Grace Chan is Pursued by Gigi Wong’s Son?

Wanting to follow his mother’s footsteps in working in the entertainment industry, Gigi Wong’s (黃淑儀) son, Tsui Shaopin (徐肇平) recently signed a contract to become a host for TVB. When Gigi filmed for Eating Well With Madam Wong <吾淑吾食> several months ago, Shaopin accompanied her to start making connections with other artistes.
Shaopin met Miss Hong Kong 2013 winner, Grace Chan (陳凱琳), who appeared as a special guest for the show six months ago. Charmed by Grace at first sight, it is speculated that Shaopin attempted to pursue Grace afterward. Shaopin shared numerous photos of himself and Grace on his Instagram account over the past few months at various events, indicating their closeness. Since both are new artistes with limited experience in the entertainment industry, they tried to keep details of their relationship underground.
Standing at 6 feet tall, Shaopin’s childhood dream was to become a star. After graduating from Vancouver Film School, he began searching for acting jobs in Canada. However, being an actor of Chinese decent, Shaopin only received minor roles. Gigi advised her 26-year-old son to go to Hong Kong to pursue his career. Shaopin has appeared in local fashion shows and became the face of Kiehl’s promotional ad.
Gigi explained, “Working with TVB for a year is better than working in Canada for three years. Here, the people lead a faster [lifestyle] and the speed is quicker. Canada is very tame and everything is much slower. That’s why I want him to stay here to learn and gain experience.”
Gigi often brought Shaopin to TVB Studios and used her connections to help her son gain a hosting contract with TVB. Shaopin is currently the host for TVB Pearl channel’s Dolce Vita <港生活.港享受>.
Source: East Week
This article is written by Su for
I think Grace Chan looks better Alan Wan cuz they’re both good – looking people.
Tacky! 😀 😛 :o( LOL!
His Mom has made all of these connections for him.
They don’t look compatible.
Does compatibility have a ‘look’???
lol exactly what i was thinking..ppl keep commenting on how ‘compatible’ couples LOOK, and it makes me wonder what kind of look dofines compatibility..? All i know is compatibility in personalities…
Imagine a couple growing old, and being in their elderly, how compatible looking would they be then? lol
dont agree,because everything are mostly based on looks in this world. without her looks she wont have won the miss hk title.
“dont agree,because everything are mostly based on looks in this world. without her looks she wont have won the miss hk title.”
True, it pays to look good for many. They don’t make them like they used to. 😀 🙁 LOL!
this guy have a good taste but i think in terms of looks they dont match. she is just too hot for him. only handsome guys of the level takeshi kaneshiro or louis ko can fits her beauty.
He’s new to the industry. They both have a long way to go to even have time for play. 😀 🙁
Obvious publicity stunt.
I knew something was up when Gigi Wong kept having her son on her cooking show (Eating Well With Madam Wong).
Yet another TVB employee with language barrier issues.
Mama help his son getting the job and TVB contract. All through connections. Damn TVB.
Btw he’s not attractive at all. Next.
Mama may even help hook him up with other wealthy beauty queens.
I say the same about Lam Fung…but at TVB, ‘connections’ + ‘not attractive’ apparently = success. Hmm, does that say more about these wannabe sons/daughters of famous parents or does it say more about the HK public???
I think this is part of his publicity stunts too to get noticed. Mom surely will know how the industry work. Grace Chan is a hot name in HK now, why not utilize this.
Seems that most here probably don’t work but a majority of jobs these days come through connections. Unfortunately. Whether or not, the person using those connections’re really suitable is not the point.
It’s really hard out there for any job. Especially ones that can afford at least a modestly comfortable lifestyle.
such a mama’s boy…
Networking always helps a lot.
everything is about networking nowadays. I walked into my uni lecturer, and my professor literally told the students to start networking if they want to get ahead with earning a job fast after graduation.
Absolutely correct!!!
Yup, the bad skill. 😀 🙁 LOL!
The thing that stood out is how easy this guy can be a TVB host using his mom’s connection. That’s TVB for yah.
That’s how life works lol…not just in tvb.
It just prove that TVB like others play dirty too using cpnnections and all. That’s how Priscilla and LF got lead roles so fast while Nancy, Ruco waits like forever.
Yup having the right connections open doors in every industry, not just a TVB. That said, hard work and having people skills are equally important. Lau Dan got Hawick into TVB, but the lad didn’t become famous until years later in China. Hawick said in an interview it was partly because he was lazy during his early days. Shek Sau’s son didn’t have any breakthrough in his career with TVB. Neither did David Chiang’s kids. George Lam’s son is still a little known singer. Point is – connections can give a head start but the rest really is dependent on the person’s efforts.
Agree- I dont think having connections is a bad thing. They’re opportunities to lead to goals, and lucky for some ppl these connections can make life easier than others. But that’s life- life isnt all equal and fair. But what they do after with that opportunity depends on their effort and work they have to show to prove to ppl they can fufil and meet the expectations. If someone was given a job through connections but was a total lazy, stuck up and disrespectful person, I dont think that person would get very far even with how many connections made for them.
The ppl who get by with connections may get to their goals quicker, but may also miss out on the experiences that those who worked from the bottom up gained. So it also depends on what path they wanna take.
i dont agree with the connection things. because its not fair.imagine if a boss choose the one who using connection to get a job.then the one who have better skills are actually restrained for this oppotunity. its also not good for his company to do so.simply because you dont get the best employee for your company.
“IAgree- I dont think having connections is a bad thing. They’re opportunities to lead to goals, and lucky for some ppl these connections can make life easier than others. But that’s life- life isnt all equal and fair. But what they do after with that opportunity depends on their effort and work they have to show to prove to ppl they can fufil and meet the expectations. If someone was given a job through connections but was a total lazy, stuck up and disrespectful person, I dont think that person would get very far even with how many connections made for them.
The ppl who get by with connections may get to their goals quicker, but may also miss out on the experiences that those who worked from the bottom up gained. So it also depends on what path they wanna take.”
Agreed! It’s never fair and it’s out there. However if you have what it takes to make it with no connections you should be proud even if favor isn’t on your side. 😀 :O( LOL!
The above is one of your good opinions.
Kolo seems to be genuine. 😀 🙁 LOL!
welcome to the real world..
why go through the hard way if u can get there in a shorter route.. yes it may be disappointing to some but.. if you are the one having the advantage, do you not want to utilize it ? comeon!
“After graduating from Vancouver Film School, he began searching for acting jobs in Canada. However, being an actor of Chinese decent, Shaopin only received minor roles.”
Yup, it isn’t easy out there. He has the height but doesn’t have the look to go with it. He’s a good boy, accepts help from mom but mom can only do so much. 😀 🙁 LOL!
He can go the chop chop Lam Fung route. But I think it’s all in the packaging. Speak some English, act all ABC, go all bad boy (but with a heart) and he’ll make it.
Maybe having an English name would also help when he was trying to get bigger roles in Vancouver. Just saying.
Shaopin looks better in the single, but not in the one taken with Grace Chan.
Only has height but face and x factor not there. Skip.
I agree.
Time will tell. 😀
wow! can’t believe that Grace knows GiGi’s son!!!! <3
well…grace Chan is kind of very tiny and short!!! but she still looks pretty like Always! the thing is that GiGi’s son is so tall!!!!!
I saw his instagram account and he has a lot of pictures but there’s not so much of grace, only a few.
dont know how i feel about a MAN having to use his MOM for connection to get a job…..
Don’t it don’t “seem” fair to those of us who do not have famous parents but this practice is common. You need connections with everything. And why not? If my parents can get me into some great job- I appreciate:)
It’s all about networking and who you know. His mom can get him the job, but it’s his ass on the line to keep the job. Nothing wrong with that. In my industry it’s all about who you know. Jobs arn’t even advertised.
Very true these days.
In the past, employers used to place ads in the newspapers or to recruit professionals from head-hunters. Only very senior positions are recruited by head-hunters now.
good looking lad!