Francis Ng on Fala Chen’s Acting

Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲霄> has won ratings and viewer praise since airing last week. Francis Ng’s (吳鎮宇) return as pilot Sam Tong helped the drama win over 2 million viewers. As the soul of the series, Francis anchors the character relationships and commands presence among the younger cast.

Serious Actor, Loving Father

Known for his relatively cool demeanor which may sometimes come off as arrogance, Francis scares away many coworkers. On the contrary, he is a loving and caring father figure to his 4-year old son, who was ecstatic to hear that his father decided to take on role of a pilot again in Triumph in the Skies 2. Francis became highly emotional when he spoke about his son. “I think it’s cute and funny when my son tells everyone that his dad is a pilot at TVB Airlines! I brought him into the studios one time and coincidentally I had to film a romantic scene; he jokingly said that his daddy has girlfriends at TVB!”

Since Francis is very serious in front of his fellow actors, it is surprising when he admitted that he loved to play pranks on his son. Francis taught his son to have a balance between playing and being respectful to his friends. Francis also proudly revealed how his son took initiative to learn to play Go, the strategic board game.

“Often times I would come home tired and would jokingly ask when he would be old enough to earn money. He then gives me two dollars. It’s very heart-warming and funny,” Francis said as he continued to talk about his son. The renowned actor also mentions that his wife is very supportive and watches his shows while giving constructive criticism when needed.

Essential for “Triumph in the Skies 2’s Success

The producer of Triumph in the Skies 2 had mentioned that if Francis did not return for this sequel, the drama would not even use the same title, overtly stating Francis’ importance in the drama. With executive Tommy Leung (梁家樹) and the public’s eagerness to see him star in the drama, Francis resumed his role as Sam again. Francis said, “I feel bad when I get discounts while shopping and when the store clerks ask why I’m no longer filming series!” The fact that the general public still calls him Sam indicates how much his role still affects the viewers.

Francis stated that Chilam Cheung (張智霖) was a great work partner on and off screen. Both frequently treated the cast and crew to meals. Francis said, “Chilam will really be able to help. The ages of his fans are different. At least the screen will look great.” Had the sequel been filmed in 2005, Francis’ partner may have been Anthony Wong (黄秋生) instead. When asked if there were any differences in filming the sequel, Francis mentioned that coordinating the usage of the airports were difficult and the crew members had to often work during midnight to accommodate the airport’s needs.

On Fala Chen’s Acting

Francis paired with Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) in the first series and Fala Chen (陳法拉) in the sequel. Asked about his thoughts on working with both actresses, Francis said, “Myolie was still a newcomer when we filmed the first installment. If we said okay, then she would leave work. This time pairing with Fala, she has already acted in many dramas. She was very serious, but learning is a race against time. As an experienced actor, I would spend time on understanding my role first before attempting to go in front of the camera. This will be handy while acting. For example, a chef will prepare well first and then stir [the wok] a few times and be done; you can’t stir it a few times and say you want to do it again when the wok is not washed. I remember one day Fala was unable to act a scene the way she wanted to and cried afterward. I stood by the side and said, ‘If you did that before, that would have been good. Now you’re crying; the chance is gone!’ I left then. Sometimes when you are stuck, you have to think of another compromise to handle it.”


This article is written by Su for

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  1. Fala is still a pamper actress. Dun like her since the episode 1. Myolie is better than her a lot.

    1. agree. fala is miscast and doesn’t handle her role appropriately. even francis hinted that fala doesn’t understand her role

      1. I find both of them equally good though… fala isn’t a miscast ==

  2. sounds like francis doesn’t think much of fala’s acting.

    wonder if this is about the fake crying scene? seems like francis was implying if fala had burst out crying during camera rolling the scene could’ve been good.

    “I remember one day Fala was unable to act the a scene the way she wanted to and cried afterward. I stood by the side and said, ‘If you did that before, that would have been good. Now you’re crying; the chance is gone!’ I left then. Sometimes when you are stuck, you have to think of another compromise to handle it.”

  3. I agree totally. Myolie is much better. Why did they kill Zoe character . I like her role.

    1. i prefer myolie than fala. y must they kill her role

  4. He seems rather critical of Fala, if reading between the lines. And he did say Chilam’s handsomeness will bring in ratings!

    Anyway Anthony Wong? Won’t that be clash of egos?

    1. I think Francis is a person of principle and professionalism. He gives credit where it is due (Chilam) and believes in constructive criticism (Fala).

      1. Agree with Funn and Shrimpboat. If read between the lines, he doesn’t think that Fala’s acting is up to par yet. As for Myolie, I think he was cutting her some slacks, but I think he did hinted that she wasn’t great too 10 years ago. But then again she was a newcomer 10 years ago.

        Anyway, please prolong the appearance of Fala. I really can’t stand her. So fake in her role.

    2. He seems rather critical of Fala, if reading between the lines.
      Correct. No wonder they did not get a long during filming. If Francis was that professional and senior in acting, he should have talked to Fala during filming, and not criticized her after filming or airing. Damian Lau is a very good actor and critical about acting, but everyone respects him because he treats all the juniors well and respects them. He does it very nicely and with class. He does not criticize his co-artistes after filming or airing. He would meet with the cast and talk to them way before filming and ask them how they will act certain scenes.

      1. Agreed. No doubt that Francis Ng is a good actor but he seems to lack the ability to help out co-stars when afterall, a drama is team work.

      2. Holding Francis responsible for the role of the director is a bit outrageous, don’t you think?

        Francis is critical but in the end, if the director is good with it, what right does Francis have to speak up? Damian belongs to TVB while Francis is a guest to TVB. TVB is not his home and he shouldn’t be putting his foot down while filming.

        I totally agree with Francis. He’s already got some bad rumors about getting along, if I were him, I’ll leave the pot alone instead of stirring it up.

        To me, it seems like both Fala and Myolie were not up to his standards but since more scenes were shared with Fala – he’s got more to say about her than Myolie.

      3. francis isn’t the director and how would he know that fala wasn’t satisfied with her acting until she broke down after filming? at least francis did offer his tips. such as the fake crying scene, joe chan approves it but who knows if he just can’t afford to spend any more film rolls after a specified number of NG take? heard tvb is limited on that.

      4. Well, that’s great Damian is such a star helping out his fellow cast mates. I applaud him for being such a great mentor and team player.

        However, I must also agree with Pandamao that the onus of an actor’s performance does not lie upon one’s colleagues, and the more seniority the more responsibility. The director is there for a reason, to guide the actor. It’s generous that Damian is a leader and team player helping train/cultivate the skills of TVB newbies. Francis may seem selfish for not being as lenient or empathetic towards his co stars but honestly, he is not there to baby and spoon feed them. Especially since he feels its not his place to do so ie. its the directors role. Furthermore, its not like he is a TVB managed artist, he is an outsider and probably feels like one.

        He had an issue with Myolie in part 1 as her acting was not up to scratch, but he acknowledges now her being a newbie. Myolie still recalls feeling intimidated by Francis and cried many times on set. As for Fala, I suspect it was a matter of clash of the egos. She feels she’s acted in a few series already and perhaps refuses guidance? I dunno but there is definitely annomosity on set between the two.

        Ppl cut him some slack. He’s possibly a perfectionist as an actor and has high expectations, not just of himself but of others too.

        That being said, I do feel sorry for Fala and it could have been due to this whole acting experience which has pushed her to persue acting classes. Good on her for doing so. I’m sure working with Francis and Chilam (fine actors) has been a humbling experience. Maybe it was time for her to come back down to earth

    3. I think he’s good friends with Anthony Wong if I’m not wrong

    4. LOL, you hardly need to read in between the lines.

      But what I don’t get is, so Fala was frustrated with her scenes and he waits until she’s crying out of frustration to tell her how to do it? Then why bother? Why didn’t you say anything before that point?

      It’s not Francis’ job to teach her… but if he wants to give her constructive criticism then he should do it when it’s actually useful.

      I’ve said it before, Francis could be a good teacher because he really understands acting. But he just doesn’t have the patience to teach people in a constructive way. He’s like the parent who does wants the best for you, but choose the hardest possible way to convey it. Frankly, Francis IS Sam Tong.

    1. I couldn’t help but laugh at your comment! 😀 Yes, then we wouldn’t have the privilege of watching Cheeky Chilam strut his stuff and would’ve had to make do with A. Wong. *shudder* (I like him well enough in dark and gangster roles but as a pilot?!?)

      1. A.Wong as a pilot…. I’d not only shudder, I think I’d shake in my boots 😛

  5. Francis Ng is straightforward. I admire his personality.

    1. Wait until you hear more news about his anger incidents in the entertainment industry.

      1. Yeah, I like his acting but man is he a freak in real life.
        Anger issues, arrogance, too blunt (no tact)… He sounds really difficult to work with unless you are on his acting level. I would imagine it’s like walking on eggshells when you star in the same drama as him.

        Chi Lam on the other hand, seems like the most lovely guy to be around.

      2. well that should give anyone some real “learning” experience to act opposite him. Francis is a tough mentor but his advice is gold and solid, i dont see other ppl offering to share anything they know. ppl keep acting secrets to themselves, rarely do they give you philosophical examples on how to act successfully esp when he is a triple Best Actor in his industry. not everyone will appreciate his personality but he’s not a bad guy, Fala is just all about herself and that is why she’s trying to get away from TVB cause she didn’t feel pampered anymore there. She tried to put up so many restrictions and demands when she is still at d-level. now THAT is true arrogance no one should care for.

      3. Chilam just wants to go home to his family, he doesn’t want any trouble with the press or any image problems by saying what we all think. Yes he is more congenial than Francis but thats not doing Fala any favors either. that doesn’t mean Chilam doesnt have standards in acting, he’s just not sharing it cause its just not worth the problems that could ensue from everyone’s egos (Fala’s.)

      4. I have seen Francis act for a very very long time and still remember him when he was acting as extras back then, so he has come a very hard and long way. I would not say Francis is being mean or difficult but is straight forward. I remember Myolie saying how he is just trying to help, even though he may sound mean and all but he means well so it odes not make him a bad person. I sort of feel that Fala is too pampered at times and can’t take criticism well so of course she and Francis would not get along very well… It’s like when you have a strict teacher who may seem mean and all, but they mean well. If you are not criticized then how will you improve. But of course, you need to be constructive or else you will hurt your juniors’ feelings.

      5. I think it just has to do with the timing. Like no one here is really objecting to what he has to say about Fala, but its the timing. As a senior actor, why didn’t you give an extensive lesson while it was happening? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for his criticisms, cause he knows what he is talking about.

  6. Who is he to judge when he can’t ‘act’ to speak english properly.

    1. He can judge because speaking english properly is not the only requirement to good acting. And considering his background, his english was ok. At least he attempted to speak it. And he can judge because he is Francis Ng. And I know Francis Ng has a huge fanbase amongst men (especially those gangster type) and it is always difficult for man to have men fanbase.

      And darn it, he is Francis Ng!! What more he needs to do to convince anyone he can act? Isn’t episode 1-6 proof enough?

      1. Funn Lim,

        Yes, speaking english properly is not the only requirement to good acting. But being able to act to speak english properly despite a person’s inability to speak english properly in real life shows that the person is indeed a professional actor–something which Francis has failed to do so.

      2. Honestly, I find his English standards suited his role.
        I mean, have you heard KOREAN speaks in English?! I believe whether they like it or not but their pilots MUST speak English when communicating with the airport terminals- landing/ departing purposes?!
        Try to listen to a REAL KOREAN PILOT speaks in English before judging Francis.
        His role here is a HK Pilot, in HK, English isn’t the mother language. He is doing well.
        Just accept that what he said about Fala is constructive criticism!
        Honestly what he said is right, actually not just in acting but work wise nowadays, you don’t go unprepared for a job! Just like us ready for work presentation.
        U don’t go in the meeting room unprepared. U don’t go in to “test”.. We do full preparation way before!
        Just like Fala case, she don’t wait till the camera roll to think of how she gonna act, before the camera rolling, she should know.
        Anyway, she is pretty as Holiday 😉

      3. I agree with Funn.
        Francis can really act and yes his English is not good enough but if you compare to his first installment of TITS, he improved. For me I think Ron English is sucks too. But I am not looking for a Hollywood Series/Movie. I am watching TVB.

      4. i was on a plane in korea 3 years ago and had to strain my ears to to understand that the captain was trying to announce that we were going thru turbulence. so in comparison, francis’s english is understandable even wth a heavy accent.

      5. Was on a plane to China and I couldn’t understand a single word by the air stewardess and she is Malaysian!

    2. At his age I see Francis’s English speaking is not bad; I can understand what he means. Do not ask for perfectionism because there are a lot younger can not speak English as Francis Ng.

      1. His background and education wouldn’t allow him to speak good English.

        In terms of acting, I don’t think he is great. Again, this is my personal opinion. He is still mumbling his dialogues since day 1. That is why he can achieve “consistency” in TITS 2″ even though it is filmed 10 years later. He speaks the same.

        In terms of personality, he explodes his anger very easily. Not a lot of artistes and production crews like to work with him. He hit a salesperson when his wife was shopping some years ago. Perhaps that salesperson was a bit rude and did not suck up to him as a super star. Police was called in that incident and it was reported in Hong Kong entertainment news media.

    3. What does speaking English have to do with acting well?? It’s not like he is acting for Hollywood. Francis is a senior actor so why does he not have the right to judge his juniors???

      1. Because he couldn’t criticize Francis’ acting so he had to come up with something (anything!) just for the sake of it.

  7. Myolie Wu highly respected Francis Ng during the filming of TITS 1 and even praised him highly before, during, and after the filming of TITS2. Of course, he will not criticize Myolie no matter her acting is good or not.

    Fala Chen is a rather straightforward and “blunt” person. She doesn’t suck up to Francis Ng’s personality and, as a result, she is highly criticized by Francis Ng. Chilam did not criticize any of his co-stars, Fala, Moylie, Ron, Nancy, or Him Law. Does it mean that all these artistes are perfect? Chilam has a lot of screen time with Fala as well. He is just a nice and classy artiste.

    As an artiste, getting along well with the co-stars will definitely help improve their relationships on-and-off-screen. However, I heard tons of rumours between Francis and Fala during the filming of TITS 2. I expect all these criticisms from Francis obviously.

    1. now that you put it that way, i’m looking forward to comparing the chemistry between Sam & Holly vs Jayden & Holly

    2. This is what chilam said.

      1. This is a good comment for Fala. However, after breaking up with her ex-boyfriend, Daniel Sit, I am sure that Fala Chen no longer has to worry about this kind of scenes as she does not have any more pressure from Sit’s wealthy family.

      2. @Nigel,
        Chilam said …

        Qiántiān dào xīn xuānchuán, tǎnyán jiē pāi méi yālì.
        At a new promotional day before yesterday, frankly speaking, filming was without pressure.

        Wúxiàn bùshì zhèng dǎzhàng ma? “Gēn shuí dǎ? Nǎ yǒu duìshǒu!”
        Isn’t there currently a feud at TVB? “With whom? What opponents!”

        Yǒu zhǐ chénfǎlā bù pāi qīnrè xì, dàn “chōng II” hé zhāngzhìlín jī wěn, tā zhíyán:“Tā jiē shí, xīnlǐ yìng gāi yǒu dǐ.
        There are indications that Fala Chen does not shoot intimate scenes, but when time comes to shoot kiss scene with Chilam Cheung, Chilam bluntly said : “When Fala accepted the project, she should already know what is required.”

        (Tīng shuō tā zhīqián bù pāi qīnrè xì?)
        [Heard that Fala does not shoot intimate scenes before (the break-up with Daniel), right?]

        Nà shì bù chéngshú de biǎoxiàn. Zuò yǎnyuán bùnéng yǒu zhàng’ài, pà lǎoshǔ háishì yào tiào jìnqù.
        That’s immature. Actors/actresses cannot have obstacles, they must jump in even if they fear …

    3. Myolie respect Francis because he deserves it. TVB has been courting him over 10 years to film a sequel, with Francis position he do not need to film this series to earn $ or exposure; he did because he enjoy the role and get along well with the casts. Everyone knows what TVB filming schedule is like, why would any establish “movie” actor put themselves through that if they don’t want. So if Francis demands some professionalism from his colleagues, he can demand it!

      Francis did not criticize Fala professionalism or acting, he hint the role may not fit for Fala. Beside news of Fala do not get along with the casts and crew happen way before the series premier or her refusal to renew her contract with TVB.

      Also when reporters ask about Myolie acting, Francis mentions many times Myolie was still a newcomer, never once he say she needed improvement etc.

      1. On the one hand I agree with this, but on the other, have you seen how much TVB paid him to do TITS2?
        There also aren’t many high quality dramas coming out of HK lately. – Seems like Lau Ching Wan and Louis Koo seem to be locking them all down lol. Not complaining though since they are 2 of my favorite HK actors.

        I would imagine that lack of good/suitable roles and a huge paycheck certainly motivated him to agree to it, since he would never be able to make that amount of money in the same amount of time.
        They probably could have made a full series with just his paycheck.

        He is also not known for being selective when people throw wads of cash at him. – See most of his mainland produced trash in the last 10 years.

    4. that sandcherry just shows that fala is hard to get along and only think of me me me. yes francis might be too strict and grumpy but from how he doesn’t criticize myolie or other people but only implied criticism that fala’s acting isn’t there yet must’ve meant something about fala’s ability to warm up her costars. no wonder there are rumours of triumph2 cast complaining on fala.

      1. Francis didn’t exactly praise Myolie either which means he doesn’t think highly of her. If she was praise worthy, knowing Francis personality, he would go on a limb and say ‘Myolie is absolutely fantastic’ But did he? Nope. So guess what cray cray? Myolie needs some refining as well.

      2. Myolie improved from acting with Francis many yrs ago, he was the same with her. Even though her acting wasn’t very good, at least she did it with enthusiasm and fervor of a newcomer, i just don’t see any true passion in Fala. Fala wants the fame without the preparation and hard work, that is why she fails miserably here and had to run away from TVB.

        Til this day, Myolie speaks highly of Francis, she always thank him cause she understands he was a senior that gave her legit advice. It was one of her most successful dramas, propelling her to lead after lead, thereafter so she definitely got something out of acting opp him.

      3. Fala just doesn’t get “it.” She probably thinks Francis is a mean guy, its all about perspective, from her interview, it shows she still doesn’t appreciate his opinions either, there is this hostile feeling she gives off when ppl offer advice as if she doesn’t need them to tell her anything, she does it her way even when they told her to try something new. which is why she will not make it far in this industry the way Myolie has. flexibility, respect, optimism, and high EQ will get your further than being stubborn. Fala shows she thinks highly of herself despite everything and still doesn’t trust others advice either.

        she only praise chilam just cause he didnt say anything to her.

      4. @Sel fi wu,
        Boy you are either living in a cave or have a bad memory or are just in denial. Francis did criticize Myolie years ago, but I admit that Myolie took it in and said that Francis means well. Don’t just bag on Fala because Myolie’s acting is not the greatest either but of course in your little world she is the best of everything…

  8. Wow, just wow, He saw her crying and instead of maybe consoling someone in distress, he makes a snide and spiteful comment and walks away? What an ass.

    To say that to an upset person no matter if you like them or not shows what a horrible person he is. I think the true DIVA here is Francis. Everyone else just dosent admit how much they dont like him.

    1. Francis Ng is well-known for his “absurd” personality. He loses his temper very easily, and a lot of artistes and production crews are scared (or nervous) to work with him. He thinks he is “god”in film industries as he has won 3 times “Best Actor” awards in acting villainous characters. Perhaps he is good in acting villainous characters because he can mumble in those types of characters.

      As per Wikipedia, here is a description about Francis Ng:

      “His intense, compelling personas on and off-screen have earned him the nickname “Mental”.

    2. And what exactly she need consoling for? Come prepare and act, if you can’t act the way you wanted then do it a different way. Beside it not just Francis but it on the news that her acting is terrible. Personally anyone who cries at work because they can’t do their job show a lack of professionalism.

      1. “Personally anyone who cries at work because they can’t do their job show a lack of professionalism.”
        Don’t agree. A lot of good artistes do this. Sheren Tang was one of them in “War and Beauty”, and “Beauty at War”. Was she not a professional actress? Sheren Tang’s acting is well recognized as good acting, and she won TV Queen two years in a row. Only good artistes would do it because they have high requirements and expectations. Some are just more emotional than others.

      2. Just because they act doesn’t mean they are not human and not deserve compassion. Yes, it lacks professionalism, no-one disputes that, but it DOES NOT deserve snide stabbing remarks when you are at a time of distress.

      3. Sheren Tang cries at work because the lack of script and time for her to prepare her scene.

        I do believe Myolie also cries but as Francis put it she was a new comer so he was more patient with her.

        I’m a fan of Fala but simply put this role was not for her.

      4. @Megamiaow compassion for what? She doing her job, if she can’t act and cries that is her problem. When you are filming, it is not only you but yours acting colleagues, director, lighting…crew. If you come unprepared and not ready you are delaying everyone and you expect compassion?

        Sorry but did something happen in personal life that affects her acting and cries? There so many stories actor/actress their partner, family pass away but yet they still show up to work and act!

      5. You must be a new fan. There are tons of actresses who cry at filming because they are not happy at their acting, and want to do better. Fala Chen was just one of them.

        I have heard about too many stories already about actresses (mostly female) crying at filming.

      6. @sandcherry and I would judge them the same way!

      7. @Littlegalpal obviously you’re the same sort of person not to give compassion. Just because she’s an actress, she cant be human? I have personally experienced breakdowns from 3 of of my colleagues in extremely stressful working environments. Is it going to help anything if I had said to them “just do your job and be professional”? No, I asked if they were OK, and to take it easy. Not everyone can take stress the same, there is no need to judge.
        Unless your EQ is dog doo, you know that is not acceptable. And that is exactly what Francis did.

      8. @Megamiaow I’m not sure where you work but I work in a high stress finance job, you DO NOT CRY at work. Go to the bathroom or coffee break and cry. If you cry at work and cannot handle the stress, obviously it is not the job or profession for you.

      9. Agree with littlegalpal
        Are with now at SCHOOLS?!
        Even at college, we STOP CRYING while dealing with STRESS..let alone when it comes to WORK!
        Ohh, the workload is too much, ohhh.. I can’t finish this report on time.. Ohhh CRY T__T
        WT….. ==!!!

      10. I also don’t think just because someone cries at work means that they are not professional. Some are just more sensitive and emotional than others are. Regardless of what kind of job you have, there are times that you can break down and cry. Even president Obama shed some tears after the Sandy Hook elementary shooting and I remember one of my cousin’s friends saying that he should not have shed tears. But I argued that he is a person with feelings and when something as saddening like that happens, it is acceptable to cry because if you did not, you would wonder if he has a compassionate heart or not.

      11. @HTS
        LORR.. You can’t compared Obama and the shooting incident with Fala or us in our workloads ==!!
        Anyone would’ve cried when innocent life’s taken away, just like the bombing at the marathon.
        As for work, yup, cry doesn’t means we are not professional but have any of the CEO CRIED INFRONT of THEIR EMPLOYEES/SHARE HOLDERS as they find URGHHHH! Workload too much, I can’t handle it! It’s a NO.
        Yes, they may have cried but certainly not infront of others! Even Bowie Lam when commented that Sheren broke down, she hide herself. She didn’t cry infront of others, unlike Fala.
        And lorr.. Didn’t prepare for the scene, had few NGs, director finally, OK-CUT-DONT WASTE ANYMORE TIME/FILM, then she is not happy with the result- HER OWN ACTING.. then CRY?!
        WT..AGAIN ==!!
        And there are so many ppls who thinks this is OKAY?!
        Say so when you should be going home at 5pm but because of a colleague, u need to wait till 7pm to off work and FINALLY, when you FINALLY gets to go home, that colleague then CRY and said, I CAN DO BETTER.. IF ONLY I AM GIVEN EXTRA TIME..

    3. Agreed. If Francis couldn’t have helped, he should have at least been quiet. It was absolutely not necessary for him to have put down Fala when she was already at a low like that.

      1. He wasn’t putting her down. I thought he was more tactful in his response than usual. Why is Fala crying when SHE is the one keeping everyone from going home to their family just to do repeats of the same thing?? She added more stress and problems for crew by not doing her HW beforehand. He could just explode on her for keeping everyone onset just to serve her own needs.

      2. Yes, his answer was slightly tactful… But okay, to be more accuratE, maybe he wasn’t exactly putting her down but his words definitely made her feel worse. She already felt bad obviously so that’s why she cried. Rubbing salt onto someone’s wounds when they are a part of one’s own team is just pointless and a jerk move.

      3. Rather than judging Fala for her mistake, I think it’s much more important to see whether or not she realized it and learned from it. She obviously did realize her mistake to have cried and want to take acting lessons in New York. We’re all human; who hasn’t made a mistake before?…

      4. Agree with Gene!!
        It’s so funny that she is the one that’s crying!!
        It should be the others!!
        It’s really frustrating to have colleagues that didn’t compete their work well and causes others to STAY BACK to help doing THEIR SUPPOSED WORK and even worse, their paycheck is much higher than us!!
        After the director called CUT, Fala can just easily back to Hotel, imagine those crew members that need to pack stuffs up, they should be crying!

  9. I agreed. There should be no explanation for a lead actress to not be able to act her part. I keep reading that certain fans think Fala is better than this and that actress..well that is not the point and it doesnt matter. What matter is, Fala, as an actress, need help. She is no leading lady material.

    1. agree. fala was decent when she was supporting but when she’s getting lead actress like this all her weakness in acting showed up at once.

    2. Although I find her very pretty but when I saw her in that drama with Steven Ma, Yoyo Mung, she played the role of a pole dancer, I just feel that her expression-be it facial/body are real weird..
      I find her most likable in her role as the mute sister in the mooncake drama and also the one she acted as the wolf with Steven and Linda.
      I didn’t watch the drama of her with Sharon Chan and Roger Kwok.

  10. There is absolutely no chemistry between Fala and Francis in the series.

    Myolie was a newcomer in the first TITS and her acting need a lot of improvement but the character she plays was a naïve, innocent girl…in some way it fit. Together with Francis cool demeanor it plays really well together. I though the character Sam and Zoe was really sweet together and you can sense their chemistry and Zoe was very much idolize Sam (not sure how much that play in real life Myolie idolize Francis) but it work!

    1. agree. although myolie was a newcomer when she paired with francis their chemistry was great and sweet to watch but now fala as an experienced actress pairing with francis and can’t find any chemistry between them. can’t blame francis for criticizing fala’s acting.

      1. I don’t really want to ask this but are you in school? Or you a drop out?

      2. I was wondering the same thing about Sel Fi wu. I am not a fan of Fala and actually did not like her much before. However, I feel bad for her lately due to all of these negative news about her, her marriage/relationship breaking up,etc… and how people like Sel Fi Wu keep on putting her and others down and blindly praise Myolie like she is some goddess or something.

    2. Often ppl mistake the honest ppl as the bad ppl when in fact, they are the most transparent and pure in their thinking. Others get it wrong because you didn’t fluff it up.

      in TITSI, Myolie has a sweet onscreen persona and that coupled well with Francis’ stern one, which makes Myolie likeable despite her drawbacks. Myolie prove herself in the long run that she never gives up, she puts alot of efforts, and is a positive actress. Still not the best but not the worst anymore for sure.

    3. I agree. Myolie and Fala are both not strong actresses at the filming of their respective “Triumph in the Skies” lead roles. However, Myolie’s newcomer status, innocent-girl character, and unique chemistry with Francis made her casting and acting more acceptable. Fala, on the other hand, does not have any of those three things to save her.

  11. Fala Chen definitely deserves criticisms if she does not act well, but not from her co-star during the airing of her drama series. It shows that Francis Ng is not a classy actor. He should have talked to her during or right after filming, but not during the airing of her drama series.

  12. He is just being objective and honest. If he was just being mean, he doesn’t need to share his acting philosophy in life and how she could improve. He could just say to the press “She’s a terrible actress, needs to quit. Do us a favor and never return.” Instead, he offered up valuable information from his experience as an actor on how she could approach it differently. No one needs to waste their time caring to say anything if they truly didn’t care.

    His expectations is high cause he cares about the acting profession. The ppl who dont care and only want a paycheck are the ones that turn a blind eye to it even when they know things are getting bad but its not their problem. If Fala wants to improve as she says, what he says is helpful for her to see herself as she is. Its cause no one ever tells her, thats why her acting has gotten so bad, she is not able to put herself into role in TITSII. TVB should of done screen tests to see who can cry or not, that would of ruled Fala out immediately, instead they keep going by favoritism and choose the wrong ppl to act opposite experienced actors and frustration results.

  13. It’s been mentioned by a few commentators here that Fala is a straightforward person and for such personality probably Francis thought she would appreciate a candid assessment rather than being mollycoddled. Seemingly, he has the same trait.
    Must remember different stroke for different people!

  14. Someone who can grasp the English language extremely well please clarify for me. What I am reading in this article is that Fala cried during the set after her horrible take, right? And Francis in the interview is only stating what he did while she was crying, right? So therefore IT WASN’T FRANCIS WHO MADE HER CRY, she was already crying? So wth am I reading from some of you? Well not some, maybe just one or two or three…

    1. Fala cried because the scene wasn’t done the way she wanted, thats what the article is saying. Francis is just a bystander. He did offer her advice throughout filming, just that she still didn’t pick it up, so in the end he said, in my interpretation was like this “If you understood preparation and practice is needed to get it right before, it would of been better since the camera rolled. Only after so many takes and time has passed, you understand it needs to be done several times(but not here, at home.) Its just too late because you are now crying and stressed, the scene will not work no matter how many times its done now.” The way he was referencing a wok is not clean, her mind is not clear. We have to start the next day on a fresh start. He walked away because its time to go home. Nobody wants to be there forever to watch an actress cry simply because she didn’t even do the work beforehand to fit her role. She waited til last min to keep everyone there to do it “right.”

      1. But why do you keep deeming her as the one from keeping everyone there to do it right? Isn’t that what is expected? I mean surely even senior actors/actresses know that artists with a merely 6-7 years of experience still means there is plenty of room to learn and grow. Yes, she busted a scene and she cried. But can anyone guarantee that just because you do your homework and prepare, you won’t have any out takes? No one can guarantee. Not to mention, what about all the actors/actresses who took part in this series… I am pretty sure they also kept everyone there from ‘doing it right’ .. if that is how you want to put it.

        And did Fala not mention how she has no idea what to improve on and thus she wants to leave? That is exactly why she needs to leave TVB, to restart. She needs to learn from scratch, why she couldn’t perform certain scenes.. how to perform certain scenes, and etc. No doubt, Fala needs to brush up on a lot of things but is she horrible. No. Is she the best? No. That’s the problem. TVB have been producing mediocre actors/actresses. I don’t know for how long but they’ve been producing mediocre actresses/actors, but Myolie, Kate, Linda, Fala as lead actresses? Yeah it is a complete joke.

        As to why people are against Francis speaking about this after filming, well he was asked a question. I mean he gave a pretty good response.

      2. if she doesn’t know what to improve on, well just take his advice. everyone has to do their part, that is why they expect her to do hers. no one will baby you throughout but they will give you advice you can work on. its up to her discretion to use. from various articles, i get the sense this is not the only time she had outtakes, it was a great deal more which resulted in all the built up tension in not being able to immerse herself in role and thus she cried.

        chilam made the character his own. this is a talent that not everyone has. fala has been given enough dramas to act to pick up experience, she doesn’t have the knack for acting and lacks passion as seen in her lifeless performances lately.

      3. @gene:”fala has been given enough dramas to act to pick up experience” How many is enough?! lol

      4. whether you can act out a scene successfully has to do with adaptibility and practice. she lacks this quality. i think its also because she simply didn’t practice enough or is stubborn to change the way she acts, its her job to prepare and perform well, pointless to provide many excuses as to why she couldn’t, if she couldn’t, then get someone else who could. thats why the reaction is she’s not good for this role. if it was simply one or two times outtakes, who would care? but when it becomes a serious lag and delay for everyone, then intervention and resolution is needed before it drags the lead actors scenes down too. its a problem which resulted in press asking crew questions. I agree that Francis said the right things, he wasn’t mean to her at all.

      5. at Moon, she has acted in 4-5 dramas each yr, for many yrs now, she should be “experienced” but she isn’t in a sense that she doesn’t perform with much emotion or realness.

        Myolie for example, while criticized for her acting, has a gift of provoking emotion such as when she acted the down syndrome girl. that is why TVB values her cause they know she is genuine in her efforts. Fala comes across stiff with a stick up her behind recently, sorry to say. I liked her when she was doing her catty roles but those are easier to do than tearful “emotional” ones because it required you to reach deeper inside. Fala didn’t shed a tear because she really doesn’t care or think thsi drama is worth some real tears, thats just the feeling I get from here. whether its true or not, thats unknown.

      6. btw, you asked why i had to “deem” her as the one keeping crew there so she could do it “right”, the article clearly states that she was the one that keeps wanting to refilm and do it “right” but wrong each time cause she thinks she could redo it again, so yes she is the one keeping everyone else there for her own purpose.

      7. I’m just going to say this, the so called five fadans in TVB right now all have their strengths and weaknesses. It is utterly meaningless to even compare them to one another because that is asking ‘who is the best of the worst’

        Lastly about Myolie, you are admiring her work ethics, not her performances. I’m not too sure if you know that yourself. Because whatever Myolie plays in you can almost spit her back out and it is still Myolie. In other words, she does not bring her character to life. It is still just Myolie. This goes for all of them, not just Myolie but since you keep referring to Myolie. I will use Myolie.

        Remember her role in Lost in the Chamber of Love? Compare that role to her role of House of Vengence with Linda Chung and Bobby Au Yeung. She played two characters, but the end result is Myolie. Lost in the Chamber of Love was in the early 2000s. House of Vengence was in 2012 or 2011.. don’t remember, but it’s recent. You telling me she improved. Yes as a person, not as an actress. So it is great you admire her efforts in growing up and becoming an adult but as an actress….

      8. And also, if you think TVB values Myolie, then this series proves they value Fala more.

      9. also, she didn’t think for anyone else involved in the scene. what if they(francis and others) did it fine but now has to re-act it a dozen times just cause Fala was unsatisfied with how she looked in it. she should just come in prepared and ready to adapt quick, not mess up, and ask to refilm to a pt of crying. nobody has time for that.

      10. I find Myolie her charming even if she is not the most stellar actress at TVB. But I also respect her as an actress, because like I said, Myolie is able to provoke emotion. While she is weak is some scenes, she makes up in other. You may think she is mediocre but she has won Best Actress already, that means she has convinced alot of the big producers and directors at TVB and audience she is one. I wouldn’t call her mediocre anymore.

        Comparisons will help ppl improve by observing how others do it.

        TITSII is TVB’s attempt to promote and cement Fala to fa-dan status but she failed their efforts. This has nothing to do with TVB valuing Myolie or not just bc she wasnt paired with Chilam/Francis.

        Don’t take it the wrong way that Fala is being criticized, dont be so high strung about what ppl are saying about her, the criticisms are good more than bad for her. Otherwise she might keep doing the same thing over with lacklustre results and disappointment in her career. And even more frustration from angry viewers.

      11. Lol. I am far from being high-strung.

        If you think comparisons are the way to improve oneself, then you’ll never improve. You’ll only turn into a ‘I am trying to be better than that person, but I do not know who I am’ That is not self-improving, that is self-deception.

      12. And my conversation ends here with you because you did not just say or even try to imply that the Best Actress award merits to anything. Lol… But good try.

      13. Nothing is personal here, we are all offering constructive opinions. Like you said, she doesn’t know what to improve on, she’s the only one that suffers when she never gets other kinds of feedback. Why oppose unfavorable opinions of her and sneer down on comparisons of exact models( Both Myolie and Fala are pageant participants, favored by TVB, gones thru the same thing with Francis), when its only meant to help her? Myolie is a great example of success and ways to approach something. Again, you are speaking with emotion and not logic, that is why you defend every little thing about Fala when its not meant as an attack but a reflection of how she could change to improve her fate with audience.

      14. Best Actress is just a recognition title from her profession, even if you as an audience doesn’t think Myolie is on par, it doesn’t mean the tv industry bosses don’t. Its just their acknowledgment of her as one so why be so catty about it? Im not listing Myolie as a VS thing but rather, just one of the many examples of the plethora out there. Tavia Yeung is another example of a successful Best Actress, adaptable, delivers emotions, and hardworking. There are many ways for Fala to reach success but if her attitude is anything like yors, likely she won’t be in any luck, as slight things gets you going into defense mode.

      15. Francis is the only person to even bothering letting Fala know anything about how she comes across, next time he shouldn’t bother, just let her figure it out for herself, hopefully she wont be old as he is by that time.

      16. I have a question, who exactly is opposing you right now? Not me. Not anyone. Nobody.

        You stated an opinion and I countered with mine. That was all. I don’t know where this ‘opposition’ is coming from.

  15. Nobody should berate Francis anymore, he probably suffered enough from filming with her. He’s not exactly the most patient guy but I think he has been too kind to Fala, given how in his industry position, he could request a different co-star as a condition to film but he didn’t mind teaching newcomers, despite the outtakes and time they usually waste. I think he was more considerate since he shared knowledge with her.

  16. Wow Francis is a great guy n is dat y Fala gonna take up more acting classes with respect to Francis advice!

  17. francis ng can say what he wants. but remember in 1997 in OLD TIME BUDDY?
    Gallen Lo ‘owned’ you with stellar performance!

    1. cmon man, Gallen was and is great. But you wanna talk about ownage? talk to francis Ngs awards and nominations. Fala is okay, but you hear her in the interviews talking about no being worried about the challenge , since she studies the scripts extensively..well Im pretty sure Francis dont even have to say anything, ask the viewers what they think about Fala in Triumph.

      1. “cmon man, Gallen was and is great. But you wanna talk about ownage? talk to francis Ngs awards and nominations” – V^^V YEAAHHH!!!

        “..but you hear her in the interviews talking about no being worried about the challenge , since she studies the scripts extensively..well Im pretty sure Francis dont even have to say anything, ask the viewers what they think about Fala in Triumph.”
        …BEST ANSWER v^^v

    2. Sorry, I think both Francis and Gallen were great in there. Francis was spot on with his imitations and comedic timings.

  18. I’ve read most comments by others from “episode thoughts” by Funn regarding Fala’s acting and majority complained her.
    Thus it’s funny to see it is okay when you all complained how awful her acting is but it’s a NO NO NO, HE IS BEING CRUEL when Francis does it in a very very good manner!
    He is being asked by the reporter, if he said NO COMMENT/ SHE IS GREAT, he is FAKE, LIAR!
    When he replied in such a well manners, he is being called CRUEL.. ==!!!

  19. Funny thing about opinionated people is that they tend to clash with others who dare to disagree. N sk off the nose simply because we can’t help it. I must add opinionated people aren’t unreasonable but only if you don’t get them passionate about their subject.
    There’s one particular die-hard fan of Myolie with her unquestionable loyalty that irks some commentators. She has this tendency to put her foot in her mouth time and time again. Her admiration and adoration for her idol is blatantly clear in her every comment but irks her fellow commentators is she is also quick to condemn her idol’s rivals, ex and whatnot in the same breath (so to speak) even though she’s agreeing with some of the comments.
    This kind of loyalty is rare and unbelievable but in the sense that she’s come across as stick-in-the-mud kind of fan.

  20. Fala is suck, wake up guy. I dont see any reason to protect her, she cant act well, perhaps beauty saves her a bit. Sometimes, to be successful in acting, u need a character that suits u. In this drama, it is really miscast. If u r good actor / actress – u need to prepare n understand d character role. Same like exam, if u r not good in maths, u shud put more efforts.

    1. I am only going to make one remark about your last statement, the one about putting effort in an exam.

      During my graduate work, I came across many physicians and those who wish to become physicians. This was an interview question for entering med school which they informed me about: if you were a patient, do you want a doctor who gives in a 100% effort to help you or a doctor who CAN cure/help you?

      Why does this relate? Its to show that effort may not be the answer to everything. There are many people in this world who gives 200% in everything they do but why do they still fall short? Because giving effort is an admirable thing, something people use to measure a person’s character.

      1. “if you were a patient, do you want a doctor who gives in a 100% effort to help you or a doctor who CAN cure/help you? ”

        Questions like these as standard for entering med school? No wonder quality of doctors are falling! Isn’t that a stupid question? A patient of course wants someone who can cure him, and not just someone giving 100%. Anyone here wants to take the gamble of accepting a doctor who can’t cure but cares a lot?

      2. ” Because giving effort is an admirable thing, something people use to measure a person’s character.”

        True! Effort and I don’t mean wasted effort but I mean genuine effort will always results in good returns. Hard work and preseverence and dedication pays. Like some med students; one who is very smart but not really interested or one who isn’t the smartest but puts in a lot of effort. The first may pass the exams and become a doctor easily but he won’t have an easy time continuing with the profession whilst the latter may not be first in class but he will likely to continue on with the profession as he has passion. All successful people always say love what you do first and foremost and you will reap the rewards. But rewards may not be monetary unfortunately.

        Acting wise, this may not correspond with talent and effort. You can be the most hardworking, but not the most talented. Or you can be super talented but isn’t most dedicated. But in acting, the end results is on the screen and not many will know the effort but many can see the results. Therefore Fala may be the most dedicated actress, but if she can’t act, the end result is she can’t act.

        You know, like Madonna.

        BUT Fala is of course talented, except she needs the role to fit her and all that stuff.

      3. Funn,
        The answer to the question is not what determines who enters med school. I think its more for the interviewer to gauge what kind of person theyre interviewing.

    2. acting need to be natural and enjoyed by the actor but fala seems to aspire for too much maybe for perfection or awards and made her performance fell fake, very acted and contrived!

  21. They did not pay Francis to mentor Fala, did they? Director and producers supposed to pick the right cast for this series not a bad one for the veteran to guide.

  22. Hmmm… missing letters and word. Correction: No skin… Btw, just my 2-cent worth on a relaxing Tuesday. Lol. To the loyal fan, hope Myolie is aware of you and your steadfast loyalty…

  23. I like this drama but why use Fala? Why? I hate her. She can’t act and she’s not likeable. Some more matched with both leads. Help!

  24. ANOTHER article about Fala? I mean, it’s about Francis but on Jayne it always ends up being about Fala. The HK media must really love her for them to generate so much news about her even when she’s abroad and no longer with TVB. Strange how there’s hardly any news about TV queen Myolie, almost TV king Kenneth or even poor neglected Ron. I guess getting along fabulously on set is no cause for news so the reporters can’t be bothered. Or they don’t drive as much traffic.

    1. done riding your high horse? the last article about myolie generated most commented for the week. today myolie was on the front entertainment headlines for her net worth of half a billion and her non stop jobs and endorsements evident of her extremely high earning power. meanwhile fala continue to generate negative news about her weak acting, less than desirable attitude and inability to get along with other triumph cast.

      1. hope to see the great news about myolie’s assets, net worth and lining job opportunities translated by jayne’s staffs. will be fresh after reading lots of negative news of fala non stop. triumph2 need good news now 🙂

      2. Half a billion? That’s like more than a lot of huge hollywood stars! Or is it half a billion rupees?

      3. most commented purely because of your repetitive comments.

      4. 身家大半億的杏兒

        Its not half a billion. Should be 50 million.

        億 = 100 million

      5. LMAO, did I hit a nerve? Jayne should send you a thank you present for your huge “contribution” to both Fala and Myolie’s articles. I’m genuinely, constantly amazed by your utter lack of originality.

  25. I think much of the negative reaction to Falan this time around is mainly due to how her character has been written- it’s really not likable in the first place.

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