Hawick Lau Gives Half of his Wealth to Yang Mi?

Hawick Lau (劉愷威) once proudly proclaimed that he and Yang Mi (杨幂) are as close as ever, and even slipped in an interview that he plans to propose to Yang Mi in 2013. But is Hawick as confident in the relationship as he seems?
While Hawick was on his promotional tour for his new mainland Chinese drama, Beauty Without Tears <美人无泪>, an interviewer sneaked in a question asking whether or not he plans to marry Yang Mi next year. Hawick did not avoid the question, and exclaimed, “I’m planning it!”
But recent sources claim that Yang Mi is actually not prepared for marriage at all, and if Hawick does eventually propose to her as he claims to, she will most definitely refuse him in a heartbeat.
Yang Mi Produces Chinese Version of “Gossip Girl”
Since starring in the extremely popular Palace <宫> in 2011, Yang Mi experienced a meteoric rise to her popularity and wealth. Aside from starring in numerous blockbuster dramas and films, Yang Mi also established the Yang Mi Studios, her own production studio. Yang Mi Studio’s first project will be the 30-episode Chinese Girl <中国女孩>, a Chinese remake of the popular American television series, Gossip Girl.
Yang Mi has expressed numerous times in her interviews that she is not planning for marriage anytime soon, insisting that her career comes first.
However, Yang Mi also revealed that her parents really like Hawick, and that their marriage always became a hot topic to put on the dinner table, hinting that she and Hawick had discussed marriage plans before.
Hawick Lau Determined to Keep Yang Mi
Whether or not marriage plans were really discussed, it seems that Yang Mi was more against it than for it. In order to convince Yang Mi otherwise, Hawick reportedly gifted Yang Mi with a $30 million HKD mansion in Hong Kong. As reported by Hong Kong’s East Week magazine, Hawick also gave Yang Mi 40 percent of his company’s stock, allegedly giving up half of his entire wealth to Yang Mi.
The Hong Kong tabloids claimed that Hawick, who is twelve years Yang Mi’s senior, is threatened by Yang Mi’s youth. In order tie Yang Mi’s heart, he is willing to give up half of his wealth to her, and is trying his best to talk Yang Mi into marriage.
Hawick’s father, veteran actor Lau Dan (劉丹), is reportedly worried about Hawick. One of Hawick’s mainland Chinese friends said, “Hawick is too rash! [Yang Mi] doesn’t need money, and if she was to marry him, it would not be for money! She is still very young. He’s already going to forty, it’s too dangerous! But he is willing to do anything for love. None of us could talk some sense in him.”
Source: QQ.com
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
its a test if she really takes the gift from him then she doesnt love him.
I’m sure she’s pretty rich herself and needs no freebie…
But yeah, unless you’re a gold digger, Hawick’s actions seem a little suffocating and off-putting. Way to make a girl run. And what if SHE ends up dumping HIM? Will she be branded as heartless? Anyway, it’s all speculation right now, but if he really did it, that’s just adding a whole load of unnecessary pressure on her.
I hate Gossip Girl and I can’t see how “China Girl” – what a terrible name – will improve upon it. Modern mainland dramas tend to look so… miserable.
Maybe her production will crash and burn and then she will have no choice but to go into marriage.
When was money ever enough?? But yea, I think IF she does take it then I don’t think she truly loves him… Hawick is being too rash and age gaps can be a problem when one is at a different stage in their life and aren’t on the same page.
Man, BBQ pork Bing’s son is hot.
He’s had a lot of work done on his face. His younger face is quite different.
Totally agree, he has no facial expression due to too much Botox -.-
LOL ..BBQ PORK Bing.. that’s how I call him too! XD
that’s how we call him too – char siew bing de zai (char siew bing’s son).
Cracked me up seeing BBQ pork! Mans done so many films but always known as that! I barely recognised his son. Looks like a dolly
Does one really have to use $$$ to get somone’s love? So, what will she do when you have no $$$ left due to some unforseen event in life.
Where did she get the money to open a production studio???
“Does one really have to use $$$ to get somone’s love? So, what will she do when you have no $$$ left due to some unforseen event in life.”
I don’t think Hawick is using money to buy Yang Mi’s love. They are pretty equal in terms of wealth, or rather Yang Mi may be even wealthier with more movie appearances over the last year. Rather, some men wish to show their commitment/love in the relationship through lavish gifts. It is usually the same intention behind the man buying a bigger carat-size diamond in a marriage proposal.
“Where did she get the money to open a production studio???”
Yang Mi was one of the most prolific actresses last year, appearing in multiple TV dramas and movies, including Painted Skin 2.
Careful Hawick, don’t be another Nicky Wu in the making (in terms of marriage).
The picture painted by media reports is that Hawick seems to be more in love with Yang Mi in the relationship. This is the same vibe I perceived in a video interview, where Hawick’s body language was very touchy and practically draping over Yang Mi, while she held herself back.
“Hawick’s body language was very touchy and practically draping over Yang Mi, while she held”
i think thats a sign that she doesnt love him anymore,imagine if you love someone you no need to held. thats why he is uncertain and doing this crazy thing.
In a relationship, there is usually one that loves the other one more and in this case, I guess it is obvious that Hawick loves Yang Mi more than he loves her. It can be dangerous for Hawick is Yang Mi does take his money and then dumps him. No wonder his dad is so worried about him. I guess when you are in love, the rationality just dies out…
opps meant to say than “she loves him”.
I personally think Yang Mi is very much in love with him also, I’ve seen pictures of them hand in hand and her hugging his waist. He said she was a very insecure girl so he made their relationship public to reassure her. I dont think Yang Mi can find easily find a such a loyal dedicated man, above avg looking, more rich than her, and successful as him so easily esp when there are so many other women would be happily be his wife. So cherish the ppl you have infront of you. Its likely she knows this too. Even if she dates younger men or same age men, they might play the field some before even wanting to marry her, then she will be near her 30s which is bad for family planning. Since these two have so much security already, they should just go ahead and form a family. All that career come first doesn’t make sense at this pt, they should embrace both family planning too, what is the pt of them just to focus on career with no end in mind? When they have more than enough to proceed to the next step in life.
Of course Yang Mi loves/likes Hawick too, but the point is that Hawick likes/loves her more… If they did not both like each other, then why are they even dating and considering marriage??
That is where the age gap comes in. Hawick is reaching 40 so of course he wants to start a family, but Yang is still in her 20s so it is normal for her to not want to settle down yet and focus on her career first. However, IF she was in her 30s for example, then she would more likely want to get married and have kids. It’s just the timing is not right for her yet but it is for Hawick.
I agree with Sehseh that Hawick can be just like Nicky Wu if he is not careful… For some reason, I have a feeling that Yang Mi may leave him eventually if he proposes and all because she is just not on the same page as him. If she get pressured too much, she will leave him…
sometimes i cant help but wonder if this dude pick her b/c of her more popularity in china @ the moment. but i do think the girl very much in love/in lust/infatuated base on what she says in her interview i dont think its who loves who more at this point but to me i think the guy does seem like he is hanging more b/c she is the IT girl of china right now..just a thought hahaha..
Well she is still a “Pak Mui”.
Hawick should save his gifts and try to move on…it s big risk she probably has richer suitors than him…and I hope she gives him back everything when and if she leaves..Hawick is too nice
I hope things work well for them.
And there is always a possibility where the media might be over-exaggerating.
Hawick is just trying to show his loyalty to her by letting her have access to his financial wealth. Financial wealth is a measurement of a man’s personal view of success.
Money is a symbol of the resources he can provide for her and if she ends up not working, he will take care of her. This is testament of a man’s love to a woman. I think some of the ppl here dont understand this and jump the negative bandwagon. Its not about money buying love but about a man using the resources he has gathered in his lifetime to give to her, its just a biological evolutionary trait. The man with the resources wants to provide for his family.
If you dont have money, yes you can show love in other ways but if you have money, then money is also another way to show you can provide for the girl.
Maybe that is true in the traditional point of view when women were the typical home maker while the men just went out to work to provide for the family. However, things are different now. Women are now able to work and help provide for the family so why does the financial burden always have to fall on the guys’ shoulders??These days, it is often the women whom are the breadwinners not the guys. Since women can now make their own money, guys and girls as well can both do other things to show their love rather than just through monetary means. However, it is sad that we live in such a materialistic world now where no money equals no love or anything else.
“why does the financial burden always have to fall on the guys”
i think many chinese men feel shame if they eat “soft rise” and doing home work. maybe oldfashion thinking but it still exist.
Well Yang Mi and Hawick are both rich and are on equal status. No one said he had to give her these things but I’m explaining why he did what he did because that is from a MAN’s pt of view, its biological in us that we care for our wives, regardless of whether they have a job themselves or not, each gender has their gesture. Whatever else modern society changes doesnt change the biological FEEL and NEED and WIRING of a man unless he is an unmotivated kind of guy that wants his wife to be the breadwinner, then carry his child, then take care of the family. Do you see how much pressure that is on the woman? Its better if the roles are split. Its a bonus if she earns her own money but if a guy has enough of his own money, he really doesnt need his wife to work.
Well in a society where if there is no money involved, then you should be farming, hunting, gathering to provide for food and shelter, either money is just a means, not the ultimate end. How can you have a child without resources? Ppl are just being ppl if you look at the bigger picture. If you dont have money, then you still need to find ways to help provide for your family.
I did not mean to stay that he should stay home and be a house hushand, however, it would be great if he can share with the childcare and household duties if she helps bring home the bread too. You know what I mean?? Times are different now… Yea, it is true that the old fashion way of thinking still exists.
I think the wife needs to care for the husband too. Now I really wonder why guys have a shorter lifespan the women. Some women just sit on their butt and make the guys take care of them and it wears them down more… Both should take care of each other and share in the housework and childcare as well as being home the bread… It is too much pressure on the guy to have to carry the financial burden all the time… Carrying the financial burden is really stressful and hard, especially these days…
Hawick, best advice anyone can give you is don’t give too much of what you have to the woman you are to marry, even if you’re sure she is the one. You can give her access to your wealth but not just give it away. You will turn bitter, believe me.
I totally agree because you never know what can happen. You can give her access but NEVER give your money away. Even IF you get married, your money is YOUR money and her money is her money… Sharing money is one thing but giving it away like that is another thing…
Well that is why he is giving her 40% of it in stocks. That is his way of saying she is the lady boss of the company. Even if she sells the stocks, there will be other investors and he still has 60% which means he is still the bigger boss.
Well Yang Mi also has her own wealth, Hawick doesnt need to fear that she would take advantage of his and run off Is there a need for her to do so when she has alot of it herself. It doesnt seem like a character of someone that opens up their own studio and works independently to earn her own money. I’m sure she is touched just by his gesture and that is what is about. The money itself is just a representation of his loyalty, resource, and achievement. Yes there are greedy ppl out there but there are also good, why should bad ppl taint good ppl’s view of love and gestures of what they want to do for their partners.
Yang Mi has a really good man in hand, she won’t likely find someone as genuine as this guy. Most rich guys want access to many women but not have them have access to 40% of their wealth. And reading the posts here, since everyone paranoid about losing money, rare to ever find someone like him who doesn’t care if she has half his wealth, he really loves her.
True but when was money ever enough??? No one ever complains about having too much money….
hhhahah i agree, who will ever think $$$$$$ is ever enough? hahaa…lol..good point.
agree,a relationship will only comes to a good end if the love between them are mutual and in balance,otherwise he will regret it.
Instead of providing financial security he should provide emotional support.
She doesn’t need his money. Then he doesn’t have to give loads of money. Just small but meaningful things (gifts). Give her freedom to do what she wants. Supporting her in chasing her dreams, listening to her worries and thinking of ways to solve her problems and issues if these arises.
I don’t think Yang Mi will marry Hawick either if he proposes. She’s focusing on her career and is still young to be anybody’s wife. He’s in love, but it seems to me that she only has admiration for him.
Well none of us know for sure if she loves him or not. Only she would know that. I think she definately likes him for sure but not sure about the “love” part. But then again, who said that everyone that is dating or is married truly “love” each other??? There are many relationships and marriage where no true “love” is involved…
there are so many instances where i find your replies and opinion very much like my own haha lol… WTH says marriages are all love in the real world right? I know so many ppl just get marry for the sake of wanting to be label as single and just to tell ppl they are married. My mom has friends that wasnt married until their late 30’s or 40’s b/c their biological clock was ticking so they want a family and i dont think there is anything wrong w/that but ther are ppl who gets married for the sake of marrying NOT all about LOVE.
Thanks and I agree with you as well. I have an aunt that did not marry until she was 43! At first we all thought that she would just stay single since she was infertile due to this one medication that she had to take. It was great that she found a guy that did love her even though it was too late for them to have kids, but she and he both wanted to have a friend. There are also different kinds of love too like the companionship type versus just the typical and romantic type of love. You are so right that many get married due to not wanting to get labeled as being single and leftover. Many marriages don’t have any love at all which is a bit sad but it also depends on each person’s circumstances and situation. One of my former friends married her high school sweetheart and they were in love. However, she forced him to convert to her religion or else they would not get married. I found that sad because I thought they were an ideal couple but with that, their marriage seemed more like a deal and the love sort of took a step back…
Yes, i myself even have one asian colleague who i dont talk to regularly but i do hear from gossips that she married a spanish guy b/c she needed a green card and she was the agressive one who took the iniative to snap the guy hahaa b/c of her much needed status n the guy apparently was too shy so in his 40’s – 50’s he just needed a wife as well so its win win for those 2 i guess hahaa lol…i think there are many many kinds of marriages. Sometimes it’s not all the looks or ohhh i found my Mr. or Mrs. Right. Not that i am judging anyone but you can sense that there are all types of married relationships.
I know, my HK cousins says HK ppl love to label unmarried men or women as ‘leftovers’ which i find very offensive haha b/c that sort of behavior make ppl have more pressure into getting marry for the sake of labeling as ‘married’ i guess to them, ppl have to get married in order to be happy, if u r single, you are abnormal??? haha..sigh….i think it as diffferent, if they are happy being single, why do they like to put a lable on ppl at all? haha..
I know what you mean. Many people think you have to get married or else you are going to be unhappy or abnormal. My late grandma thinks that. In my family, they like to label girls who don’t marry as an old maid. I am in my 30s but am not married yet while many of my cousins are all married with children but I don’t mind… Everyone is at a different stage in life anyways.
Oh yea, I know what you mean about girls and guys who marry just for a green card and even ones that go all the way back to asia to find one if they can’t find one in the US. Some people said that to me and I was sooo offended. I feel that people who go back to Asia just for the sake of finding a wife/husband are desperate and can’t find one in the country they live in so have to go back to Asia to find one… Sorry if I stay single then I just do and will never do that. I have heard of so many bad stories of people using each other and all.. They sound so scary.
Traditional people think that everyone,especially girls have to get married or else all of these different labels are placed on them such as leftover as you mentioned,old maids,etc… Luckily, in the more modern times things are different but the traditional thinking is still there.
I know, all those talk on going back overseas to get a better half. come on, if you can support urself and happy, why so desperate? ahaa..lol i guess we cant change the fact that if women dont get married after a certain age, they are automatically label as ‘leftovers’ esp the older generations i guess we can never change what they think and say. we can just be ourselves in terms on WHEN we are actually ready, we shouldn’t be easily influenced by what others think.
back to the topic on hand, humm….i dont know , i think she is also in love/lust/infatuated w/him as well since in functions, she does speak highly of him but since she is the IT girl in china right now, i just cant help thinking he is using her more of a popularity to boost himself up even more i mean not that i dont think hes popular at all i think he is after watching him in Sealed With a Kiss, he was awesome the first china series i actually finished but sometimes i cant help wonder how he stay like that as well when hes approching 40 n hes just too smooth in features n such. Nicholas Tse is younger than him but now NT looks like hes older than this dude haha…lol…
I do think Hawick is being a little irrational in all of this, but I do understand where he is coming from. And did he really get plastic surgery? I never knew that.
In the case that if they do break up, I think they will, then she will give him back everything or else that would just look bad on her part.
Why the heck is she making Chinese Girl? Gossip Girl should be left as is, the way i like it.
It is hard to tell who is in live with who since Yang Mi actually strikes me as the more publicly reserved type—expressing vulnerabilities I mean, not opinions. She’s obviously a sassy one—I kind of like Hawick even more that he has fallen in live with her lol says a lot about his character.
I think age-wise, Hawick is ready to settle down while Yang Mi still has options to seek other partners. Career wise, they are both at the peaks of their careers with Yang Mi, I believe, being the front runner. I will admit, I would be very sad if they don’t end up together
because they make such a beautiful pair. I am also glad that we get to see a nice new couple where the woman is from mainland but not being accused of being a gold digger lol
Hawick should be wary though because girls also get cold feet. I think by making such statements, he’s just trying to say that he will make sure his woman is well provided for.
He looks different here.
Cha Sui Bing. Love Kindred Spirit. They need to rerun that.
I don’t think he had much done to his face, some people are just lucky and age better that’s all…George Clooney is a perfect example.
I too, don’t think he did much to his face too. I always thought he looks good even in his younger year. There’s no drastic change in his facial features. I don’t understand why some claimed they can’t recognize him. He doesn’t look that much different…just more mature.
Look at his cheekbones and his nose.
Harwick looks a lot more handsome now. He was just a bit better than okay looking when he filmed drama series for TVB.
I personally find Yang Mi to be reserved and less expressive. Of course it might be different off cameras. Nonetheless , I feel like Hawick is into her more than she is into him. And he has done a lot of work to his face. .
Hawick looks handsome & charming while Yang Mi is sexy & youthful. They look like perfect match but it seems she is not that into him as otherwise. It would certainly be risky for him to be giving up so much for her this early because later on in their love journey, he would be left with nothing that interest her already. Bad move.
I think that are great for each other, buit I agree with Lau Dan, Yang Mi is still on the rise in her carrer and still very young. She is not in a hurry to get married, and I hope Hawick would be able to wait that long without giving her too much pressure.
They really seem to be very in love with each other when they gaze at one another. Hope they last!
he still does look cute, young and even handsome but did he ever fix his face or what cuz he seems so young still. hes older than nicholas tse n that guy looks older than him now.
He is aggressive! Becareful it could drive the girl away…after reading this I don’t think she want to or ready for marriage. But I hope I’m wrong. Hawick might just have to save and freeze his sperms since she doesn’t want to get marry and might possibily dump him. If he loses her he will need time to recover and needs more time to find another suitable girl. That’s why ppl shouldn’t wait. Just get marry if you find the right person just share your life journey together and grow
together. Life is too short, don’t let rich and fam rule your life, take control yourself.
I agree with most of what you are saying, however, I think you should not just get married if you are not ready. Those marriages often end in divorce.. You should make sure you are ready and are at the right time in your life.