“Hidden Love’s” Romantic Presentation Leaves Viewers Disturbed

Zhao Lusi (趙露思) and Chen Zheyuan’s (陳哲遠) Hidden Love <偷偷藏不住> is leaving many viewers feeling disturbed, due to a young girl’s childhood crush being an older male. Viewers cry out that due to the inappropriate casting, the screen adaptation may indirectly promote pedophilia.

In the drama, a 13-year-old girl (Zhao Lusi) falls in love with her next door neighbor (Chen Zheyuan), whom she affectionately calls “Older Brother.” His character is 7  years older and already 20 years old. The pair is separated when he attends university. When she grows up, she travels to where he studied and they meet and start dating.

The preteen version of Zhao Lusi’s character is portrayed by a child actress who is only 11 years old. Viewers feel awkward watching the romantic storyline between the young girl and actor Chen Zheyuan, who is already 26 years old in real life. Whenever both artistes share a “romantic moment” in the same frame, viewers feel uncomfortable and cite the the script as indirectly supporting the idea that elementary school students should pursue adults romantically.

They also questioned how the drama passed censorship with the National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA). Their complaints triggered the industry’s screenwriters to share their thoughts stating that they believe the drama will lead people to commit crimes. They called for parents with young children to not let minors watch the drama, and asked for Hidden Love to be removed from broadcast immediately.

Source: [1]

This article is written by Kiki for JayneStars.com.


  1. Oh, does that mean this drama runs the risk of being taken off air before it ends?

    1. Nope, apparently Beijing news (?), some news agency belong to the CCP, praised the drama a few days after an author publicly criticise the drama, so fat chance it will be taken down

  2. Is it me or the article was translated wrong? I thought the male lead was her brother college classmate and roommate. How did it turns into “neighbor”. If it turns out to be her neighbor then I would definitely considered him a pedophile. But seriously when we were teenagers, we all at one time have many “puppy” loves and crushes. In the drama their age gap should be only 5 yrs. not 7 yrs.

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