Huang Xiaoming Shows Off Tight Abs in Underwear Ad

Huang Xiaoming (黃曉明) recently flaunted his sexy 6-pack ab in an underwear advertisement. Many even compared his body to that of famed Portuguese footballer, Cristiano Ronaldo, who always bore his body for all to see.
The underwear ads were not the first time that Xiaoming flaunted his topless body. Due to a disciplined workout routine, Xiaoming’s fine results have been displayed in many of his recent movies. Often starting the day with an hour or more of aerobic exercise, he follows with resistance training. When training his body for An Inaccurate Memoir <匹夫>, Xiaoming ate 1,000 pieces of boiled chicken breasts, without any seasoning or condiments, for an entire year. While he would indulge in a meal once in a while, he always makes sure to follow up with additional workouts after. Huang Xiaoming trains whenever he finds a free moment by carrying a pair of dumbbells with him at all times.
However, the airbrush and Photoshop effects are obvious in Xiaoming’s new underwear ad. Was it necessary to enhance Xiaoming’s already extremely fit figure? One netizen by the name of ‘Adonis’ armor’ said, “It must be hard work for the retouching artist! I guess he must be crying beside his toilet bowl now.” Another netizen exclaimed, “Angelababy (楊穎) is so lucky! She must be thinking she is dating Cristiano Ronaldo!”
This article is written by Karen for
So photo-shopped man………the pic doesn’t even look real……..He does not look like that in real life!!!!!!!11
Wow… Photoshop had been done very well. Honestly, HXM looks more manly after undergoing the knife. However, I never found this guy attractive. He’s too overrated.
Totally agree……..the pic is about as fake as Angelababy’s face…….ahahaha.
Hahahahahahahaha! Couldn’t agree more! Tired of seeing their relationship everywhere.
The top photo where he looks kinda grey does looked photoed but the others look fine. Maybe there was a little Photoshop to make him look nicer.
Yikes, I think he will look more hot with jeans on. That just too much lol
I’m sorry but this ain’t sexy.
Totally agree.
wow…HXM is using the same pose as what the hunky David Beckham for CK underwear long time ago and both “bulge” package also been photoshop biggger as well…his body is really hunky and muscular…its comparable to eddie peng…so yummy
David Beckham’s package was definitely smaller. HXM’s package is much bigger. LOL!
David Beckham is smouldering sexiness in more ways than one………HXM ??? these photos are a joke !!
Beckham is soo overrated. His last few pictorials have been nothing short of ewww. I mean it’s clear they photoshopped his wrinkles away. Smouldering, yah maybe in the a dry, ashey sense. Sexy? Uhhhh no. HXM’s got it going on
Hot body. Delish.
Ridiculously photoshopped, yet still sexy lol
Yucks!!! gross, leaving nothing to the imagination! So fake, so bronzed, so hibmo-ish!
i mean, himbo-ish
Maybe a fancy spray-on tan with contouring for muscle definition?
hi there
1. techn photo enhancement job.
2. honest, those abs really look fake and digitally done.
I think tight abs is the least he is showing. He is showing the Beckham Bulge. So very very photoshopped.
The last picture (bottom third), ignore the abs. The bulge itself is so obviously photoshopped. Is it that necessary?
Geez, I didn’t even look that closely but now that you mention it… haha
The guy is a fake. Only Angelabebee will know HXM’s package is small or huge. LOL!
Angelabebe will get lucky tonight. LOL!
1) no legs, does he even know what a squat rack is
2) these images are as real as angelababy’s face, dare him to stand next to me
3) whoever translated he article should be sacked (click the original source link to understand), to those who don’t read Chinese, there is an entire paragraph composed from thin air
Which paragraph?
I am afraid if he stands next to you you will need to squat down. He is tiny.
2nd, no mention of it in the original source link
my back could block him out of view
I see! It is the way it is here where the original article is an inspiration and not the entire translation literally. So the 2nd para is a tid bit.
“my back could block him out of view”
well, why don’t you post your photo here so we can compare? lol
I accept your challenge and my response is this:
And this is last year’s story, this year is yet another level up. Now it’s 80kg of muscle, steel and sex appeal ladies and gentlemen.
Want to know how this body performs?
Do I need to film my PRs?
hell I don’t even need all that oil, tan and lighting
That’s you?! Wow! Good progress! With some oil, tan, lightning and pencil, you can exceed HXM and is more natural!
How about uploading a photo with you holding a pirce of paper that says jaynestars as proof? Anybody can pull a profile from a bodybuilding website.
Even if that is you, sorry no sex appeal whatsoever. Just like any knuckleheads to me.
Firstly, thank you for reminding me I’m bigger than estrogen-riddled boys posing as men. I don’t pretend to be someone I’m not, I’m not a communist.
Second, I’m being presumptuous here, but I assume your idea of a knucklehead is someone who is the national NAS (National All Styles) and AMAC (Australian Martial Arts Championship) champion, a ring fighter, plays piano, plays guitar, composes music, arranges his own songs, writes his own lyrics in Mando, Canto, Eng, Viet and is also fluent in those 4 languages (reading, speaking, listening, writing).
Third, if I don’t appeal to you, that’s alright, three legged frogs are hard to find, but women with two legs? There’s plenty
@Funn shall I get a picture to prove that my arms are already bigger than his? I’m just not sure if that’s a challenge
Anyone else with a challenge, come one, come all, we’ll have a ball
No challenge. I acknowledge you are probably bigger than he is. Not sure about taller though but a lot of HXM fans refuse to believe HXM is hardly 6 feet tall.
Yang-zai covered his package. haha
Smart guy!!!
you know, its hard to photoshop exactly the same abs in every picture. to be that precise..
That ‘package’ of his is photoshopped, right? Right.
Woah I’m sorry but HXM looks so gross and cheap in the overly photoshopped abs and bulges.Eiuw!
If it is semi photoshopped, meaning got abs but not as deep or highlighted, at least this is moving towards the right trend; a defined toned body unlike many HK actors who are flabby. Takes a lot of commitment to have abs.
Oh, did any of you notice the few strands of chest hair?
Hate chest hair lol! He just looks so gay to me in those photos >_>
at first trying to maintain a low enough body fat percentage to have visible abs is hard, but once it becomes habit, it actually feels off to break the habit
Learn to troll better.
i agreed with you
Regardless whether the pics are photoshop or not.. I will do him any day.. Haha
the whole picture is so airbrushed….gimme a break. It doesn’t even look like him anymore.
I think it’s gross if they actually enhanced the bottom thingy to make it more prominent..
Man! I’m getting jealous of his 6 pack lol.
EWWW, so fake! Didn’t bother with reading the article.
This body makes me want to eat some donuts and cry!
Photoshop or not…
Why do I not find these photos sexy >_> it’s rather a turn off >_>
Some of u here r full of imagination. How do u know whose bigger than whose? Have u been in his pants? Geez!! Why so much hate n negative judgements toward HXM? I haven’t seen any lingerie/underwear/swimwear ads without extreme photoshop. I see HXM pictures above are no different than others. The guy still look better than many many other asian guys in show biz.
Can you imagine skid mark? LOL!
His face doesn’t even look like it belongs with that body. Looks more like some cheap copy and paste photoshop some crazy fan did. Not to mention his first pic in the green underwear is horrriiiibbbleeeee, he looks sorta constipated. Hope this lingerie sells well… >.<
he’s annoying. him n his girl are too showy. just like lam fung and karena. why these ppl so fake lah ?
Often People who had plastic surgery, they tend to show off their new look to the public for attention.
WAAAA, is that really him? His package looks a bit too much? haha LOL..
The only pic that seems ok natural to me was the middle one and even that was extremely photoshopped but the left and right ones are just NOT real. Looks like his head should NOT belong to that body??? Weird.
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Are his abs really THAT symmetrical? If those are real, he has excellent genes.
I have never seen him shirtless like that before (except a few scenes in Yue Fei), so I can’t tell if they are photoshopped or not.
google huang xiaoming abs. he trains. back in 2012, js covered one of his articles. so if he continued. it could be possible
With the proliferation of photoshopped cheesecake from actresses, nothing wrong with some beefcake from the actors.
looks like those gay ads, he looks better in motion, and with clothes.
Photoshopped, photoshopped, photoshopped. The picture makes him look so cheap – he doesn’t even look like Asian. I like his singing, but this is so disappointing.
Strange how there’s an uproar about guys being PS. Women get PS all the time, how come no noise?
Did you not read the above statements? Just google hetieshou and ps.
stop assuming its ps. to get that same result in every photo is hard to do.
why don’t you pray to your god to make this website disappear? GROW UP!
“”Xiaoming ate 1,000 pieces of boiled chicken breasts, without any seasoning or condiments, for an entire year.””
seriously? a whole year of boiled chicken and his body looked like that? he needs to hire a better personal trainer!
Of course he needs exercise as well, but diet is equally important – abs are made in the kitchen.
you know i was making fun of him eating chicken for a year and only looked like that. 3 months of eating chicken and a personal trainer will look better than that.
who counts how many pieces they eat? and 1 year of purely chicken and you’d be nutrient deficient
You don’t even need a year to know you are not doing well with only chicken. One months should make you weak. Need chicken and vegetable plus workout should be good enough.
Not sure if his package is photoshopped or not; however,if he has a “boner” before taking those pictures, then it can be real…