Gallen Lo Finds Happiness in Second Marriage

Gallen Lo Ka Leung met his second wife, Sophie Su Yan, on the set of a mainland series. They dated for a year before getting married in 2009.The newlyweds currently reside in Beijing, but Gallen will often return to Hong Kong to visit his son from his first marriage.
Yesterday, Gallen performed at a concert in Canada. During the concert, Sophie surprised Gallen by presenting him with a bouquet of flowers. Together, the pair sang a duet together on stage. Since it was Sophie’s first time visiting Canada, they visited tourist attractions such as Niagra Falls and posted the photos on their blogs.
Recently, Gallen and Sophie appeared on a television interview program, Super Interview <超级访问> and spoke publicly about their married life together for the first time.
Smoked Non-Stop at Wedding
Gallen’s first marriage to ex-wife, Clare Fong Man Yee, may have left him with a shadow on his wedding day to Sophie Su. Prior to the wedding, a Hong Kong tabloid published a blistering report claiming that Gallen did not treat Clare and his son well, while splurging money on Sophie. Allegedly, the public’s opinion may have made the groom nervous on his wedding day. According to Gallen’s Master of Ceremonies on the wedding day, Wang Dong, Gallen smoked profusely prior to the wedding ceremony. Wang Dong said, “There was already a large pile of cigarette butts in the ash tray in front of Gallen, but he kept putting more cigarette butts into it.”
Gallen Cooks and Cleans After Marriage
According to the Super Interview program staff, Gallen and Sophie behaved like Siamese twins on and off the stage. Before the start of the recording, Gallen used a brush pen to carefully write a love letter to his wife, expressing his romantic sentiments about the marriage. Gallen later explained that he smoked profusely on the wedding day since he was exhausted from all the wedding preparations and was not due to anxiety from the tabloid reports.
After marriage, Gallen and Sophie were often separated due to their individual filming requirements. However, Gallen would send Sophie daily text messages and call her about his whereabouts. While filming a series, Gallen also took short breaks to visit his wife.
Prior to their marriage, Sophie told Gallen, “I do not want a celebrity [in a husband]; I want a cook and a honest spouse.” To satisfy Sophie’s expectations of a perfect husband, 47-year-old Gallen learned how to cook for the first time. Sophie said,”He called my grandmother, who lives in Hong Kong to get recipes. He wrote down the list of ingredients and the preparation steps and was able to cook a table full of delicious dishes!”
Aside from cooking, Gallen also performed other household chores. He cleaned the laundry and watered the flowers in the garden.
Jayne: Sounds like Gallen is deeply in love with Sophie. Only a man deeply in love would put in all that effort to please his wife, especially since Gallen has a more hectic filming schedule than Sophie. Yet, he cooks and cleans!
Not to judge him on how he handled his first wife and all that, I believe a person should strive to do whatever that makes them happy without hurting others. I have no doubt he loves his son. How he treats his ex wife is none of anybody’s concern since she should move on. But he must shoulder his responsibility of his son and I hope this new wife would shoulder that responsibility too. But there is an underlying cynicism with this article. Since he is so in love with her, I doubt he spends time with his son enough and believe me when he has a child with this wife, I really believe his attention for his first son is even more diminished. I think the first wife was very smart not to make an issue out of anything and if she is smarter, she would send her son to live with Gallen. The reason is simple. However he is happy with this wife, he must never forget his responsibility as a father and so musn’t the first wife. So to all ex wives who have problems with their ex husbands and their new wives, quite simply, send your child to live with them. I know it is hard but at least food, lodging all taken care of.
I really hope Gallen is a better father than he was as a husband.
Too bad he never made the same effort for his first wife who has been with him for 20 years.
Funn, I hope by ‘send her son to live with Gallen’, you mean during holidays and stuff and not permanently.
Even in a happy marriage, women are better child caregivers than men. Women manage the
Women manage the infants development to the educational steps in the older years. Not to discredit any loving dads, but I think women are more attentive by nature, the requirements of good child caring.
Many divorced mothers remain single to continue to care for their children. While the men marry for the second time. Mothers seem to have a fiercer devotion to their children and enjoy the accomplishments of the growing child and the planning process involved.
For divorced women, less women re-marry because it is difficult to juggle a new husband and the children. In a normal marriage, the mother usually places priority of the children over the husband. Perhaps the divorced mom does not have the intention to stay single forever, but the time and emotional needs of child care seem to demand that.
As for men like Gallen, who chose to reside in Beijing, he is ready to lead his own new life. If he wanted more involvement with his son, he would have chose to remain in HK, closer to his son. Before he and Clare divorced, he was already filming many years in China and probably only saw his son a few weeks per year.
Many men see themselves as the financial care giver and not necessarily the emotional provider of everyday life. I think Gallen is probably a little emotionally detached from his son, not to say he doesn’t love him.
Kidd, no I mean actually send the son to him. There is a rationale in doing this. It depends if the woman is willing to part with the son, temporarily. It is a vindictive move as well as a financially sound one in the sense let him share the responsibility instead of frolicking happily with his brand new wife. But many women can’t do this and so has to suffer in silence in late payments, missing male figure in the son’s family, etc.
“Too bad he never made the same effort for his first wife who has been with him for 20 years.”
Maybe he did? He did marry her out of obligation and perhaps love as well. What love still exist after 20 years? Maybe not passionate love but practical love. I won’t blame him for wanting a change of “scenery” and maybe to the ex wife not having him in her son’s life is what she wanted anyway so it is a gain to him. Maybe he does pay on time, pay well but of course one would splurge on newly acquired stuff. I am curious; any pictures of Gallen, his son and new wife all together? The son did not attend the wedding right?
My guess is the ex wife did not allow it, pure and simple. Maybe he wanted it, maybe the new wife desired it, a good woman would never stand between a man and his son but I have this feeling as in all cases a woman so quiet and not speaking at all will always find other avenues to vent out, one is severing the tie between father and son, not really out of spite but out of convenience. It always is that way. In the end I pity the boy.
Gallen doesn’t give me that impression he is an absent father by choice. He has to work no doubt but not the sort that willfully neglect the child.
To me it is better for his son to be with his mother and just to visit his dad on the holidays or when he’s off school. It is never good to let him stay with his father and a new wife. I never trust stepmother or stepfather since the child/children from previous is not their biological child therefore, the child will never get the love like his/her parent.
I agree with Jayne Asian men always see themselves as a financial caregiver and rarely an emotional provider. It’s not necessary say they don’t love their kids. They do but they don’t display like the Caucasian does.
Sometimes it’s bad to see a couple had been married for so long and ended up getting divorce. But if you are not in their shoes you cannot actually judge who is at false and said he treats his ex-wife badly. You can think in a positive way that maybe they stayed together that long in order for his son to mature enough to take the new and not be damage due to the break up. Maybe the marriage cannot save but they have to keep up for their son….and there is a lot of if’s and only them know the reason. We just cannot judge and just based on the tabloid only….
That sounds pretty awful: Send your children to live with their father to punish him. In effect, you’re punishing your children as well. In divorces, children usually remain with the mother by default because mothers are usually considered better caregivers — not because the mother can’t bear to let the children go. Obviously, you want the best situation for the children — and that tends to be some form of shared custody — but one parent would still be the primary caregiver. If one parent is deemed less able (for example, due to an irregular work schedule), then the child would go to the other parent. To say that Gallen’s ex-wife is standing in the way of her son and his father just because she holds primary custody of the son is pretty presumptuous. Money isn’t everything; the ultimate goal is stability and consistency.
I actually really like Gallen’s acting but since reading this article, I am kind sadden by his excitement. Yes, I am very happy of his newfound love etc… and after 20 yrs with someone, a man (not all) will always look for someone younger and prettier. I am sadden that if his ex was to read this article and see him make such an effort for his new wife, such as cooking and cleaning, while he didn’t do such for her when she wasted her youth for him for 20 yrs. Yes, he did mention in the article that it was his first time cooking ever and he had to call her grdma for recipes. But the worse is in all divorce, it’s the child that is hurting. I feel horrible for his son. Not only does he already not see him enough when he was still married to his ex due to filming schedule etc.. but now, he lives in Beijing. Gallen couldn’t even make an effort to live closer to his son so he can at least see him once a week. If she loves him that much, then she should understand the son needs his father. But one key factor that since his son did not attend his wedding, the relationship between them two is already strained. If I was to remarried, I would definitely want my son to be part of my wedding and even if I have to beg my ex to have him in, I will because he is a part of me. That is plain selfish of Gallen-chain all you want, there are other methods of handling stress. I so disrespect him now. Sorry for rambling
I thought that Gallen was only married to his first wife for 10 years? I never heard about them being married for 20 years, unless you are counting the dating time plus marriage. I guess you can fall in or out of love which is really sad. You can be all lovey dovey one moment and then hate each other’s guts the next moment too. I would not be shocked if Gallen divorces his current wife and goes for someone else again later on… Husbands and wives can divorce and all, but your kids are always your kids. I really hope that Gallen doesn’t focus so much on pleasing his wife that he neglects his son. I think it is really sad that women make their husbands do this and that for them even if they don’t really want to. However, sadly some men are so in love that they become their wives’ slaves. Anyways, wish them the best and lets see how long they last.
I also want to say that I feel bad for his son and his ex wife. But then again, we honestly don’t know the whole story so who are we to judge. I have a feeling that he didn’t seem to treat his first wife as well as his current one. I can’t believe that he would go through all of that trouble just to please her. If his current wife loved him, she would not be so demanding and expect this and that..Also, if this was his first time cooking, then it meant that he never did it for his first wife and I honestly find that really sad….
Funn, why are you thinking so badly of the first wife and give all the benefit of the doubt to Galen and his beautiful new wife? You make the ex-wife out to be so vindictive while Galen is the poor poor father who is prevented from seeing his son.
Just because his first wife is not drop dead gorgeous, she must be the one who’s bad and Galen has the right to be tired of her?
I still remember how you side with Galen when their marriage first broke down because she’s plain looking and Galen is handsome.
Lastly, it’s unwise to let the child stay in the other parent permanently. The bond between mother and son will get less and less and the son will bond with the new family more and more. The ex-wife might end up losing both the son and the husband instead of binding then both in a calculated way.
“Too bad he never made the same effort for his first wife who has been with him for 20 years.”
“Maybe he did?”
Excepts from article:
“To satisfy Sophie’s expectations of a perfect husband, 47-year-old Gallen learned how to cook for the first time.
Yeap, he sure makes the same effort. Now, please don’t tell me maybe his ex-wife hog the kitchen.
The only excuse I can give him is he learn from his past mistake and thus put of effort and try harder in his second marriage.
If how he treated his ex-wife is nobody’s concern, then how he treated his son is also nobody’s concern. Since it’s his business. But, I guess his son deserve more concern than his plain jane of an ex-wife.
“and after 20 yrs with someone, a man (not all) will always look for someone younger and prettier.”
I think ‘always’ is a bit much. Many men stay with one wife their whole life.
Agree with Jayne and JN about the custody thing.
“I also want to say that I feel bad for his son and his ex wife. But then again, we honestly don’t know the whole story so who are we to judge. I have a feeling that he didn’t seem to treat his first wife as well as his current one. I can’t believe that he would go through all of that trouble just to please her. If his current wife loved him, she would not be so demanding and expect this and that..Also, if this was his first time cooking, then it meant that he never did it for his first wife and I honestly find that really sad…”
Agree. That’s what I mean when I said ‘Too bad he didn’t make the same effort for his first wife’. I mean, he learn to cook for the first time for this new wife. If what the article said is true and not exaggeration, that means he never once cook for his first wife for all the 20 years they were together and neither did he cook for his son.
Why should his ex-wife send their son to live with Gallen? As a reminder of what? A punishment? Being vindictive? Their son is not a piece of property, or a burden.
Gallen has always been away from home, hence the son is closer to his mother. Living with his mother is the best option, to spare the poor kid from stress of living with his father in an unfamiliar place (Beijing), which the latter will most probably be away working time to time. He will also be stuck with a stranger step mother, who is also a working actress herself.
“So to all ex wives who have problems with their ex husbands and their new wives, quite simply, send your child to live with them. I know it is hard but at least food, lodging all taken care of.”
It’s not just about not able to let go of the son because she will miss him. There’s also concern on whether the child will be well taken care of (not just splashing him with money, but also giving him the necessary emotional care, making sure he’s healthy and well brought up), whether the new wife will treat the child well. These are great concerns to a mother.
“It’s not just about not able to let go of the son because she will miss him. There’s also concern on whether the child will be well taken care of (not just splashing him with money, but also giving him the necessary emotional care, making sure he’s healthy and well brought up), whether the new wife will treat the child well. These are great concerns to a mother.”
Totally agree with you Kidd! It is not just all about money and raising a kid does not just take money, but also a lot of love,emotional care,etc… I think raising a kid with be easier if all it took was money. However, sadly that is not the case at all. In some cases, a kid can be raised in a good environment with a lot of love and care but with a minimum amount of money and still manage to be happy. However, in some other cases, a kid is born in a rich family and have all of the money and materialistic things are readily available, but they have no love, care or attention from their parents. I think that kid with be really sad and feel neglected. Therefore, money is NOT always the one and most important thing when raising a child.
There are good mothers who are possessive as well that turns the love into something like property. The fact that the son wasn’t present at the wedding is very very telling of her conduct. I am not sure whether the marriage broke down before this new wife came into the picture or not, but to me having seen all these on a daily basis, I really believe she is much happier if he doesn’t appear that often in her son’s life. Like you move on now and I move on and let me keep the son. The burden lies on the ex wife to care for the child, a burden which I think she relishes. Sometimes you don’t need to spell out to know the circumstances and if I did say Gallen was right to divorce his wife because she wasn’t pretty then it was my youth speaking that.
In circumstances where the wife really wants to have the father keep in contact, is angry she is shouldering the entire burden of raising the child whether emotionally, physically and financially, the solution instead of venting her anger at the son (I am not speaking of Gallen’s ex wife here, I mean generally) and complaining and crying and feeling every bit of jealousy not that he remarried but he has freedom and she does not despite the fact she does love her child and that he seems to butt into the child’s life without notice, my solution is send the child to live with the father and the new wife and you become the weekend parents which equates to fun and no homework.
But in Gallen’s case, the idea the son never turned up for the wedding save for illness or exams, tells me she is very happy he is out of her son’s life. Maybe Gallen reluctantly agreed to do so for the sake of civility with his ex wife. I don’t know about the new wife though. For all I know she too may be rather happy with this present arrangement.
Is it so difficult to envisiage sending your children to live with your husband and his new wife in their nice big home with nice big garden? I know a mother’s instinct is to protect their children and she thinks being with her is the best protection. I personally believe whatever hardship, a child would like to remain with the person they want to be with, not who has more money.
But speaking by experience, my happiest day was when I returned to stay with my father (no new wife luckily but my siblings were all there so that is a plus point) after my mother let go of my custody after my eldest sister who was much older persuaded her to do so. I don’t remember much those few years but I remember skipping happily. I also remember my mother has her freedom to do whatever she wants and I and my siblings spent long holidays with her and now that we are all grown up, we all live together.
Sometimes if you’re in dire straits, unlike Gallen’s ex wife of course but generally in dire straits, it is also love to let go rather than to hold on.
That was what I meant when I said let your child stay with the father. However believe me people being vindictive will cut off contact rather than send child to the man.
I hope this isn’t the case with Gallen. He must make effort too. I just have this feeling like I said once there is a new child with this new love of his life, the son may be Julian Lennon rather than Sean Lennon.
Sorry to hear about your story Funn, but each case is different and once again, we don’t know the whole story so who are to judge what is the right thing for Gallen to do? Also, maybe there was a good reason for his son to not be there?? Who really knows?? At least in your case, you had siblings to accompany you. However, in Gallen’s son’s case, he doesn’t have any so it makes it a kind of different scenario. I do hope that he does not neglect his son because the distance will grow… His son is his blood while his current wife may or may not be his lifelong mate, who really knows? I hope that he doesn’t value his current wife so much at the expense of losing the bond with his son. I think he will regret it if that does happen in the future.
Personal, I think what goes around come around,, his first wife cook and clean, and now he cook and clean for his second wife,,,
look at Micheal Doughlas, his son drug, smokes ect… and look at his kids with CZJones,, they got everythinggggg,,,
Not to mention Paul McCartney. Classic case is Julian Lennon Vs Sean Lennon. Very sad case.
I think keeping the son out of the public eye is the best thing for him, so staying with Gallen who is constantly under press scrutiny, not to mention the son feeling like a third wheel among the lovey-dovey newlyweds, and comparing his dad’s smitten treatment of his bride vs his mother will really hurt him.
So imo the son best stay with his mom, for the time being.
Funn Lim, in your case, you had no stepmother to deal with and had siblings to keep you company.
Clamine, actually I have but let’s just say I didn’t have to deal with her at all.
I still can’t believe that he was married for 20 years to his ex wife and now it has gone to nothing. Hey, maybe it will happen to his current wife, who knows? I also think that the son should stay with his mom(at least for now anyways) since who knows if Gallen’s new wife will treat his son well or not? You all know the stories of step parents not treating their children that well right?? That is not always true, but who knows about this case? Therefore, I don’t feel it is good to send the son to Gallen and his new wife. THe next thing you know, he has to pick between his son and his current wife. That would not be good at all.
You all will never know the real reason between Gallen and his ex-wife. So don’t simply judge them. This is their fate and their life no one can judge and critic about them. As long as both can find their happiness in life.