“Heart and Greed” Bosco Wong and Louis Yuen are the Set Clowns

A few hot afternoons ago, Heart and Greed <溏心風暴3> actors Bosco Wong (黃宗澤), Louis Yuen (阮兆祥), Louise Lee (李司祺), Ha Yu (夏雨), Susanna Kwan (關菊英), and Vincent Wong (王浩信) showed up on the streets of Tseung Kwan O to film their latest drama, the third installment in the Heart of Greed franchise <溏心風暴系列>.
The show sees Louise, Ha Yu, Bosco, etc. returning as the series’ central characters. Heart and Greed tells the story of two rival families who own Hong Kong-style cafes.
Despite the stuffy weather, the Tseung Kwan O set was packed with humor and fun, thanks to Bosco and Louis, both who are in charge of livening up the atmosphere on the heavy set.
Louise complained about the two class clowns to the reporters, saying, “I usually find a corner to take a nap before the scene is ready. When Louis saw me, he immediately yelled, ‘someone wake up that extra!’ He was talking about me!”
Reporters joked to Louis that he was being very disrespectful to his senior. He laughed and said, “I can only joke like this because we are so close!” As for whether or not the cast is being allowed enough time to rest in between takes, Louise said, “Yes. I get to have some good sleep everyday.”
Source: On.cc
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
I’m excited about this! I know not everyone like the first and 2nd installment but I love it! As I love the dynamic of the cast. Hopefully, with some of the core people still in it, it’ll be just as good!