Hu Yitian’s Ex-girlfriend Calls Him a “Dog Who Can’t Stop Eating Poop”

Above: Li Xi lashes out at ex-boyfriend, Hu Yitian.
After Hu Yitian‘s (胡一天) hotel sex scandal broke, his flirtatious past is quickly filling up tabloids. A woman claimed that Yitian had bedded her under the guise of a video game meetup last year, and quickly dropped her after having sex. Yitian’s sexcapades allegedly caused ex-girlfriend, Li Xi (麗希), to lash out, “A dog can’t stop eating poop.”
Yitian became the object of many schoolgirl crushes after starring in 2017 web series, A Love So Beautiful <致我們單純的小美好>. Many teenage girls considered him to be the ideal boyfriend and found it hard to believe that he is such a player in real life.
In April 2017, Yitian was exposed to have tricked a woman into bed. According to text conversations the woman had with her friend, the woman felt nervous as it was her first time entering a man’s home. He had invited her there under the guise of playing a video game, “King of Glory” <王者榮耀>. Allegedly, Yitian started kissing her and they proceeded to have sex. After it was over, he immediately left for Hangzhou.
Three days later, he even blocked her phone number. Upset that he had slept and then dumped her, the woman spilled the news on Weibo and uploaded a photo of Yitian looking at his cell phone in bed.
At the time, Yitian’s studio denied the incident. But netizens saw that the man in the bed photo was unmistakably Hu Yitian.
Yitian’s ex-girlfriend, Li Xi, had ranted on social media about his uncontrollable lust. Although she did not specifically name him in her post, it was widely interpreted that Li Xi was writing about Yitian. She posted, “Like a dog who can’t stop eating poop. Just like a beast, he only thinks with the lower half of his body; he will rush over to mate when he sees the opposite sex.”
Source: Ettoday
This article is written by Jayne for
lol, no clue who this guy even is, but I would think that describing your ex as a “Dog Who Can’t Stop Eating Poop” says more about you than it does him, no?
And just how dense and naive does one have to be in order to get “tricked into having sex under the guise of a video game”? Come on, now.
It takes two to tango, so if the sex was consensual, then the girl/s are not any less accountable than the guy in the situation. Let’s not feign innocence, here.
lol…me neither had to go on utube to see who he is haha….this is getting funny. if you are tricked into having sex over a video game, girl that says alot about your character? haha and the ex…wow…. harsh just harsh. lol…..
Normally I would fee bad for the girl who’s been played by the guy… BUT in this case, I’d have say (as a female), girl are you crazy? Meeting a guy in his house is instant booty call. The fact that you had sex with him, thinking that will make him your boyfriend is was even dumber. You could have said no, you could have left, but it sounds consensual. Before someone blames the guy… I don’t know who this guy is, never watched his show, is he a dog? Maybe, but he’s acting alot of guys at his age. Women need to be smarter, and not thinking that sex is the answer to getting a guy/relationship.
@hbee “Women need to be smarter, and not thinking that sex is the answer to getting a guy/relationship.” Totally agree!
@jayne Likewise, men shouldn’t think throwing money at women means it’s a relationship.
And she was with him and so she kissed the lips that atepoop. Doesn’t look good on her.
He’s not the worst among Chinese mainland stars. If you guys have been watching “Oh! My Emperor” recently, the general in the drama who can speak to birds (Emm Chen IRL) has been accused of 1) divorce, 2) impregnating a woman and getting her to abort 3x, 3) cheating & playing around and 4) being a stingy effer.
I only know this because I really liked him and dug up his background for fun. After knowing this…well, I don’t doubt his charisma & acting abilities, but it makes me feel pretty uncomfortable about him as a person.
If that is the case for that guy named Emn Chen. He is the champion of the jerks. I never heard of him before, so I just looked him up. He also does look like a jerk. What kind of woman would abort babies three times for a jerk like that? I can never understand that.
@dramas4me because he’s a charismatic guy lol. but yea, girl, after the first abortion, that’s grounds to leave a relationship – let alone 3x!