Gillian Chung and Korean Boyfriend Vacation in Vietnam

This past Valentine’s Day was sure to be a sweet one for Gillian Chung (鍾欣桐) as she was able to take some time off work and spend it with her Korean boyfriend of 8 months, Kwon. The happy couple secretly flew to Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City to spend their first Valentine’s Day together. Frequently spotted vacationing in Tokyo, Gillian sacrificed the opportunity to shop in Japan in order to spend a discreet holiday vacation in Vietnam with Kwon.
Gillian and Kwon were spotted at the Ho Chi Minh airport on February 15. The couple both wore sunglasses in hopes that bystanders would not recognize them. When they walked pass a Hong Kong tour group, Gillian lowered her head in order to avoid being seen. Although they were not holding hands while whisking through the airport, Kwon was very attentive to Gillian and made sure that she was within his sight at all times.
After going public with Kwon, Gillian has placed great efforts in making sure that their relationship is happy and stable. In fact, Gillian has to forgo many income generating opportunities in order to spend more time with him while jetting flights in their international romance. Gillian has also shared that she wishes to learn Korean so she can communicate more with her boyfriend’s family.
Gillian’s Cell Phone Stolen
After returning to Hong Kong, Gillian revealed an unpleasant incident during her vacation, “When I took out my cell phone to search for a local address, a motorcyclist stole my phone. I was most upset in losing all my games, which I’ve played for a long time. I’ll treat it as a material loss to avoid greater calamity.”
Fortunately, there were no sensitive photos on Gillian’s cell phone and Kwon immediately offered to buy another phone to pacify her.
While Gillian has found the perfect romantic boyfriend, her rumored ex-flame, Shawn Yue (余文樂) was also spotted on a date with Kary Ng (吳雨霏). Asked if she thinks the couple is compatible, Gillian said, “It’s a matter of whether they love each other or not.”
This article is written by Natalie for
Jayne, please help me
can you translate all names of artists will attend this costum fitting tomorrow in English? Thank
20 Feb 13, 05:52
Jayne, please help me
can you translate all names of artists will attend this costum fitting tomorrow in English? Thank
20 Feb 13, 05:52
Producer Lee Yim Fong’s new drama features cast members:
Roger Kwok, Evergreen Mak, Priscilla Wong, Jerry Lam, Whitney Hui, Grace Wong, Rachel Kan, Cheng Chi Sing, Cheung Kwok Keung, Yu Yeung, etc.
Above are the main cast names; there are many supporting actors that I do not really know who they are.
Stay tuned at JayneStars as we’ll likely cover more details of Roger Kwok’s new drama. Surprised to see him film another TVB drama so soon, especially since he’ll be in “Inbound Troubles 2”.
Priscilla Wong is given plenty of opportunities for a newcomer; her second Lee Yim Fong drama after “Reality Check”.
welcome to Vietnam lol….the country of thieves…
Hi. I’m offended by your comment. Though I agree that pick-pocketing or thieves snatching tourists’ stuff on the streets happen more often that one could stomach, it’s completely uncalled for for you to call Vietnam a country of thieves. I’m sure it happens in many other countries as well, Italy, HongKong, China, to name a few.
this is not a nice comment Sky,,, someone stole my stuffs when I was in Bali and Thailand,,, and I don’t call them Thieves
both of you guys are Vietnamese?
You do not need to be Vietnamese to openly express that what you said was indeed uncalled for.
You don’t need to be Vietnamese… What you said is really uncalled for. I must say that I don’t have a great impression of Vietnam either but visiting is ok. I admit that I would hate to live or work there…
Trolls will always be trolls. There is nothing one can do about them but let them troll away their lives, slowly, but painfully.
China, land of master thieves?!?! This kind of stuff happens everywhere, your comment just goes to show you’re an idiot!
idiot? lol….yes, China is land of master thieves, Vietnam is land of thieves. Both are corrupt = country of thieves.
Well said lol!! You must live deep in a well or something Sky. Maybe you were you once robbed in Vietnam so are making so many negative comments towards the country.
it can also happen in america, youll be lucky if they only stole. also there are plenty of pick pockets in paris and italy. try stepping outside in the real world.
Well, it happened to me in Paris…thank god, they didn’t get my passport. So, I guess the French are a bunch if thieves as well?!?
You should not say that Sky! It is not just Vietnam, but pickpocketing and thieves can happen anywhere not just in Vietnam. I heard that they now treat tourists really well in Vietnam now since they are afraid people will not visit anymore if too many problems occur.
i didn’t take sky’s comment that offensively .. it was just a remark, he did not single out vietnam to be the one and only but simply stated vietnam as one. i’m sure the list includes a lot of other countries.
however, calling him an idiot was uncalled for.
I did not call him an idiot. YOu should read his comment again and you can see why many are offended by it…
wow, only Pandamao knows what i’m talking about…
pandamao, sound familiar…r u from TVSF?
If you do not want to be called an idiot, then don’t make sensitive remarks about a country. Whether the country is or is not a country of thieves, it is never okay to state these things out in the open. People will get offended and they need not be viet to be offended. Its how the world works, somethings are louder when said and some are more visible to others.
Hi sky, welcome to earth!!!! Here’s a heads up, pick-pocketing happens every where here. If you’re shocked then you should go back to your planet of doom.
stealing’s no good, gives a person a really bad name, if steal must pay back the victim seven times else..
Anyone in here that are Vietnamese? if not, u guys shouldn’t stand up for Vietnam.
Sky, I am Vietnamese/mixed Chinese/mixed Irish. I was born in VN, and live in the US… I assure you, pick pocket happens everywhere, and not just VN. I must say, VN, like most 3rd world countries, there are many petty crimes occur due to the economy. Nonetheless, I will also voucher for the hospitality of the people of VN.
Please don’t generalize the entire population for a few bad apples.
mixed viet/Chinese/irish…what else? african american? Japaneses? Korean? Russian? any native american?
I am Vietnamese and I got pretty offended by your comment. However, a person doesn’t have to be Vietnamese to feel your comment is uncalled for. It’s a very sensitive remark of a country as stated by Crystal. Also, your response to Nina about her mix ethnicity doesn’t sound too nice either. Sound like you’re making fun of her ethnicity combination.
what the heck happen to freedom of speech?
I will only say this once and will not comment on this subject further.
I am not offended by what you said about me. I am very certain with myself and my identity.
From the way that you speak and retaliate, it apears that you are still very young. And if you are not young by age, I am certain that your mind have not caught up with the years. Good luck to you.
**yawn** what’s up with all this growing up stuff?
@Nina, when did you leave vietnam? 3 years old?
@swtlav3ndar, yes, i was making fun of nina combination mixed race….
still waiting for the sextape
No sex tape because they also slept in separate rooms lol
He is living and sleeping at her house whenever he’s in Hong Kong and she sleep at his house in Korea so even if she swears they slept in separate rooms in vietnam it is not like they haven’t done the deeds elsewhere.
My comment was a joke…cause seem like vacationing & staying in separate rooms is the latest trend :-).
maybe someone new? GC is old news…where is EDC? is he in Vietnam too?
don’t believe they are not having sex, she’s the easy type, can check out her pix in the internet
easy type? How do u know? Just because she had sex with Edison when he was her boyfriend, it doesn’t mean she is easy. There is nothing wrong with having an intimate relationship with you significant other.
She actually looks pretty in the above pic but how come these hard working reporters did not find a pic of this so called Mr.Perfect?
the reporters did but since it was in vietnam…the airport security took it.
How ironic LOL: