Friends Remember Ng Man Tat

Veteran Hong Kong actor, Ng Man Tat (吳孟達), passed away at the age of 70 from liver cancer on February 27, 2021. Best remembered for his countless comedies in his 48-year acting career, Ng Man Tat left behind an extensive body of work in television dramas and films. Last night, TVB held a television special Remembering Mr. Ng Man Tat <無可比擬的演藝泰斗 永遠懷念吳孟達>  to honor hi His good friends from the industry including Eric Tsang (曾志偉), Tin Kai Man (田啟文), and Lam Chi Chung (林子聰) shared their heartfelt memories with the late actor.

Friends with Ng Man Tat for many years, Eric said that the actor was troubled by gambling debts in his early career. At the time, Ng Man Tat even considered committing suicide, but he had a change in heart and wanted a fresh start in his life. The incident caused him to work even harder in securing acting opportunities and strengthening his career. Speaking in tears, Eric said Ng Man Tat was not only a great actor, but also a very respected man. As many artistes regard each other as a big family, many feel deeply saddened when an artiste passes away. 

Ng Man Tat is Survived by 90-year-old Mother

In his final moments at the hospital, Ng Man Tat was not very responsive. Although  his eyes were closed, he could still hear everything his family and friends were saying. Seeming to want to say his final goodbye, Ng Man Tat opened his eyes for the last time and then passed away. His 90-year-old mother was filled with grief when she was at the hospital to see him. 

As Ng Man Tat’s family is in deep mourning, they agreed to let Tin Kai Man to arrange a memorial service to recognize the late actor’s contributions to the film industry and allow friends to collectively bid him farewell.

Other friends from the industry also shared their sorrow towards the actor’s passing. Louis Koo (古天樂) wrote in a post, “Goodbye Tat Gor. One of Hong Kong’s most important actors, Mr. Ng Man Tat, has left us. I remember that Tat Gor still helped promote Aberdeen <香港仔> even when he was ill. When we filmed Overheard 3 <竊聽風雲3> together, he excelled in his role as a cunning businessman.” Like Ng Man Tat’s fans, Louis will always remember the actor’s incredible performances and “his spirit lives forever in his works.”   

Source: Hong Kong Headline

This article is written by Hailey for

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  1. to be honest the one and only person who literally spent so much time with during their acting career is Stephen Chow… the duo were the best working together during the HK golden movies era.

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