Grace Chan Is the More Lenient Parent

Grace Chan (陳凱琳) and Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) married in 2018 and swiftly welcomed three children over four years. Mother of three Grace Chan recently shared her parenting insights, her and her husband’s methods of raising children, and her current work as a KOL!

Giving Up on Her Acting Dream

When asked about balancing family and career, she straightforwardly said, “I notice that more and more women need to work, and many moms say that having some quiet time for themselves is essential. However, I believe that every mom hopes to accomplish more for the sake of their children. With this mission, I don’t feel tired and aim to do better, as we, as parents, want to give the best to our kids.”

On finding success pivoting to being one of HK’s most successful KOLs, she stated, “Luckily, my job is quite flexible. I don’t have a nine-to-five job, so I can choose to do things I enjoy, like filming videos. Although making videos takes time, often editing and preparing at home, it means I spend more time with my children.” When asked if she had any offers for acting roles in the past, she said, “I’ve thought about it, but I don’t think I’m particularly good at acting. I’ve given up on my dream of acting in dramas and focus more on making online videos.”

Doesn’t Agree with “Having Children Early”

Grace hopes to set an example for my children to understand the “importance of caring for and loving others”.

On whether she agrees with the notion of “having children early,” she said, “Not necessarily. First, you need to know if both you and your partner genuinely love children. Having children is a huge responsibility, and you must be mentally prepared. Everyone has a different timeline for marriage and having children. With today’s advanced technology, having children later is also possible,” As for whether Kevin Cheng hopes for a daughter, she laughed, “He has joked about (having a daughter), There were rumors that I wanted a fourth child to have a daughter, but I think having three children is just right. I don’t mind having a boy or a girl,” adding that the most important thing is to get along well with their three children.

Revealing Kevin Cheng’s Parenting Style

On the differences in parenting styles between her and Kevin Cheng, Grace explains, “He is more traditional and hopes our son will have a sense of responsibility. As the saying goes, ‘Raise sons with hardship and daughters with wealth.’ I am a doting mother and let our son have whatever he wants, even ice cream when he has a cough,” When asked if Kevin is stern, and forbids their kids from crying when their children take a tumble, she said, “In this aspect, I am very strong. I grew up in a more open environment, so when the kids fall, I tell them to get up quickly,”

Hoping Her Children Experience Study Tours

On handling the little one’s tantrums, she said, “I don’t coax them when they throw tantrums because it’s unacceptable behavior in our house. We tell them to calm down in a designated spot and apologize.” Regarding their children’s academics, she mentioned that her kids don’t have homework yet, adding, “I’ve heard many people say that homework often causes conflicts with kids. When we reach that stage, we’ll let tutors handle it.” When asked if she hopes her children study abroad, she said, “I recently went on a study tour to the UK, which was a great experience. Letting kids join more study tours to different countries might make them consider studying abroad in the future. The important thing is to let them decide for themselves, not have their parents decide for them.”

On the KOL Success Formula (Or Lack Thereof)

Speaking of encountering enthusiastic fans requesting photos, she said, “This happens often. We go to theme parks and other places, and fans are very polite, especially when I’m with my kids. They are cautious about not photographing the kids. When my son asks, we explain that because mommy and daddy are on TV and in movies, people might recognize us and want photos.” Does she hope to nurture them to enter show business? Grace laughed and replied, “I think my eldest son does. He loves making YouTube videos and asks when we will upload them for everyone to see. He even wants to film at the supermarket, introducing what groceries to buy.”

Sharing her secrets to being one of Hong Kong’s top ten KOLs, she said, “The most important thing is authenticity. You need to be the same person both on and off camera, showing your true self.” Regarding preparatory work, she said, “I don’t deliberately read too much into things because you never know what the audience wants. Sometimes what you plan doesn’t align with what they expect,” On her most-viewed videos, she said, “Usually, the simplest 10-minute videos get the highest views. The key is to create content that resonates.”

Source: HK01

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