Hannah Quinlivan on Jay Chou: “A Good Husband and Father”

After getting married more than a year ago, Taiwanese artistes Jay Chou (周杰倫) and Hannah Quinlivan (昆凌) made headlines again in July when their daughter Hathaway was born. Recently, Hannah attended a variety show recording, where she talked about her and Jay’s daily lives and praised him for being “a good husband and a good father.”

Since his debut in the entertainment industry, Jay has presented a cold and mysterious image to the public. However, Hannah revealed on the mainland Chinese variety show, Day Day Up <天天向上>, that Jay actually has a funny personality and loves to tell corny jokes. He is also very romantic; whenever the two of them are working in different places, he will always remember to call her in the morning.

Hannah also shared that Jay is a well-qualified “house husband.” Despite his extremely busy schedule, Jay always washes the dishes and cleans Hathaway’s dirty diapers. Previously, he would spend a lot of time playing video games, but now he uses that time to spend with his daughter instead.

Although taking care of a baby is difficult, Jay does not shy away from the hardships. Sometimes, he even fights with Hannah for opportunities to take care of Hathaway, proving how considerate he is of his wife and daughter.

Source: Ettoday.net

This article is written by Joanna for JayneStars.com.

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  1. How does Jay even had time to play video games in the past? He’s seem very busy but at the same time it seems like he has a lot of free time.

    Anyways sweet and happy couple

  2. Too bad they don’t want to show their daughter face closely otherwise we can tell who she really looks like the dad or the mom the most?

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