to Joe Junior, then yes.
I mean was he the same character? There was actually quite a bit of TVB cross overs such as Law Ba, Long Leg Goddess, Laughing Gor.
TVB has terrible creative ideas.
I think they made reference to Ghetto Justice as well.
Yeah, Law Lik Ah, lawyer. Just to promote these fantastic bunch of TVB superheros.
10 second countdown to end of the world is way way off.
Note: TVB Awards date Dec. 19; right close to Xmas.
right before the end of the world.
Mini-review RANT on this series;
Letter grade: C+;
3.75 stars out of 5.
Ok series, but let me get of my chest….
– Ending really did suck, could have do a BBQ ending instead of end of the world.
– End of the world was really cheaply done!
– Why the hell add the “Cheer Yun” flying out @ the end? Not that funny.
– Mandy and Him couple just suck in the series up, stupid TVB script.
– Sub-theme english songs. TVB stop outsourcing to The Voice contestants, stop repeating the same crap over and over again.
– First couple episodes where its really boring.
– Why is TVB using 2 different endings?
—HK version play the Christmas theme “Let It Snow” but, the setting; there’s no holiday setting or wear thick jackets.
—DVD version did not have this theme, just the background music.
– Eliza’s acting was RAW.
– The title “巴不得媽媽…” was not a good title at all since the series was not 2 be-witch veteran actress fighting.
– Micheal?
– Mandy and Him just suck, I did say that again; Ehhh…
I want to add all the couples in this series really IMO did not really get the proper ending. So Thanks TVB for screwing it up!
How proper you want? Everybody ends up with whoever they end up with.
Except TVB use the doomsday plot and that leaves a stupid cliffhanger at the end.
There is no cliffhanger. What cliffhanger? Did I watch another series or there are 2 versions?!
There are 2 versions.
HK version: Towards the end, the news anchor counting down the doomsday with Christmas theme playing in the background.
DVD disc, Overseas TVB channels: does not have the Christmas theme playing.
The rest of it is pretty much the same.
I don’t remember christmas theme but there was the countdown and the final scene was the anchor saying Superman Lee flew away from Earth (oh I laughed so hard!!). But before that we see happy endings for all. So where is the cliffhanger?
Seriously, the ending is the worst ending ever. I think everyone would hate th ending. — It doesn’t show if mandy and him will married anot, and didn’t show if eliza and michel getting along , and etc. Really, sequel please. th whole show was like in a mess.
If TVB do a sequel, they still mess it up. Its not funny anymore… REALLY!
to tvb :please do a divas in distress special at least it will have a happier ending
I would agree they should do a happier BBQ ending but the actors and actress and the original film crews have to film other series projects, dont think they have time.
Frankly, I’m just happy that no one had to die in the series to give a “twist” ending.
Ratings: 33 point Avg / 36 point peak for the finale.