Former TVB Employee Ngai Man Ho Continues to Expose Artistes’ Shocking Behavior

TVB’s former production assistant Ngai Man Ho (偽文豪) seems to have an endless amount of dirt to spill. After receiving wide attention for his rant about Raymond Lam (林峯) and Ron Ng’s (吳卓羲) rude behaviors, the tattler continues to treat the public by dishing a few more secrets from his newly published book TVB’s Blood, Tears, and Dirt <TVB血淚屎>.
The book, which was released on April 14, contains Ngai’s personal accounts of what went on behind the scenes at Hong Kong’s television giant. Speaking with the media in person to promote his book, Ngai responded to some of the criticism from industry colleagues, saying that he is simply sharing his experiences and has never intended to target anyone. “Many seem to think that I hate TVB or hate the artistes mentioned in the book… but it’s not true. I just want to share what I have seen and heard. Perhaps everyone should read this as a novel or a book of an urchin’s adventures, only that the plot is not imagined but from my personal experiences.”
He emphasized once again that he was treated well by most of his colleagues and that he bears no personal grudge against any of them, though from his words Ron seems to be an exception. “I believe most people who have worked at TVB know how he’s like. I know that earlier TVB interviewed them to clarify the situation, but I found it really funny. Ron Ng doesn’t even know how to respond properly, he only goes on and on about how much he cares about the crew. Who would believe him?”
Even if he claims no negative feelings towards the artistes, Ngai is quick to unveil their less admirable sides. He revealed that a male artist, alias “Easily Dizzy”, is known to chase after female newcomers and often asks the PA’s help to exaggerate his on-set status. “He has taken advantage of many female newcomers. The worst is that he always asks the PAs to help him out. Once, he had his eyes set on a female trainee from the artiste training class, and was very attentive to her. He later yelled at a PA in front of her, and asked the PA to bring him tissues and water, causing the PA to get in trouble with the director.”
Another male artiste, nicknamed “Solemn Professor” for his serious nature, was said to have lectured a PA for two hours over a minor mistake. “Once a PA brought the wrong costume to him. “Solemn Professor” sent the PA to the makeup room and nagged. When the director asked him to get back to the set, he told the director to skip him and shoot the other artistes’ parts first. He lectured for two whole hours; it was worse than receiving detention in school!”
A popular artiste earned the name “Cigarette Shovel” for his heavy smoking habit. Even though TVB has banned smoking in its back alleyways, “Cigarette Shovel” seems to pay no heed to the warnings and angrily cursed at a security guard who asked him to put the cigarette out. The security guard was given a stern lecture over the incident and resigned from his position the very next day.
Happy-go-lucky artiste “Bald Head” takes his comedy chops off-screen though the result is much less endearing. “A props crew has a son who was about to go under the knife to remove his foreskin. He was very worried so he went around asking for advice. “Bald Head” somehow overheard this, and when he ran into the crew member at the cafeteria, he loudly asked, ‘Hey… did your son remove his foreskin yet? Did you ask the doctor to let you take it home? You can sew it back on later if it’s not long enough… haha!”
Finally, female artiste “Princess Beauty” earned a blurb in Ngai’s book for her diva attitude. “One day ‘Princess Beauty’ drove to TVB City. She just got a new car and forgot to put on the parking permit sticker. The security guard refused to let her enter, and she became very angry and shouted profanity at the guard. She was asking him if he knew who she was, and asked him to take responsibility since she was late and the entire crew is waiting for her at the set. Then she took her complaints to the higher-ups and an executive had to personally speak to the guard’s supervisor to let her in.”
Source: 3 Weekly via
This article is written by Katrine for
Cheap stunts to sell your book. Looks like you too are a trouble maker at TVB
We should boycott this book
Thats not enough if the press keeps promoting it.
agree…why buying this book…too much money should give to the poor!
I think people here are also promoting this book with so many negative comments.
First, we don’t know if everything written in this book is fake or true, why should we boycott this book? Secondly, most of the news reported by tabloids may not true, why would we still get on this website to read the articles? This applies to Ngai Man Ho’s book. If you don’t believe in anything that he writes, don’t bother to read it.
Agree that everyone is trying to make money by reporting all the “unnecessary and extra” news about artistes. That is how those entertainment magazines become so popular. If they don’t do it, we won’t have anything to read. We should be mature enough to decide which news is true and which one is false.
Screw the retarded author making money from exposing artists negative behavior, who doesn’t have negative behaviors, he himself is a one who believes he is the the most misfortune ex tvb employee.
If an artist does not have any bad and negative behaviours, he/she will not have to worry about being exposed. Kenneth Ma is one of them. and I am sure there will be a lot more. Perhaps this is a good lesson for those artistes with bad behaviours to learn to change.
Not only artists have these diva/divo attitudes, people has them too or even worse than them. He himself maybe is one too, he can’t endure hardships or stressful situations, he thinks he knows everything and wants to get promoted for only working there 1-2 years. he’s a Jerk that makes money off people and disclosing negative things about them
The book should be rename to ” my life as a loser and a eavesdroper at tvb”
Big whiner!
Whatz the point of dishing out the dirt if we don’t know the he11 who he’s talking about? Give us names, dude! Then we can decide if we believe you or not.
He is poor. Needs publicity to milk the book sales and its Free.
He is going to do this again. More interest, supposedly.
Bald Head is Bob?????
It could be Bob.
Yeah it’s pretty useless without better nicknames so we can figure out who the heck he is talking about.
Those descriptions probably fit quite a few people and he would be garnering more ill will towards himself if he casts his net too wide, incriminating people who dont deserve it.
What the heck? I can’t tell who those nicknames refer to and I don’t want to accuse the wrong person! The author of this book is seriously BS. But he’s going to make a lot from this book, possibly a year worth of salary as a PA ….
Jeez how skeazy can this guy get
Remember, the author has the freedom of speech and press behind him as long as it is not slander. From this article, the author did no wrong printing out what his observations were and let the reading audience make judgment. The author’s book is like a diary which he is sharing. It is readily apparent that it is the viewer/reader who is actually judgmental especially if their “favorite” artist was exposed with a negative incident or two. If you don’t like it, don’t buy. No one is forcing you to read it.
I find it interesting though. Who are the artistes that he is talking about? If he does not disclose the actual names of the artistes, I don’t see that he is personal-attacking those artistes. As the above reader said, the book is like a diary which he is experiencing.
Also agree …………”If you don’t like it, don’t buy. No one is forcing you to read it.”
I am okay if he calls his book as fiction/novel, but do not use TVB and its artists to SELL his story. Knowing that he needs the name of TVB to generate FREE publicity, then he should have the guts to put his own name out there.
If he is indeed doing the world a favor by exposing the woes and ill treatment of staff at TVB, then so be it. I am certainly not defending TVB or any artist just the fact that the author is making money off others and should be man enough to take the backlash! No guts no glory!
Who’s Princess Beauty?
Certainly not spending a cent on this piece of trash, so called expose, done by a coward who reaps free publicity and profits, while the chickenshxt himself hides his own identity.
Fiction or not, he is laughing all the way to the bank at someone else’s expense! What a spineless scum!
If he comes out for interview showing his face, I don’t think his name is that important. He does not use his real name just to avoid legal actions (if any). Moreover, he does not disclose the real names of those artistes anyway, and that matters.
Of course he is afraid of legal actions! Then he should not even use TVB in the title to get free publicity and then hide like a coward, while profiting from the book!
Just write it as a fiction/novel, no company name, no real artist names like he did. But then the books will rot on the shelf for lack of attention and publicity. How else would he make any easy money?!
Agree that he will make some money from selling this book; however, he will also face a lot of obstacles such as legal actions, no employment in future, his name will be blacklisted, etc., after publishing his book. So I am NOT supporting or against him. However, I won’t curse or attack him either. It is his own choice and he will take all the consequences thereafter, either good or bad. My point is: there is no need for us to attack him before we read his book.
Perhaps Ngai Man Ho should use TBB or TXB instead of TVB so you people will not get upset!
I think Ngai Man Ho was dumb. He should have faked the name of the organization to give him more room to stay away from legal actions. People can guess the truth anyway.
Next time, be smarter, Ngai Man Ho.
Totally agree with @Princess. He’s such as coward, I will definitely curse him.
I wouldn’t call him coward; I would call him dumb. He should use all FAKE names in his book. Then people cannot name him “coward”. He is just not very smart.
No, he is a coward. he’s afraid of using real names, so he can avoid being sued. So afraid? then why publish a retarded book about others. He’s a coward and retarded
But he come out and accept an interview in television might be to promote his book! That means hiding his name might be just for legal matters.
To sandcherry, he DID use fake names in his book except TVB. Using TBB or TxB is just as obvious as using TVB. I think it’s actually a smart way to gain attention and free promotion from the magazines.
Princess, he didn’t use any real artiste name, all are nicknames but Next Media managed to guess the obvious ones such as Raymond and Ron correctly.
In terms of legal actions, Ngai Man Ho may be able to get away if he does not use TVB’s name. I am not a lawyer, so don’t know.
However, since he is accepting interviews, I think he doesn’t mind people knowing his face and his name “quietly”.
To Darla, I did acknowledge that the author did not use the name of the artists, just the fact that he used TVB in his book title to get FREE publicity or else it will not be news at all — which you stated as “smart way to gain attention…” AND I agree. I just feel that he is spineless and a coward for not using his real name as the author of the book!
He should not work as a PA, he should be a paparazzi because he usually eavesdrop and gossip at his work. His Chinese literacy probably sucks too, look at his use of profanity, and how he call people names, that’s sort of like what a bully would do at school
Man, at least be more obvious with the names. I’m curious to know who he’s bashing.
I think his silly antics really suit his surname (偽 as in 偽造) where makes up false stories about people
Agree!Very clever.
Also he is a 偽君子
If these artistses really behave quite badly in the first place, I am sure they will try to behave themselves now and treat people better.
After all, it is not a bad idea to let those artistes know about their bad behaviours. Perhaps they did not realize it themselves because of their status and popularity (being spoiled by producers, etc.)
People all over the world have their own diva/divo attitudes something, not only artists. Maybe you do too sometimes or at certain situations with someone.
People born in the 90s or + are all spoiled by their parents. Then, shouldn’t we let those people know about their attitudes towards others.
People all over the world have their own diva/divo attitudes something
As a matter of fact, I don’t quite believe it. I don’t believe people ALL OVER THE WORLD have diva attitudes, maybe more in the entertainment industries or at homes, but definitely not in the work force. You must be quite young to assume that.
Don’t be so native,you can’t expect all people, especially at work, are very nice in every moments, sometimes they have their worse, and you might be unlucky that u r there for that moments. People do have diva attitudes SOMETIMES, I’m not saying they always have it
No, I agree that some people do have diva attitudes SOMETIMES, but it should not be ALL or MOST of the time. Every one should respect each other and not just care about his/her own self.
Every one should respect each other and not just care about his/her own self.
Who doesn’t know that this is the correct attitude, but this can be hard for everyone to follow. Having negative attitudes doesn’t always mean they just care about his/her self, it could be the other person’s fault that triggered that. Not all artists are the offenders nor the one getting scolded are the victim
i believe 100%, what disgusting behaviour towards employees
Actually, Ngai Man Ho did came out on TV talk show yesterday, NOW TV (duhhhh).
They talked abt how his book being promoted by certain publication (Next Media) and having his book prologue/intro being being endorsed by Stephen Chan etc and he tacitly admitted his book is being used by these parties to attack TVB. But they help to promote his book and open opportunities for more writing jobs in the future, so … who cares. Typical Y Gens to be honest.
I think it was not the original intention of Ngai Man Ho to publicly accuse those artistes or TVB, but he had no choice if he wanted to get his book published and promoted. It is mutual benefit!
What’s the point of hiding his real name if he shows his face on NOW TV?
Screw the retarded author and NowTV for their unethical behavior.
Hope they are sued in the future for this kind of disgraceful, shameful act.
NowTV & 偽君子(偽文豪) is a disgrace to Hong Kong TV Station and to literature.
I am curious why you are so upset about this incident. If NowTV interviews 偽文豪, it means that people don’t think of him as some dirt and shame. Why should we be so upset about this incident? He is not killing our family members. He is just bringing us fun and news behind the scenes (true or untrue), and he is willing to take all the consequences. I will just take it as tabloids’ reporting and I don’t necessarily have to believe everything in his book.
yup, noticed that sheldon’s extremely worked up over this, seen him/her leave endless comments on this topic over several articles.
Because he’s a AHole that makes money off of people and his ex-colleagues,that ain’t nice nor ethical. He calls people names (he called Samuel b1tchy) and his use of profanity. What do you guys see in him?
All I see that he is a loser with no accomplishments who gossips and eavesdrop
calm down sheldon, no need to burst a blood vessel over this. If the book is truly a piece of garbage, people will soon realise it without you coming here to leave a comment condemning and cursing him every minute or so.
Well, the guy is writing bad stuff and bashing people to promote his book. What makes him a good guy?
Sort of like long ago, a lady who wrote a book about Andy and their romance, using Andy to promote her book. That’s obsurb!
Btw, this guy didn’t wake up one day and decide to publish the book. Apparently he has been publishing these rumors in his web/article space but no response. One day, someone approaches him and ask whether he want to publish a book.
And he doesn’t know Stephen Chan personally. He even hesitate to answer whether Stephen read his book, he cannot answer more than saying his publisher gave Stephen a digital version, then backpedal and said his book doesn’t have digital version when host asked him.
He is just a pawn in TVB smear campaign and he knows it. He agreed it was his window of opportunity.
Can anyone just tell me “who is who” in his book?
I do watch TVB series but i dont live in HK so i dont know anything beside what they do onscreen.
Can anyone just tell me “who is who” in his book?
I don’t know them either even I watch TVB series from time to time.
Personally I think Ngai is too nosy and nit-picking. Those he mentioned are not blood and mud, more like working area camera.
I think Ngai is telling his gossip based on his experience on the set of The Four and other series (Bride for a Ride?) but most other stories might be told to him by his gossiping colleagues on TVB during his 7 months stint. Ngai is basically a gossipper and gossip spreader who is smart enough to turn storytelling and gossiping into money. Well done.
I think so too.
偽君子 doesn’t work, he just eavesdrops and gossips. Look at his use of profanity and calling people names, why don’t we call him names too & talk about his unethical behaviour to society & ex-employers.
He definitely has no future ahead of him for this shameless behaviour and he will 遗臭万年
遗臭万年! The guy definitely will be
Uh any colleagues of this guy better be careful now because there’s a tendency of him spying on your bad habits and gossiping about you to other people and spreading gossips that he only heard from friends. He also are making the public gossiping in turn and might accuse the wrong people with the bad nicknames for his stories.
That said, I think TVB, Ron and Raymond Lam, and other accused artistes should just play it cool. Except Kenneth Ma who is praised highly, I’m sure many of us are just humans who have less beautiful sides of our personality especially in a stressful condition.
hes really low. if going public on it, use real names. if not, dont publish it.
He has no guts
Or no nuts.
And you got no brain.
How creative on your username. Lack of a brain.
Hmm…. this Nobody is not a dumbass after all. He uses a fake name so he can still go around safely, gives nicknames to artistes he badmouths so that he cannot be sued. The artiste(s) suing him would have to first admit that the person in the book (with certain nickname) affects their image/popularity, hence admitting to some truth in it.
Everyone, including media should stop publicizing his stories cos all the attention will only help his book sales.
Now every despicable person may be openly criticizing and bashing about the author but inwardly wondering why they didn’t think of working undercover for 6 months to dig up dirt and come out with a book.
So very true! A quick and easy way to make some money with no responsibilities or consequences and generate a lot of free publicity! AND even pick up a few sympathy comments after facing all the bashing. A win win situation for the spineless author! He should be so proud of himself!
For those bloggers who are labeling this author a coward, cowards are those who get “stepped on” but not say a word. He is writing under a pseudonym which has been done by many writers before him to publicize the TVB working environment. He may plan to be employed by the entertainment industry once again so he is smart enough not to burn bridges as to be able to get another job.
The so called author is a coward for fear of retribution alright. Just a gutless, spineless “smartie” who is laughing all the way to the bank!
Can’t agree more that he is a coward with no guts
So what if he’s a coward? Do cowards not have a right to sell their experiences to the public? Do you have to be brave and always use a real name to publish? You guys make no sense at all.
But you know, while we’re on this rampage to hate a particular guy for doing an expose, why dont we hate undercover cops for not revealing themselves to the mafia they expose? Why dont food critics tell every restaurant they go to who they are? By not revealing themselves and then publishing their experiences later on, isnt that cowardly of them? How could they. The gall of these people.
1. Undercover cops are fighting crime, a job not making money to line their own pockets! 2. Food critics are hired by the newspaper or magazine to write the articles, a job not making money to line their own pockets! This so called author decides to write an exposé, uses TVB in the title, uses nicknames of stars, knows full well that this would generate FREE publicity and news. He gets to sell lots of books and makes money to line HIS OWN POCKET and also gets his 15 minutes of fame! Smart but spineless!
Don’t forget that Ngai Man Ho will have to face all kinds of consequences thereafter, such as no employment in future, legal actions against him, and his name blacklisted by TVB, etc. The money and fame that he will make may not be able to compensate his future losses.
Then he should find another way to make “easy” money! He is an adult, should know that there are consequences to one’s actions!
1. So if cops are serving justice, what do you think this guy is doing? He’s also detailing the dirty deeds of TVB! 2. Food critics are hired by companies to do reviews – but they’re still pocketing money at the expense of the restaurants they critique. 3. I’m surprised that he’s the only one who’s stepped up. As far as I know, no one has been able to generate THIS much publicity about how TVB treat their employees unfairly (not even by stars like Sammul Chan, etc.) If anything I feel like he’s benefiting everyone at TVB by voicing his opinions on a book that could generate him money. WHY NOT?
It’s good to see Ron has an army of loyal fans tvb will promote him heavily again Ron acting in titis has proved Ron is a decent actor improvement is needed
Ron is one of the coolest actors tvb has audience love ron
When tvb was planning on demoting Ron Ron loyal fans went nuts and with ruse of engagement Ron fans went nuts thinking Ron was second lead under ruco
Turned out Ron and Ruco had equal screen time and co leads both was equally important to the drama
guys, i somehow laugh a bit while reading few comments, lets think again:
we don’t even know who the author is, whether its a he/she/they, whether he/she/they in fact did work as TVB crews, there might just some editors who think of any way to make money by creating such scenario or digging news from this staff and that staff then proclaimed to be “an ex staff”, or maybe few crews gather together to make this, or maybe others.
and even if its real, who are we to judge? we don’t know what he/she/they have experienced, maybe its tragic enough to make him/her/them to take this step
Exactly. Don’t forget, he also voiced his opinions passionately on his blog. It’s just that no one noticed until now that they’re valuable and he could generate money from it. I mean, if I knew that my opinions and my experiences could make money, I WOULD WRITE AN EXPOSE TOO!
This is actually quite awesome as so many people put these TVB stars on a pedestal even though they are just medium sized fish in a small pond. The TVB PR machine is so transparently bad that they try to peddle their content and actors/tresses onto audiences like it is high end material. At best, these series are good entertainment shows showcasing medium range acting and nothing more (seriously TVB, enough with forcing the terrible acting chops likes of Tavia, Ron and Aimee – her husband is actually more than half decent) on the viewers . Good for this guy knocking this empire down even if only a pebble.
Seriously. As much as I like TVB, they need to be knocked down a few notches. They need to learn humility and not treat their employees like $hI(t). And if everyone can voice what they don’t like about this company, maybe they’ll finally learn from their mistakes. Whether these people profit from their opinions don’t matter. So I don’t really care if this guy makes money or not – it’s not like he’s out for fame.
And maybe some people see it as unfair that he gets to write reviews about celebrities who he have been working with, but who doesn’t discuss characters of the people they work with? It’s perfectly normal.
Maybe in HK this is rare but in America for example they have blogs dedicated to such exposes by bloggers who actually became celebrities themselves by Perez Hilton.
Yeah, this is common in America. But the reason why this is common in America is that what Perez Hilton said normally turned out to be true, unlike this former TVB employee who doesn’t show any evidence at all.
hi there
1. honest, this is some loser on the loose.
2. if he cannot make it, cmi anywhere.
3. does he expect the “industry” is some kind of bed full of roses or what.
4. go, and live in some hole.
remember when Jessica Hsuan said her neighbors were exploiting her celebrity vulnerability to public opinion by making false claims about her?
everyone should wear a body cam and have it on at all times to prevent being falsely accused of rudeness
I trust this guy. No reason for him to lie here. Ron is disgusting, he’s got no talent and goes around taking things for granted thinking he’s a big shot when he’s not. So when negative stuffs regarding about his attitude comes to light, I believe this guy. And most of TVB itself is bad news… the days when HK entertainment biz was glamorous is no more. Everything we see now are bunch of hypocrisy – in other words BS.
People are afraid to expose a lot of information about these Chinese celebs because they send the triads and secret society vultures after the party/ies who want to speak up.
The American celebs do not do that, that is why people like Perez Hilton can do his thing.
If the guy was kissing the celebs’butts, and writing all these pure, wholesome, fluffy, wonderful, innocent, angelic, surreally gooey things about these mere mortals, the netizens would consider him a hero. They would want him to come forward and make himself known so that they can give him a knighthood, haha. He would be worshipped.
Instead, the man is being crucified because he dared to spoil the halo hanging on top of these men’s heads. He messed with the imaginary image of what the fans created of these men. Many fans believe their gods are pure as the fresh fallen snow. How sad.
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