Francis Ng Wants to Be a Present Father

Although Francis Ng (吳鎮宇) showed his strict parenting side in 2014 reality show Where Are We Going, Dad? <爸爸去哪兒>, he is an involved father towards his now 12-year-old son. Since Francis has a shaky relationship with his own father who was largely absent, the actor realizes how this can leave lasting damage on a child.

Appearing as a guest on Raymond’s Taste Buds <輝哥為食遊> with Raymond Ng (吳錫輝), Francis described the loneliness of growing up with an absentee father who worked too much. “My father worked as a dim sum chef for many Guangzhou restaurants.  Except for being an actor, no other occupation has worse hours than dim sum chefs.”  As Francis’ father would go to work in the middle of the night and not return until 3 p.m., it was an extremely tiring job.

The actor confessed to barely seeing his own father, “It’s because he rarely chatted, and there were problems with [his work hours].” With barely the chance to spend time together and even have basic communication, their father-son relationship was naturally distant.

His own childhood experience motivated Francis to be a present father and find ways to bond more with Feynman. “When I’m with my son, I think about my past relationship with my father. Now, I want to use at different method. Sometimes, I would stay home for a certain amount of time, but he has school.” To spend more time with his son, Francis does not mind helping with homework and would step in as Feynman’s tutor in his Chinese lessons.

Poking Fun at Francis’ Temper

Aside from sharing his parenting perspective in the episode, Francis revealed his sense of humor. Raymond took Francis to a vegetarian restaurant and revealed his intentions to the actor, “Do you know why I took you here? Everyone knows you have a hot temper. A vegetarian diet will cool you down.”

When asked if he had always been hot tempered, Francis joked, “Actually, I converted to Buddhism when I was 5 years old and became a monk when I was 10 years old. I became like this because I joined the entertainment industry.”

Source: Sky Post
This article is written by Sammi for

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  1. i wonder how men aim to do that. that does not seem to be the goal for most fathers based on what i’ve seen in men these days. you go to the park, 90% it’s the women w/ her children and men are no where to be seen.

    1. @m0m0
      The newer generation there are also many incompetent mothers too who lack patience, prioritising phone chatting, shopping and prefer to continue similar lives to when they were single. 90% of the time of kids parent interaction is with me although I work in a different city. All the games, studying, walks and garden play… just me. Plenty of mothers I know just post their children’s pics on social media for to satisfy their on interaction with friends rather than spend that time with their children…

      1. @jimmyszeto I’m not sure where you guys live. But in the US, there are a lot of stay at home dad’s now. I’ve even spoke with the mother a few times, they admIt they don’t have the patience and therefore she does the working and he’ll do the upbringing of the kids. I’m glad more are beginning to see now that sometimes the father is the better choice to take care of kids.

      2. @abcd
        Happy to hear that but my wife was doing neither. The kids can feel who has the patience. The parent who simply does not put enough time into their kids may end up full of regrets in the future…

      3. @jimmyszeto
        Yes, the parent who does nothing will regret it. But that is a result of their own doing so they cannot blame anyone besides themselves.

      4. @abcd
        Even if that is the case, the other parent needs to get involved too. It is sad when one parent just sits on their butt while the other does everything. That is just not right… I see it in my family a lot but it is mostly my brothers that so more while their wives sit on their butt.

      5. @jimmyszeto
        You are so right!I see it with my sister in laws who just care about themselves. They act like they are single and are not a wife and mother. You are like my brothers who do all of the work and I help them out. They will regret it as their kids will resent them. You know the saying, you prepare the winds then a storm will come at you.

        That was how my aunt from the old generation was as she did nothing for her kids. Her mom(their grandma) did all of the work. When the kids got older, they all resented her and no one wanted to take care of her. Basically, she suffered from being a bad mother. Karma comes back at anyone who does bad things.

      6. @jimmyszeto
        not the men in my life and what i’ve seen w/ my friends. playdates, study, sports, signing up for camps and classes. men are never present. it’s not just motherhood are women’s only jobs these days. women work and take care of the kids and men just work that’s it. at least that’s the men i’ve seen around me and my friends.

  2. For the first 6yrs of my son’s life, I would be working in all the schoools he goes too…we are very close…his dad is more hands off.
    Since he reached 12yrs old, Dad takes him on yearly backpack holidays, weekly interesting Dining experience and help him in his school work. I will be more hands off…
    So at different stage of our kid’s life, we both play different roles.

    1. @hohliu
      Yes, it is good for both parents to be as involved as they can so the kids don’t favor one over the other. My other brother and his wife shared in the duties throughout their lives so my nephews love both his parents the same.

      1. @hohliu
        Exactly and both parents should both get as involved as they can. My other brother does most of the work with my help while his wife just works only. But even when she has time, it is all for herself. Her kids are resenting her already but she has no one to blame but herself. You know the saying, when you create winds then a storm will come.

      2. @hohliu
        Didn’t know you have cats.I am more of a dog person. However my 2 beloved dogs passed away years ago…. I don’t want anymore pets as it is too painful after they pass away.

      3. @hetieshou The Queen and her Corgi dogs over her lifetime is very touching…She has said she will not get more Corgi since her olderest started passing away. But her son gift her one recently to help with dealing with her grieve over Prince Philips death…But sadly that puppy just died of heart issue. And she was very upset…. I do wonder if she will get more puppies..

  3. Good for Francis to do that and realize how his childhood was and is changing it for his son. Unlike Nicholas Tse has 2 kids, and doesn’t seem to be involved with his kids at all…

    1. @exodus To even have his son telling the world of his dad’s neglect is a embrassment. Nicholas Tse is cancelled by his son due to his years of neglect.

      1. @hohliu
        Yes, it is sad and Nicholas is suffering from his actions now. He used to visit them quite often so I wonder what happened… but I must say that it was sleazy of the press to go after his son like that. He is still just a child.

      2. @hetieshou Likely bacause Cecilia moved to Singapore a afew years and Nicholas became super busy thus he neglected them. Now Cecila is moving her family to China for work reasons.

      3. @hohliu
        If that is the case, then they cannot blame Nicholas 100%. Not to say to he is not a fault, but they should stay in HK if they expect him to visit more. He used to visit them quite often…

      4. @hetieshou As she returns to HK with the kids very often but the kids still did not get to meet their dad. He was too busy…I guess thus the kids feels neglected. Likely he was even too busy to speak to them virtually… But who knows… I am just glad the kids are at least growing well with their mum.

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