Gallen Lo Had No Regrets in Decision to Explore Mainland Market; Leaving TVB Was An Inevitable Trend

Gallen Lo, former TVB Number 1 Brother, talked about his departure from TVB in a recent interview. While at his career peak, Gallen left TVB for the mainland market. Regarding his move, he expressed no regrets, “There are a plethora of opportunities in Mainland.”
Recently a lot of emphasis has been placed on former TVB artists exploring mainland’s gold-digging opportunities. Gallen said, “Artists leaving TVB is an inevitable trend. Regardless of the salary or the film schedule, both are better than filming in Hong Kong, allowing for more disposable time. At the very least, I’m guaranteed 6 to 7 hours of rest. I couldn’t imagine such if I stayed with TVB.”
Written by Pandamao, a Contributing Writer at
Pandamao: In a business standpoint, Gallen took a risky move. I’m glad it paid off for him though. I seldom watch mainland dramas and when I do, I can never finish them. I’m used to the fast pace TVB series and prefer non-dubbed voices. Hopefully the new corporate changes and the rise of iCable will push for improvements across Hong Kong filming industry. Audiences should never have to settle for mediocre productions. If TVB wants to sustain it’s competitive advantage, they will need to take better care of its people and listen to what its consumer wants.
– TVB continues to sought after young-tamed artist but they never consider revamping their behind the scene production line. It’s time for new generation to take over a few productions each year. How about a producer under 35? Is there one? Please share. I don’t keep up with this but the story lines are so old school that it seems like it’s from the same producers over and over.
– Reward new ideas and place a cap on recycled themes. Not all new ideas yield high ratings, TVB needs to understand, long term growth versus short term profit.
– Quality versus Quantity. Simple equation, but is an apparent failure with TVB.
– Ratings is not the whole picture. The rating system is so overrated. A series garnering high ratings does not equate to excellency.
Despite my criticisms, TVB is still my favorite. They have done a good job sustaining production and market share even withstanding the rise of competition and technological changes. For one, I admire their unity with EEG, a very strategic move that will only benefit TVB in the long run.
Please share your thoughts.
As a Gallen Lo fan, this is sad news for me
My dreams of seeing Gallen and Wayne Lai in a series together are gone. But I can totally understand his stand…
Assuming that the producer comes up with the basic storyline and the scriptwriter fills in the details, I would think that the problem with TVB also lies with its lack of good scriptwriters, or rather, the way they rush the scripts. You can re-use themes and plots but work on the details, the lines, the little twists here and there. You can tell the same old story a hundred times and yet move the audience to tears, if you know how to be seductive in story-telling.
You don’t need to feel sad because if Gallen is still acting in series, I have a good feeling that he will come back to TVB. It is true that many artists have left TVB to go to China, but it is also true that many of them come back to TVB as well.
I am also a Gallen Lo fan and this news has really hit me quite hard. I must admit that I have never been a Mainland drama fan and the few that I have seen I have not enjoyed. There’s just something missing in them, either the scripts are not up to standard or the actors are not as good. They seem far more slower paced and just not interesting to put it mildly. Saying that, I am not a great fan of nowadays TVB dramas as they are not a fraction as good as they used to be.
I call it a good move,any thing better is to part from tvb, Gallo to go mainland+ = better the industry where he goes if part of any new show, I no big fan but his many recent to decade has been better than the rest in acting, He acted as Qin Shi Wang behond expecting!!
i agree with you..the mainland drama is not so ineresting to watch…i find the actors and actresses doesn’t play the role properly at all angles…facial expression makeup,background music all boring not realistic like tvb dramas modern or classic.
You might be watching the bad mainland dramas. I’ve been watching some mainland series such as Beauty Schemes and Gong lately and the makeup and costumes are brilliant. The series moves at a fast pace and the actors and actresses are very good looking.
I actually think the clothing is boring and ugly to be quite honest. I’m not putting you down for your liking but it’s just my opinion and view on the clothings. Old TVB clothing was way much more beautiful and elegant looking in which it made them look like they are real royals. Unlike clothes now. Prince/Princess clothing all look plain and farmerish.
Schemes of a Beauty was a great series. Palace [Gong] was not…lol though since you mentioned costumes, then major yes. Everyone looked flawless in both Schemes and Gong, but Gong was a poor imitation of Hana Yori Dango. The leads for Gong, Feng Shao Feng and Yang Mi, are decent actors I agree. OH, and yes, they are both gorgeous in that conventional way.
Actually the old TVB clothing did look more beautiful, but that is actually less accurate than the clothes of today. Back in the old days, even for the really rich, I wonder if they even had such nice clothing due to the limited amount of resources??
Schemes of beauty is was an ok series, but I wish that they would have chosen someone better than Ruby to play Empress Dou though…
Scheme of Beauty is ok, Palce is not :P.
But the actresses in China series looks prettier, such as Yang Mi, hehe.
Make up? China wins :P. TVB really know how to show the flaws of their artists on screen.
Fox, good point about the makeup. It was either TVB’s lighting or makeup problem but compared to other country’s production, TVB artistes doesn’t look as glossy and flawless onscreen. Some female artistes even have their face caked up with too thick makeup and made it surreal haha.
Most of TVB artists look better in real life than on screen
Yu Zheng productions are… not good. Meiren Xinji was probably his best work, but even then I could tell that he borrowed some story heavily from other dramas (specifically TVB dramas). Gong was laughable. I can’t believe I got through the whole thing. The people are pretty, and the setting is beautiful (something that China has advantage over), but story-wise, it’s terrible. Mainland dramas also move a lot slower than TVB dramas, and this is one of the reasons why I still prefer watching TVB despite TVB being so bad nowadays. TVB sucks without being too boring, if you get what I mean lol
IN case you didn’t know, all of the nice old clothes from the 80s series were all burnt down in a fire in the late 80s. That is why we will never see them again. All we have now are memories left from the photos and series which makes the old series even more valuable…
I must also add that mainland ancient dramas are more beautiful and interesting than TVB’s.
I did try to watch Beauty Schemes,and it’s really boring to me. Can’t stand mainland series. When actor and actresses go to mainland, I consider they’re retired
YOu should not stereotype that all Mainland series are bad just because of one series. The same can be said about TVB as well. You should be more open minded and try out new things or else you will miss out on a lot of good things…
@ anya: I partly agree with you. I enjoy a part of Scheme of Beauty but I give a yawn to a lot of parts. However, there are some better China series than this one.
I like China’s modern series than ancient. I dun think their ancient series are interesting. But modern series has deeper plots. The ones about corruption are not bad in plot wise. I like to see the schemes and the plans.
I am actually opposite of you. I actually like the ancient series from China more and don’t like the modern series much. But then again, I generally prefer ancient series over modern ones so I guess that isn’t saying much….
I prefer ancient to modern but I think China’s modern series are better than ancient (in term of plot).
I also think the fighting in China wuxia series is annoying with slow part and some “white smoke”. It’s hurt my eyes to see the heros fast then slow then fast then slow. Especially Cheung’s Jin Yong adapted series.
Mainland dramas have the costume, the setting, and the pretty people. Other than that, mainland dramas are actually quite boring and draggy. Their wuxia dramas also have very back action choreography. D8 The wirefu is epic, but when it comes to close-combat, TVB does it a lot better.
I don’t think that is true at all. I am guessing that you don’t watch mainland series. Many mainland series are great to watch. There are good and bad series from every company and country. Back in the 80s, I watched like 90% TVB and only 10% of other productions. But now, I only watch about 15-20% of TVB and the rest is of China and Taiwanese series.
As for acting, I feel that the Mainland artists are in a sense better than many of the HK artists. Some reasons are they get more rest and many are well trained in the acting field. They have to attend university, get educated and well trained so they should be better actors/actresses overall. But of course it varies from person to person too…
I don’t agree that everything at TVB is not boring and is realistic. I actually feel that mainland series are more realistic and the productions for many series are really grand… They also spend a lot of money on the artists, costumes and everything else while TVB is really cheap…
I really agree with the last paragraph. Mainland series that I watch which mostly ancient are really grand and look splendid. TVB series look studio produced and cheap. TVB uses the same costumes, street, buildings and houses for many different series.
@HeTieShou: I did try many mainland series.Beauty Schemes is just my example. Mainland series are most of them so slow, all of actors are have heavy make up. About TVB, it much more real. Of course, TVB’s sucks the last few years, and I’m not even fans of anyone like Mose, Linda, Charm…those who’s in most of TVB’s series. However, I still rather watch TVB and complain, bitching…. than watch Mainland series… Sorry…this is just my taste
“TVB series look studio produced and cheap. TVB uses the same costumes, street, buildings and houses for many different series.”
I don’t mind the same house, the same coffeeshop, the same office space, the same cheap studio look. That’s what TVB dramas are about. I just want a script that’s more carefully thought through.
Spend the money not on fancy sets and costumes, but on wages!
Some of the greatest film actresses dominating today were once part of Mainland dramas. Mainland dramas are fine, people raised with TVB are just not used to it. Both companies take a lot of pride in their work.
I’m pretty much this breakdown…
40% tvb
20% taiwanese
20% japan/korean
Thanks for sharing your views. I am glad that you don’t just stick to TVB. I was raised with TVB and watched mostly TVB when I was a child. I really loved TVB in the 80s a lot and stil enjoy those the most these days. A number of series from the 90s and 2000s from TVB are pretty good too. However, I feel that the number of good quality series from TVB seems to be getting less but I still watch TVB. I just don’t watch it as much as I before.
Thanks for sharing your breakdown. Mine is probably:
-15% TVB
-30-40% Mainland
-30% Taiwanese
-15% Korean
I even watched Singaporeaon series as well but haven’t in a long time.
Well if it is your taste, then let it be. But I just wanted to tell you that you should not stereotype that all mainland series are bad. I don’t think it is true that all of them have really heavy make up. I personally think that the TVB artists have a lot more make up, especially in those palace based series. They have sooo much on that I cannot even recognize them at first glance. Maybe you have not seen enough mainland series to compare to TVB. My friend is just like you and mainly only watches TVB. However, she does see some China series and has actually enjoyed the ones that she saw. I think you just have to see the right ones.
Not much makeup in TVB series? You kidding me! Look at their faces. HD closeup shots show only skin thats as smooth as a sanding board. That is inches of makeup!
I don’t really watch Mainland dramas either mainly because my Mandarin is not that good! So it’s harder to understand!
It will be nice for TVB to bring in new blood whether it’s for onscreen or behind the scenes. The sad thing is, the scriptwriters are underpaid and underappreciated by TVB, so they won’t last long. I remember reading an interview with HOG and MR scriptwriter Cheung Wah Biu that he had a young team of scripwriters with him for HOG and MR, but because of the long hours and low pay, a lot of them are gone already. And, most likely, when they are bringing these new writers in, they will be following the current scriptwriters’ styles because TVB, no matter using what stories, new or recycled, seem to follow a formula in their stories and scriptwriting, so everything seems unoriginal or reused, with the exception of a few productions. We are definitely looking for someone creative to make the change! Hopefully TVB’s new owner will bring in some new blood to the creative and production teams, especially in light of the growing competition from other stations.
I loved the Cheung Wah Biu article. I genuinely sensed how sad he was with TVB.
I think Mainland and TVB dramas both have their own charm. I watch Mainland and TVB series selectively, that is, I follow certain artists that think are decent actors instead of just tuning in indiscriminately…there’s alot of junk out there haha. I actually prefer mainland series because I don’t get that “studio” feel like I do from TVB.
I really like Gallen, but reflecting upon his words about lack of rest [along with Sammul Chan’s] I must say that I’m disappointed with the way artists are overworked. But, not surprised. Perhaps, Gallen’s status as a former big brother of TVB and a respected actor, will allow for him to have more power over his choice of script and roles. I enjoyed him immensely as the Emperor in Terracotta Warriors but stopped watching it because Ady as the lead female [terrible immature role] made me want to rip my hair out. He is so handsome and commanding on screen, I’d watch him regardless of where the series was produced.
Glad to see another fan that watches China series as well. I wish that other TVB fans would give China series a chance as well. I also watch TVB and China series since they both have their good and bad.
I am also not shocked that TVB treats artists the way that they do. This occured back in the days too not just recently. TVB has always been known to overwork and underpay their artists. Therefore, it is not a surprise that many artists just join TVB at the beginning of their career to earn some fame and recognition and then leave for better opportunities. However, the good thing is that they come back to TVB to film series every once in awhile because if it weren’t for TVB, they would not be where they are now…
I think Ady An’s acting is somewhat overrated by her fans. So is Ruby Lin’s. Since I know too many of those fans I always feel uneasy saying anything
I actually agree with you. I like Ady and all but her acting is overrated. Ruby Lin is way way overrated…Her acting in Beauty Scheme was nothing special at all yet everyone seems to give her so much credit…
I think Ady An is cute and quite agree that her acting is somewhat overrated.
In Schemes of a Beauty I prefer Myolie and Yang Mi’s characters and not Ruby’s. My most favourite story is about Myolie and Feng Shao Feng.
Ppl give her credit in BS because she is the center of the series. She is 1st female lead in the direct way. Everything, every events, every characters involve around her.
I also prefer Myolie and FSF’s storyline as well as Yang Mi’s character. Although Myolie is appeared in about 5 eps only, her storyline with FSF rocked.
Ady is cute, it’s undeniable. I noticed her in her first series. She looks “xiao jie”. Her acting is ok but she dun fit the strong character. Still dun like her acting in HSDS2009.
Ady An definitely looks cute but she’s like too cute. To the point I don’t find her convincing in dramatic roles… I find Ruby Lin gives me a similar feeling.
Actually in HSDS 2009 I think 何琢言 who plays Xiao Zhao (the girl whose from persia or goes off there) was actually cuter (if that was a word) than Ady.
you’re not alone SDS. I think her acting is horrible.
I’ve never been a fan of Mainland series as most of the actors are “nobodys” to me. I don’t even know who they are. Another reason why I can’t watch Mainland series is b/c of their voices. I can’t sit though more than 5 minutes of their high pitched tongue twisting dialogue.
I think we need to remember why Mainlanders are able to pay these actors a higher salary and give them more time to rest. It simply comes down to population. There are how many billion Mainlanders? Now compare that with the population in HK. Therefore Mainlander series may not necessary be better… it’s just there are enough pairs of eyes to watch it.
Well there are many many artists in China so there are always more to choose from. If you don’t watch and give them a chance then how would you know who they are?? ALso, if you haven’t even seen any China series all the way through then I don’t think you should judge them. I have seen many and must say that a lot of them are better than TVB, especially the Wuxia series. I recently saw Heavenly Sword Dragon Sabre 2009 and really enjoyed it. The production was really nice and grand. The acting was good too. Also, China has artists from Taiwan, Singapore,and even Korea as well as Hk act in their productions as well. They also have a lot of good directors and action directors that work for them as well. Would TVB even dare to have anyone that is not from TVB work for them?? No way…
Heavenly Sword Dragon Sabre 2009? Deng Chao and Ady An? Hmm… excuse me but this on look that great? The part when Zhang is in the cave, I saw a lot of bad CGI faults. Same on the part Zhang vs the 3 monks.
Lol, good directors and action directors, if you know that about 60%-70% directors and action directors in China ancient (wuxia) series are from HK :P. Also the modern series but the proportion is smaller a bit.
The director for Scheme of Beauty, Gong and most of Yu Zheng’s series are HKers :P.
I’m enjoying China series but they also have flaws.
I heard some hearsays that Jingle Ma will be directing the movie version of “Palace”. Jingle Ma is from HK too isn’t he?
Well I did not say that China series are perfect because they definately aren’t and are flawed just like any series from any country. I enjoyed HSDS 2009 overall but of course it has flaws but was way better than the 2003 version.
I know that many of the action directors and directors are from Hk, including one of the best action directors Ching Siu Tong. I think that since many of the directors have left Hk to go to Mainland, the Mainland productions have surpassed a majority of HK series in terms of quality.
I enjoy series from any country and every country has good and bad series/productions. Regardless of which country it is from, there are going to be flaws since no series is perfect.
2003 version of HSDS? Who in it? Yip Tong and Kathy Chow? If it’s, then of course the 2009 one is better.
HSDS 2009 failed to convince me tat Deng Chao and Ady make a good couple :P. Deng Chao’s acting is very good, but he dun fit the character. Liu Geng failed to act evil and Ady looks not smart and strong enough, although she is pretty.
And the supporting actors in wuxia china series often give me >”<, such as in Condor heroes (Cheung's). Huang Master looks very "xiao ren".
The 2003 version is the one with Alec Su and Alyssa Jia. That version was not good in my opinion, although a lot of the girls in there are really pretty. The one with Kathy is the 94 version which I did not watch.
I agree that Liu Jing’s acting was not up to par. I wished that they could have found someone better to play ZZR. I think that DEng Chao’s acting was good and fits the character, but he just sort of lacked the looks. However, that is not his fault. Ady was ok and my mom thought that she just wasn’t pretty enough. I think they somewhat lacked chemistry as the main couple, but was ok. The worst version to me was the 2000 version with Lawrence and Gigi.
I actually think that the supporting actors/actresses in the China wuxia series are really good. Many other reviewers liked them as well. In fact, many liked them more than the leads in some cases. But everyone has a different opinion…
Deng Chao is a bit too short and dark. His look is a disadvantage of him. But I notice him from his first role, he has good acting.
Ah the version with Alec. I dun watch this since I’m not a fan of Alec. But Allysia and the girl acts ZZR (I dun rmb her name) are pretty.
As for the supporting, I like TVB’s than China’s :P. Some are good but some are not, like the one I took example.
I think that you should watch a series for more than just the cast. I didn’t watch all of Alec’s version myself since it became really soap opera like. THe CGI effects were ridiculous so the fight scenes were really bad and fake. You mean Gao Yuan Yuan… She played ZZR.. Chen Sha Sha and other female casts in there are really pretty, but they changed and deviated from the novel too much so I didn’t like it.
As for supporting characters, as you have said, there is good and bad for CHina and TVB…
HSDS’s storyline is revealed many the times, why I need to watch it for the storyline? In this case, watch the cast is reasonable.
I wasn’t just aiming at HSDS or JY novels but just series in general. You should always watch for more than just the cast. Also, the later JY adaptions are done based on the 3rd edition so there are changes to the storyline.
I’m talking about HSDS in particular. For a series I know the plot so well, I’ll watch for the cast, if want.
As for the changes, sorry but most of changes in Jin Yong’s novels make me shake head. Such as the “more romantic” Return of Condor heroes where Xiao Long Nui is love-sick makes me “EWWWWWW”. You can imagine XLN tells YG: “I miss you”, YG: “I miss you too.”, XLN: “I miss you more”, YG: “I miss you 300 times a days.” XLN: “No I want you to miss me 300 times in the morning, 300 in the afternoon and 300 in the evening, then you have to miss me 900 times a day”.
Or ZZR one day goes to Zhang’s room and “I now understand, I can accept you and CM, accept me” and then Zhang says: “Ok, we can live together”.
So sick.
Yea, I guess if it is JY then you can watch for cast since you already know the story. I don’t agree with all of the changes myself, but I do like some of them… Like in BXJ, HTS knows that QQ is a girl and doesn’t fall for her like in the older editions. Some changes are ok while some I really question…
Sickest is Huang master falls in love with the girl then becomes blind (dun rmb name) in Condor heroes. Huang master’s love to his wife is like so perfect man in the old edition, how can he falls in love with another girl?
You mean Mei Shao Feng.. I thought that he liked her in the earlier editions already? He knew her before his wife I think so I don’t see what the big deal is. The only thing is that he is her master. I didn’t read all of the editions so not sure…
I actually watched most of HSDS 09 but thought the worst parts were the CGI… I wish they could just stop doing that stuff… it really bugs me when they do. It cheapens the whole series and experience. At least if they wanna do CGI, make a miniature model first and shoot it and then apply CGI over it…
Well how can you avoid CGI 100% these days?? If you have the technology, why not use it?? But I agree that it should not be overused. If you did not like the CGI in HSDS 2009, then you would really hate the 2003 version. The CGI in there was beyond ridiculous…
pure mainland dramas are unrealistic..the stars are too pretty and clean ..old ones look young..poor ones looked dressed up only..beggers are jus dressed up for a party,,not realistic at all…and some of them dubbed and that is really horrible…joint ventures okay
previously my husband and I would always watched only tvb series, but lately we really like mainland and other series – we also pick and choose series – mainland I love their scenery and fighting and how their cast members are not always the same group of ppl and actually mixture of other company/countries.
It depends on your preference. I can watch and enjoy any series from any country or any company as long as it fits my taste. I haven’t found a mainland serial that I like yet but I have my own share of Korean, Japanese and HK serials that I liked, disliked or abandoned. The same goes to movies.
I don’t mind low cost studio feel or low rated either. I watched 7 Days in Life recently and loved it despite the mixed word-of-mouth review, lacklustre ratings and studio settings.
Word. I don’t need people’s review to tell me how much I enjoyed a series. I loved 7DIL.
Pandamao, reviews even from professional critics are written from someone’s perception and opinion..haha.
Its not all opinion, e.g. Burning Flame 3 was really really bad. I think that is an objective fact
@SDS – It’s opinion. BF3 storyline was bad and a lot said Myolie is bad in BF3 but I think Myolie isn’t that bad and there’s still some cute moments from Bosco and Aimee.
I remember way back in the days(in the 80s) when TVB still dominated the series world how I still enjoyed some of the few series from China. Back then, CHina only made a few series based on the Chinese classics such as Journey to the West, Dream of the Red Chamber, Romance of the 3 Kingdoms,etc… I felt that even back then, China was already capable of making such high quality productions that TVB was not really capable of back then. I think one of the series back then that TVB made that was grand was the Grand Canal but even they had to go to China for that. I heard that Journey to the West with Lu Xiao Ling Tong took around 2 years to complete. We can see why since it has sooo many details and scenaries that we would never see in any TVB series. I don’t think TVB would ever spend that much time and effort on just one series.
It’s because TVB is all about the money. They have no desire to make history. It’s pretty sad.
You are right and I find that sad. It seems like all TVB cares about is money. However, if they continue to overwork artists, rush things, underpay everyone,etc… the quality of their works and everything else will continue to get worse. If they continue to lag behind like that, how will they continue to make money?? Back then when the competition was not as great, they could have gotten away with it. However, now the competition is way higher so how can they continue to be the way they are?? I really don’t see a good future for TVB if they continue to behave the way they do..
Well to be a little fair, it tends to be hard for TVB to do ancient fantasy wuxia stuff like China nowadays because the avenues of sponsorship are much larger in China than in HK hence TVB seldom anymore does wuxia.
Also, production crews in China may put more effort into finer details cause they can easily switch jobs to another studio. TVB crews seldom can do this within HK so there’s less motivation to excel but just to ‘hand in your homework’ type thing.
The way I see it is that TVB is a business trying to hold onto existing market share while various media companies in China will continually develop and evole. Language barriers aside, it won’t be long before TVB series becomes second rate if they don’t change tact. I’m saying this and I don’t even watch many mainland series…
I’m saddened by TVB series too. TVB only cares to make money and not about making good series. I’m enjoying watching mainland series more than TVB now. There are a few upcoming titles that I will watch since there are many series made in mainland from different workshops and I love watching well made ancient series.
I am not as shallow as most people and go more for the talent rather than just looks. There are many talented actors and actresses in China. I also feel that China ancient series give out an aura that TVB ancient series just don’t have anymore. Hey if you like the actors for their acting, then it shows that mainland actors are talented.
@ HTS: I’m kinda curious to know who are talented actors and actresses in China in your view?
In my opinion(this is just my personal opinion only), the talented actors from China are Hu Ge, Yu Bo, Deng Chao, Li Ya Peng, Huang Xiao Ming and many others since there are way too many that I like. For the actresses, I like Liu Shi Shi, Sun Fei Fei, Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Huang Sheng Yi, Gao Yuan Yuan and many others.. I like a lot since I watch a lot of series from China.
Li Ya Peng? Husband of Wong Fei?
Personally, I don’t think Huang Xiao Ming is a good actor but a handsome man.
Haha, every girls you listed belongs to pretty list to me. I dun find their acting anything too special at all :P. But they are pretty, can’t deny that.
How about Tong Li Ya? She is so pretty, rite?
Well, I don’t just go for looks when picking which actresses and actors that I like.Afterall, they are actors and actresses, NOT models. If I just wanted good looking people only I can just judge the models. I have seen other prettier actresses than the ones that I have listed, but they can’t act at all…
Yea, Li Ya Peng is the husband of Faye Wong. I have seen Huang Xiao Ming in a variety of roles and he did pretty well, so that is why I like him and it isn’t because of looks. There are other really handsome actors but they can’t act very well in my opinion.
Sorry, I don’t know Tang Li Ya. Which series was she in??
Gong :D. Tong Li Ya is in Gong.
I just finished that series too and enjoyed it as well. I have learned through the years to not listen to what others say. I always hear bad reviews about a series but then when I see it myself, it is completely different from what I thought. I actually end up liking series that people say are bad and vice versa. Therefore, I think we should just see a series for ourselves instead of listening to others.
…Therefore, I think we should just see a series for ourselves instead of listening to others
Yeah, that’s the way to go. I believe that reviews can be a rough “guidance” for the series but it doesn’t mean we should eat the reviewer’s opinion blindly
Anyone who takes someone else’s opinion without a second thought is not living in the 21st century!
I always have the feelings that once TVB artist go for Mainland, they are not as popular as before in HK. thus there isn’t much oppourtunity for them once they come back. Hope for the best to Gallen. I guess he stick to Mainland is due to his wife is also from mainland.
I don’t think that is true in all cases. It really depends.. Like with Ada Choi, she filmed in China for years but is still popular in Hk. But not sure if she is still as popular in Hk before going to Mainland.
damm it! this article is about gallen lo venturing into mainland market and u all talk only about mainland dramas bla bbla bla
What is wrong with that?? It’s not like we are completely off topic and we do often go a bit off topic here. We are just having a discussion so what is wrong with that??
actually jerry – gallen has already ventured off into mainland market and it’s a reflection on how he is satisfied with his initial move.
the mainland series discussion, more or less, has to do with his work environment.
I know what you mean. But I guess this is not news anymore since he left TVB so long ago, came back and left again. So the discussion kinda ventured into mainland series, which I personally have absolutely no interest in.
I thought Gallen Lo had always made mainland dramas and worked for TVB as well… Isn’t that how he met his wife?
I’m sure if Gallen really wanted to he would probably do a per series contract with TVB when he doesn’t have any mainland projects like what Charmaine is planning to do.
But honestly it will be disappointing not to see Gallen in a TVB series for awhile…
I love watching Gallen’s series. He is so good in every roles regardless of being a good guy or bad guy. He also good in comedy as well.
As you well know I am not Chinese. Therefore, I am not understand a word in Chinese either Cantonese or Mandarin. But every single series of TVB in the 80’s to present I never miss a series. I also watched series from Mainland and also Taiwanese series too.
Taiwanese series are making you so depressed because from beginning to end all is crying and screaming. It very limited in actors and actresses. In one movie it is less than 10 people in the series…
I watched some mainland series and never seem to like it. I know you guys will say I might watch a bad one. I tend to watch most of the new series when it new release. But unfortunately I can only be able to watch a couple of episodes and that it.
As for Korean series there is a absolute “No” in my house. Never stand it. All the actors and actresses seem to have plastic surgery to their face. Doesn’t seem to be normal to me.
I believe I seen some of Gallen’s mainland series and also, he collaborated with Singaporean/Malaysian. OMG! he is terrible!
Most of the times to have a good series, the credit doesn’t necessary go to the main actor or actress. It also apply to all the supporting actors and actresses. That reason why TVB is still standing good not just Chinese citizens but to all the Asian in the world. They do a lot of translation in other languages.
I don’t think you should say that about Taiwanese series. There are a number of them that are like that, but not all of them. ALso, if you watch them dubbed then you will not be able to enjoy them as much. The translations are often wrong as well. I can watch series in Chinese and Vietnamese and have compared the translations and they are often wrong. There is also way more than 10 people in a series. Where did you get that from?
Back in the 80s, I watched mostly TVB but that has changed a lot lately since TVB is really going downhill. If you are aiming for cast, many of them are going to China as well. Therefore, who will be left in TVB?
You really should give mainland series another chance. Many of them are really good. Even my friend who is a big and loyal TVB fan has tried some and really liked the ones that she saw.
About Korean series, I used to not like them either but still gave many of them a try. I think some of them are pretty good, but I still don’t like them as much as TVB, Mainland or Taiwan. Some are a lot better than I thought too.
I also don’t get why you start out saying that you like seeing Gallen and then say that he is terrible just because he collaborated with Mainland, Singapore or Malaysia?? Are you saying that he can only act well in TVB?? Sorry but that doesn’t make sense to me… The actors/actresses in mainland generally get treated better so they will often give a better performance. However, TVB overworks their artists so I wonder if the artists will be able to reach their full potential due to lack to rest and all.
I really don’t understand your last paragraph at all… Are you saying that TVB only has good supporting actors and actresses while mainland and other companies don’t?? Did you think that only TVB series are translated or something?? Sorry but that is not the case…
@ HTS: Actually about 10 ppl in Taiwanese series, it’s quite true :P. I’m watching few Taiwanese series on TV, all of them has less than 10 ppl (even more, 20 at max) and 5 places (3 houses, 2 offices). That’s all.
actually when I watched TVB series English subtitle and when I listen to their dialog, Cantonese and Vietnamese in writing is totally different but in pronunciation is the same. Without reading the subtitle I still can understand some since it sound the same in Vietnamese.
Let put it this way, when I watch mainland series and Taiwanese series once the main characters is not on the screen play the other supporting characters do not have the charisma to help you focus on the series to a point it is very boring and very tasteless and the stories do not make any sense. But different people have different taste.
I know that Mainland have great scenery and of course China is a very big country compare to HongKong is just a small island. But if you pay close attention, most of the series at least 30 or more episodes, the 1st 10 episode might be good but then thereafter is just ridiculous ending.
Also, if you watch the series in the Manchu era. OMG! have you ever paid attention to their hair. It look short, fake, and while watching, I am afraid it will fall off at one point. You can tell right away that is glue on.
There are some ancient movies that HongKong can’t never be compare to Mainland. I cannot recall the English title. They base on more to the history than just making the movie for the audience to see.
There are so many Taiwanese movies which only have 5-10 characters and that is all. How do I know this because I love watching dramas. I loved watch Luu Tuyet Hoa (that is how I know her name in viet) and Tan Han. They were known for being a compatible couples in every drama movie based on Quynh Dao book/story.
Later on other Taiwanese try to be another Luu Tuyet Hoa and Tan Han but all I heard was screaming when they tried to cry from the beginning to the end. I have a headache after watching a few episode and yes every of them have less than 10 people in it. If you don’t believe go look for some and try to count them.
As for Gallen, let me search for the movie which he was in it and I will let you know. He played the Emperor and had a very ugly Emperess and he only nice to her only when there is a war and she will be the general to fight in the war once she won she was confined in the palace which he never visit her. (that is the story I think).
Since he left TVB I haven’t seen any of his movie which is worth my time of watching. He is good but maybe the group of other characters are not up to par or not compartible to collaborate with him since he has so much experience. Like I said when I watch his movies he is so perfect that you either love him since he a good guy in that role or you really hate him when he plays a bad guy. He is really good in comedy series too.
I watch Taiwanese series a lot and it is true sometimes, but not for every series… Maybe if you are referring to the idol series, then that is true somewhat,however, not all the time…
Sorry but I think you are sort of lost when you are try to compare Vietnamese and Cantonese. It is true that some words sound sort of the same(that is the case due to Chinese influence back in the days), but overall a lot of it is different since they are 2 completely different languages. I know because I know both of them(I know Mandarin as well). You may be able to catch a few words here and there, but I doubt that you can understand the whole thing(unless you have watched the Viet version first so you already had some understanding of it).
Each person has different taste so you can like what you like. We sure have different taste. I think the supporting characters for Taiwanese and Chinese series are better than TVB these days.
Once again, you are stereotyping… There are many many Mainland series so I highly doubt that you have seen that many of them. It is true that some are not good but the same goes for TVB or any country/company. Of course I pay attention since I like Mainland series, but you don’t so I doubt that you pay that much attention to them to judge the way that you do. A lot of them have good endings… Sure it may not be a happy ever after ending like we all want, but they are good and decent endings.
Well if you say that about Manchu series, doesn’t it also apply to TVB??? That is just how the Qing Dynasty era’s hairstyle is. Any company that has series in that era cannot avoid that.
Like I have said, there is good and bad to every company and country. Also, I think you are referring to series NOT movies. Movies are completely different.
Well can you name some Taiwanese series with only 10 characters?? I do agree that is true to some extent, but still that is not true all the time… I know that for sure since I have seen some that don’t.Also, a lot of the new Taiwanese series of today don’t even translate into Viet, unless you watched them with English subs. I know Viet so know who you are talking about… I actually did not like the older Taiwanese series with them back then. I only started watching them abouy 6 years ago since I used to only like ancient series. I rarely watched any modern series back then, but have started recently. Like I have said, I do agree to some extent about the 10 people thing, but what is the big deal about that?? If the story is good and all, then I don’t understand why you need to count the number of characters?? One series that has way more than 10 characters is Death Girl. It has sooo many characters in it that I lost count. But then again, that is a different type of series. Hei Tang Macchiato has more than 10.. That is more of a high school type of series for teens though…
Well even if Gallen wasn’t good that particular series, does not equate to him being bad in every single series outside of TVB. There were series from TVB that he was in where I didn’t like either. But it was the series itself, not the fact that it was from TVB or not. I have seen Gallen act a lot so you don’t need to tell me how he is.
I don’t mean all Taiwanese series, I mean many
Yea maybe many of the recent ones do, but not all of them and also the ones in past definately did not have only 10 characters or so. However, as long as the story and all is good then I don’t think that is important at all. The good thing is that many of the idol series are pretty short and not long and draggy, therefore, do they even need to have a lot of unnecessary characters?? I personally don’t want a series to have way too many characters like Jue Da Shuang Jiao or Hong Lau meng. Boy, those stories have sooo many characters they become excess and you lose track. But those long novels so that is understandable…
@ HTS: Oh, so you dun like series with many characters?
Then you must say thank god Cheung dun do Da Tang Sung Lung (as Wong Jing took advantages) because Huang Yi’s novels have a forest of characters (and Cheung really loves to follow every small thing in the novels). TVB cut and merge at least 50% characters of Da Tang Sung Lung to TOB.
Well, I actually don’t really mind if there is a lot of characters as long as the story makes sense. However, I must say that it can get irritating if there are too many characters to the point that you lose track of them. I heard that Da Tang Shuang Long is a really long novel so it is understandable that it does have a lot of characters. TVB is famous for not being accurate to any novels that they adapt so I am not shocked. However, I find it hard to have an accurate adaption of DTSL due to the very very long length of it.
Wong Jing said his version will follow the novel. Let’s see. Actually the cast and outfits of this one are kinda failed.
Da Tang is the same to Fu Yu Fan Yun (the length). TVB follows the novel in Da Tang a bit more than FYFY. Hmm, I rmb someone counted and there are about 400 main characters in Da Tang (dun count the small characters) and this number in FYFY is about 600.
BTW, talk about little of characters, no country can beat Korean ancient series (ancient only). It’s very limited. Even in a war, I can see about 10 ppl ready for the war and I laughed so hard.
Are you kidding me? Wong Jing’s version accurate to the novel? Sorry but I find that hard to believe… After all of the past butcherings he has done to other novels, I have lost faith in him…
I wasn’t sure about the length of FYFY since I have not seen a full text version of it yet. But I did see one for DTSL and wanted to faint since it is sooo long…
Yea, I wonder why there are so little characters for the ancient Korean series??? IS it due to their budget??
It’s wat Wong Jing said. The truth is what, let’s wait for new Da Tang.
As for Korean series, I have no idea. Lack of actors?
Saying one thing but doing something is another… Actions speak stronger than words. Lets hope that Wong Jing can crank out a decent adaption this time. After he turned Jiang Yu Lan into a girl and Wei Xiao Bao into a martial artist, I wonder if I can trust him anymore??
I am not sure that it is because Koreans lack actors. They have a lot of celebs too.. Maybe they still don’t have the high budget that CHina series do??? Not sure…
Hey did you read that in the new version of Sidamingbu (movie), Mo Ching is a girl (acted by Liu Yi Fei)?
Korea has a lot of celebs, but I’m talking about actors.
WHAT??!! They are changing Wu Qing into a girl and Liu Yi Fei will play it?? I feel like fainting… I can’t believe that they would first of all change the character into a girl, but have Liu YI Fei play that role?? You gotta to be kidding me… BIG miscast… How ridiculous to change him into a girl too… Oh goodness…
Yes. And Mo Ching in black outfit. And nope, she (new Mo Ching) won’t act male, everyone noe she is a girl (laugh die me). Da si jie (lmao~).
The director said he has this idea from a member of the crew who watched HK version. It’s truly “laugh die me”. Poor LF. He is the reason why Mo Ching’s sex is changed.
Why not? Like in hollywood film there is the obligatory black/asian/gay character, so this story must update too. Since there are stories of female “dai hup”, I think it is appropriate. But with Liu Yi Fei in it, wouldn’t the 3 other guys fall for her and cause some rift, I mean practically speaking? Why not challenge her more, let her play the MALE character who looks feminine?
Mo Ching is famous in the novel as a white beautiful man :P. Beautiful but still a man. He always wears white and his “uhm hei” dun have poison.
@ Fox
“The director said he has this idea from a member of the crew who watched HK version. It’s truly “laugh die me”. Poor LF. He is the reason why Mo Ching’s sex is changed.”
The crew could have watched one of the ATV adaptations too.
This is not the first time producer/director/scriptwriter changed the sex of a canon character. Wong Jing changed Jiang Yu Lang to a girl in his ‘Jue Dai Shuang Jiao’ series and Tsui Hak also changed one of the Seven Sword main character from a guy to a girl. I don’t like both changes. I can tolerate a lot of changes, but, changing the sex of a canon character is going too far. I wonder what will Wen Rui An said. WRA was very upset with the non-crippled Mou Ching than Taiwan made.
If Funn’s ‘the 3 other guys fall for her and cause some rift’ comes true, I’ll stay away from the movie.
Another sex change. The ‘Jeut Doi Seung kiu’ starring Andy Lau and Bridget Lin. Bridget Lin become Fah Mou Kuet and she and Andy Lau’s Little Fish fell in love.
Ng Wai Kwok’s Mo Ching, rite? If I rmb rite, he has beard in the end :P. But maybe. Ng Wai Kwok is kinda suai.
I’m not sure if all 3 falls in love with Da si jie or not but Liu’s Mo Ching will play and talk with little animals :P.
Taiwanese series belong to a different genre altogether. I think there are two kinds:
The ones in Hokkien are theatrical. Every actor/actress has an insane facial expression all the time. I can’t take it. The ones in Mandarin (so called “Idol” series) are mostly about a bunch of youngsters mumbling rubbish + local slang. I can’t take it either, though i have to admit the recent one with Jerry Yen and S.H.E. member was pretty entertaining.
Mainland series – not my cup of tea.
Korean series – I can’t understand the mother-in-law chauvinism so…not my cup of tea either.
Singaporean series – You must be kidding. I cringe even just hearing the TV from a block away.
Therefore, TVB is still the best.
BRAVO!!!! I whole-heart 100% agree with you… Well said.
That is just your opinion and you just refuse to give other productions a chance so how will you know if they are good or not?? Sorry but TVB these days cannot compare to China and other companies anymore…I wish them all so I have a better picture of how it is compared to you… But of course it it still down to opinion, however, I find it unfair for you to just say that without even giving other companies a try…
I mean to say that I “watched” them all…
If it is not for TVB to promote all the Actors/Actresses then how others will know their names.
Also, once they leave TVB and explore themselves in Mainland and others I don’t know if they famous and become more famous or they will stop and then come back to Hong Kong again.
If you guys keep saying TVB is terrible then why all the Netizens youngsters (girls & boys) try to compete in all the competitions and beauty pageants so that they can get a small role in the TVB cast members.
I just hate people when their name is not famous they are very humble and they will do anything to get their name be known in the Entertainment world. Once they get their wish then they start whining about over work and low pay.
Money is very important in everyday life but it is not above anything. In life no matter where you live or what you do always be grateful to the people who make you from a nobody to a famous person. If it not for them you might be trying to stay busy in office work or if you are unemployed then try looking for work.
Not everyone are those youngsters netizens who want to star in TVB productions. Joining those beauty pageants is more of creating a name for themselves now and stepping into the industry.
Sometimes, it’s not up to them and they must be humble as they represent their company. If they were to speak everything that crossed their mind, they might not even make it big. In TVB, those who rise are those who are obedient. Therefore, if you are always complaining to the press about this and that, you will deemed as disobedient to the company and won’t get anything other than minor roles. Most artists, even the ones who has no name probably believes that TVB has low pay, but because they don’t have the freedom to voice their opinion, they must keep quiet.
There is really nothing wrong for the artists to voice their opinions; if no one ever says anything, things will always stay the same with no improvements. However, even with these artists voicing their dissatisfaction with TVB, it will take TVB management a while (maybe a few years) to get things ordered and running. Change doesn’t happen overnight. When these artists has made it popular and has a name, more people are willing to listen to them. When they’re a nobody, most people would settle only to get more opportunities, more roles, and more popularity. It’s like going up the ladder and people would always want improvements and conditions to be better.
Simple fact is every one living in HK can only turn to TVB if they want to get into the entertainment business.
You should also remember the people who promote artists (like TVB) have their own agenda, make their own money. They didn’t pick them out of the goodness of their heart or because they wanted to help them get work. They did it cause they saw that those stars could make money for them. Most the stars that have come out to complain about TVB’s working conditions are those known to have been very obedient in the years they began but just get sidelined or small roles for a long time. And take note, TVB has lost many many talented people cause of their tyranny: Andy Lau, Stephen Chow, Chow Yun Fat etc.
As others have said, if you are in HK and want to enter the circle, TVB is the way to go. Many of the famous HK stars of today all came from TVB. I do commend TVB for that, but that seems to be in the past mainly…
You really don’t follow their news anymore after they leave TVB do you??? A number of actors/actresses that were nobodys in TVB actually end up becoming pretty popular when they go to the Mainland. One good example is Hawick Lau. Of course it varies from person to person. The thing is entering the mainland is not only more money, but a lot more opportunities that they would not get if they were stuck in TVB.
I do agree that TVB has helped a lot of artists in the beginning of their career but do you even know how artists are treated at TVB?? They overwork them and pay them really little.. That has been the case for many years. I do agree that money should not be everything, but it does become pretty important especially if you have a family to support. There is nothing wrong with speaking up how your employer treats you. I am guessing you don’t know much about what TVB does to its artists. Even a famous star like Andy Lau was mistreated by TVB back then. I still remember that TVB wanted to sign a contract with Andy and just because he didn’t want to at the time, they just froze him. His series Tin Lang Kip was in the freezer and was never aired. I don’t know if you have read about how TVB artists often say that they work and work without any rest at all. Tony Leung complained that he worked on the Grand Canal back then, he worked for 20 hours with no break at all. He was often late due to his lack of sleep. I think you are just blindly defending TVB without realizing how they treat their artists and just care about getting series done and released. I guess you are just so loyal to TVB that you just don’t realize what happens behind the scenes.
Hawick Lau before being famous in China, he has a number of leading roles with ATV and in Singapore series.
Fame will give you money by outside works and ads. Kystal Tin said that she was leading in ATV series but nobody knew her even when her series was airing halfway. On the other hand, with TVB, she was supporting in a series and when the trailer was out, ppl in the street looked at her and said: “Hey this lady is an actress, her series is going to air”. That’s why ppl still want to stay with TVB or maintain relationship with them.
“I just hate people when their name is not famous they are very humble and they will do anything to get their name be known in the Entertainment world. Once they get their wish then they start whining about over work and low pay.”
Me too. They have enough fame and then complain (indirectly request more). Why they don’t whine when they are nobody? Because nobody care for them. Once they are famous, they bite the hands that feed them. They can see that not only them but also others are the same, some even harder than them. They want fame, they want money but don’t want to work? Of course some complaints like requesting a break or holidays are not the matter I’m talking about. I’m talking about the ones who are intently whine about overwork and low pay to request more.
Something that would REALLY help TVB is that they should seriously stop pumping out so many dramas every year! They make at least 10-20 new dramas per year, and that’s seriously hurting their production budgets. They should seriously slow down and use their saved budgets to invest on other dramas that are worth investing for. That way, they actually have the cash to make better studio sets, costume, pay their actors/producers/writers more, and maybe even afford to go to China for some epic scenery. Heck, they can even save enough money to pay a star-studded cast. I think the last star-studded cast that TVB actually made was The Yang’s Saga in 1985. ><
But then they would only have one first line series and no second line series. How boring would their tv station be? What else could they show? Even travel and entertainment shows they still have to fork out money to produce.
That is when international dramas come in, or re-runs of old TVB dramas. Dae Jang Geum is not TVB-produced, but it has become a household name in HK. The recent mainland adaptation of The Duke of Mount Deer also got pretty popular when they aired it as a second line series in early 2009. And I’m pretty sure entertainment/variety shows aren’t as expensive as long drama epics. HK needs more entertainment shows anyways.
TVB also purchases series from mainland and I think other countries to air on their channel too, so it is not just their own series. ATV does that a lot since they don’t make much of their own series.
Totally agree with you. I think TVB should imply that quality is really important as well and it’s not just quantity. Sometimes I want to see a series from China, Taiwan or another country and it takes a while to get released. However, with TVB it is really fast. It is nice to be able to see a series right away but I want to see a good one, not just see any series. I guess TVB still believes that quantity is better than quality.
TVB has been to CHina many times already. Back in the days, they went to China for certain scenes in the Grand Canal. I still remember reading how unforgettable it was for the artists. They said that they can never forget it. I think it was really rare of them to go to CHina back then. However, nowadays they go quite often. For Eternal Happiness, certain scenes were filmed in China. Twin of Brothers was their first series made entirely in China too.
Yang’s Saga 1985 was the most star studded series ever. I don’t think any series will ever have such a star studded cast again… BUt nowadays, TVB would not want to pay for such a star studded cast again….
@HeTieShou I agree. TVB should either do more co-productions with China or save their money to go to the mainland to film. TVB studio sets are getting better (and in many ways TVB costumes are also more historically accurate then “certain” mainland dramas), but there’s no denying that China has the breathtaking scenery and settings. Well-written dramas like “War and Beauty” (and to an extent, the current “Relic of an Emissary”) would fare a lot better in quality if they filmed in the mainland.
It’s good to see a change for once. I was so glad they aired Royal Tramp in 2009 because finally we’re not seeing the same people every night. And usually TVB’s international dramas fare quite well ratings-wise too.
Eternal Happiness did full in TVB. They dun go to China to have film.
TOB isn’t made entirely in China. Have scenes in Sai Gung and TVB city.
Wasn’t War and Beauty filmed in China?Maybe not entirely but a lot of scenes were filmed in China.
Really? I heard that some scenes for ET were filmed in China but not sure… I heard that TOB was filmed entirely in China but also not sure if that is 100% accurate… They were in China for many scenes though. I remember that Tavia and I think Ray and Ron had to come back to Hk for the awards show for a day since they were filming for TOB in China at the time.
@HeTieShou Oh yes, you’re right. A part of WAB was filmed in the mainland. But they were only outdoor scenes, right? It would be nice to have everything filmed in the mainland, considering that many of mainland’s period dramas don’t really film in studios, but in actual sets. Hengdian is a good example of that.
@fox From what I can remember, I think a part of EH was actually filmed in China.
Yea, I had a feeling that many of the outdoor scenes for WAB were filmed in China since I don’t think HK has that type of landscape. Hengdian has many beautiful sets that are often used for filming ancient series. It would be nice for TVB to have a series made entirely in China.
Now that I think about it, EH did have some scenes filmed in China. I heard that TVB had a studio in China for filming ancient series. They would use that each time they go to CHina to film so some may think that they are still filming in Hk.
Nope, none part of EH did in China. It’s fully made in HK. I watched the K100 clips about this one.
The scene when Kau Chung won the city for Li Sau Ning, it’s obvious TVB City. TOB also filmed in Sai Gung and TVB series.
The outdoor filming only contributes a part in the success of a series. Take Master of Taichi as example. It’s filmed entirely in China and its scenes are beautiful, but it isn’t successful.
For War & Beauty, the forbidden palace was a 1 day shoot if I remember correctly. The rest I believe is locally in HK or near there.
Some of my friends said: China wuxia series, other than beautiful scenery, have nothing else to watch :P.
Really?? I am not sure then since I hear this and then hear that from different sources…NOt sure what is correct anymore….
I don’t agree that China wuxia series only have good scenary only. There is a lot more than that. I think they have a lot more to offer than TVB ancient series do…
To me I also like to see China girls. They are pretty. I dun idolize actresses but I like to see beautiful girls, haha. So reason for me to watch China series (1) beautiful scenery (2) beautiful girls.
I like TVB guys more than China guys :P. Their faces are more eye-candy to me than the Chinese. I like Deng Chao, I like Mickey He and kinda like Feng Shao Feng, Hu Ge but all for their acting.
Fox, I agree. Plus costume, pretty leading ladies, but the dubbing and the echo that just makes me switch off the TV.
Really? They didn’t go to China at all for EH? I swear I thought they did because I didn’t remember HK being that pretty, LOL.
If you’re used to watching the fast-paced TVB wuxia adaptations, then mainland wuxia dramas would definitely be a bore. Mainland wuxia dramas have the landscape and stage, but a majority of the one’s I’ve seen had bad writing and awkward dialogue. I honestly couldn’t even get through the first 5 episodes of ROCH 2006, lol. I didn’t like how they screwed up LOCH 2008. And while HXM’s version of DOMD was pretty entertaining (I LOVE Wallace Chung’s portrayal of the Kangxi Emperor! Very charismatic and intelligent, yet also very innocent and young. I prefer his portrayal over Andy Lau’s), but overall I still find Tony Leung’s version to be the most enjoyable. HXM’s version wasn’t even as funny as Jordan Chan’s 1999 version.
Dialogue is a disadvantage of China series. Sometimes they talk too much.
And yes, EH dun film in China.
@ HTS and Kidd:
Here is Crystal Liu’s Mo Ching: and
Deng Chao is Lang Huet, Ronald Cheng is Zhui Ming and Collin Chou is Tit Sau.
Deng Chao
Anthony Wong as Zhuge (xiao hua):
Give me comment
Thanks for the pictures and info. OH gosh, Liu Yi Fei sort of scared me… I don’t feel that she is fit for the role, but that’s just what I think. THe rest of the cast is ok. Not sure about how they will fit into the roles so lets wait until the movie comes out.
Why does Little Flower braid his beard? Weird. Still don’t like Liu Yi Fei as Mou Ching however good she looks. Deng Chao and Ronald as Lang Huat and Zhui Ming is ok. No problem with them. Collin’s Tit Sau does not look righteous and proper enough. He looks like an bandit. I blame the costume. Do away with the costume please.
Female Mou Ching. :crying:
“I blame the costume. Do away with the costume please.”
Sorry, I means to say, do away with the goatee please.
I think Deng Chao is a bit too tiny and dun look “wild” enough. Ronald is ok, kinda fit the novel as Zhui Ming is the oldest.
Little Flower’s beard is funny.
Forget to add, there is a triangle love between Lang Huet, Mo Ching and a new created girl :P.
Mo Ching will be able to talk with little animals and a number of little animals such as birds, cats, dogs, etc. will appear in the movie.
“Mo Ching will be able to talk with little animals and a number of little animals such as birds, cats, dogs, etc. will appear in the movie.”
God please help me.. Is she Snow White?
I guess he is Snow Black because she is in Black
THat is the reason why I hate it when they change male characters to females!!! They then do this and that and it makes everything ridiculous. That’s why I was so freaked out when Jiang Yu Lan was changed into a girl as well…
Just 2 comments. Firstly, Gallen Lo. From an awkward, inexperienced young actor he has, through the years matured to what he is today, a versatile and well-liked actor, ready to explore new territories byond HK, that is, Mainland China in his case. I’m quite sure it’s not the money that beckons him but something beyond that like experiencing acting in different surroundings and with new people thus gaining insight into how other people act, etc. This is all part of learning too.
Secondly, I agree with HeTieShou that we should at least try watching shows other than TVB ones. That will certainly broaden our outlook. Recently I happened to come across this Mainland China series called Bu Bu Jing Xin, a story taken from an internet novel written by Tong Hua. Apparently this series is better than Gong because it is closer to the novel. It’s also interesting beause the 2 main leads are Nicky Wu from Taiwan (4th Prince) and Kevin Cheng(8th Prince). Roughly it’s a time-travelling tale about a modern girl, Liu Shi Shi, who meets with an accident and is hurtled into the Ching period during Kiang Si’s reign. There are 14 Princes in all but 6 or so ony play a prominent part. From what I can see are, the actors are really handsome in spite of that horrid Ching period hairstyle. Wow! Imagine LSS among those 6 guys. The costumes are ever so beautiful and made of silk, and of course the scenery. Well, now it just remains the acting. They just finished filming the series in March so I don’t know when they’ll show it. Though I don’t quite like historical shows, this is one I would like to see. The point is, after this, who knows I may take more interest in other Mainland China series. I’m sure not all are bad.
Thanks for your post and totally agree with you about Gallen. I have seen Gallen act for a long time and am glad that he has matured into the actor that he is now.
Glad that you are considering giving China series a try. Back in the 80s, I watched mostly TVB as well. However, I still gave other companies a try. In the 80s, I watched like 80-90% TVB, and like 10-20% Taiwan, ATV, China(since there were like a couple of China series back then)and Singapore. I enjoyed series from other countries and companies but still liked TVB the most. But as time went on, I started to see how downhill TVB was going so I started to be more selective when watching them. Then China series and series from other countries were on the rise so I started to watch them more and realized that many CHina series were very good. They also have a lot of great actors and actresses that are well trained in acting as well. Back then, TVB had a training class but I think it is now long gone so the quality of acting for the TVB artists has declined as well.
TVB is now facing fierce competition from not just China and Taiwan, but Korea and Japan as well as other countries as well. I still think that TVB is lucky to have some really devoted fans that refuse to watch anything but them.
Time traveling is a popular theme these days with series. I just finished the series version of Shen Hua/The Myth and really enjoyed it. It is also about time traveling from the present to the past. I really liked it and am excited about Bu Bu Jing Xin. I know a lot of the cast as well. Besides Nicky and Kevin, I know and like Liu Shi Shi, Yuan Hong, Han Dong,etc.. They are all fine actors and actresses so I think this show will be enjoyable.I have seen them all act before so I don’t doubt their abilities at all. The only thing is that I hope they don’t deviate from history too much or else they will get critiqued for sure.
Some good China series that I have seen and recommend are:
-The Young Yang Warriors(Yuan Hong really shined in there as Yelu Xie)
-Chinese Paladin 3 (Liu Shi Shi was really sweet as Long Kui)
-The World’s Finest-Tian Xia Di Yi(has cast from Hk and Taiwan as well)
-The Myth-Shen Hua (starring Hu Ge, one of my most favorites from China)
-Feng Shen Bang-Part 1 and 2, but part 1 was better(Han Dong played Yang Jian and did a good job even though the role was only supporting)
and many more that I cannot remember right now. But please give mainland series a chance since a lot of them are really good. Even one of my friends who is a big TVB fan and refused to watch China series before now likes some of them. She enjoyed Young Yang Warriors a lot. I hope that you will give them a try too.
I also gave Korean series a try and some are pretty good too. Many Korean actors are really talented as well. I just don’t like the actresses as much since they have all had plastic surgery done so their faces don’t look natural anymore… Their acting is ok too.
I think Korean, Taiwanese, Singaporean series are indicative of OTHER productions. China alone does not qualify as the one and only OTHER productions. And I agree partially that TVB is still the best quite simply because the pacing is faster as compared to Mainlan China series. And this is from someone who watches even Bollywood movies and they’re famously long.
Why did I put SF? WHY? It is me, Funn.
I think that it still depends on the particular series so it is not just series from that particular country. I do agree that other productions is not just China series. Some TVB series can get draggy and boring while some China series can be fast paced too. Also, fast paced does not necessarily imply that a series is better.
Still watching Gallen Lo’s mainland drama right now on cctv 4 about him as a traveler and explorer to the west. it’s pretty interesting. he never have a role like that with TVB.Those costumes are nice.
Glad that you are watching other series besides TVB. I think that as long as the series is good, then it should not matter which company/country it is from.
any chance Gallen Lo and Flora Chen pair up again.
Flora Chen is fully concentrate her family for now on. Shes done at TVB.
Gallen Lo is also done at TVB.
Unless TVB change their dumb formula to treat actress, actors, writers, editors, producers, directors like crap then we may see hope.