Fala Chen Learns from Past Mistakes

Although Fala Chen (陳法拉) is currently studying in New York, last week’s back baring episode in Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雪霄II> is still the hottest topic right now. Online forums are filled with messages about Fala’s daring scene despite it being cut from the Hong Kong version of Triumph in the Skies 2. Fala revealed that she had to surpass a lot of her personal and psychological barriers to muster courage for this scene.

Preparation is Key

Even though the most daring footage was cut out from the Hong Kong version, Fala does not think it is a waste because the overseas market is completely different from Hong Kong’s. “As an artist, it’s impossible to cater to the preferences of viewers; some will like a particular scene while others will hate it. However, even so, I still have to perform my best. It’s a good thing that the producers and production team is so experienced. Because of this, I had the confidence that the episode and the series as a whole will be fantastic. And right now, I’m very happy about the overall ratings!”

Fala continues to praise the production crew as she mentions that there were some minor challenges when they filmed the intimate scene in the museum. The ancient artifacts in the museum were not to be moved, so the team had to film around them. On top of that, Fala still had to take her top off in the room that was zero degrees. To prevent an accident from occurring, Fala had a tube top taped to cover her front.

Fala also laughed and said Chilam Cheung (張智霖) was a great sport and a gentleman. To lessen the awkwardness, Chilam told Fala not to worry. “Chilam didn’t look at me and the director was cracking jokes to loosen the atmosphere. I remember after completing the scene, I immediately held onto my shirt.”

Learn From Past Mistakes

While the 31-year-old actress is already a first line artist, Fala has always been insecure about her acting. After taking acting classes in New York, she finally understands that she has previously been too uptight and rigid with her performances. During one of her lessons, the professor taught the importance of relaxation and helped Fala acknowledge the idea of opening up to bigger challenges instead of restraining herself. “The inability to see my true self is because I protect myself too much. Perhaps I’m too afraid to make mistakes sometimes, so there are too many limitations. Right now, I have broken through a bit of my confinement. When I’m more relaxed and open, I will also be a happier person. I still have passion in my acting career, but right now I will not think about the achievements and just enjoy the process.  Even Francis Ng (吳鎮宇) once told me that I shouldn’t base my acting by the books! There is logic in it! I’ve always refused to recognize my mistakes because I always aimed for perfection. But now I realized that learning from past errors is the best method for improving.”

Besides keeping up with her studies, Fala is busy promoting both Triumph in the Skies 2 and Tales from the Dark 2 <奇幻夜>. While feeling slightly overwhelmed with her busy schedule, she said her love life is still blank and humbly stated that never had many pursuers anyway.

Source: ihktv.com

This article is written by Su for JayneStars.com.

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    1. Honestly, I think this is as good as she will ever get……..she just doesn’t have it in her blood to be a good actress….her next move should be just to find a rich old fat man and just settle down…..Give up the acting career.

  1. Fala, if you want to achieve bigger success in your acting career, I think the best thing for you to do now is to concentrate in your acting. Since you made a big effort to improve your acting skills by taking short acting courses in New York, why don’t you just focus in your work first and worry about your love life later? Be a happy and relaxed actress. Having a boyfriend will give you some limitations and restrictions in the scope of your acting. You are so pretty and young, you will have many chances to get good partners in future.

      1. Oh, that’s funny. LOL 🙂

        Why does Fala have to squeeze her lips to show her fake/bought dimple so much? Way too overdone.

      2. I don’t have to be her mother to say that. All her good fans would say it. You are just being funny. We all wish her the best in future. Since she has decided to give up her 7-year relationship with Daniel and take short acting courses in New York, it means that she wants to pursue her acting career.

      3. But she’s only human. It’s nice that she’s putting so much effort into acting, but she needn’t let her love life fall to the wayside. She just needs to find the right balance (and perhaps a partner that fully respects her and gives her the space she requires).


        Btw, what is this about her “fake/bought” dimples? I like them…

      4. I love her dimples too. She looks very pretty with her dimples.

      5. I don’t mean that Fala should ignore her love life. I just meant that Fala should put more focus in her acting career in the next year or two. If she has decided to give up her 7-year relationship with your ex-boyfriend, she is very determined to pursue her acing career. She needs to work on her acting skills to prove that she can act well with all the knowledge and skills that she learns from the acting school in New York.

        Best of luck, Fala! Prove to your audience that you can be a good actress.

      6. Yep, she’s got such a lovely smile~

        (And now I’ve got Larry 3’s words reverberating around my head.)

    1. a great actress with talent will still be able to act after becoming a wife of mom. yoyo chen is around fala’s age and already a mom and wife and still amazing in karma rider from what i heard

      1. Yoyo Chen’s acting is not that great. She speaks with heavy lazy intonations. That is really bad for an artiste.

    2. The entire article is about her acting except from one line about her love life…

    1. Fala knows her limitation and aims to improve it . She will succeed after this .
      All the best , Fala !

    2. What is wrong w her acting? I think she’s a great actress and people are just being too harsh on her (including herself). I am always entertained with her scenes, far more than the other actresses in the series.

    1. she got severe criticism for her singing and her album don’t sell much. another one album ‘singer’ joining kate tsui

      1. wrong. myolie has two albums and one mini concert 😛

      2. Lol I knew she would defend back with how she had two albums either way none of Fala nor Myolie’s music were that memorable.

      3. Oh…please. Your Myolie is older than Fala and thus has more experience . Myolie was criticized heavily too when she is a newbie.You are bashing all the other actresses other than your Myolie .

    2. Maybe. Unless she gets a couple of big hits that will increase her popularity and she can do whatever she wants, like Kevin Cheng.

  2. i’ll laugh if she comes back from acting school and her acting hasn’t improved at all……

    1. What other excuse(s) will she come up with then?

      1. As if she’s the only actor/actress with problems/difficulties. EVERYONE has problems (no exclusions). So, please stop making excuses for yourself, Fala.

      2. Well, she is not making any excuse now, she readily admit her acting is subpar and hence taking the acting classes.

    2. agree. that’ll be some laughs but maybe she’ll blame it on stronger costars, jet lags, weather, and her health again 😛

    3. And maybe her acting WILL improve but you guys will still say her acting is bad because you guys seem to get a kick out of criticizing Fala. Just saying.

      1. Agree. There are just too many Myolie Fans here, as well as many anti-Fala-fans!

      2. I think Fala’s chin was trimmed a bit after the pageant show. She looked prettier after MCI. Most TVB actresses had some kinds of plastic surgery done to their eyes, noses, or faces; some were major and some were minor.

      3. Sandcherry:
        I can’t really ever tell if someone done minor surgery since I’m not a professional in the cosmetic field. And considering the fact TVB makes them lose tons of whatever weight they had when they entered, it’s really hard to tell. Because I know women who lose a tremendous amount of weight, their chins get pointy/narrower.

        I try to think people who look different (perhaps there is a minor knife process) is due to the horrible weight loss. Cause plastic surgery kind of hurts, I mean it hurts. You got to break a bone here, re-attach it there. Yeah………………………..I highly doubt anyone would want to do it if its just one part of their face. They might as well do their entire face.

      4. I don’t know how popular is plastic surgery among TVB actresses, but surely can’t beat South Korea as the plastic surgery capital of asia.

        In one of the recent TITS 2 episodes, there was a flashback scene of Sam and Zoe’s happier times from TITS. Can’t help but notice that Myolie looks very different now compared to 10 years ago. Her features are more defined now, with a sharper nose. Now, I’m not saying that Myolie had plastic surgery…it could be that she shed off her baby fat and has grown prettier as she matures. Or she could have a bit her and there. Even famous korean beauties such as Song Hye Ko did a little something something…. nothing too drastic, they still look like themselves but just more attractive than before. Many opt to have PS to correct some imperfection eg. straighten a hooked nose or get bigger double eyelids. Tavia Yeung I think definitely tweaked with her face a bit. Her nose so much higher now.

      5. Not getting a kick out of this and this is the first time I am criticizing her.

        She is really bad actress and should look for another job.

      6. felicity, which is why I laughed very hard when in the series Summer is 90% lookalike with Zoe when it is the same actress but Myolie is 90% of who she was a decade ago.

    4. She can blame the acting class for being subpar. Jenny Lau actually went through TVB acting class but was still terrible.

  3. That is an awkward photo of her dimples. But they are real she had those dimples since her pageant days she was like 20 why would she get plastic surgery she wasn’t even famous back then.

    1. Ah, okay. I thought her dimples were real, but I was curious in case there’s something I’m not aware of… Guess it’s just a classic case of unnecessary personal attacks.

      1. Wow, you do learn something new everyday. Never heard of that sort of surgery before…

        But how do you know? The only things I see different from old photos of her are a sharper jawline (to be fair, she does look slimmer overall as well) and better eyebrows.

  4. Wow so much harsh words on her just because her acting in her current series is not great. Considering she’s the least inexperienced actress out of the leads in the series it’s not surprising her acting is also the weakest. She had no previous acting training what so ever at least no professionally, I mean look at how long it took some actors to improve in TVB some took years and years to even be noticed. Take Kate and Kenneth for example it took her 7 years to get recognition and Kenneth more than 10 years to even have some achievement. Besides at leastFala recognized her mistakes and is doing something to change that unlike those who are still stubborn and not doing a thing about it. I swear some of the top stars in TVB all they do is watch other artiste’s performance on their most critical acclaim work just so they can hope to achieve that same success from them by acting the same way to accommodate viewers. That is not how you improve your acting but at least for Fala she’s heading into the right direction and a more correct technique to do so and that’s a part of an actor’s professionalism we should all at least acknowledge and respect.

    1. Teecee, you are one of those who made sense here. I personally dont find much fault in her acting this role as that role was, to me, quite complicated. What I noticed is that there are ppl who just love to find others’ flaws and faults. For example, such a random and candid pic of her and her lips also can lead to some ppl who believes it is fake, she is pressing too hard for her dimples to show and bla bla bla. Ridiculous people who cant be in touch with reality and cant see goodness in or give encouragement to others. Pity.

      1. Ya I totally agree !!! At least she is willing to improve herself.

      2. About the pressing on your lips hard and making dimples… is that like a myth or it’s true? As in, if you don’t have dimples but you press hard enough on your lips and magically dimples will show? I thought if you don’t have dimples, you just don’t have them. You can make them now?

      3. Really? Wouldn’t that just give you more wrinkles instead? I have dimples near the bottom corners of my mouth (like Lee Seung Gi. I didn’t have them when I was younger, but then again, I did look pretty gaunt back then…

      4. I’m not sure if other places but here in Malaysia, it’s very easy to get dimples done, noo need for surgery. U just get a piercing on both of ur cheek (face)
        After u remove that ring from your face, u will get the dimples. Many friends of mine get it. It’s very common here. I wish I can but I have very sensitive skin that I can’t even get my ear pierced 🙁

    2. well said.
      I think the character “Holiday” is too complex of a character for her to grasp, especially since her “acting” is the most inexperienced out of the bunch. But even so, I’m liking the way she portray Holiday so far.
      I just wish viewers cut her some slacks. I mean, at LEAST she’s acknowledging her “bad acting” and doing something about it!

      1. Cut her some slack? From her portrayal of Holiday or her as a person? If we’re talking about the former, a poor performance is a poor performance, no matter which way you cut it. (From my point of view, anyway. At least there are viewers like you who actually enjoyed it.) I respect her for being so proactive and wanting to perfect her craft, but I shan’t let that sway me when I’m trying to judge her on this performance alone.

      2. I watched up to ep 20. I don’t like Holiday either as a character. She’s too wishy washy. Can’t get her darn mind in one direction, its like branched off all over.

        Fala is mediocre, like always. I can’t tell if people just despise/hate/dislike her for who she is or she really is that bad in acting. Cause all I see is her typical mediocre performances.

        Side note… I love Nancy Wu. TVB please promote her more. Try some tragedy dramas, girl CAN cry.

      3. @skinnymocha

        Both. Seems like viewers are always so critical of her as a person, and because of the real life bias, most are more critical of her portrayal. Okay yeah, I admit there are some spots where her portrayal of Holiday is just… eh.

        My idea of “cut her some slacks” is just point out faults and then MOVE ON. Let us NOT dwell on the fact that her acting is “horrible” and KNOW that she is taking initiative to better herself. What we see onscreen (her being Holiday) is the past–we won’t see a better “Holiday”.

        Viewers, especially Hong Kong viewers are so critical of everything and it’s annoying. It’s just nonstop complaining about the same thing over and over and over again.

      4. Haha. Practically ALL areas of Hong Kong entertainment are at a bit of a low, so people are really straining to find a silver lining. I guess they/we, erm… really have nothing else to do. But yeah, regurgitating the same complaint is a bit tiring and it won’t help/change matters either. (Well, the non-constructive ones certainly won’t.)


        I actually don’t think Fala’s as terrible as many make her out to be. She doesn’t fluctuate as much, but she’s still stuck on middle ground; as Crystal pointed out, “Fala is mediocre, like always.” I’m rather fond of her so I hope she can really push things up a notch (or two).

      5. As a matter of fact, none of the top 5 fadans acts well, and Fala is just one of them.

        Among those top 5, I seem to like Fala a bit more than the others. She is pretty to me, and she has worked so hard over the years to improve her acting skills as well as her Cantonese.

        Compared her with some other top fadans, (some have been with TVB for over 13 years), her acting is not bad at all. Of course, she still has a lot of room to improve her acting skills. It is good that she knows her weakness and has decided to enroll in an acting course in New York. I hope she will be benefited from this course.

      6. I like Linda, but I started getting highly irate with her in the last few years – ever since Moonlight Resonance really. She’s getting so darn repetitive, but I rewatched AJCL and that’s helped restore some of my faith in her – she does have the potential to be good! The problem is she seems to be lacking in ambition and drive (and perhaps the passion for acting). Poor girl seems like a lost soul. She’s lucky she has such great affinity with the audience or she’d be stuck in nowhere land like Leanne Li. And this is why I like Fala, because I do see how much she’s applying herself and her want to be better – even before the whole quitting TVB and taking NY classes hoopla.

      7. Linda is those that you need to give her a role that is total opposite and she will do very very well. I still find her interesting in those opposite sort of roles.

      8. Most of the actor/actress are mediocre at TVB. Fala not the only one. why people just attack her? at least i find her better then linda.

  5. On a random note, Fala is getting all the publicity for “Triumph 2” for good or bad. lol

    1. Ha! When it comes to the behind-the-scenes, everyone else is playing second fiddle. Even Francis, despite the effusive praise he’s getting.

  6. A bit off topic here.

    I don’t find her dimples nice though.

    I always thought Lisa Ang, host from Channel News Asia has one of the best dimples around.

  7. Well, cut her some slack. I would say its pretty good thus far. Disliked her in the beginning but as her chemistry with Jayden picks up it kinda got better and looking forward to see it unfold soon. Well, sadly she is rumoured to end up with Sam Tong. Oh my.I thought playboy and crazy gal made a good pair together.
    Well, my 2 cents. Indeed she can continue to improve. But I guess its convincing enough for most people. After all, its the most talked about TVB of the year.

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