Grace Wong and Boyfriend Slept in Separate Rooms

Last month, Grace Wong (王君馨) and her boyfriend took a vacation in Taiwan. As a devout Christian, Grace finds it important to protect her virginity before marriage. She and her boyfriend thus stayed in separate rooms during their trip, contrary to tabloid reports claiming that the couple had slept together.

Modeling at a wedding exhibition yesterday, Grace explained that she has no plans for marriage anytime soon. “It’s far away,” Grace said. “Right now, my priority is my career.”

Earlier reports indicated that Grace and her current boyfriend had once broken up, and has now reunited. She cleared these rumors and explained that he was not her ex-boyfriend, although they had known each other for quite a while. “We just started dating, and we both share the same religion. God has helped us a lot.”

Full of conjugal love, Grace revealed that she and her boyfriend rarely got involved in arguments. “We’ve known each other ever since we were in the United States. We kept in contact through emails and telephone calls to ask about each other’s well-being. Ever since he became religious like me, we were able to further connect. He understands me a lot more.”

Did Grace and her boyfriend head to Taiwan to meet her boyfriend’s parents? Grace replied, “We went to meet his relatives and his priest.” Furthermore, the couple slept in separate rooms, as both Grace and her boyfriend were against premarital sex. “We take this very seriously,” Grace added.

Was Grace’s boyfriend upset when he first saw their photos published in the news reports? “It was his first time experiencing this kind of situation, so he didn’t know how to handle it. I know the reporters have a need to exaggerate the headlines.”


This article is written by Shirley for

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  1. Well. If this virginity isher sell point, then she suceeds. I trust her virginity has not been broken 🙂

  2. Who cares if Grace Wong and her boyfriend slept in separate rooms? I don’t know why we have constant news articles about Grace Wong, her virginity and her sex life? I got tired of reading them!

      1. Many of us don’t read the article including myself but do read the comments as some of them are laughable and hilarious.

    1. I think Grace Wong is as stupid as Linda Chung. I wonder how long before another Edison-esque scandal arises that involves all these ‘virgins’??

  3. Oh! I believe Grace must be really very “expensive” since she’s still a virgin!!

    1. so, Tvb must offer Grace a very “VirGin! quality type of contract 2 seduce her loyalty towards the tv station.

    1. She looks like player more than virgin. Her face got those sex obsessed look.

  4. Slept in separate beds?

    Hehehe, you can even do it in the toilet or out in the back lanes of streets, 2 minutes is all it takes.

    It doesn’t prove anything, Grace.

  5. Only in HK…. prostitutes pretend to be virgins, virgins pretend to be angels…. sigh…

    1. Lol it’s true. Never heard other celebrities, especially from the states, confess they are virgins to the world. Only in hk and their laughable curiosity. To the hk media: food for thought- Everyone started out as virgins too.

  6. I think it’s admirable that she can stay a virgin in this day and age. However, it is kind of weird that this has been an open topic for all to know. And since she’s in showbiz and HK reporters always always asks stupid personal questions like these, i guess she will still get this kind of publicity from now on.

  7. Whether she’s still a virgin or not – it doesn’t matter. I say improve on your acting skills so that you’ll be remembered. Whether you abstain from premarital sex or not, it’s between you and God.

    1. True. And I don’t think that Christians tell everyone that they are Virgins or not. This is going on and on when I thought it stopped. Why does she feel that there is a need to clarify that she slept in separate rooms? its none of anyone’s business besides them.

      I really think she should focus on her acting and ignore the reporters questions on her personal private life.

  8. Grace’s claim to be a “virgin” may be true if they did not “cross home plate by going all the way” but they could have gone to 1st, 2nd and 3rd base many times and left it at that…It is a matter of semantics and point of view. Right now, it is a waste of my time to address this issue anymore…

  9. To be what one wants is a personal choice. Do not understand why she wants to share such personal issue with the public. Lets focus on her acting skill instead.

  10. To preserve virginity is a personal issue. Sleeping in separate room is also a personal issue.Religion aside, didn’t anyone educate this woman that what is behind closed door should best be remained there? Nothing to flaunt about being VIRGIN. And sleeping with bf in separate room is no big issue. Do not try to cook up something fancy to garner publicity with such CHEAP revelation.

  11. they going to have sex first, then each goes to their own room and sleep….very logic to me.

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