Eason Chan: “I have Been Tempted to Cheat on My Wife”

Eason Chan Yik Sun appeared in Taiwan yesterday to promote his 2011 concert. Married to Hiliary Tsui for the last four years,Eason has a four year-old daughter named Constance.
Behind the happily-married public perception, there were also difficult times in Eason and Hiliary’s marriage. In his interview, Eason admitted that he was tempted to cheat in the past. He noted that if he said he was never tempted, he would be lying. As a human being, the thought crossed his mind. However, Eason said that he was scared of the consequences and did not act upon the temptations.
Source: Tom.com
Jayne: There is a difference between temptation and actually cheating in a relationship. Eason’s comment again reminded me of Jackie Chan’s statement, “I committed a wrong-doing that men all over the world are guilty of,” when his extra-marital affair with Elaine Ng was revealed.
Wow – i expect more affairs from Jackie than just elaine ng.
Eason is hot. im going to see his concert in san fran during xmas!!! WOOT.
I’m glad he was honest about it as I’m sure every celebrity has had their temptations, whether it’s for money, fame or love. But I’m glad that he didn’t actually do it because he thought about the consequences. I wonder who the girl was-many people speculate that it was Kay Tse, but I wonder if it was someone else and they just kept it hidden very well.
At least he is honest. With a wife like that …
Anyway… Jackie is suffering from MJ syndrome. Remember the infamous “(how many plastic surgery you had?) Two”
Yeah right.
“At least he is honest. With a wife like that …”
What’s wrong with Eason’s wife?
Rumours, gossips, could be true, could be untrue but I believe them to be at least half truths.
Eason’s wife spends too much money.