Fala Chen Hits 7-Year Itch in Career

The Chinese media reported that Fala Chen (陈法拉) felt that she has not been given the right roles to help her win the TVB Best Actress and My Favorite Female Character awards. After 7 years in the entertainment industry, Fala does not seem to have the same winning luck as the other TVB fadans, such as Tavia Yeung (楊怡), Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) and Kate Tsui (徐子珊).
7-Year Itch
It has not been an easy start for Fala. Even though Fala had won Best Supporting Actress for her role as the detestable Karmen in Steps <舞動全城>, she was not readily accepted by viewers. It was only in 2008 when she played the affable Wing in Moonlight Resonance <溏心風暴之家好月圓> that the audience started to view her differently.
However, after 7 years, Fala has grown weary. No longer knowing if she is making any progress in her work, she feels it is time to “detox” from her work and either go away on a break or pick up outside of acting.
Efforts in Vain
Despite having her fair share of nominations for awards such as the TV Queen and My Favorite Female Character, Fala has yet to win either. She lamented, “To create an award-winning role depends on many factors. Not only is the role itself important, the way the director films you is important too. Good team members, good costars and good scripts will also add up to its success, creating the impression that you are a good actor. Hence, the problem does not lie in me alone.”
To stress her point, Fala added, “You’re lucky when a good role lands on you. If you’re unlucky, no matter how much work you put in is useless.”
Despite this, Fala still hopes to be able to win an award through her role as Holly Ho in Triumph in the Skies 2 <冲上云霄2>. Growing up in Britain, Holly lacks direction in her life until she meets Francis Ng (吴镇宇) and falls in love with aviation. Consequently, she becomes a pilot. Since Fala was not part of the first installment of Triumph in the Skies, she said it was not easy to prepare for her role.
Fala’s Manager Fires Back
After the Chinese media published Fala’s interview, Fala’s TVB manager, Cindy claimed that Fala’s words were distorted in the article. The article had implied that Fala felt that she has not ascended to be an award-worthy actress due to lacking luck. Cindy was present on the day of Fala’s interview and felt that the published account misrepresented her spoken words.
Cindy wrote on Weibo, “After reading the report, I was very upset and heartbroken. Why did they change what the artist’s original words were, to make her become the target of attacks. I was also present on the day of the interview and heard Fala say, ‘An artist’s award-winning performance is not due to one’s sole credit; there are many factors. The majority of it is due to the teamwork of everyone, including the director, the scriptwriter, and artists. However, the award-winning artist when put under the halo, will luckily earn the sole praise. Actually this is not very fair. If I can be nominated for my performance in Triumph in the Skies 2, that would be great.'”
Cindy further added that Fala cherished the opportunities given to her by TVB and that she did not lament lacking luck in her acting career.
Note: This article was revised on February 26, 2013 at 12:19 PM to reflect Fala Chen’s manager’s response on the misrepresentation of Fala’s spoken words in the original interview.
This article is written by Karen for JayneStars.com.
nah, she has a lot of luck. She is okay but to get an award she needs to work harder
To stress her point, Fala added, “You’re lucky when a good role lands on you. If you’re unlucky, no matter how much work you put in is useless.”
Totally agree with her. If you want to get TV King/Queen awards, you need every single bit of the above. Just good acting will not always work. It is, in fact, that you just act your best in such a role and in such an award-winning drama series. Most of the time, the award-winning character is already custom-made for you (like Lau Sing for Wayne Lai and Cheng Gou Mui for Sheren Tang). Wayne and Sheren might not win TV King and TV Queen awards so easily if they were cast in other poorly-written characters.
Good luck is the top 1 requirement for any artiste.
I agree that winning depends on a lot of factors, among them, luck. But I disagree that she has not already been very lucky in her career.
Luck is still No. 1 requirement for an artiste to win an award. If he/she does not have that kind of luck, he/she will not be given that kind of role. Of course, good and convincing acting is important to help an artiste showcase his/her best performance.
i kind of agree with sandcherry…like 2012..TVB already make the script for Tavia and prepare her to win TV queen, like 2011 TVB already make the script for Myolie and prepare her to win TV queen…I know Tavia and Myolie also work very hard…but also need TVB to give them the main role in anni drama to win TV queen title…
You are exactly right. If the character is not an award-winning role and the drama series is not a big production, the chance for a fadan to win TV Queen is super slim. I personally don’t quite believe that the public voting was 100% transparent.
I completely agree with Advo.
You’re point lacks one thing. Actors and actress get these roles based on their own skills that the directors think that can perform this character to the best of their abilities, not only for themselves but for the drama.
SO your point is invalid sandcherry.
It’s not about luck but about skills and experience.
and honestly beside Fala hot body, pretty good acting skills, she still does not have what it takes to win the award because of how she can’t speak chinese without an accent. Her accent just ruins the drama a little bit like when she was in the cop show with laughing gor. Her character was to be presented as a leader. In my opinion, she lack that and I found it was because of how she articulated her words.
You forgot one point ……….. the desire of TVB Senior Management. They are usually the ones to make the final decision. Producers just follow their decisions/orders to promote the artistes that they (Senior Management) have in mind. For example, if TVB wants to promote Myolie Wu more in 2013, their top producers would have to give “glamorous and standout roles to Myolie, e.g. instead of the usual cast – Sheren Tang. Sheren Tang is only a per-series artiste, why should TVB promote her? Plus rumours say that Sheren Tang may join HKTV soon.
@ AL
And Fala’s character in Triumph is also “custom-made” for her. So was her character in NR. Fala has had tailored characters in the pasts. Frankly, I don’t think people should put that much weight on “tailored” characters since I often find them very lacklustre. They are usually tailored to an actress’ strengths – see Tavia/Linda and all their sob characters. But actors should be challenged! That’s how they grow and develop their skills.
@ boobooo
*rolling my eyes* at people who can’t get over accented Cantonese. Fala’s Canto might not be as fluent as a native HKer but if you can understand her it’s perfectly fine. We are not talking Christine-levels so people should get over it! I did find Fala’s acting lacking in the Laughing drama, but her accent was the least of her problems. I find it lol-worthy that you claim her accent was what made you find her unbelievable as a leader. So what, only native HKers or people with absolutely fluency can be leaders in HK?
Exactly. Please dont blame the luck. She is highly promoted by TVB. I think she is very pretty, but her personality I dont know. It doesnt seem too nice, dont blame others for not getting an awards.
I read the whole article as self-entitled ranting. The thing is she is already highly promoted. Yet she doesn’t really shine or show much range. I’ve seen my fair share of Fala series and her problem is she is either overshadowed or she relies on her partner too much to carry the show and chemistry. Just the fact that there is no standout coupling with her and any other male collaborator is indicative.
I agree and have seen her act in many series already and on’t feel that it is the luck. She is already very lucky compared to many other artists, but here she whining and blaming it on the luck. I guess some people are greedy and never seem to be satisfied with anything…
oops meant to say “don’t”…
I like her a lot better when she is supporting actress, main support, don’t really care for the drama she leads in, seem a bit boring?
I feel the same way about all the current fa dans.
She’s been a lot luckier than many of her peers since she’s won Best Supporting actress twice! She’s also been in a lot of the grand productions, so she’s been give a lot of opportunities as well. 7 years is not long compared to Myolie and Tavia who have been working 10+ years before they received the Best Actress award.
Acting wise, I think there’s still a lot she can improve on. She has star quality, but she’s not able to fully immerse herself in a role.
very true.
She is only working for 7 years and is whining already. I guess she forgot about Wayne who has worked 20+ years to get to where he is now and Wilson Tsui who worked for 30+ years to get noticed. She is already so lucky and is complaining. What about the others that are still struggling??? I guess she does not think of the other supporting actors and actresses who have to take odd jobs to make ends meet. It feels like she just lives in her own little world and does not think of others less fortunate.
she thinks too highly of herself. it took TVB’s current leading actresses 10 + yrs. Fala is at best a D actor. maybe another 20 yrs if you’re lucky.
so true. Okay so when she gets the Best Actress award in the future, can she say that oh so finally I am lucky enough even though I know that I am still a so so above average actress. So my awards solely based on my luck. Yeah right she would say she deserve it.
Again not hating her. She is very pretty have to say.
Agree and she is already so highly promoted, given many opportunities,etc.. compared to many others and is still whining. I guess some people can never be satisfied and just want and want…
I agree. She doesn’t shine for me, not outstanding and I feel like I don’t connect with her characters. Don’t know how to pinpoint it, there’s just something off about her characters & her.
Not sure what she means. Aside from Kate, the others have been in the industry longer than her. It’s true that winning any award is a combination of script, direction and acting – and Kate was lucky in this regard last year. However, both times Fala received Best Supporting, TVB made considerable efforts to “help” and she did not deserve award for NR.
Furthermore, comparing her to other long-suffering supporting actors, she has already been very lucky!
You cannot change your luck so there is no use complaining about. You can only work towards improving yourself.
I do agree with her in two things, she gained popularity after her character in MR and her acting has started to stagnant. The latter unfortunately, seem very standard for all TVB fa dans and siu sangs, probably due to being overworked.
I found that most readers visiting this website don’t like Fala Chen. They always criticize her badly about her poor and bland acting, about her relationship with her boyfriend, her attitudes and behaviour, etc.
On the other hand, there are lots of fans of Tavia Yeung, Linda Chung, Myolie Wu and Kate Tzui. Personally I don’t think the acting of these four fadans is any better than Fala Chan’s. Fala’s only drawback is her not-yet-perfect Cantonese, but she is the prettiest fadan among the top five.
Also Fala Chen had to work the hardest due to her language/dialect barrier. Her Cantonese is considered the best among all the Mandarin-speaking actresses.
She went to the US when she was 13,14? Dont get me wrong but come on Cantonese (or perhaps Mandarin?) still her first language. Its not like she was born in the US or was there when she was under 5 or 6. How hard could it be? And didnt she use her first language when she talks to her family at home?
Fala immigrated to the States from Chengdu, Sichuan, with her family at the age of 14. Her family speak Putunghua and not Cantonese. She lived in Georgia and probably there were not that many Cantonese-speaking Chinese there. She learned Cantonese in Hong Kong only. .
agree that her command of Cantonese has gotta be the best among the rest of the Mandarin speaking actresses. She strikes me as an intelligent person who knows what she is doing. Probably smarter than rest of the fadans.
It’s worth to note that changing from Mandarin to Cantonese and vice versa isn’t easy at all. Ppl often think: Oh it’s all Chinese, can change easily. No, it isn’t that easy. It’s like 2 different languages. Even the grammar is different. The usage of words are also different. So to Fala, learning Cantonese in HK is like a start for a new language and she only started 7 years ago.
You are right. I speak fluent Cantonese, but can’t say a whole sentence in Mandarin. It is like a new language (though it is only a different dialect) to me. It is not easy to learn to speak fluent Cantonese or Mandarin. Cantonese is very harsh in sound, while Mandarin is quite soft.
Most readers here don’t like any of the top 5 fadans. The higher they are, the more criticisms they get. I’m going to disagree about her acting and say that right now, the other four fadans are much better than her. Also, Linda had a language barrier as well since she didn’t know how to read chinese. I will agree and say that she is probably the prettiest.
I agree if its harder for Linda with the language cause she was born in canada. Fala chen not so much.
Linda Chung speaks Cantonese at home, and she can understand some Chinese. Agree, it was also hard for Linda to learn and speak Cantonese. It is always hard for those MCI winners to learn Cantonese if they were not born and raised in Hong Kong.
Linda only doesn’t know how to read but she can speak as she grew up with Cantonese (and English). Fala faced the problem with Cantonese because she has Mando base, but not Linda.
I usual watched sub or dub version of drama series, so I don’t usually pay attention to how one speak, if I watched a subbed version, obviously I can pick how well they deliver the line emotionally, but not how well the pronounce or speak canto. So saying she doesn’t have a lot of love due to her language barrier isn’t that accurate. Lots of us want a whole package, been on this website, I know a lot of ppls dislike tavia, but everytimes I watch her drama, she act it so well, that I can’t hate that girl. Fala hasn’t dazzle me yet, I give her chance now n then, but she has fail so far, the only time when she manage a bit of love from me is when she was supporting character.
Fala’s manager, Cindy, complaints that this piece of news article has distorted Fala’s words. http://www.weibo.com/1686300145/zkvlREED0
[I was very angry and upset after reading this article, why distort the original expression of the artist, consequently causing her to suffer accusations from all fronts. I recall I was also present during the interview and heard Fala said this:
Actors winning an award is not solely based on one person’s effort but rather based on a collective of factors; in most part, their win needs the cooperation of an entire team including the director’s, script’s, and cast’s etc.. But under the limelight, the award-winning actor is so lucky as to take all the credits; that is truly unfair…
Unlike what was being reported as (her) lacking luck. The company has already given Fala many opportunities, for which she is very grateful and cherishes each and every opportunity.]
So, guess the reporter has twisted Fala’s words.
The reporter must be one of Fala’s anti-fans.
Was she the same reporter who wrote about Fala Chan’s lateness in filming “Triumph in the Skies 2” in England? She seemed to have the same approach and opinion about Fala Chan’s attitudes and acting! She must be Fala’s anti-fans.
Being a (good) reporter, he/she should write exactly what the artistes said at the interviews without adding his/her own personal opinions.
Thanks for your corrections. There is always something “not accurate” with the reporter or translator in writing the article. Luckily some smart people, like you, can read the article in Chinese and translate it to English correctly.
We are so lucky to have you around.
I can read Chinese, but I always rely on the articles posted on this website. I should start reading the original source from time to time.
Thank you for sharing! Hopefully everyone will get a glimpse at this and the misunderstanding will be cleared. If Fala does have any bad luck, it would be with the original reporter who wrote the article. Reporters should stop trying so hard to “juice” things up and just report everything as they are.
It’s kind of common to reporters to do so now. More controversy, better sale.
Some of the reporters are biased, too.
I’m not surprised to learn that the reporter twisted her words once again. I found the translated article, not very characteristic of Fala whom I find far too intelligent to say out loud even if she as thinking it (that she had not been lucky in TVB).
It’s sad that Fala’s attempt at giving credit to other people – the cast and crew behind an award-winning actor – becomes more ammunition to tarnish her reputation.
Thanks Clamine for clarifying!
Thanks for pointing out Fala’s manager’s response. I have updated the article to provide her response on the matter and allow fans to read both accounts.
When I was reading the translation, as in this article, I didn’t quite believe Fala would speak so openly especially in such manner.
Clamine, thank you for proving my doubts to be correct.
I saw an interview in English, and what she said totally different with this article.
honestly, I like her more than Tavia Yeung (楊怡), Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) and Kate Tsui (徐子珊). I think luck and chance is important. TVB did not give her a very special role like it gave to Tavia, Myolie or Kate…there maybe a lot of reason…only TVB management would know!
TVB did not give her a very special role like it gave to Tavia, Myolie or Kate…there maybe a lot of reason…only TVB management would know!
Ha ha….. I like your comments! You are absolutely right that only TVB management would know the real reason.
Personally I find the top fadans now aren’t comparable to the previous ones like Ada, Flora, etc. But part of the problem lies within the script and not so much with the acting. Back 10-15 years ago the scripts and story made much more sense and gave the series “life”, whereas now the series are rather “meh”.
Not only the series, but I think management has a lot to do with it. God knows what goes on in the internal offices of TVB. Back then, actresses and actors were push forward more due to how well received they were by the public, now the public doesn’t even seem to do much. It’s all the internal struggles going on within management. Everyone is split into favorites or ‘teams’. People don’t work had for their roles, rather they use other tactics i.e. sucking up, playing teacher’s pet etc etc. Well, that’s only how I see TVB’s management.
Totally agree ever since TVB has Virginia Lok.
It has more to do with TVB big promotions than really good and outstanding acting. If a drama series has low viewership ratings, the artistes do not have much a chance to win big awards unless it is TVB’s decision.
Exactly. If we think the current 5 fadans is mediocre at best, I wonder what the future is going to be like?
I actually like Candy Chang. In THC, she had trouble speaking her lines probably due to the accent but if you were to mute her scenes, ‘acting’ wise…she’s pretty good.
Agree. Ada, kenix, flora, Jessica, nnadia etc. were the best fadans, I think I watched all their series. Each one had a unique acting style that pulls the audience in unlike todays…went down ever since. I have no favorites and successfully finished one tvb series last year only, no marathon watching and not addicted anymore.
Noel Leung, that girl can cry. LOL. I will never forget the way she cried in that series with Deric Wan. You pitied her and pitied her and you wish you could have done something to stop her from crying. It was too realistic.
Totally agree! Ppl these days are saying how Kate, Fala, and Myolie can act, but I’m like “um…no. They still have a lot to improve on.”
None of the top 5 fadans is good in acting. They are okay, but not great vs. the older ones such as Sheren Tang, Ada Choi, Kenix Kwok, Gigi Lai, Maggie Cheung (she was not good in “The Last Steep Ascent”), Charmaine Sheh, etc,
I miss Gigi, pls come back T_T I had kinda grown tired of Ada, used to love her, but she got really annoying with her roles, tired of Maggie as well >_< I like kenix and sheren, but most of all, Gigi :p
Sheren is in a category for herself. Not even the 90s fa dans are at her level, because even they can have off moments. And I never found Gigi Lai anything but a pretty face. Her acting was horrible and on par with Linda Chung.
have to agree with you. gigi the most beautiful actress but not so good in acting.
“Sheren is in a category for herself. Not even the 90s fa dans are at her level, because even they can have off moments.”
Everyone has a different list of 90s fa dans that they like. I doubt that there were any actresses good in all the different categories – comedy, wuxia, modern etc.
Sheren had her “off moments” too at the beginning of her career, but she was awesome in Rosy Business 2. In HSDS, I thought that her portrayal of Zhou Zhirou wasn’t ruthless enough, after reading through Jin Yong novels and the list goes on.
I agree that a lot of problems lie in scripts. However, I also don’t think the current fa dans were “nurtured” enough. By nurture, I don’t mean being coddled by TVB. In fact, the opposite. A lot of them went from cameos to big supporting roles to leading in very short time spans. Actors need to be challenged, and work their way up like everyone else. Especially when the scripts are so weak nowadays.
I personally liked Fala Chen’s acting. She is like Ruco Chan who can act both evil and good characters. In Steps, she portrayed as an evil character and it just made me hate the role.. I think it’s time for TVB to recognize her as well.. instead of focusing on the new actresses that don’t really deserve it yet. TVB should create “equal” opportunities instead of favouring one actress over another. At some point of their acting career, they should be recognized since each actor/actress has their own acting barriers, pros and cons. For me, out of the newcomers, I really liked Crystal Li’s acting the most as well as Eliza Sam and Oceane Zhu
But of course TVB’s adminstration department is always “fighting” or has disagreements which leads to unfair treatments of most actors who deserves the recognition.
It’s funny because I thought Fala did very well in “villain” characters. Although, her image became better after MR, her roles got a lot less challenging and as a consequence, I found her acting stagnating more and more. What Fala (and all the current fa dans) need are layered, complex roles over the bland, one-note goody-goody mary sue roles. It’s not a coincidence that both Kate’s characters in LOO and HAL were complex and tragic.
so true villian characters fit her well.
Fala has more luck than many other TVB actresses like Nancy Wu, who is still stuck playing supporting roles and having random guest roles here and there. Fala’s acting career actually took off really quickly post-MCI, perhaps even a bit too fast for my liking at first. I warmed up to her acting in Moonlight Resonance and thought her performance was Most Improved Actress-worthy. Although she won Best Supporting Actress in Steps, I must admit that she was still very raw at the time and was not even worthy of a Most Improved nomination that year. IMO, she was the only actress to win Best Supporting twice and rather early in her career. Many veterans had to be in the industry 10+ (Sharon and Nancy) years to be given that accolade. She won her Best Supporting Actress award within the first three years she entered the industry?
That said, I do think Fala has greater aspirations in the acting industry and wants to aim higher for the Best Actress award. We cannot blame her for that as all the top fadans has that ambition as well. However, I was a bit surprised to read this article and how much she admitted in the interview. Luck is important, but so is hard work. Fala entered the industry in 2005-06 and has not been in the industry as long as Myolie and Tavia so she shouldn’t be so quick to jump to conclusions that she isn’t lucky and hasn’t won the Best Actress title yet. I do believe that in time, she will have her chance if she does not give up on what she’s doing.
I hope her role in TITS 2 will be refreshing as she hasn’t been getting interesting roles for a few years now. I believe my last memorable performance of hers was in In the Eye of a Beholder w/ Moses and Myolie.
I agree with what you have said.
I agree with everything you said, although Clamine has clarified that Fala did not actually said she deserved more “luck”. I
Fala sounds so self centered and ungrateful. There are many artistes who struggled more than her promoted self and she has only been in the industry for 7 years.
I found myolie’s role in triumph2 more interesting. we never have a female plane mechanic role yet in tvb.
Did you look passed Clamine’s post?
I don’t think some are basing it just on this article,but on others and things they know about Fala. I personally don’t like her much but don’t hate her either. Her acting is ok, but not that great just like any of the fa dans of today…
I am positive people are bashing her more due to the twisted wording of the reporter. In the original she did not say anything about not having luck on her side.She simply said a success of an actress depends on a lot of things I.e. excellent script, excellent co workers etc etc. The writer gave her an ungrateful and self centered tone which was clearly not the case.
It is one thing to call out a celebrity for saying things she isnt suppose to say but the fact is…she didnt. So that is why I said to look at clamine’s post as the original is there. Making judgments due to what one actually said can be understandable. She said this. Okay I will think of you like that. But the thing is…she didnt. We cant stop people from being harsh but we can try to make them be fair, at the very least.
@ Crystal
I think you will find detractors of all the current fa dans on Jayne’s site and I don’t think Fala has more haters than others. In Fala’s case, people just love to believe she’s arrogant and rude so they jump to any news that can confirm it and ignores it if it’s denied.
I don’t know what she’s talking about. She has way more luck than a lot of people. TVB also gave her two supporting actress awards. Seems rather ungrateful to not mention it at all. Many other actresses deserved it more than her.
Myolie and Tavia has been in the industry a little longer than Fala. And they portrayed many different types of roles compared to Fala. Also, she still needs to work on her Cantonese. I remembered watching her in Heart and Diamonds (?), and I couldn’t finish the dam thing.
I have to disagree. Fala/Kate actually did more types of roles than the other 3. Myolie is getting back to track with more kind of roles while the rest stayed in their safe zone and feel proud of themselves.
Fala has done different types in the past, but she’s been stuck in bland, “heroine” mary sue-esque roles since MR. I actually thought her portrayal of a professional working woman in Catch Me Now was far better written and acted than LOO.
Agree that Kate has gotten more interesting tragic roles lately, and she has been rewarded for them. The audience is finally taking to her. That’s why I say getting “tailored” roles is useless. Actors needs to be challenged, not coddled.
”No to ‘pill-lots’ who can’t fly a paper plane, A female pilot in uniform isn’t unusual or is it as Fala is in uniform. To much romance is a health hazard to acting or flying high and low.”
It’s one thing to complain if you have acting talent but it’s a whole other when you’re Fala and you’re acting isn’t worthy of an award yet. On top of being in the industry for a mere seven years. That’s nothing. She’s pretty and fashion sense is elegant but her personality is no where near elegance.
Agree! Yes luck, a good script, and the audience’s reception all matter, but you can have all that but you won’t succeed if you can’t act. And Fala’s acting is mediocre at best. Tbh, I don’t even think she’s all that pretty.
Pretty or not ……. it is very subjective.
Fala Chen is not the best actress for sure as there are many better ones in TVB. However, Fala is also not the worst one among the top 5 fadans, but she definitely is the prettiest one to me.
I feel there is a need to do this:
clamine says:
February 25, 2013 at 5:17 pm
Fala’s manager, Cindy, complaints that this piece of news article has distorted Fala’s words.
[I was very angry and upset after reading this article, why distort the original expression of the artist, consequently causing her to suffer accusations from all fronts. I recall I was also present during the interview and heard Fala said this:
Actors winning an award is not solely based on one person’s effort but rather based on a collective of factors; in most part, their win needs the cooperation of an entire team including the director’s, script’s, and cast’s etc.. But under the limelight, the award-winning actor is so lucky as to take all the credits; that is truly unfair…
Unlike what was being reported as (her) lacking luck. The company has already given Fala many opportunities, for which she is very grateful and cherishes each and every opportunity.]
So, guess the reporter has twisted Fala’s words.
I think you don’t have to do this cause people don’t like her whether she good or not!
I like most of Fala’s interview: straight forward, polite and cute.
Anyway, her acting still need to improve though. It’s so soon for her to win BA.
Lol. I know people will still have their own opinions on Fala, as everyone always does. But at least they can focus on complaining or disagreeing with Fala’s actual words and not what reporter’s twisted words. I mean, you can criticize, but it wouldn’t hurt to be fair? It would really suck to have all this hate for something she clearly did not say.
“her acting still needs to improve though. It’s so soon for her to win BA”
Agree. This should also apply to any of the top 5 fadans. Myolie Wu and Tavia Yeung got the Best Actress Awards not because of their outstanding acting, it was just about time for them to get it due to their seniority among the top 5 fadans ……. length of serivce, not senior in acting.
Don’t get upset. People are always like that here. Most of them are rather subjective as to artistes’ looks, acting, personalities, behaviours, etc.
There are many big fans here adoring their idols.
As for myself, I never have any idols. I only go for acting and maybe looks and personalities.
I’m not upset. Just when I think about it, I would not like people trashing on me for something someone else made up. So I thought I try and reason and hopefully someone would take a step back and focus on was actually said. Oh well, I tried!
Sometimes it is hard to read all the new comments. People usually just jump into their conclusions after reading the article and a few of the posts already submitted. It takes time to read every single post and in its order.
Not only that but it is always easier to make judgments so fast that no one takes the time to think it over.
I mean if one actually took the time to think what was being said in this article, it doesnt even sound right that fala would be so vocal about what she said I.e. the whole luck thing and that everything isnt her problem as reported in this article. I mean, still sticking to this particular article, she said she hasnt won any awards which means she knows she isnt an all time favorite which also means she clearly isnt in the position to say whatever she pleases. Pretty sure she is not stupid enough to say it in such a way that would cause tvb to immediately fire her or demote her..
But yeah, like we both concluded, human beings will always impulsively dive in without thinking about how deep the pool is. Lol.
aww… man thanks for posting this.
I feel bad about what I just said.
That reporter sucks!
Fala can try her “luck” in China and possibly make it big and become a household name. Then maybe TVB will give Fala more scripts to choose from and possibly get a breakout role landing her the coveted TVB Best Actress award which I think is too over-rated. If it was Best Actress in Asia or something like that, then that would be something. Being a big fish in a small pond is nothing if you can be a big fish in a big pond.
Half luck, mostly skill. There are some rubbish roles but a good actor can make justice to the role.
Do you think it was Wayne Lai’s super acting skill to make Li Lianying successful in “The Confidant” or TVB’s big promotion?
Ruco Chan and Nancy Wu are very good in their acting skills. Could they make their stupid and villainous roles justified for Best Supporting Awards? I doubt it.
It was Wayne’s skill that makes Li Lianying bearable. Another actor would have made Li Lianying a wuss.
I am for one feels Nancy Wu not that great as everyone proclaims her to be. She is serviceable, an asset to any character she plays but hardly anything groundbreaking. Even as a good guy, she has that permanent sneer on her face.
I am beginning to appreciate Ruco but not yet worshipping him.
A role if well written is a great role. But it won’t be a classic is it is not well directed, well edited and especially well acted.
Well said funn :-).
A role if well written is a great role. But it won’t be a classic is it is not well directed, well edited and especially well acted.
Agree totally. However, not every artiste has a chance to act a classic role unless he/she is highly promoted by TVB. Typical examples: Wayne Lai, Myolie Wu, Tavia Yeung and Kate Tsui had that kind of chance to act classic roles and, as a result, they could shine in them and won big awards. Despite the good acting of Nancy Wu and Ruco Chan, they haven’t got this chance yet to showcase their acting in classic roles (well written, well directed, well edited and backed up fully by a fantastic script and team). No matter how good they are, they will not shine outstandingly in a drama series.
In fact, Nancy Wu had one “classic” role, i.e. the deaf and mute girl in “Gloves Come Off”, and she won the Best Supporting Actress in her character. Therefore, an artiste does need a classic role to shine whether or not he/she acts well.
Sounds like Fala Chen might want Michelle Ye’s career…
Both Fala Chen and Michelle Ye are very intelligent and smart artistes from the States. Both of them were university graduates and majored in Business Administration. Good comparisons!
Michelle Ye use to go to the same high school as some of my peers. She is intelligent alright. Academically and socially.
I can’t believe she thinks that she is lacking in luck! She’s already pretty lucky in comparison to other actresses for her poor acting skills. I mean her acting isn’t bad, but she doesn’t know how to portray her roles and her roles don’t stand out. I still remember her crying scene in the series with laughing Gor where she kept crying for being intimidated by gun shots. I was so annoyed by that scene. That scene was even shown during the award night when she was nominated as best actress which made it more annoying.
haha true
Doesn’t matter which article you read because if you read between the lines…she does sound like she’s complaining. However, she did it in a very smart way unlike Nancy Wu’s “why not me speech”.
Tbh, even if she was given a good role I don’t think her acting is good enough to win BA.
If you read between the lines???
I’m curious as to how you came to that conclusion? In one version, she’s painting the picture of her being unlucky in the industry – clearly not true given her relative quick rise and having already won several awards.
In the other version, not only is she NOT complaining about lack of luck. Instead she is rightfully trying to give credit to the many people behind a award-winning character – from supporting cast and crew to scriptwriter and director. Yet you you think if you read between the lines, she is still complaining. LMAO!
Every year, the TVB awards give awards for acting. Compare to the Oscars where awards are given for scriptwriting – adapted and original, sound and film editing, direction, etc. etc. and yet you will still find that many people do no receive credit for the work they put into the movie. People will only remember the actor. And then tell me once again, how Fala trying to give credit to people behind the scenes is a cry for attention?
TBH, neither Myolie or Tavia’s acting were good enough for their BA wins so I’m sure the audience will get over it when and if Fala undeservingly win hers.
I don’t even think what Nancy said was bad. She was self-reflecting, “is it my problem?” I don’t know how it turned out to obnoxious, wailing “why not me speech”.
As for Fala, her manager clarified it. And I think the manager did a pretty good job.
And yes, Fala is not quite there for the BA award. However, is anyone ever ready for those awards in TVB right now? …Lol
” However, is anyone ever ready for those awards in TVB right now?”
If you take into account the not promoted secondary actresses I will say yes.
You are quite quick. But I was referring to the first line or the highly promoted as TVB probably will have those secondary actresses as second. The number 2, so close to number 1 yet so far away.
Have no likes or dislike for Fala Chen. Just another actress from TVB who DOES HAVE LUCK more than anything else.
tsk tsk, fala is so ignorant, doesn’t she know that the serpent.. is the devil in the bible?
credit info to baidu tvb bar
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvkS0Me6Z6Y
Video probably part of the interview (English) above?
Fala says she was lucky enough to be given so many opportunities.[..] And she thinks she is very lucky. That she wants to take all these great things that were given to her and for her to work well on it.
correction: That she wants to take all these great things that are given to her and to do well on them.
well, I adore Fala & Tavia’s sisterhood MOSTLY! Fala is really pretty
Fala & Tavia’s sisterhood
What does it mean? Are they very good friends, like sisters? I don’t think they are close friends.
I don’t know about how ‘sisterly’ Fala and Tavia are off screen but on screen…wow. Lol… I remember when they were in MR together, the scenes they shared, they’re beautiful.
Off screen, they are just Steven Ma’s sisters. I think Tavia is closer to Sharon. Correct me if I’m wrong.