Gaile Lok Has Plans to Wed Again

Since divorcing Leon Lai (黎明) in 2012, Gaile Lok (樂基兒) has not had a moment of loneliness. Currently dating New Zealand surf coach Cuz, Gaile spends her time indulging in exciting water activities. Living a life full of the freedom she craves, Gaile has finally found her true self again. She even has plans to marry Cuz in Bali, Indonesia after her jewelry design business is settled.
Allegedly, Gaile did not have a sense of freedom while she was married to Leon. She liked to make her own decisions, but had to think otherwise in order to please him. In 2004, Gaile admitted to augmenting her breasts after reporters noticed her fuller chest. However, when Gaile met Leon in 2005 and realized he was not fond of women with exaggerated figures, she obtained surgery to revert to her normal chest size.
In addition, Gaile always had an interest in tattoos and saw them as an intriguing form of art. At one point, she had as many as five tattoos on different parts of the body. However, since Leon preferred a good-girl image, Gaile removed all of them via a laser operation. Although she changed according to Leon’s wishes, the couple argued frequently and it became apparent that their personalities were a mismatch. After a four-year marriage, Gaile and Leon finally filed for divorce.
On the other hand, Gaile and Cuz seem to share the same taste in life. They both love participating in water sports and reportedly even purchased a private beach house in Bali together. To display her love with Cuz, Gaile received a new tattoo of a flying fish that symbolizes the fun times they spent in the water. Gaile feels as if she has finally returned to freedom.
Besides her emotional well-being, Gaile is also keeping herself physically fit and has tanned quite a bit. Satisfied with her current body shape, she shared happily, “I’m an athletic person and I have a little muscle. In the United States, I wear the extra small size.”
This article is written by Shirley for
Good for Gaile Lok/樂基兒. Yet another successful independent Asian women chooses a Westernized partner (outside of female-suppressive societies full of double standards).
BTW, “Westernized” does not necessarily mean “White”. Asian people can be Westernized too. For example, Eliza Sam, Leanne Li, Archie Kao (Zhou Xun’s bf), etc.
Good for her, that she is choosing to life the way she’s more used to, rather than accomodating and pleasing.
As she seemed to be doing with Leon Lai, to please him. As most Asian women also try to do.
Squish their own personalities and identities, because they’ve always been told by their mothers and grandmothers = you have to tolerate and accomodate – to make any marriage work.
You make it sound like Western values are invariably & universally better than East Asian cultural & social mores. There is 0 evidence of that.
Well, that depends on for which gender.
I am quite puzzled why she is still in the news or newsworthy when the article is basically a repeat of what we already know. Her only claim to fame is Leon and that is over. Perhaps let’s move on to another celebrity couple rather than reposting someone who is seriously not newsworthy who is now with someone even more not newsworthy.
She is a model in HK, so she is still newsworthy after her divorce. You don’t like her or are you a fan of Leon Lai?
She’s not a supermodel. She was just an ordinary model who became famous for being in a relationship with Leon.
Agreed, Gaile Lok’s past with Leon Lai (one of the Four Heavenly Kings) keeps her newsworthy regardless of how disagreeable the news may be to some.
you don’t need to be a supermodel to be famous in hk. Even Lengmos are in the news, Gaile Lok is more famous than those models.
Leng Mos look a lot better than Gaile Lok.
She is a model???
Boy, HK must have some low standards.
@ Terminator , haha omg that’s what I have been saying for a looong time! Whenever I see her on TV or in commercial, I always wonder WHY she’s even there. She doesn’t even look good on screen, sorry…Seriously, Joyce Cheng looks better than her, and I think Joyce is mediocre at best.
Hey bud let’s not involve Joyce Cheng in this.
Who said that all models are pretty/ beautiful?
Who said that you’re stubborn? “My respond is limited. You must ask the right question.” You know the answer.
I couldn’t relate to funn’s comments usually. But this time, I agree with her. I’m gonna skip gaile’s news moving forward
She dumped Leon and exposed him as a controlling freak. She deserves a medal. And every time she pops up in the news, no matter how not newsworthy, she stands as a reminder to single HK ladies to stay away from her scarily obsessive and controlling ex-one-time-four-heavenly-king.
Good for her, that she is choosing to life the way she’s more used to, rather than accomodating and pleasing.
Gaile always gives me the feeling that she has “sing kak” (in cantonese meant character). I like girls like that, not just pleasing others, but have our own opinion, being with another person should not lose our own identity. If you were to date/live with someone and have to change to someone you dont like, you’ve to start think is this what you want. Truly happy that she has found her happiness. All of us deserve to be happy.
But she did change for Leon. It just became unbearable after marriage and wanting out after falling for Cuz.
Hi Cloud,
I personally feel no one is 100% compatible, I doubt anyone can meet someone that is 100% click. One of us have to give in a little etc, especially living under the same roof. The way she tried to give in a little to accommodate Leon was acceptable to maintain peace in a relationship. But if you’ve to suffer and feel unhappy by doing so, it’s time to move on and that was the case for Gaile.
She bend for all the wrong reasons. You know what i meant. Do you know? “My respond is limited. You must ask the right question.” Exactly what is the right question.
Agreed, love conquers “fame and fortune” in the case of Gaile Lok.
You mean “white” conquers “fame and fortune” in the case of Gaile Lok. Com’n we know you love the superior white meat! Hahaha!
“We’re all the same, under the skin.”
She played the role Leon wanted and got a huge payout. With the money she can now find her true happiness.
Gaile Lok and surf coach Cuz aren’t exactly poor. They each make more than the average person.
“sing kak”
LOL! Seng kak, it’s gin kak. She has yet to find her happiness. Happiness is when the gweilo gives more love to her than she is to him.
That’s gonna be tough!
So far, the gweilo, who is nothing more than a beach bum, is living off her fortune from her divorce settlement.
Leon is such a control freak ey! Glad she has the freedom and be herself! go Girl!
If he’s such a control freak, she wouldn’t be allowed out of the house and shoot promotions during their marriage. Nor was she forced to have babies and give up her nightly outings.
I do not feel Leon is a control freak,but I think they were just very different and incompatible to the max. I think any relationship where you notice such big incompatibilities in the early stages,but yet ignore those warning signs and go on with it will just be a marriage/ relationship thar is doomed to fail and end sooner or later.
Hi HeTieShou,
Yes, I agree with you their personalities are just different. I also agree that Leon didn’t control her, some ppl dont understand that in any relationship most of us wont meet a person 100% compatible with us. Just imagine even twins have different characters. Living with another person is not the same as dating that person. It’s true that sometimes we still go ahead ignoring those who tell us that we’re not a good match, we feel our love can conquer everything. But not everyone can, doesnt matter, at least she’s happier now than she was with Leon Lai. I read in “mian xiang” that upper lips thick = emotions, lower lips thick = sexual. Gaile has always give me the impression that money or material to her is not important, she’s the type of person that would chase for happiness than materials.
Agree. And those qualities that did not make them compatible probably were the exciting factors that attracted and drew them to each other.
Why would we like bland clones of ourselves?
Count me in with those do not get the vibe she is the type who likes the high profile, designer lifestyle either. Why else would she want to be in laid-back Bali – a beach lifestyle, instead of attending charity balls in HK, to been seen and heard?
Love does conquer everything in some cases. Mixed-racial/culture marriages for eg – those are challenging too.
Doing all those operation changes just because leon didn’t like is committed of her. Don’t know if I would do that.
Hmmz never found her attractive at all!
Well, good for her she’s moving on to a life she’s more comfortable with.
Removing her tatoos to please someone because he doesn’t like your tatoos, or attending cooking classes to cook gourmet meals so she can wait at home for him … sounds like a lot of acomodation.
Changes she makes, but life more or less goes on as usual for him.
No matter how luxurious, that sounds like a bird trapped in a suffocating cage.
Whatever man!
Marriage is about sacrifice and love is about being selfless towards each other. And what do you expect to be married to a man so much older? Partying with you every night and go play water sports? Come on, she must be unrealistic when she married Leon. Maybe a young girl’s dream for marrying someone famous? And now blaming him for their failed marriage? She’s just not matured enough when she married. How can there be no sacrifice in a marriage and wanting to love your own lifestyle and make your own decisions is not marriage. It’s called single hood.
“Gaile Lok Has Plans to Wed Again”
Yup, one mistake is not enough and yet making another one with whatever the face name is. Cuz is that even a name for a person. A life with a beach bump, how long will it last. She’s actually paying for it with her youth and that’s a big price to pay for. What a joke!
Yes, I am on your side, marriage is a sacrificed if not it wouldn’t even last a day. Partying all night long and living husband behind and not planning for baby then why married him in the first place.
If got so much Seng Kak or attitude then don’t take his money or property or even alimony and enjoying it with your new boyfriend. That is so low and disgusting!
Precisely what I thought too. It just sounded like she “accommodated” him in order to “get” him to sign the papers. After that, throw him away and take the money. Honestly, anyone who thinks she has an attitude is just too blind to see her true form. ANY woman who has dignity would not stoop that low!
She’s stupid not to take the money but she’s dumb to spend it on someone like that.
I was honestly wondering the same thing. First of all it seems like they are both very different with one being very traditional and other westernized. You really wonder if she tried to accommodate him just for him to marry her and then take his money and run as fast as she can. Who,said she had to take his money? Just because you divorce does not mean you to take anything from your husband.
Who said that you’re stubborn? “My respond is limited. You must ask the right question.” You know the answer.
So true. She is a gold digger. Leon Lai fell into her trap but he got out finally. She doenst look too bad IMHO. Some photos of hers are very cute.
Was it ever proven that she got alimony from Leon? From what I’m aware, I heard she rejected the alimony offer.
She got the alimony, but she said it wasn’t a big alimony like the media claimed.
Most HUGE age gap relationships don’t last. Why so shocked?
Opposites attract. Whether they last long term, is another matter. What was attractive can ironically be the same irritating factors that may turn you off a person.
I don’t see her as a gold digger. Models make decent $ of their own, and she doesn’t to crave a high profile type lifestyle (like the Cova high tea crowd)
All that accomodation seemed to have been done AFTER marriage – she was pictured shopping for groceries and ingredients alone, to cook some lovey-dovery gourmet dinner for Leon Lai.
IF she was a gold-digger, it would just as easy to be the gf, and get him to buy her stuff. Sometimes that’s keeping it more exciting than being official wife, by stringing him along.
That seems enough in a lot of cases, where the whole affair is kept low key (bec the wealthy dude is already married).
Afterall how many starlets out there can start businesses, learn enough/have hot tips about great investments etc – enough to leave the industry and have a few homes, open their own stores and jewellery businesses? Despite not having power careers of their own or being quietly dormant for years.
Call me cynical but Gaile Lok has not demonstrated ‘sing kak’ or strength of character, whatsoever. If she feels that she had to bend ‘backwards’ to please Leon & she actually did it (e.g. removing her tattoos, removing breast implants, etc), those acts tell me that she’s an approval-seeking, superficial (for getting those body augmentations to begin with) gold-digger. I can almost guarantee that the highlight of her fame (& fortune) would be to hook Leon Lai & nothing else. I give her 1-2 years of being plowed by this New Zealander, Cuz, before she attempts to fling herself back to some East Asian star’s arms. Seen this kind of pump-and-dump happen sooo many times. HK starlets lack the street smarts when it comes to dealing with foreigners & are notoriously naive about happenings outside their world.