Grace Chan and Sisley Choi Share Christmas Memories

Christmas is a very meaningful holiday for Grace Chan (陳凱琳) and Sisley Choi (蔡思貝). Aside from spending time with their families and eating delicious food, the Miss Hong Kong beauties also shared that they received love confessions during the holiday season while growing up overseas.
Grace Loves Handmade Gifts
Grace, who grew up in Vancouver, said she would celebrate Christmas with a big feast with her family and friends. Grace said, “I usually give handmade gifts as they have more meaning. Maybe a photo album or other things that are longer-lasting. But with gift cards, they’re useless once you’re finished with them.” Grace once spent an entire day making a large poster-sized scrapbook for her best friend, which included pictures of them from grades 9 to 12.
Grace revealed that she received handmade presents from her pursuers on Christmas Day. One friend folded over 100 paper cranes and stars, and kept them in heart-shaped jars. Among the paper cranes and stars, thirty of them included secret messages for her. “It was so sweet! In the past, I used to find it really cheesy. Now thinking back, I’m actually very touched by him.”
Another pursuer saved colored candy and put them in a jar. He wanted to give her a surprise on Christmas, but Grace ended up turning him down. “I was touched, but I didn’t want to be in a relationship. I’m very straightforward and I don’t want to give him the wrong idea.”
Sisley Shares Christmas Traditions
Sisley, who went to school in New Zealand and Germany, said she would have traditional Christmas celebrations. “In the morning we would decorate our Christmas tree and wrap presents. We would take turns cooking a lavish dinner. Once we’re done with that, we would unwrap our presents.“
While Hong Kong is also very festive during Christmas, it lacks traditional celebrations. Sisley said, “Hong Kong houses are rather small, so it’s impossible to get a Christmas tree. In Germany, we would drive out to places to buy the trees and then put them in our homes.”
Recalling a year when she went skiing with friends in Switzerland and a bar afterwards, Sisley was only attracted to only one boy. “It was a very special feeling. There were many friends there, but I only had him in my eyes. He told me he liked me and asked me to be his girlfriend. It was like a movie.”
As for her most memorable Christmas gift, Sisley said it was from her host family in Germany. Leaving the family to go to college, the mother gave Sisley a plastic orange watch as well as a hand-written letter. “She gave me the watch so I can learn about time management. I was very touched! I kept the watch and always wear it.”
Work During the Holidays
As two of TVB’s most popular rising stars, Grace and Sisley said their careers are their top priority. Grace is currently filming Captain of Destiny <張保仔>, and will be staying in Hengdian for one month. “I will not return until December 24, but that is satisfying enough. The best present is to be able to spend time with my family.”
Due to the filming of When the Motorcycle Meets the Car <當鐵馬遇上戰車>, Sisley’s Christmas holidays will be spent working. “I’m fine with that,” she said. “Last year, I spent it with my family in Hong Kong. I’ll try my best to find time for my family.”
This article is written by Addy for
Both of them indeed have potential. For starters, they are decent enough, and I do think Grace Chan has the leading face/aura that female lead requires so I can see why tvb is so eager in pushing her up … although its a little quick but her promotion do reminds me of Linda Chung back then, both rises up equally fast. As for Sisley, her acting isn’t better than Grace but she’s still bearable to watch, isn’t bad at all. And I do think her face can suits a variety of different roles (tomboys, cop, little sis, sports girl, etc.)
will be looking forward to see how these two grow as an actress in their future productions. I do think audience should give some chances to the newcomers if not we will just be seeing the same faces as lead … gonna be boring that way. True they get to lead too fast, but at least they do have potential.
I agree that we need fresh new faces. I wish TVB bumps up their current developed support casts, ie Nancy, Elaine, so forth, to main and use these new commers as support to give them experience. Poor Nancy, Elaine and other current good but underrated actresses…
With that being said, both of these have high potential. Their debuts in Overchievers are pretty decent. Both need to practice on their voice control and dialogue deliverence.
Yea I too wish people like Elaine Yiu get some chances as well … she’s amazing. It just sucks that because she flopped in Safe Guards … and tvb decided not to promote her again even though her acting has improved terrifically. Nancy Wu has already risen up so I’m not too worried about her ;). But Elaine indeed should get noticed by tvb too.
new batch wise, I do think highly of Grace Chan, Sisley Choi, Mandy Wong, Tracy Chu and Eliza Sam making it to the top in the next few years.
I hope it’s true about Nancy. All her so-called lead series, it’s still not 100% lead from Mama Cafe, Confidant to Overachievers. She’s considered lead, but still not the main focus. Strange…
I think Mandy might be following Elaine’s footsteps. I yet see her in a lead series. She’s even in support role in next year’s pirate series. Is Eliza still being promoted? She hasn’t grown at all to me. None of her roles are memorable except the very fame one in Divas. I reserve further assessment on Grace, Sisley and Tracy since I’ve only seen them in one series thus far
PS are you the same Mashiro in AF? If so, lol small world!
Lol I think a lot of us here are from AF
I don’t like Elaine Yiu’s look. Don’t think she’ll ever rise.
@jj yup I am Mashirokun in af forum
I find Mandy’s path similar to Tavia Yeung… as for Eliza, yea she’s still on the rise but not as promoted as before …
I’m not at all a fan of Sisley Choi she kinda disturb my eyes Grace Chan Tracy Chu im fine with Eliza sam is my fave she’s adorable in Lady Sour
Agree Eliza is adorable shes so cute
i don’t like sisley. she’s not pretty at all. don’t even know how she won 1st runner up.
Eliza is very cute. I’m watching Overachievers and find Sisley’s voice a bit annoying. Grace is actually pretty decent in the show. I still dislike her though. I’ve seen her in variety shows and she is overly dramatic and looks for the camera whenever she can.
Wow!!! Very good information of grace and Sisley!!!
I really hope that grace is having a good time in “hengdian’!!;)
Tired of these 2…honestly they don’t have the attraction to hold the audience….I prefer Eliza Sam…she is sweet.
I do Agree I dont think these two could hold the audience either What i’m also suprise is that these 2 ladies is already on the list of best supporting actress I was like WTH already!!! I dont have high hopes for them in TVB and frankly i dont really care hehhh…..
Eliza Sam has been my fave when she 1st filmed with Chin Ka lok in Meowsee Mama if it wasnt that drama i would not have known she was the 1st runner up in MS HK 2010
Don’t know why people think Grace is pretty. She is too skinny and has no shape to her body. Her face is long and thin… She has heavy dark eye bags which makes her look Indian. All that makeup on her made look decent to win miss hk. She is just a typical Asian girl. Nothing special.
if anyone says grace is pretty, I think linda chung looks much better. with such a long face, it’s silly to keep long hair. there are many actresses much much prettier than these 2.
I can sense in terms of intellectual, grace could be in the upper hand. And both are actually good looking.Better than myolie and tavia by alot.
I will automatically think of karena le when i see grace. hehe.
Anyway, pretty and acting are subjective matter. So you cannot judge accurately and just can judge by voting.
Both are skinny as sticks and both are not that pretty. But Grace is surprisingly good at acting for a newcomer.
I’d hardly regard Grace’s wide repertoire of 2-3 facial expressions, as a solid hallmark of a good actress. C’mon people, lets have some standards please.
in overachievers,grace’s acting/speaking really not bad as a newcomer honestly. Better than other newcomers in the past.
Yeah! I totally agree!!
I would consider Grace Chan’s facial features pretty overall although she has an overly pointy chin, but her body frame looks under-developed or like a 12 – 14 year old’s. Most HK actresses are slim or skinny but they can still be well-proportioned with their height and with some meat in the right places. Grace is very short with no shoulders, long face, and absolutely no meat anywhere – her body looks like a child wearing grown up clothes and high heels. Her overall appearance will definitely limit her acting roles.