Fala Chen More Fearful of Tornadoes than Osama bin Laden

Fala Chen attended a Giorgio Armani Optical promotional event wearing glasses. Fala indicated, “I usually wear contact lenses. However, frequent contact wear makes my eyes uncomfortable. When I do not have to work, I normally wear glasses.”

How will Fala be celebrating Mother’s Day? “I have to work.” (Did Fala’s boyfriend, Sit Sai Hang, complain?) “I will set aside time to eat together. Since I will not be able to spend time with my own mother, I will be sending her a gift.”

Was Fala concerned that her family in the United States will be impacted by Osama bin Laden’s death?) “On the contrary, my parents are more subject to the threat of tornadoes, since they live in an area prone to tornadoes. My parents live in a small city and terrorist attacks should not have a big impact.” (Perhaps you should ask them to fly on airplanes less?) “They rarely take vacations. They live in a very quiet small city.”

Source: Orientaldaily

Jayne: I believe Fala’s parents live in the southern part of the United States, but not sure in which city. Hopefully Osama bin Laden’s death will lead to the declining influence of Al Qaeda.  This was one death I welcomed!

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  1. Jayne, I second that!! I can’t believe there are some crying foul because he was unarmed, he was shot in front of his 12 year old daughter and young wife, should have let him surrender, etc etc etc. This is one monster whose death came 10 years too late and has pinned under him the souls of thousands (as Chinese says jin si tai!).

    Anyway Fala looks good with glasses. And still boyfriend??

    1. Funn, apparently the American CIA knew Bin Laden’s whereabouts since last summer, but his assassination took months to plan. His death was sure expensive. I hate to think what would have happened had the assassination failed….

      Fall admitted that she calls Sit Sai Hang “hubby” (lo Kung) in private. She said that’s an affectionate term. IMO, I believe she is married.

      1. I read they had intelligence working on it and some breakthrough since SIX years ago. How can pakistan not know for 4 years he was there? We all know the answer.

        And sorry Jayne, I hate how the Americans kept saying Bin Laden. Bin Laden is his father. He should be called Osama. Any other ignorant people who doesn’t know who this thing is but knows the name rules of the muslim will think “Why they’re talking about the father Laden? Huh?”


        Anyway Fala. Fala Vs Moses; who is more coy?

    2. Many are speculating if Bin Laden is truly dead or not. Now it is making me wonder… I am shocked that he was in the US for nearly 10 years and no one knew it. As the saying goes, the place that is the most dangerous is in turn the safest place. I guess he knew that no one would have expected him to be hiding here.

      I used to think that Fala was really pretty but now I don’t she is as pretty. My mom thinks that Nancy Wu looks a lot better. We just recently saw her in No Regrets and Nancy does look a lot prettier in our opinion.

      I think she is married if she calls her boyfriend husband. I did not know that her parents lived in the US. I guess they don’t mind that she is in HK while they are in the US. Maybe it is because she is married now?? Not sure..

      1. @HeTieShou
        Osama Bin Laden had hidden in Pakistan not in the US. As was mentioned in the news the Pakistanis keep denying they don’t know his where about but he lives right under their nose and near the military training. Somehow I don’t believe their denial. So they keep saying they never know him living there.
        In the U.S. it is hard to harbor anyone criminals regardless if you have money or not. But every parts of the world if you have money you can bribe the government and they can turn a blind eyes that why he has been living in a big compound surrounding many wives.

        Why do you think the US CIA and Navy Seal run this unilateral operation by themselves. They have been aiding Pakistan $1.5 billion every month so that they can share the intelligent of Osama’s hiding place but the scum had been leading a comfortable life and the Pakistani government let him. WAY TO GO NAVY SEAL!!!! To someone who had any sympathy for this lowest scum bag of a person. They all can go to Hell! I am not White but I cried on 9/11 when listened to the song “Proud to be an American” on the way home from work.
        My heart stopped and I cried more each time I relive the moment for all the fallen firemen to go in to rescue people and the 2nd plane slammed into the tower to make the 2nd tower tumble down. The horror of seeing people jumped to their death from the top floor because they tried to escape from the heat.

        Still many families cannot locate their love one. Their body never found. Only 2 bullets to him were not and never enough. I am Catholic but on this scum bag I wish him to die a thousand and slow death and it still not enough.

      2. should Fala spoke about Bin? Fala and Bin just don’t mix. ppl got killed, but were it Bin or just what were heard, could news be just as told, or just a make belief!!

      3. @JN,
        You don’t know for sure what is correct or not.. From what I have been watching, they said that he was in the US all this time…I think that would make sense since no one would even expect him to be here so he would be a lot safer here than in Pakistan. There has been constant news through the years about whether he really died or not too… Now many are also questioning whether he is really dead or not see we don’t get to see any pictures of his body… I don’t think anyone is sad about him dying except for maybe his family and his allies. Lets hope that his death can bring closure to everyone…

    3. whats with fala, or flower, don’t know if Fala looks right or to wired, or face structure, just pretty and wired, haha
      does glasses don’t make her look much intellegent than she already am!!

  2. That is unless Osama bin Laden split his soul into seven horcruxes 😀

    1. Lol that’s easy, we’d jus hav to ask JK Rowling for the locations.

      1. I think 10 years is enough to bomb all the 7 horcruxes unless he transplanted a bit of his soul to ermm… Obama? Bush? Then how to kill?!?!?!? So glad he was dumped into sea. No chance of a shrine except for that house. Bulldoze it! Just read that his bride said he didn’t leave that mansion for 4 years. Maybe plagued by ghosts of Christmas past?

      2. Funn, minutes or hour or month and pllus is too much!! Should Politians run our life as if aother than them we are stupid or what,or just their way to hang on to their wall, not the people’s war!!

  3. On a totally different note Fala looks pretty good with glasses *slurp* 😛

    1. Her Armani glasses look terrible overall. Bad styling.

      1. I think she looks gorgeous! Never knew she wore glasses. But then most artists say they do when they’re not working. Maybe it’s just another way to get more jobs promoting optical lol

    2. Fala is gorgeous even with glasses on! I think she’s the most gorgeous lady in TVB now.

      1. I don’t think she looks the best. In my opinion, I think Nancy Wu looks a lot better…

    3. Yea she looks good in those glasses, kinda like a pretty nerdy girl. But those glasses suit her new hair cut.

      1. In her role for “Stew of Life,” she wore glasses, she looked very pretty in it, although her mushroom cut in it wasn’t that great.

  4. Yeah, her parents live in the state of Georgia, I believe… lots of serve weather.

    As for Osama…F’ him. I never forget 9-11 on that day.

  5. Living in NYC, living through 9/11, I’ve just grew increasingly scare of terrorist attack on the train everyday….

  6. @Jo,
    There’s not much we can do as we need the trains to commute to work each day, except to be more aware of our surroundings and keep a vigilant eye. Most people sleep or stare at their phones, which wouldn’t help matters.

    NYC will always be a prime target….

    When the trains stopped running on 911, I walked over 40 blocks to get over the Brooklyn Bridge and then hitchhiked home. My story is similar to many New Yorkers. People are resilient and honestly compared to earthquake and natural disasters, which can not be prevented and cause more damage, we have more control in thwarting a terroist attack.

      1. @Jo,
        It hasn’t happened yet, so we should take comfort. Hopefully Osama bin Laden’s death means weakening of Al Qaeda’s influence, although they have declared vengeful intentions at the USA.

        Life goes on in war, earthquake, and other events. It’s beyond our control for the most part, so just enjoy time with the people that matter to you the most.

        My ex co-worker used to always joke, “In case I get hit by a bus tomorrow morning, please do this for me….” The likelihood that we will die in a traffic accident is probably higher than dying in a terrorist event, so don’t worry too much. Just be cautious when the situation needs you to be, but no need to dwell over it.

  7. Obama knows where Osama at the whole time. Since Obama’s poll is down and could hurt this re-election plan. So he pulled out this Osama death bc he wanted to have a 2nd term. I’m surprised he pulled this situation a lil early. Mark my words, Obama will go on tv a month before election and say he stops terriosts from attacking us, hello 2nd term. More Goldman-Sach bankers running the economics for us. Not running up but to the ground.

    1. I wonder why he Obama would want to go for a second term if people are doubting him and criticizing him all this time? I think he would win if he went against Donald Trump since what does Donald Trump know about politics??

      1. I personally do not live in the States, but in Canada we do have an Americian influence. But I don’t think someone like Donald Trump should be running the contry. As a buisness person, running a country is way different. He has really strong opinions and ain’t that open minded, this isn’t good for politics. But still I doubt Donald Trump will be the Republician represntative(or what ever it’s called) Why is there only two people who run for president, I mean here in Canada we just had an election, and we have four parties. Then again, different countries, different rules.

      2. Donald trump just wanted to gain attention. He won’t run for president. If u have the power like Obama, I’m sure u want to continue with the power.

  8. @Yee: we have 2 main parties and one write-in. No chance the donkey and the elephant party would allow a 3rd strong party.

  9. I love Fala’s skin. She looks great. I think her family lives in Georgia. There was flooding down South.

    1. It’s weird how you say you like Fala’s skin. Her skin does look nice there, but I think it’s all just make-up though. There was a picture in a article of Fala without makeup… her skin looked really aged-up. I don’t know if you would say that after looking at that picture though.. I do think she has some pretty features overall though.

      1. Yea, in the other picture without make up, she looked really old.. Her skin looked a lot darker as well. I was wondering why she looked so old and tired until I realized that it was because she wasn’t wearing make up.

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