Hera Chan is Miss Hong Kong 2018

The 2018 Miss Hong Kong Pageant was successfully held on Sunday August 28 at TVB Studios in Tseung Kwan O. 20 contestants competed for the crown, and after a two-hour long finale, #17 Hera Chan (陳曉華) came out as the night’s big winner, winning the Miss Hong Kong crown. #20 Amber Tang (鄧卓殷) won first runner-up and Miss Photogenic, while #7 Sara Ting (丁子田) won second runner-up.
The finalists were selected from a joint decision made by the public and celebrity judges, while the winners were 100 percent chosen by votes coming from TVB’s “big big fun” app.
The 20 contestants showed off their best talents that night. #11 Samantha Li (李明芙) performed a Zumba number, while #15 Tania Chan (陳苑澄) did a ribbon dance. Hera did a brave yoga performance while hung in the air, and Amber awed audiences with her Chinese dance, earning the praises of celebrity judge and Miss Hong Kong veterans Tracy Chu (朱千雪) and Sisley Choi (蔡思貝). #13 Christy Tung (童銘欣) showed off her drawing skills with a witty drawing of the late Lydia Shum (沈殿霞), while Sara played the piano. #9 Yutori Kudo (工藤佑采) played the violin.
The pageant did receive a few complaints about the strange program arrangements when TVB required the eight fallen contestants to do a last dance number. Some of the girls looked visibly upset during the performance.
Finalist #14 Honey Ho (何泳芍), who was one of the most popular contestants during the earlier stages of the pageant, failed to enter top three. In a later interview, she said, “The three finalists all deserved it. We chose them too.” As for her thoughts on losing, she said, “I was a little nervous. I didn’t do that well during the Q&A stage and talent show.”
As for whether or not she would be interested in pursuing an entertainment career regardless, she said, “I am, but I will continue to work as a diving instructor.”
“Miss Hong Kong 2018” Swimsuit Segment
“Miss Hong Kong 2018” Talent Segment
Source: On.cc
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
The winner reminds me of last year’s Kelly Ng who failed to place.
@bubbles23 I thought she looks more like Sisley Choi?
Hera seems predictable to be the winner from the beginning, not because she’s better than others but the way the media was giving attention to her. I noticed at the final night the MC’s always gave her special introduction every time she came out. Matter of fact the first thing they talked about at opening was Hera. Every time they announced names my friends and I already knew they will pretend to put her name on last but she’s in it with no doubt. Is she related to one of the important people or has a powerful background? Seems arranged.
Other than that I like both of the others. Amber is very pretty and Sara is very calm.
Miss Hong Kong is a joke. It ain’t about your beauty or your brains, it’s about who you know.
During the question and answer rounds, the hosts gave the easy questions to certain contestants and difficult questions to others.
Also, during the top 5 finalist round, the show somehow already prepared all the right size dresses for the contestants who will be called, as if they already know who they are. And somehow, the winner just happens to wear the “most beautiful,” gold rhinestone/ feather dress out of all the other dresses.
@peachyogurt I agree with you…the MHK shows the pasts 2 decades have been mostly duds. With that said though, at least with this year’s show, TVB didn’t try to pull any of the ridiculous shenanigans that they did in last year’s show (which was probably the worst Miss HK show in the pageant’s 45 year history). From that standpoint, this year’s show was way less annoying…
The pageant has always been about the connections — doesn’t matter how “fair” TVB claims to be with audience voting or whatnot…just like with their other “award” shows, everything is rigged, it’s just that they’ve (meaning TVB) now mastered the art of rigging things more subtly so that there’s no way to prove that they’re doing it.
@llwy12 Right. Aside from the contestants, it’s good that they brought in new and younger hosts, and gave them more opportunities. I enjoyed seeing Edwin Siu and Raymond Cho. However, the show gave them poor scripts to speak with that do not really match their character, especially the mention of being a pervert which I think matches Eric Tsang more.To an extent, both Edwin/Raymond kind of look alike. Raymond Cho is in his 50s but he looks so young and is handsome. I wished TVB promoted him to lead actor when he was young – he has so much potential but goes unnoticed.
@peachyogurt Raymond Cho is actually a really funny guy in real life and his banter with his other “Tiger brothers” never fails to crack me up…I honestly feel like TVB would’ve gotten better effect if Raymond and Edwin’s banter on the show had been unscripted but of course we know that’s not possible given the type of show…
As for the other hosts — technically nothing new, as Luk Ho and Mayenne have been established hosts (though not of Miss HK pageant) for a long time already and FAMA pairing with DoDo has been a TVB hosting staple for at least the past few years. Raymond and Edwin hosting together was refreshing as were the representatives from the MHK side with Crystal and Louisa, but all 4 of them were only guest hosts who really only had “significant” screen time during the Q&A session (though Raymond and Edwin did get to tap into their previous profession as singers too with that song and dance routine).
I actually felt like there were too many hosts, which meant that some of them really didn’t have much to do except stand around or interview the celebrity judges. If TVB was hoping to groom next generation of hosts, they should’ve reduced the number of hosts and gave each of them more time to shine so they could truly learn…
I really miss the old MHK pageants from the 80s and 90s…the pageants back then were such great productions, at times even on par with the anniversary galas. Nowadays, we’re lucky if the pageants are even remotely watchable….
Isn’t the show prerecorded that was the whole reason Eric tsang got into conflict with tvb?
It is known that tvb pick and choose the winner, you can tell who they prefer because the winning ones get better tailored clothes
@m0m0 Eric Tsang’s discord with TVB had more to do with his criticism of last year’s show (which truly did suck) and him appearing on several of ViuTv’s shows. And he made fun of TVB being cheap because they decided to forego on-location filming and stayed within HK (though later they did go to Macau to do some photo shoots, which was widely viewed as TVB doing damage control after the fact due to all the criticism).
Being in the U.S., I usually only get to watch the pre-recorded version so whether it was live or not doesn’t really make a difference.
And yes about the clothes….that part is a bit to obvious…
@peachyogurt Hera isn’t bad but I was rooting for Amber Tang.
Yutori Kudo is now a trending topic in Hong Kong and caused Hins Cheung to change his IG profile pic to her
I was rooting for Amber Tang. As usual the one I was rooting for doesn’t win
Not a fan of 2nd Runner Up, Sara Ting. The asian sorority she was apart of in college is notorious for hazing and indecent activities that shouldn’t be associated with a Miss Hong Kong. The pictures her best friends post on IG validate that, however all compromising pictures don’t include Sara herself. She seems very fake. Not a fan. More on this issue at: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/13/nyregion/hazing-and-drinking-deaths-at-asian-american-fraternities-raise-concerns.html
@andylin Omg really? I wasn’t rooting for Sara anyway
@andylin I’d just read that article about the Asian sororities. They sound terrible. I agree a Miss HK shouldn’t be associated with such groups of people. Even if she wasn’t involved with hazing, she shouldn’t have been allowed to enter in my opinion.
@andylin Hi I’d just noticed that it’s an old article from 2015. If concerns were raised back then maybe things have changed? Or do you thing hazing etc is still happening?
@mindee yes hazing is still very prevalent in asian frats/sororities in the US. The sorority that Sara was in AKDPhi was just suspended due to hazing at the college that I graduated from. Pledges in asian sororities typically go through what is called pt (physical training) where they have to complete difficult physical activities starting at times like 1am and it doesn’t end until 5 or 6am. Actives also force pledges to turn off their location so nobody knows where they are at such strange times.They also have all these ridiculous rules and if you break these rules you get points deducted and you need a certain number of points to cross. These sororities don’t admit they haze anymore, they call it “new member education.”
Look under the “closed & not recognized section” you will see alpha Kappa Delta Phi
@andylin thanks for that it was informative. Sara does seem like a fake, I’m glad she didn;t win the title. Her IG account is public so I am sure TVB might have been aware, so hmmmm