Eliza Sam and Joel Chan Perform Dangerous Lion Dance

The cast of the TVB drama Triad Boss Under the Line of Fire <火線下的江湖大佬> including Eliza Sam (岑麗香) and Joel Chan (陳山聰) filmed an intense lion dance scene at TVB Studios earlier this week. The scene was about Eliza and Joel prepping up for a contest, where they would showcase a lion dance on the Plum Blossom Pole (梅花樁).
The Plum Blossom Pole is a southern lion dance that involves the dancers to frolic across the tall poles without falling, and to also perform various kung fu stunts while doing so.
Due to the difficulty and danger of the dance, Eliza and Joel were harnessed to wires. The producer also enlisted the help of a team of professional lion dancers to act as stunt doubles for the two actors, they shot the more challenging segments first before calling Eliza and Joel to the camera.
Eliza, who plays the head of the lion, had difficulty holding up the ten-pound lion head at first, but she quickly began to master it after a few more shots. She climbed on top of Joel’s shoulders with ease, and the costars ended the day’s filming feeling accomplished.
Asking if she was scared while doing the scene, Eliza said, “This isn’t my first time shooting something like this, but I was scared when I first did it. Someone had to hold onto your waist as you climb on top of your partner’s shoulders, and you also had to carry the lion head. But big brother [Joel] is very strong. There’s no exaggeration there.”
The 31-year-old had no experience in lion dancing prior to Triad Boss, but she shared that her first lion dancing watching experience was in Canada, when she was about three or four year olds. “I was scared of them. I thought the lion would eat me.”
Were Eliza and Joel concerned about sustaining any injuries? Joel confidently said, “[TVB] has done all the procedures and safety precautions. I also came on set a little earlier than scheduled so I can observe what’s going on. There were wires and stunts mats everywhere, so it was safe. I told Eliza that should she feel anything strange, toss the lion head.”
Source: Eastweek
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.