Fala Chen Denies Intention to Get Pregnant

Earlier, tabloids claimed that Fala Chen went for a medical check-up at the hospital to prepare for pregnancy. At a film promotional event yesterday, Fala denied her intention to get pregnant and intends to take legal action regarding the tabloid’s false report.
Fala said, “I am very unhappy that I was photographed secretly. I was there for a routine check-up and not for agynecological exam.” (Was Fala preparing to get pregnant?) “To prepare for pregnancy, you have to prepare many things, including being mentally and physically prepared. I am a person with planning!”
Source: Orientaldaily
Jayne: A tabloid reporter took photos of Fala vacationing in Spain with her boyfriend, Sit Sai Hang during the New Year holiday. Now they follow her to the doctor’s office. Fala’s news is seen in the tabloids everyday; she is one of TVB’s most “newsworthy” artists in 2010!
Looks like her star is rising with the amount of news that she’s been getting haha
In fact, I really like Fala. She has a certain unique beauty that makes her stand out. I hope the new year will turn out to be a productive one for her!
Iampheng, agree that Fala is one of the most beautiful actresses at TVB. Since winning 1st runner-up in MCI, she left a memorable impression upon me.
Fala will be releasing a music album this year, so she will be filming less. She is allegedly tapping into filming movies this year as well. So we will see her less at TVB.
I doubt she would want to get pregnant now as she is getting so highly promoted and reaching the height of her career. She can try to hide her marriage, but she can’t hide pregnancy no matter what unless she suddenly disappears out of the limelight, which again she would not choose to do at this point in her career.
Don’t believe she’s trying to get pregnant. In fact, I still don’t believe she’s really married.
I don’t think she wants to be pregnant so soon but there’s no harm is being a mother and still be an actress. Her husband may however feel she should be a stay at home, if she is married.
I think there is a high chances she is already married. Since dating Sit Sai Hang, Fala has never “covered-up” her romance; they seem in a very stable relationship. I think the pressure may come from the Sit family for her to have kids in the next few years if that is the case.
But if she has never felt the need to hide her romance, why would she need to hide that she’s married?
Also, isn’t Sit Sai Hang from a very upper class family? Wouldn’t they want to announce these things? And what evidence is there even? E.g with Leon, Miriam, etc. they all had marriage licenses. As far I as recall, Fala has not dating Mr. Hang that long?
@ Advo
Fala and Sit Sai Hang has dated for 4 years.
I really like Fala too. I’m impressed with her beauty. I’m with the opinion that she’s one of the most beautiful TVB actress now.
I’ve always liked Fala. Her acting is improving! Especially in Links to Temptation, she was soo pretty!!
I can’t wait for her debut album x]
Ze is gewoon een topper!!!!!
I really love Fala, she’s definitely beautiful and sharp. She stands out. Well really I don’t agree at all about this pregnancy article about her. People have to stop trying to make some random news about Fala she’s probably there just for a check up. Goodness, don’t need to make it such a big deal and spark some news about her covering things up.
I think she is one of the best looking ladies at TVB…Hey! Geez–can’t a person just go see a doctor without all the media.
Best of luck to her…I didn’t even know she was married..
She has good dimples but if the mouth is smaller, she looks better.
I find it funny how many of you are all praising her physical looks only and not really anything else. I think Fala is currently one of the best looking TVB actresses too. However, if she wants to be successful and survive then she will have to have more than that…
Her accent is a problem for me. Sometimes I can’t understand what she’s saying. And like the minority in here I frankly don’t find her THAT amazing.
Good, so I’m not the only one who thinks she’s not that perfect!
I find her accent distracting, her beauty not incredible, and her acting not well-developed, certainly not worthy of gaining awards (which TVB does anyway because they want to promote her).
I do appreciate that she wears clothes well, and tends to choose apparel that suits her.
fala chen has her reputation and idol status to protect so there’s your reason for why she would want to hide her marriage. tvb plays a part too. they want to market her to advertisers, dont want her popularity to go down with the male fans. that’s just logical, but some zealous fans cant think outside their comfort zone when it comes to their little idols.
Well, sooner or later people will find out so I don’t see what is the point of her trying to hide it.At least she is not hiding the fact that she has a boyfriend. Since everyone already knows she has a boyfriend, so she will have to get married sooner or later(if she has not already).
Wouldn’t the same reasons for hiding her marriage, apply to hiding her boyfriend? Which she hasn’t done?
That’s why there are so many “underground relationships” in TVB, right?
I’m inclined to think that Fala may already be married. It’s probably TVB that disallows her from announcing it, as it could be a strategy to keep people speculating about her marital status so that she will continue to make the news. After all, TVB is trying very hard to
I’m inclined to think that Fala may already be married. It’s probably TVB that disallows her from announcing it, as it could be a strategy to keep people speculating about her marital status so that she will continue to make the news. After all, TVB is trying very hard to promote Fala now.
When I think that her acting has lots of room for improvement, I agree that she’s one of the most beautiful actresses in TVB now. In fact, I can’t think of anyone more attractive than Fala, afte Gigi Lai left.
i dont find her beautiful, she has a flat and short angular face. the acting isnt impressive either, she has the same attitude and look in every drama, like she sniffed a stank smell under her nose and it never goes away. she was hilarious though when she had no rhythm or rhyme when she moved on the dance floor in her club scenes. i give her the D stamp. barely passing and testament to TVB and some peeps low standards. she’s a faker at most.
Then who would you think is beautiful and meets the tvb standards? I’m rather curious.
I agree, Fala has become one of my favourite artistes, not because of her acting, but because of her personality and physical looks. Now that she’s so popular, she has been getting alot of interviews as well.. get to know her a lot more as a audience.
Maybe the marriage is possible, but it’s still hard to believe that she is married, she so young! and many artistes at her age these days aren’t even married. I know everyone is different but still! Maybe because of her looks, she seems really young, and has more time to mature and stuff.
But I don’t think the pregnancy is true… She still has so many work ahead of her, why would she be pregnant now? It would be so stupid. She also said that she’s taking Legal Actions about this false report. LEGAL. If it was real, now why would she waste money and time doing that.. and not just ignore it. The media crossed the line. And wow, something like going to the doctor is so personal… I would be really mad too.
Just because she is taking legal action doesn’t make a gossip false. It is a warning because she has a public image and speculations may be hurting her public image.
If she is married why is it so hard to find proof? Married legally or married ceremonially? You know chinese differentiate these two.
And my advice to her is to just ignore the gossip. Threatening to sue and to sue over such a trivial gossip (not even alleging she is taking drugs, or immoral because pregnant before marriage or giving birth to take bigger share in husband’s wealth, etc)will only make her such a sensitive person. If I were the reporter, the more she wants to sue, the more I will dig. It is counter productive, until something worth suing.
I think she’d better go out with Sit siuye more and more. That’s enough to end all the rumour. Ignore the reporters.
I think Fala is good as a Supporting actress. She played the best role in Moonlight Renaissance as a youngest daughter and mute.
As for TVB to promote her as a leading actress it was a disaster. She is not up to par yet. OMG! Link to Temptation is a disaster whenever she is in it. No emotion and very stiff whenever she acts with Steven Ma.
It is a big change when playing as his sister to be his lover. No chemistry between those two what so ever. I feel sorry for Steven. He had tried his hardest but still they didn’t click….
She does have a pretty face don’t get me wrong but she is definite not a good actress when taking on a bigger role. She was a totally bored and not necessary in the No Regrets series and now I seen her in Links to Temptation….
She only doing good if she just taking a support role with less screen time then she is doing just fine.
I too am def a minority here when I say I don’t think her beauty is THAT outstanding. She’s def. a pretty face, but not much better than all the other tvb actresses. The only role I liked her in was moonlight resonance and that was because she was mute… something about her voice is terribly annoying. Her leading lady debut was horrible in Links to Temptations!
I think the prettiest tvb actress is… or was gigi lai.
Her voice is annoying because she recites her lines as though she’s acting in some children’s play “Oh, the world is so beautiful! Oh, why are these people so bad?”. That’s why I don’t even like her in MR. Well, I guess the scriptwriter has some responsibility in this, but I’m sure the tone in which the actors/actresses use can make a huge difference.
And I agree that Gigi Lai was one of the most beautiful tvb actresses. So was Anita Yuen in her younger days.
agreed. fala chen doesnt have the x-factor look, it can in no way compare on the same level as gigi lai.