Elaine Yiu Breaks Up with Boyfriend of 3 Years

Elaine Yiu‘s (姚子羚) three-year relationship with rich heir, Cheng Tsz Bong (鄭子邦), has ended in heartbreak. While 37-year-old Elaine yearned for marriage, Bong was not interested in settling down due to his playful nature. The couple agreed that it was best to separate since they did not share the same vision of the future.
The couple broke up last month. Elaine wrote on social media, “I rarely speak about my dating life online. But to prevent everyone’s false speculations, let me say it! Thanks everyone for your concern. It was our mutual decision [to break up]. Our shared experiences these few years can only be understood by us. I’m grateful for having him by my side.”
Still in good terms with Bong, Elaine said they will continue to support each other. “When a relationship is over, it doesn’t necessarily mean an end. Love can manifest in other ways. I believe that no matter what our relationship is, we will continue to watch over and bless each other.”
Finding comfort in her close friends, Elaine vacationed with Katy Kung (龔嘉欣) in Japan to enjoy the early spring flowers. Recently, Elaine met up with “The Nonsense Club” members, Nancy Wu (胡定欣), Selena Li (李施嬅), Paisley Wu (胡蓓蔚), Myolie Wu (胡杏兒), and Mandy Wong (黃智雯) to help her cope with the heartbreak.
Having experienced several breakups herself, Nancy was very understanding. “Regardless of what relationship people have, they need communication, understanding, and concern towards each other. Sometimes, the biggest help may just be our support mentally and spiritually.”
Selena, Mandy, and Paisley were very protective over Elaine during this sensitive time. When asked to comment on the breakup, the women said, “We can’t respond in place of Elaine over love matters!” They asked the media to give Elaine some space and time to heal.
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Jayne for JayneStars.com.
Who saw this coming? I did.These type of guys aren’t going to commit until their near 50’s or until they impregnate their girlfriends.
That’s better than being in a marriage that he doesn’t want to be in while having an extramarital affair.
this guy looks so young and out for fun. has a phobia for marriage.
Tbh this guy looks like a creep. How wealthy is he? Background? Curious what she saw in him. Must be the dollar signs.
Another 3 years wasted. It seems that this group have had their fair share of relationship heartbreaks, especially Elaine and Katy.
@jimmyszeto His hard to get the rich and powerful 2nd generation to settle down.
Yes. That and also this group not mixing with the right men over the years. The church goers group have all had success in finding lifetime partners.
To think about it… what you said is very true.
@jimmyszeto No wonder people always say go to church to find another half. They need to find a 2nd gen that has money and power that goes to church!
Although the wishes of the church goers group may also to find a good caring husband, they have at least been more low key and secretive. It just isn’t appealing for a guy and especially his respective family if a celebrity woman with the reputation of looking to marry into a wealthy family. Maybe not all of the ‘nonsense’ group is like that but the signals they are sending from all previous relationships does support that motive…
What’s with the shaming of the guy? No one knows the whole story.
For all we know, he could’ve said from the beginning that he didn’t want marriage but Elaine persisted in changing him. After 3 years, she finally gave up. This scenario is so common. Yet it’s Mr Cheng’s fault?
I am not saying that this is what happened, but it is plausible.
This is very true as I have seem it. One of my friends uncle was a good looking dude who you can tell is not ready to settle until 40 haha …lol…metaphor but you know what I mean. He dated this ex all thru HS & became college sweetheart and a few years after graduation but in the midst of all these years of dating he was trying to break it off w/her but the girl always went back. LOL…Yes, dude shouldn’t have grab to her too but men are jerks no? haaha So finally in his mid 30’s he settled down and had kids. I wouldn’t call him too * a guy cuz he’s a nice guy to everyone just NOT really into the girl at that time in his life. He did make it a obvious too at times but hey some women they really think they can work miracles even if the guy are not that into them they still march ahead like there is a tomorrow. Sigh… Not sure if that’s the case here but I think some women they just too love-struck probably.
these “nonsense” crew people don’t seem like good people at all. all of them have problems with men, and it seems they are all gold digging failures.
they try too hard to come off as strong and sophisticated, but the result is they look cheap and tacky because they lack the looks and the charm.
if one of them wants romantic success they should break off with their crew.
Really? I wouldn’t go that far saying they are not good people just cuz they have failed relationships? I would call it unlucky in love at most. Not everyone gets married to first loves or the 2nd or 3rd. lol….Would they all looking only for rich men to date for you to have that assumption? I have no idea who they were dating actually. The only one I remember was Moylie who dated Bosco and he’s not even rich no?
It does seem that they put a lot of emphasis in meeting a rich, decent look guy and their lives revolve around this target. The thing is, when it looks so clear that is their ambition then its a bit of a turn off for the elite guys and decreases their appeal as wife material. Selina Li seems to be the odd one out as she does have the sophisticated look and feel at times. The others in the group are quite plain and typical Hong Kong girls and if they weren’t celebrities I doubt they will be considered much more than the average looking woman.
@terrycrews19 don’t be too harsh. They don’t have a happy ending it doesnt mean they are bad people. Look before you leap.