Gavin Gao Doesn’t Want His Scenes to Be Cut in “Legend of Ba Qing”

After a not-guilty verdict in his sexual assault case in Australia, Chinese actor Gavin Gao (高雲翔) has returned to Beijing trying to salvage his acting career. Contacting the director of Legend of Ba Qing (also known as Win the World 巴清傳), Gavin hopes that they will keep his footage for the 600 million yuan production.
Though Gavin was acquitted from sexual assault charges, he still cheated in his marriage. Due to his negative public image, Gavin career took a big hit. After Gavin became entangled in his legal battle, Zhejiang Talent cast Li Chen (李晨) to replace his role, and attempted to sue Gavin for 60 million yuan due to the additional production costs.
However, as Li Chen already broke up with Fan Bingbing (范冰冰), who leads Legend of Ba Qing, it would be awkward for viewers to watch the ex-couple portray lovers in the drama. Due to this, Gavin hoped to convince the director to retain his footage in Legend of Ba Qing.
As well, Gavin doesn’t have 60 million yuan to compensate Zhejiang Talent. After his divorce with Michelle Dong (董璇), his financial assets have already been transferred to his ex-wife.
If his attempt to stay in Legend of Ba Qing is not successful, Gavin’s other option to stay in the entertainment industry would be to work behind the scenes.
This article is written by Hailey for
didn’t they say the show is cursed? don’t even know if people are ever going to get to see it.
heard that li chen is also entangled in show luo’s scandal since they are buddies and have been to those parties.
@m0m0 Li Chen and Will Pan are friends with Show Lo… and their names were mentioned in passing with these parties.
@jayne Oh dear….I bet there are plenty but it is covered up.
it would be hard to believe that his buddies weren’t involved. it depends on the relationship and influence these artists have with the media. if the media wants to dig it up, they could but utimately, the big boss behind both parties might be the same person so there’s no benefit to revealing more.
@m0m0 These type of parties seem common in celebrity circles. So I’m sure Show Lo isn’t the only one, but you’re right, who’s exposed can be selective.
i agree w/ you. i am that there are many these kinds of parties we have not heard yet. i mean, they are common in college so wouldn’t stop just there.
@jayne No no, it is not the same Li Chen, the one associated with Show Lo is a Chinese host with the same name, not FBB’s ex boyfriend.
Keep on begging Gav. The cast has no appeal to anyone due to the poor integrity whoever is leading the series in the final cut…