Elaine Yiu’s Perverted Side Shocked Nancy Wu

“Sisters” Elaine Yiu (姚子羚) and Nancy Wu (胡定欣) attended the press conference for TVB’s travel show Roaming Siblings <兄弟姊妹去旅行> today. After spending over two weeks together in Switzerland, Nancy finally got to see Elaine’s wild side. She exposed Elaine often made perverted jokes with cast mates and good friends Edwin Siu (蕭正楠) and Raymond Cho (曹永廉).
Since Elaine is usually very poised when she hangs out with Nancy and the other members of the Nonsense Club, Nancy was surprised to see Elaine making rated-R comments. “She’s usually just playing away on her phone,” Nancy explained. “Sometimes we don’t even notice her. It’s only through this show that I got to know [that wild side] of her.”
Elaine defended herself and said she couldn’t help but exchange perverted comments with Raymond and Edwin, who Nancy claims are the top contenders when it comes to lewd comments. Nancy said it’s fortunate the men have their own partners or else something would’ve probably happened already.
Elaine said her wild side is brought out depending on who the other party is. “I think people just don’t see this side of Elaine that often,” she added. “Since it’s a travel show, I can show my true side, and it’s just for fun. “
However, Nancy is afraid some scenes will not be able to be broadcast due to the perverted jokes. She hopes the private clips will be kept for the actors to remember. “I didn’t expect Elaine to be really good at [making lewd remarks],” Nancy expressed.
She is only able to chime in on the topic when applicable. “If I can think of it, then I will join in!” she expressed. “But I’m not as good as Elaine.”
Reporters commented Elaine could be Crystal Fung’s (馮盈盈) friend since they both like to make rated-R comments. Nancy agreed and said Elaine could also have her own show. Elaine said, “I can consider hosting a show with Crystal.”
To celebrate Elaine’s birthday earlier this month, a cake was presented to her to at the presentation. Nancy even kissed her on the ships, showing off their sisterhood.
Source: Oncc
This article is written by MelodyC for JayneStars.com.
Ahhh a girl who can roll with the punches – definitely popular with men. These girls never have trouble finding suitors.
Yeh. Better than being like most celebrities. Behaving as if they are miss Hong Kong reincarnated. More and more will up and coming celebrities will start expressing their own minds more frequently because it’s the new trend and netizens seem to love it….
I am surprised that after so many years, Nancy is now seeing this side of Elaine. Either Elaine has been extremely good at hiding it or the group is not as close as they portray, or actually a bit of both, it’s curious.
I also support actresses being able to be more themselves and not have to worry about conforming to “ideal” standards.