Hong Kong Government Approves 2 New TV Licenses, But Rejects HKTV

The Hong Kong government granted approval for two new free television broadcasting licenses to i-Cable’s Fantastic TV and PCCW’s HK Television Entertainment Company yesterday. In a surprise move, the government rejected the third license applicant, Ricky Wong’s (王維基) HKTV. Without clear explanation of why it approved only two out of the three license applications, the government’s decision quickly aroused public protest.
For years, TVB’s monopolistic position in the Hong Kong television broadcasting market remained unrivaled, with little competition from the flailing ATV. The 2009 Hong Kong Broadcasting Authority forum raised questions about the stations’ self-censorship practices, and later escalated into public outcry that the monopoly gave viewers little choice and low quality television programs. That same year, the Broadcasting Authority announced that it welcomed cable and satellite companies to apply for free broadcasting licenses to inject greater competition into the market.
Through 2011, the Broadcasting Authority received three free broadcasting licenses from HKTV, i-Cable’s Fantastic TV, and Richard Li’s (李泽楷) PCCW’s HK Television Entertainment Company. TVB challenged the license applications, citing that the Hong Kong market is too small to support additional free television stations as the universe of advertising revenue has fundamentally not grown. Although originally scheduled to make a decision by 2012, the government extended its license review process and delayed its decision by nearly a year.
Executive Council’s Decision is Final; No Appeals Will Be Heard
Secretary of the Commerce and Economic Development, Greg So (蘇錦樑), revealed that the Executive Council’s decision to approve only two of the license applications is final and there will not be any appeal mechanisms. The Executive Council took into account the consultant’s report, which advised that the local Hong Kong market can only sustain four free broadcasting television stations. Greg So said the review process was fair and based on the companies’ financial capacity, competitive assessment, public interest and programming options; he emphasized the decision was not motivated by any political factors.
Among the three license applications received, HKTV’s submission was cited to be the weakest, although it pledged to invest $1 billion HKD. In the next six years, i-Cable’s Fantastic TV will invest $1 billion HKD into its free broadcasting operations, and PCCW’s HK Television Entertainment Company will invest $600 million HKD. The government will conduct a mid-term review over its licensees six years later.
As for Ricky Wong pouring nearly $300 million HKD in HKTV operations to produce dramas in anticipation of the government’s approval, Greg So said that it was HKTV’s own investment decision. Asked about HKTV’s future chances in receiving a broadcasting license, Greg So replied that the government will continue to assess the local broadcasting market in future years.
Public Rallies Protest
Public outcry arose against the government’s rejection of HKTV’s license application. HKTV had pledged to produce high-quality dramas, and enticed viewers with preview clips of their completed projects. A Facebook page rallying support for HKTV attracted more than 248,000 people who protested the government’s decision. Netizens cried that the public has tolerated only two television stations for years and wished to choose a station of their own choice. The group plans to hold an online protest on Sunday.
Sources: ihktv.com; South China Morning Post
This article is written by Jayne for JayneStars.com.
Just one word: Disappointing.
ATV gonna close shop
Now and Cable TV are smart, keeping a lower profile until they get their licences. Their paid channels have been around long enough and HK people know what to expect. Actually both Cable and Now produce some innovative programs. While Ricky Wong went out shooting guns at everyone in his way.
PCCW’s Now TV are alliance to TVB. Now TV comprises of 15 tvb’s production channels.So merely they are not rivals
Cable ‘s fantastic tv are only good at producing documentary & innovative reality shows. I don’t think will give any treat to TVB
Sleepless nights for ricky wong.
The approval/denial process seems random if they approve 2 and deny 1.
Protest over TV license? Seriously?
But then WHY reject HKTV? Is there some monopoly anti trust going on? WHAT?!
HKTV was seen as TVB’s biggest threat, due to its focus on the local HK market and poaching of TVB staff.
i-Cable and PCCW (which operates nowTV) are cable operators.
The government’s argument that the local market can only support four instead of five free TV stations seems unfounded. Let the viewers decide.
HK needs anti trust law. More free TV is GOOD for the public!!
Indeed, let the viewer decide. If it stimulates competition with TVB, surely that is a good thing. Quality of production will hopefully improves, it could also add export to HK. With mainland market being so lucrative, good quality production can be exported to mainland too. So they are not solely dependent on local advertising revenue. But right now, TVB’s mediocre productions are losing out to mainland, Korean and Japanese dramas. It’s a sad day in HK. Sigh.
If you ask me, I say someone has ties to TVB with the government. There’s no reason why they would reject them all these years.
Agreed, money-ties. Money talks “big” time. LOL
Gosh yes, blame it on TVB. The sky is falling. It’s TVB fault. Why not look at Ricky Wong himself? He’s the one who was kicked out from ATV in less than two weeks, for his big mouth. Was that TVB’s fault as well?
I disagree with your analogy, it doesn’t matter whether Ricky Wong was arrogant or not. TVB has gained a monopoly in HK, I don’t care how you slice it. Is the quality of programming well received across the board? That’s subjective but you can’t deny that the government’s reasoning is not exactly kosher or is it sensible.
I could say 620 is arrogent and it shines through in the artists that she approves, does that mean series that have 620 approved artists stink? No
And did I say anything about Ricky Wong being arrogant?
“The blow-up between Linus Cheung and Ricky Wong came at an internal meeting when they planned to ensure that critics would no longer brand ATV as a “pro-Beijing” broadcaster. Wong indicated he wanted to change the style of ATV’s news programmes, which raised public criticism on the potential intervention.[8]
Some commentaries compared and described the episode to the Qing dynasty’s failed Hundred Days’ Reform.[10]”
Ricky’s resignation from ATV was due to his political position rather than anything else. The government isn’t going to forget that easily. That isn’t controlled nor influenced by TVB. If TVB has such clout, they wouldn’t have been fined recently.
The mis-interpreted commentary about the station being pro-Beijing did not sit well with ATV’s controlling shareholders, the Cha family. The family came under criticism from various sources for appointing the two men.[8] Non-executive director Chan Wing-kee (陳永棋) had said the decision to accept the resignation was based on administrative considerations, not political ones.[6]
hk gov’t are just hating on hktv..
thats because ricky wong’s arrogant and agresive way makes the hk government rejects their request.its too bad for hk ppl but its ricky’s own fault. hope that tvb’s rebellious son felix wong will go back now.
LOL @your comment towards Felix…I wonder what all the poached tvb staff would do now.
Fully agree with you Kolo.
It’s how arrogant Ricky Wong has conducted himself. Being aggressive is one thing but his arrogance takes his ball game to another level. I can understand why the license for HKTV was rejected.
How about Ricky Wong taking over ATV?
who care what he did..if he followed all the rules, then he should have a license.
to reject the license on the basis of someone acting arrogant, then TVB’s license should be revoked. its called discrimination when all you can do is judge Ricky on the outside instead of what he has tried to do and given. objectivity is needed in evaluating business proposals. immaturity and bias should be out the window. politics was involved.
ASA, everyone would be endeared to assist someone who is less arrogant.
Whilst I may not agree with the decision but I can see why it happened.
then it shows they are short sighted to bludgeon the man just cause they didn’t like his personality.
They could have at least tried to say they approved the other 2 because they are already established cable companies, while hktv is too new.
Also, online protest? lol. how lazy
Online protest is really pathetic, but if street protest, it will be more pathetic
They have tried that… “Occupy Hong Kong”
I think the public should choose to so street protest over online protest to be taken more seriously. Protesting over facebook page or websites won’t do much. Besides HK always allows street protests.
They have allow street protest. Problem is can they even hear their concerns and reasons from the protestors to the lame duck government?
what is wrong w/ them? can’t they just grant a freaking license? hktv’s drama look really good! i am joining the protest!
Good news that hktv hasn’t gotten their license. Saw their trailers and it doesn’t look interesting
Pffft. I’m still staying loyal to TVB, but it’s not as if they have anything better to offer. Perhaps they’re the ones who need their licence revoked, in order to shake them up and stop being so damn complacent.
Although not a huge fan of TVB, but I really do support TVB and hope HKTV won’t be granted with free license
I’m forever supporting tvb as well, but if it’s healthy competition in which it would make tvb produce better quality dramas, I dont see why allowing license to HKTV would be a bad thing. Just saying. But of course it’s understandable why tvb is so against the idea..
TVB!!!!! It’s so funny how all the ex tvb artists were so exited and loving their new boss. HKTV is their new home, blah blah. Ricky’s purpose was getting his revenge. Revenge failed!!! At least now, TVB know the true colors of their ex-tvb artists.
TVB treated those ex employees like dirt. ex-artists know TVB’s true colors, taking advantage of employees for many yrs, overworked n shortchanged them, thats why they left the hell hole that was TVB that took away their pride and passion in their industry until their new boss had restored it. once again, TVB cronies up with HK gov&its mainland boss to do a double whammy on HKTV. its 5 against 1, of course he lost, it wasnt a fair battle to begin with.
the other two of the five being NowTV and the other cable one, both partners to adjoining platforms w/ TVB.
Its not TVB…. more like the communist government. TVB has been fined recently.
TVB wins
Yay. At least we know someone’s happy.
Poor poor Ricky Wong and ex-TVB employees….
I told you Ricky Wong should never diss the communist China government in the first place!
What will Ricky do with all the series he has produced poor guy
Give it to ATV then
Sell his stuff to i-Cable’s Fantastic TV and PCCW’s or collaborate with one of the approve station
PCCW’s Now TV are alliance to TVB. Now TV comprises of 15 tvb’s production channels.So merely they are not rivals
Ricky can sell all his production series to tvb at half price!!hihihihih
Because HKTV will be TVB BIGGEST threat.
Now…how will Ricky retaliate…
He should prolly start thinking about taking over ATV – revive it to rival TVB.
If those new stations really are allied with TVB, this seems like all he can do.
The only other option is to sell it to one of TVB’s stations or someplace like Netlfix/Hulu.
I think taking over ATV is the best option (he probably has enough money to buy it at this point lol), but their viewing numbers are so low that if he broadcasts it, will anyone watch?
HKTV on the NY Stock Market went down.
I thought hong kong government was not corrupt.I guess not.Really dissapointed.
Who says they are not corrupt. They been corrupt since the British arrival.
Either the two new license will try to shop HKTV production or HKTV better shop the existing license or looking a partnership
Or call in a favour,
Best of luck to HK TV industry
CTI’s (HKTV) arrogance probably led to its downfall.
Definitely agree! Ricky was so arrogant, and former tvb artists were bashing/backstabbing TVB.
Like c’mon, show a bit of respect to ex-bosses/ex-companies, this is especially the biggest thing that employees should avoid doing. This is their karma.
It doesnt matter that the ex-TVB employees bash their former dictator company, they bash the communist Hong Kong government when they ever spoke to the free TV issue.
So TVB former favourite son Felix Wong was wrong to bash TVB for their long hours, low pay?
I had no idea artists were paid as low as they are or so they claim (My mom told me about it for years but I didn’t believe her). The fact that filiming is really vigorous and to the point of being unreasonable compared to american filiming schedules?
I don’t blame the artists for speaking their mind.
TVB is the Foxconn of the HK tv industry. Do you expect Foxconn drones to shout their love and loyalty for their employers everywhere they go?
Those artists had every right to reveal how poorly they were treated and how much better RW treated and respected them.
It’s too bad they now will have to suffer for it. No one should ever have to suffer for expressing the truth.
Oh no, I am hoping to watch the vampire drama:S
At least, there will be more TV channels for the HK people and for Cantonese people around the world. So that’s a good thing. We can now download more TV drama’s, foreign TV drama’s (dubbed in Cantonese) variety shows, etc.
Ricky Wong has taken huge risk by producing TV drama’s and variety shows even without a TV license in hand and today he has lost. I am expecting a lot of HKTV artists will now go to these two companies after their contract expires.
There is still a chance that Ricky Wong will get a TV license, but maybe after a couple of years. The HK government have said that it’s possible that more TV licenses will be granted in the future depending how well it goes (can the advertising market support 4 or more TV companies?).
Or Ricky Wong can take over ATV (there were rumors before about that, but they are false) and change the name to HKTV (not sure if the name change is possible).
i think take over atv is the only option for ricky wong,since he said can swim in his money so he can spend another millions.
Ricky Wong was ATV’s Chairman for 2 weeks prior to his abrupt resignation in 2010, due to his opinions regarding mainland China’s influence on the broadcasting station.
ATV is also deeply saddled in debt, unable to attract any sound investors.
ATV will not be a route that Ricky will return to.
He can start his cable station and air the dramas there.
Due to his political beliefs, mainland China doesn’t seem to be the route he wants to take either. What’s left in the HK market would be very limited, unless he considers online broadcasting to the worldwide Chinese market.
Good lesson for HKTV… they gone too much opently ( a little bit show up)
Now, they will have a find a way to justify… or how about them merging with ATV
You mean show OFF.
Are the other stations making TV dramas then? I hope they do!
Of course, they are going to make TV drama’s. TV drama’s are very important for TV companies. If they are not producing TV drama’s, they are not going to attract much TV viewers.
nowTV already has plans for dramas, partnering up in Mainland and Taiwan.
nowTV seems to have an eye on the greater China region instead of the limited HK market. A smart financial move to capitalize on popular HK artists while the popularity lasts.
Not only plans but they have 1 series completed and one on production. They are quite ready to.go.
so all the artists that came over to HKTV, what will they do now? Run back to TVB?
TVB will most likely do not accept them (maybe the scriptwriters only), since a lot of these ex-TVB artists have made bad remarks about TVB.
Even if they accepted them back in, I doubt their days would be brighter than before they left the company.
They have to kiss 620’s feet to makeup.
HKTV production staff and artists may be forced to return to TVB for their old jobs, or find work in Taiwan or mainland China. The lesser known individuals may be forced to return to TVB if they do not have a market in China.
I’d hate to be one of the ex-tvb staff/artists’ heading back lol. But hey, earning a living is better than saving face. Goodluck to them!
There is an option for HKTV to do cable channel (paid TV) like wat NowTV and I-cable did years before having free TV license.
I’m not a follower of this battle for a TV licence thing but err why didn’t Ricky Wong just buy ATV or something? Lol. They crashed and burned already, why not just buy ATV and then go from there? I mean he def was loaded, perhaps he needs a new financial planner?
ATV has already deals with Mainland investor.
Getting a TV license is much better than paying for a TV license. A takeover costs much money (now even more if Ricky wong wants to take over ATV).
Ricky Wong was just hoping that he will get a TV license, but this plan failed.
Yes you are right getting a TV license and buying another TV license is totally different in terms of value on every level, personal and business. But the thing is shouldn’t he be aware that there was a high chance this would have happened? I mean, at a business perspective he was dead serious risking EVERYTHING. Producing dramas and paying the actors/actresses etc etc without having any guarantee that the license would be approved… that is RISKING EVERYTHING.
Now he is a great example of someone who you should not follow in the business world.
its not simply about him having the money, why are ppl so shallow in thinking?
risk is part of business. sometimes it works, sometimes it fails. ex is the stock market, some ppl get rich from it, some dirt poor after. im sure ricky understood this. he was a successful businessman before this but it was no longer what he wanted. he did this out of his heart and passion for the HK ppl and television advancement. the government put an end to his dream because they are the ones that run the show, thats all it is.
stop and think for a minute before commenting about how much money some guy has and that he needs another financial planner, you aren’t even thinking.
Youre telling me successful business leaders in this world are risking everything — assets and every wealth they possess to invest in a stock market and other businesses each time they invest?
No my dear. Them business leaders throwing down millions and billions in investments.. that money they throw out is usually pocket change meaning they know they will lose but they have no care in the world. No successful business man or woman is going to risk EVERYTHING.
Idk where the topic of him having money or no money was even a thing to discuss about.. cause that was def not the point I was trying to get across.
To me, he just made a horrible and highly risky decision that not only affected him but plenty of others. And that speaks volumes on its own.
if you aren’t them, you cant comment on what business decisions they should make and what information they had on hand. he is an experienced businessman and not all of his wealth was invested, where did you get that? refrain from adding things from your own “business perspective” it has nothing to do with what his situation is. he got rejected bc the gov is doing dodgy politics with the other stations n Mainland. He isn’t out of money but he has to reduce overhead.
the money he invested went back to the HK economy so i think its funny ppl who dont even know what they are talking about go bash and ridicule him for it.
at that time, he received information that licenses will be granted. his business plan likely includes what to do next if they dont approve it, and that is to go into cable broadcasting or exporting, he has to reduce staff to keep it running until it expands again. if HK wasn’t so corrupt, he would see it realized.
if it spoke of anything, it spoke of him being a man with different intentions from the rest. not simply a businessman(he already had the money to just be a rich man with a successful business) but he invested it back to HK(with or without return) he wanted to see their television practices change. thats what he chose to do with his money, you mock him if you like but money isn’t everything, he didn’t want to just do “business,”(he already did that with his first company) its only what he has to go thru to make television dramas.
its stupid to think his personal security is threatened. his funding comes from his other businesses and investment.
Are you his wife?
Correction: mistress makes more sense. At least she has more of an incentive to defend since she is trying to win his favor. LOL!
im invested in the topic because i have been following from the beginning, which is why i dont understand why ppl who dont care need to say something stupid about it? just jabbing in and adding nonsense to the discussion?
run along now because what are you doing here to begin with?
you wasted your time to make a mockery of someone that did something better with their time after it was discovered you are ill informed about the whole and now embarrassed to stand corrected. you added nothing to the discussion but stupid kiddish business allusions when you don’t know a thing about it. no need to give advice to a man who made himself a HK billionaire, he should know what he is doing and what losses he will incur.
I don’t know who you’re referring to but since I asked that question first. I’d like you to know I start speaking nonsense to people who speak nonsense. It just a habit. Sorry I’ve offended you. Actually no I’m really not that apologetic at all.
You make it sound like you really know what’s going on because you’ve been a follower. Lady, if that’s the case every follower of any kind of media buzz would know the truth and there wouldn’t be such a thing as corruption, lies and etc.
What you’ve brought to this discussion is nothing more than your one dimensional bias. I don’t see how that makes you a superior contributor to this discussion.
Lastly, instead of jumping on someone who isn’t very well informed and have admitted so, you could have said your points in a more respectable and educated manner. Cause all I read from you is ‘blah blah I I I think this blah blah’ That’s pretty much what it translated to in my book and I am sure it goes to some of the readers here who read your comments.
And that ends the very pathetic and poor example of a discussion we just had.
lol he definitely WAS loaded- I think things will be differnt from now after lol.
It’s not that simple. ATV is pretty much an outlet of China’s patriotism. In other words, its a tool for China to promote their nationalistic ideas. The only reason ATV is still in business with 0 ratings in HK is because they have a strong presence in China’s local tv. There is no way ATV/China will ever allow Ricky Wong to buy over their station.
Also, Ricky Wong started HKTV on the basis that the government of Hong Kong was opening the free to air market with additional licenses (I believe the it was initially 5 instead of the current 2). It may seem risky now, but who would’ve guessed the government of Hong Kong will go back on their own word?
Oh okay. Thanks for that clarification. See if other people would read my very first statement that I am not a close follower to this whole fiasco….anyways, I appreciate your information.
But anyways, that part about the government saying stuff. Ricky Wong is a business man right? I thought all business people know that unless its on paper, written in fine print, and fully enforced, everything is just BS? Lol.
Oooo.. thanks for the info WildBerries. Like Crystal, I wasn’t a follower of this issue and not aware of this simple fact before I commented that Ricky should look into taking over ATV.
Whether we like it or not, politics do play a big part in this.
@Crystal, maybe Ricky Wong has some connections who assured him of his chances in securing his license. However, this connection may have either been kicked out or now lack the ‘power’ to decide. I don’t believe a businessman would risk so much without proper back-up.
Good thing Power Chan stayed in TVB because if he moved with his wife Mimi Lo then his whole family would have been screwed.
wait Mimi moved to hktv? I thought she was still at tvb being one of ‘Today’s VIP’ interviewers? Guess I’m wrong! Glad Power Chan stayed then, or else TVB would’ve lost a talented artist! Tbb should learn to recognise their gems and cherish them before it’s too late…
Mimi didn’t move to hktv. She’s more freelance now so she can also have more time to devote to her kid.
Thanks for the info- yeah I thought so, I’ve seen her on Today’s VIP talk show recently so I was surprised when mentioned she happened to move to HKTV..though I do remember she did have a mouthful to say about tbb’s unfairness towards her husband. I’m glad she and her husband hasn’t moved to the other boat.
Mimi and power Chan are still with tvb. Mimi right now is sort of retiring from the entertainment, but she still host a tv programme at tvb
oops wrong info my bad (x
Wow that just sucks big time
Its actually understandable if HKTV has the weakest file. NowTV and I-cable ran paid TV years while the only target of HKTV is free TV. I somehow think HKTV isnt as rich as Ricky Wong trying to show off and due to the race, Ricky Wong lost most of money to take over artists/crew members of Txb.
The only concern to me is their employees. Where will they go? Especially who burnt their bridge with Txb. Likely to China?
It seemed like it was a promise Ricky Wong made in which he failed to keep towards his employees. Right from the very beginning this man’s ego seemed bigger than his head. He took the biggest risks in hope to get big returns…clearly he was more interested in ‘bringing down’ tbb rather than actually producing a stable (&licensed for free broadcast) TV station before launching into competition with others….he sure did get ahead of himself and now he’s in a mess. Goodluck with paying the price for your actions Ricky.
OG! Pity those who went over n d wasting previews huh!
Some rivalry would certainly do TVB good and now that’s gone because of HKTV not being able to obtain a license. What will Ricky Wong do now and all the actors who left TVB hoping to secure jobs from the other camp?
Run back to their mother company and hope that they’d still be welcomed back I suppose
HKTV was the most innovative one out of the three. they rejected the most interesting while leaving two typical ones left. the other two stations are just ordinary in delivery of material. ppl dont like any kind of change. NowTV and the other station offered boring whatever programs nobody cares about.
Hi where can we see what programmes NowTV and PCCW are offering for their free channel? The only channel who is transparent to public audience about their plan is HKTV and that makes things shady when HKTV is the one deemed weakest by HK government when the other two stations don’t seem to do or prepare anything. The government should have taken opinions from the public since from what I read here HKTV has received lots of support from the public.
Actually, some of NOW TV’s programs and commercial is broadcasted on Canada’s Fairchild tv station.. :$
“HKTV has received lots of support from the public”
and that is primarily the reason why it is reject by the HK government who wants to be in control of what choices ppl can have. HKTV is the ppl’s choice, therefore it got shafted real quick before the public gets any ideas.
lol at the gov emphasizing “politics isn’t involved” what a load of crockery. of course it is, every decision they make is about politics. HK citizens should be the ones rejecting HK government’s decision, who did not do a good job of representing their wants and needs, instead went to do the opposite of what most of the ppl preferred.
Agree with asa. That she/he points out is the most likely deciding reason.
““HKTV has received lots of support from the public””
^ Maybe true for HK itself. Overseas? Not too sure about that.
Bubblez, your TVB beloved isn;t get gonna get anymore viewers either way, it just simply stinks and the ex employees will find work somewhere else, they dont pay anything anyway.
That’s their fault for jumping to a company that is brand new and could collapse anything. Do I feel bad for them? A bit. They were the ones who decided to jump ship, knowing that they haven’t gotten a free TV license. However, I do miss seeing them act, which is a downfall.
HKTV just announced this morning 8:30 HK time 320 employees will lose their jobs. This will go down in HK business lesson books: Don’t start buying the liqueur before you get your alcohol license which in HK is a long procedure. Ricky Wong is just so arrogant ….
Instead of HKTV firing 320 employees, they could have considered other options to broadcast their projects, such as through Internet medium. The more time-consuming route would be to apply for cable TV license.
The HK government is pathetic and shameful. they did a flimsy analysis to say that the HK market cannot support more competition yet hypocritically issued two more gov-regulated licenses but rejected HKTV. this government decision was selfish and took away the the extra jobs that were created from HKTV station. now a bunch more are unemployed. thanks alot lousy government, once again screwing the ppl over.
TVB was already dropping in viewers due to repetitive and harsh practices, TVB will never get their business even if HKTV isn’t here.
the other stations cooperate with Mainland, rather than being purely HK-based therefore HK govnrment inadvertently helped secure more jobs for Mainlanders rather than HKers if anything.
let we boycott tvb series then,i propose to watch tvb series only online,so their tv ratings drop to 0.0,haha.
Greg So said the review process was fair and based on the companies’ financial capacity, competitive assessment, public interest and programming options; he emphasized the decision was not motivated by any political factors.
Well, HKTV certainly didn’t lack in the public interest criteria since many HKers seem to anticipate his series.
Ridiculous isn’t it? Hundreds of employees losing their jobs, is this in public interest? Come on we are talking about TV license, not some nuclear power plant. It is obvious politics is at play, even if not from TVB. The owner must have pissed off some people and I don’t think TVB alone is that powerful.
The programming options on HKTV’s side may have been lacking, as they only publicized their drama options. Since the other companies are cable operations, they may have richer and more diversified content.
Despite the government’s claims, there may have been political reasons for their decision.
the other stations had some inane variety programs that had zero buzz and zero interest, lacking in anything new to show, if they dont get the free channel to attract more advertising, they would go bankrupt soon too.
I am happy for both companies- I-Cable and PCCW to get their free tv licenses. Sorry to be blunt but, weren’t these ex-artistes from TVB and/or hktv’s production staff aware that they might not get a license from hk government or that they did join a company that could collapse any day?
their own government misled and failed them. gov K.O.’ed the ppl’s interest.
@Asa: How is that government misled them?
I don’t live in HK but if you are planning to be free TV operator, shouldn’t you get the broadcasting license FIRST before producing any dramas and “getting people to join your company”? Ricky Wong did everything at once, knowing that they are still waiting for that license..
Frankly speaking, when Ricky Wong formed his company, it wasn’t a stable company nor a well-established one. It was a company that had two outcomes for their future: gets the license (which he didn’t) or doesn’t get the license. He is just fortunate to have that many assets to offset his costs.
they were the ones that leaked information about free licenses, which should be a fair game, then rejected/opposed the one station that the ppl wanted most to see. while saying they were looking into public demand, they lied thru their teeth. they feared democracy in the hands of the HK ppl.
its not Ricky’s problem, but a political one, you cant put the blame on him for starting up his company and following his dream, then have the gov to a stop to it even though the public most wanted to see his dramas air.
Okay, the government may have reneged on their words, but bottom line is, Ricky shouldn’t have put all his eggs in one basket; we all know things don’t always go to plan in life!! He can “follow his dreams” all he wants, but having a back-up would have been a sensible idea… The poor workers being laid off…
“He can “follow his dreams” all he wants, but having a back-up would have been a sensible idea…”
^ I agree with Skinnymocha. They should have been PREPARED for both scenarios not just one of them .
You all shall be prepared for the ‘you are not very informed about this discussion therefore you guys should leave it to me who knows everything speech’ Just saying. I got a novel written somewhere on this comments section about that.
Crystal, be my spokesperson, will you? My brain is too small to comprehend all that pontificating.
I’d help you but some of the stuff I read on here now causes my blood vessels to rupture. Like for reals..
Does HKTV need government’s approval if they change their company from free TV to cable TV? At least, they still get to broadcast the shows they have already made.
I am sure some form of license is involved even if cable TV.
HKTV would likely have to deal with the same folks from Executive Council regarding obtaining a cable TV license.
With the right marketing, I still think that Internet broadcasting is the way to go. Why target only the HK market when there’s a global market to chase after?
Internet Broadcasting isn’t as simple as it seems. There’s different laws, rights and licensing to be respected in each country. You can’t just decide to create an Internet broadcasting company and air whatever you want and charge local ads however you want.
everything is overregulated and monopolized in this world bc ppl are selfish, dont want others to have or see anything that doesnt involve or make money for government, there are big wigs in every country destroying any personal creativity and freedom even in the most “free” country out there, it ends up the most regulated to secure personal interest.
Internet broadcasting is still not making money like TV broadcasting does. Even in much more progressive markets, people still haven’t found a good formula for making money through broadcasting online.
So can anyone tell me which ex-TVB artists have gone to HKTV? I know Maggie Cheung was one of them and I was sad because I thought she is a good actress. Who else are there?
Micheal Wong, Frankie Lam, Noel Leung, Bernice Liu,… and a lot of veteran actors & actresses
They are _uck up!!!
I don’t really feel bad for the big artists like Felix, he will bounce back cause he is really popular. He can always do movies.
I do feel bad for the other artists that don’t have movie careers to fall back on – like Savio Tsang. I really liked him, but he got nothing but kelefe parts from TVB in the last decade.
The artists will probably find it harder to make a living compared to the production crew since they are easy to find a job for.
TVB can’t take the artists back without bringing attention to it. – Not that they would take them back. They are petty pricks like that.
I agree. The big name actors will be just fine because they might be able to do movies or Mainland. Even TVB might take them back since TVB is hardly in that great shape. I mean, Lawrence Ng if I recall correctly also spoke critically of TVB and he’s back. But the no name actors, behind-the-scene crew etc. they are screwed.
@Mindful Living: There are actually ALOT of artists and behind the scenes people who jumped ship to HKTV, though keep in mind that alot of the big name artists (i.e. Felix Wong, Maggie Cheung, Ha Yu, Paw Hee Ching, etc.) only signed per series contracts with them, so many of them are still free artists (in other words, this lay off thing won’t affect them much). The ones I feel really bad for are the not so famous ones who have to rely on a steady paycheck to survive.
I read an interview that Deno Cheung did today and he said that most likely he will be changing careers after his contract with HKTV is up (which is what he was planning to do originally back when he was struggling at TVB). A few other artists have expressed similar sentiments as well…very sad…
Anyway, if you’re interested in knowing which artists went to HKTV, you can check out the below link…keep in mind though that this ‘official’ list is from back in October 2012 and there have been some changes since then in terms of more artists joining and others returning to TVB (or free artist status)…but it will at least give you some idea….
This is disappointing. HKTV seems to be the most prepared and enthusiastic station among the three and the only station who readied themselves with programmes. I don’t see the other two stations PCCW and NowTV releasing previews to get feedback from audiences or filming any shows and dramas to get ready for the free TV. In what basis does the HK Government think HKTV is the weakest? This world is corrupt ever where! I suggest Ricky Wong settle for a paid TV license first while waiting for another license review so that all the series can be aired and workers will keep their jobs!
i think the unemployed workers should organize a massive protest and overturn the government’s decision and overturn the council that did not care about their interest. their gov’s action is abhorrent. they rather all these ppl(and more to come) lose their jobs, end up unproductive, then issue one more free license.
^correction, then = than.
“The good boss” Ricky Wong has just announced to sack 320 employees this morning. Poor them
This is the so -called good boss
thank HK Government Executive Council where selfish asses run the show.
I agree with everything asa said,
That is why now Hong Kong is only HALF Democracy. Eversince they returen to the Red Communist China in 1997, now all their news have to be check through the China government.
Sad that Ricky didn’t get his liscense, I was looking forward to all his dramas.
I only felt sorry for HKTV employees, but not Ricky Wong. He was too arrogant way before the issuing of the license and I suspect that his bid proposal was indeed weaker compared to the other 2. If he indeed is swimming in money per se, 300 employees wouldn’t lose their job, he would have found other alternatives.
If HKTV starts t liquidate their assets, well their artistes better find plan B for their future asap.
just because you didn’t like someone’s personality, doesn’t mean they dont deserve fair evaluation. there needs to be separation of judgement here.
his money is meant as a startup investment, not to fund the whole thing continuously, overhead is too much if there’s nothing for the employees to do now, what can he pay them? if they granted the license, the station will run itself with incoming revenue and utilize all employees. why all the talk about his money, as if some insecurity issue some ppl have with him expressing initial confidence. the HK government fed him false hope to begin with.
agree hk government give him false hope,but he also has to much confidence that the hk government will grant him a license,this is his biggest mistake.its the same as gambling with all your money on one turn,everything or nothing.
Now and Cable TV are smart, keeping a lower profile until they get their licences. Their paid channels have been around long enough and HK people know what to expect. Actually both Cable and Now produce some innovative programs. While Ricky Wong went out shooting guns at everyone in his way.
Ricky Wong had to show what he’s got since the others are already familiar. nothing wrong with it, its called advertisement and marketing, its everywhere, these “shooting guns” you say.
At least those 320 sacked employees have more choices rather than just TVB. I’m sure nowtv and I cable would be hiring.
I agree Nicole. The employees can line up for I cable and PCCW new free stations. If these doesn’t work out, the mainland provides better pay and more opportunity.
Mainland… yeah right. Better pay, less opportunity.
Wow, seems that TxB have more power to influence the HK Government. As a democracy country shall have free from monopoly. Seems that all the government in this world is same.
If they have that power, none of three will get the license.
I feel so bad for everyone in hktv!
I wish it could have worked out.
Hahahaha so happy that cocky loser didn’t get it. Karma is good. For all those ppl that left tvb and talking smack about them, get a good taste of reality. If it wasn’t for tvb you are nobody. Ungrateful people.
The firing of 320 people is just the beginning of more people losing jobs. Competition is only beneficial towards the general public, not those working in the field. The local market is way too small to support 4 channels and the fierce competition will lead to cutting down on staff and production value. This will be the beginning of a large company closing in the near future or totally abandoning the local HK market. In the end the real talent will have no choice but to leave the local market and find jobs elsewhere like the Mainland or Taiwan.
Agree! I To me this is a very depressing and sad news
But sacked employees can go to Icable and PCCW. I’m sure these two companies in need of lots of workers to support their new free tv stations. By leaving TVB they open up their chances to get jobs at more independent tv stations.
From what I remember, these two companies have already scouted for additional talent when the government opened up the free to air license market a few years ago. That’s why TVB suffered from a lack of talent for the past few years. And I can’t remember if its i-cable or PCCW that has strong connections with China production companies, so there’s no shortage of talent there.
PCCW’s nowTV has strong collaboration with Mainland TV stations
I think most of the positions already filled up. I can hear TVB calling the ex-employees back if they want.
false. its called expansion. not everyone cares to watch the garbage on television right now and not everybody is advertising. they are not doing themselves any favors by stifling HK market and getting ppl domestic n overseas least interested and involved in it. there will be no outside investment simply bc HK television programs are just nothing interesting for any global export.
HK government is just trying to make HK dead and deader. GL to the ppl.
Expansion is only beneficial when you have a big enough pie. Hong Kong has a population of 7 or 8 million – give or take. That’s an extremely small pie. The only way a tv station makes money is through advertisements. Other ‘global export’ is only a very small part of their revenue. That’s because even if other television stations that will purchase these dramas/series are purchasing them at a highly discounted rate (read, close to nothing) and they will be played at non prime time for obvious reasons.
Sure, not everyone is advertising or watching tv, but for our sake of the argument, only those that do watch tv and advertise are the ones that matters. Those are the ones in the targeted market which will sustain the market. Those that decides to watch other ‘garbage’ series isn’t even in the equation. That’s like adding oversea audiences into the equation when in reality they don’t matter.
nothing to attract the pie to larger anyway at this pt. thanks to those like you and the corrupt government. you win and the ppl lose.
The lowest form of any argument is to get emotional and come up with nothing but personal attacks. If you are unable to see the reality there’s really nothing to debate. Perhaps you should just sit in your comfort zone and blame others for your lack of understanding on the basic economics of society.
You are my hero!
For me, watching HKTV crumble is good entertainment. However, if they eventually succeed miraculously, I will congratulate them. Win win situation for me.
Ricky Wong to cut 320 jobs in HKTV
o__O 320 jobs…that aint no small number. At the same time of being amused by this whole event/situation, I’m very sorry to hear that some will become unemployed…
Ricky paid these ppl more than what TVB ever did in their tenure, that is how he treats them with respect compared to their former employers. what is there to cheer about above? that ppl lost jobs bc he lost? bc u ppl have nothing better to do?
HAHAHAHAH ….i’m not sure if i’m sad or happy about this, but i am most definitely amused by this whole situation.
it is a shame that HKTV didn’t get approved because i feel TVB would let their guard down again and not feel the need to make their shows more attractive to compete against another channel.
however as a long time dedicated fan of tvb, i’m glad that they don’t have competition that may potentially lower their view ratings and lose artists to other stations.
but i just find this very funny how HKTV filmed all these dramas and are preparing for all these dramas when they don’t even have a license yet….jumping the gun a little too early, don’t you think? are the artist still going to get paid for their series? HKTV contracted artists aren’t getting any exposure if their dramas are not being aired…this may cause some ex-TVB artists to return back to TVB i think….
im sorry but what does dedication mean? many of the HKTV ppl are the same ppl you watched growing up. why would you wish them ill? this is stupid loyalty when you should support all stations the same if they have the heart and passion to make good entertainment. TVB is no longer what it used to me, that is why competition is popping up to challenge them. if they step up, what do they have to worry about? yet TVB poured all their energy to act low class and rogue to rival stations just to monopolize HK market. i will NEVER support corruption like them.
TVB lost me as a viewer when all they care about his promoting same ppl that kiss feet, while delivering shtty repetitive programs that drone the same face, scenes. n script everytime. cheap sets, cronyism, and poor practices to employees. they are the oldtime bully that wants to collect public’s attn for money but does nothing to earn except be a monopoly.
She is just expressing her opinion! There is no right or wrong answers to it. But Ricky Wong is too arrogant this time! Lots of people are loosing their job because of him! Y film all those dramas before the license even granted if he knows there is risk of not getting the license! I feel really bad for the employees!!!!
and im expressing mine.
they lost their jobs not because of Ricky since he paid them and treat them like real human beings that are worth something but their crappy misleading government took away their worth and living.
what does Ricky’s personality have to do with anything? HK received alot of revenue from him doing his business and injecting his money there, ppl lost their jobs bc their government rejected the license after all the money was injected into their economy already. ppl like you who are always opposing other new stations just because they posed as a thread to TVB in ur minds are illogical and crazy as they get. this is why society and economy suffers when they have lazy ppl who dont want to see or hear anything new cause you ppl do everything to stifle creativity and innovation.
thanks Guest108
i do not mean to cause an argument, but this is how i feel. i do admit i am interested in HKTV’s dramas from their promo clips like the plastic surgery one. but i really do enjoy TVB series, whether good or bad and even though i am aware that the quality is going down, i believe in TVB and have faith that they will continue to improve, that is evident from their new policies for 2014. so i just want to support TVB. that is all.
sometimes i actually enjoy watching the repetitive things in TVB series, it’s like a game hahah fun and stress relieving to laugh and enjoy the shows/series.
I am not laughing at this matter but def some poor decision making caused all of this which could have been avoided.
lol at “poor decision making,” sick world, sick ppl, some ppl follow their dreams even if it costs them, even if he didn’t get alot of money back, at least he helped change the treatment of employees and made the other stations realize their mistakes.
worst if he sat back and did nothing with the extra money that could of helped others and change things.
by sick ppl, i mean the ones that arent concerned about anything else but business concepts they think everyone else should follow and dont give a hoots about the real issue while ppl who are actually interested in the matter and care about HK TV development have to refrain from feeling annoyed at the ignorance involved.
why waste time on a topic you are not well informed or interested in to begin with? instead of questioning ricky’s decisions, perhaps time could wisely be invested somewhere else as well for yourself while leaving the real discussion to those who want to give more insight into the real problem.
And I have once again met another cray…. why is it always me? Lol
well didn’t you say ur ill informed, you got what you wanted now, didn’t you? the right information to make a decent discussion instead of false allusions.
Ricky doesn’t treat them like real people. It is the same in all companies. He treat his employees like machines, where the artists have to film straight for 38 hours and only having 3-4hours of sleep each day. This is extremly worst than TVB.
Asa: please don’t watch tvb if you have so many negetives of them. Ricky is a user and an abuser. Just because the government didn’t give them a license, he just quit. Of course, Ricky is going to treat his employees well because they are not in a rush to film anything cuz they don’t even have a license. Can’t wait to see what the Ex HKTV employees had to say now. Hahaha
I feel so sad for HKTV. Hoping that Ricky Wong will find out a way to rescue himself and his employees.
sad that the only man with the most heart and passion gets shot down while his competition who don’t really care about anything else and are just in it for the $$ are the ones getting the free license. fair world, huh? sick, sick, sick thing the government did to this man.
They laying off the “younger” employees first in some creditable report. More layoffs possible.
He has other choices… appealing or become a pay tv channel if PCCW or I-Cable are willing to let them in…. which I think not.
wahh, why 6 years??..
If another 6 years, I dont think he’d stupidly wait out another 6 yrs to ‘hopefully’ get license for free broadcasting. But this is a big tough siutation to get around if he wants to keep the station alive.
2015 is when TVB and ATV license renewal comes up
That’s good news
Can’t you guys see? This is another example of the Mainland government interfering in the affairs of Hong Kong. The Mainland government need ATV alive as long as possible to serve as their mouth piece in Hong Kong. ATV is especially important with Occupy Central of next year. The Mainland need their propaganda outlet in Hong Kong to disparage the Occupiers throughout much of next year. If the Hong Kong government granted a licence to HKTV, ATV, according to a report produced by the Hong Kong government, will go out of business within a year.
i hate the communistic regime,this means china is already controlling hk in the background.come ppl’s lets occupy central next year we need our freedom back.
This is disappointing as their series does look promising and have a more creative and mature approach to their productions. As a long and loyal individual of TVB series I got to say they just keep getting worse and worse out of the many series they produce each year less than half of them is on,y decent at most. I don’t see why there is so much hate for HKTV most of us stayed “loyal” to TVB because they are the only HK broadcasting channel and we are familiar with their artistes and unfortunately their plots. Love triangles, family betrayal, greedy families, unnecessary deaths and lousy comedy….it’s was great at first but sadly after over 20 years of it, it does get repetitive in fact way too repetitive.
I’m not hating on TVB, it’s just that they’re not creative anymore and they don’t dare to try something new. HKTV has familiar faces and unknown ones and I would say its an interesting mix. I don’t think Ricky is as arrogant as people made him to be its TVB that is, I remember them mocking their trailers in their weekly magazine which was pathetic in my opinion. I don’t see it as a competition either after all it’s not like we would stick to the same channel, HKTV offers something which TVB never did and possibly never will I don’t see why we can’t be supportive of both of them. I do hope they’ll release their series online.
whoa! those ex-tvb artistes/script writers who shot their mouths off are rueing this day. Didn’t any one tell them never to burn their bridges? Maybe it’s true that the HK market is too limited to have more than 4 free stations. Singapore, where I’m from, used to have only one TV station for many many years. Then the govt decided to relax this and another free-to-air TV station was granted its licence. A lot of artistes from the old station moved over to the new station. Unfortunately, as the market is too small to sustain both stations, the newer station soon folded and we’re now back to square one. I see the same situation with HK. I’m actually not too convinced that HKTV dramas are of better quality than TVB. Initially yes, maybe, but after they have their licence, it’ll probably go down the same slope as TVB, so maybe it’s not a great loss. Now we’ll never know. But as long as my fave artistes like Ruco Chan remain in TVB, i’ll still watch TVB dramas but only if i like the cast.
Hktv will definitely will NOT be as great as TVB. Hktv might go down the slope once it starts
What a dark day for the people of HK. I’m not saying in terms of loss of an entertainment outlet but of the corruption of the HK government. This shows where their true interests lie, in the hands of businessmen.
Ricky Wong sure was promoting quite aggressively. I won’t attribute that to arrogance at all. Rather he did have something to be proud of and if you don’t toot your own horn in business who will even know you are alive!?
An internet pay per view model for his company may be the way to go. Sure the licensing may get tedious but look how far he has gone already. He really tried to do something to change the extreme hierarchical society that the hk ent industry has become. I say to HKTV rally on! Let’s show the world what hk ppl are made of.
Agree . I won’t say that Ricky Wong is arrogant . Just hope that he will find his way out . All the Best!
i think the internet option is the best way to go after this, he should ditch the other ones. everybody watches shows online nowadays, on ipad, smartphones, laptops anyway. nobody has time to sit here to catch anything on a reg schedule, ppl watch shows at leisure and thats diff for everybody. it should meet this need.
The internet pay model wouldnt work him since there’s very little margins.
How about buy over ATV ? Internet surely is the best way to go .