Him Law Wants to Wipe Kenneth Ma’s Tears

At the spring dinner for the Federation of Hong Kong Filmmakers held on March 4, both Kenneth Ma (馬國明) and Tavia Yeung (楊怡), were presented with a TV Outstanding Performance Artist award. In his emotional acceptance speech, Kenneth got teary-eyed as he thanked his The Hippocratic Crush < On Call 36小時> costar, Tavia.

Kenneth said he found it very encouraging and meaningful that the Federation of Hong Kong Filmmakers, an organization composed entirely of behind-the-scenes and backstage production personnel, had decided to present him with this honor.

During his speech, a smiling Tavia pulled out a tissue and helped Kenneth wipe away his tears. Kenneth smiled and said, “I am very sentimental. Sorry!”

And what did Tavia’s boyfriend, Him Law (羅仲謙), think of this emotional and touching moment between Tavia and Kenneth? The 28-year-old actor was not jealous of his The Hippocratic Crush costar and exclaimed, “I want to wipe away his tears too!”

Appearing at a mobile phone event with Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) and Annie Liu on March 5, Him happily revealed to the press that he has received a free phone from the organizers, and is looking forward to using it. Asked if he plans to give the phone to Tavia as a gift, Him said, “No. I’ll be using it. But I would like for the organizers to give me another one.”

Congratulating Tavia on her win, Him expressed that he has not celebrated with her yet. Asked if he was jealous of Kenneth, Him laughed and said, “Kenneth was indeed very emotional. After all, he has struggled for so many years. If I was there, I would wipe away his tears too.”

Source: On.cc

This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.

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  1. Annie Liu is still the prettiest Taiwan actress i see but i hardly watch anything of her in it thou ahhaha…:)

    1. I guess you have not seen other actresses from Taiwan yet because there are many prettier than her.

  2. him just a funny guy wanting to wipe away ma ming tears for him

  3. I am more interested in reading about Annie Liu. She’s pretty and speaks Cantonese well!

    1. i know, me too hahaha…lol…who cares about him law besides tavia the g/f? haha

  4. Maybe its just me, Him LAw doesn’t sounds like someone who’ll get jealous easily and TY should feel more cautious and jealous in other way round cuz Him is younger and more “prettier” looking than her?

  5. It’s in the girls’ nature to be jealousy BUT we shouldn’t judge their r’ship. Time will tell…

  6. Lol as soon as I read the title, my thought goes ‘him want to wipe mm’s tears so tavia don’t have to :)’ n I’m like ‘no u can’t’, u already have her at home, let us have some of their sweet moment, even though its fake lolol or mean nothing lolol

    1. Btw i found him’s response is cute and funny xD but I love tavia n mm xD

    1. HL – looks like a LG
      The girl – looks like its Samsung? hahaa i dont know, i am just guessing.

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