Is Xiao Zhan Dating His Manager?

Rumored to be dating his manager Zhang Jing (張晶), Chinese actor Xiao Zhan (肖戰) is facing fan protest, as they mass unfollow him to voice their displeasure.
Rumors with Co-star Li Qin
Frequently working with actress Li Qin (李沁), the two have paired onscreen five times previously, and she is also the female lead in his latest yet-to-air drama Where Dreams Begin <夢中的那片海>. The duo have twice been rumored to be dating, once after filming wrapped for 2017’s The Wolf <狼殿下>, and another time when they were spotted skiiing together. In June last year, Li Qin showed up at Xiao Zhan’s stage play, and even disguised herself as a production crew and dined with him, leading to swirling dating rumors between the two.
However, Xiao Zhan has thrice denied the gossip, most recently emphasizing his singlehood status on microblogging platform Weibo. Sharp-eyed fans turned their attention when they spotted that his artiste manager, Zhang Jing has been rather high-profile in donning matching outfits with the actor.
Matching Outfits Irk Fans
Fans pointed out how Zhang Jing has been spotted blatantly dressed in matching outfits with their idol, be it casual daily wear or special outfits worn by the star when accepting awards or attending significant events, and even items like travel pillows. Annoyed at her lack of professionalism as an artiste manager, they are also angered by her complete disregard of their feelings, describing his dating rumors with Li Qin as just “smoke and mirrors”.
Fueling their discontentment further was Zhang Jing’s “confessions-style” writing on her social profile. “Every interview is another chance to know Xiao Zhan once again. Someone who’s focused and silent most of the time, yet is able to hold everyone’s attention when he speaks,” she wrote. Fans found her language unbecoming of an artiste manager. Having voiced their discontent previously to no avail, fans of her star decided to step up their protest by enacting a mass unfollowing move from the 30-year-old’s social media.
Despite her problematic behaviors, netizens acknowledged that she has done a good job picking out drama offers for Xiao Zhan, and also propelling actress Jing Tian (景甜) to popularity. Some also felt that that the rumors might merely be a misunderstanding as it is common for artistes to receive many sponsored items, and did not think she would be the actor’s choice dating partner.
Source: UpMedia
This fans that unfollow him should stay away…who he dates is his personal life. Not their business at all…they can check on their own relationship instead of sticking their nose where it does not belong.
Yes. They should stay away & never come back. Real, loyal with common sense fans will not do this to him. They need to get a life and leave Xiao Zhan alone. Please correct me if I’m wrong – it seems to happen to Asians’ actors and actresses more – not with western countries.
Jaynestars: when typing text I noticed you are not allowing us to copy, paste and correct (if passed that text area already). Please make it more user friendly. Perhaps that’s why you don’t see a lot of comments recently. Thanks!
I agree they should stay away, for good. They are not fans, but delusional, controlling fanbots. They are mad because Xiao Zgan is not dating Li Qin, who they delusionally ship him with.
I see nothing wrong with dating his manager. They are both consenting adults and they are not married and cheating on their spouses, like a certain young man and his manager both are. Worse part is this young man associates with his managers’s husband. Let Xiao Zhang be. He is not doing anything wrong.
Couldnt agree more. Who are they to decide whom he dates. They really have nothing better to do.
The rumor already cleared before this article is published. With the height of his peak popularity and his fans consist of majority females so anyone he dates will have a big impact, he will not only lose fans and worse case even lose endorsements
Who Xiao Zhan dates should have no impact on these silly, delusional females. There us no valid or sensible esason for tge to unfollow him. Do notice I said SENSIBLE. Unless thus manager is married and supposed to be in a warm relationship with husband, is a criminal, a murdered, pedophile, blackmailed, involved in capital crimes, running prostitution or drug rings etc, ZH has every legal right to date her. As for sponsors dropping him because of this, if they are dating, these sponsors would be very petty and stupid to drop XZ. Time for these dumb robots to feel real. I know for a dact that a lot of sponsors know that Mr Marrued actor is snagging his married Manager, yet he gets to represent for sponsors. Leave XZ alone, he has done nothing wrong
Exactly. If both are single and available plus all those u mentioned, I don’t why can’t they date each other.
Even if he isn’t, it’s unlikely he will date one of his fans anyway.
It’s a vicious cycle, the fans spend money on their idol so they may feel even more entitled and idols need these fans to get more commercial gains which feed on the entitlement.
@BearBear , you are right. The fans spend a lot of money on the celebs and do feel they are entitled to decide who their idols date. The celebs know this and will do many things to appease these fans. However, the line has to be drawn somewhere, and these men and women should decide who they want to date. That is something that should not be decided by these so called fans. I don’t think the sponsors would cancel him if Xiao Zhang is dating his manager if it will not cause a scandal, at least I hope not.
@Renren Unfortunately the fandom is too toxic, idols will have to wait till their fans to outgrow their obsession and move on with real life when these fans get married and start their own family. Even if the idol is brave enough to date someone and even be open about it, his agency will not be willingly to lose their artist’s commercial value.
Doubt all sponsors will drop him like you have mentioned if he’s only dating someone who is also single and available but it will surely cause a drop in his fans base and by then new sponsors and sponsorship recontract are likely going to think twice to collaborate with him.
@BearBear unfortunately, you are right. These men most certainly will have to wait for years to go public with their wives, boyfriend or girlfriends. That is not a healthy existence. It is so mind boggling to think that some fans are so delusional and out of touch with life and reality, but they are. Even when they get married, tge obsessive delusional shipping and entitlement continue. You are right about future potential sponsors not wanting to touch him if the so call fans continue
to abandon him in droves. It is not easy veing an artist in tge Asian entertainment world.
You know this is not true because since 5 years ago or so he has been married to Yibo… oh.. not true? So now changing rumours again? Oh one can’t ever keep up with all these baseless rumours.
By the way he can’t date his manager. Why? Then the illusion of him as nations boyfriend is dead. He has to be seen available and why should he date someone so ordinary like a manager? Yet if he dates someone famous, same fans will say she’s only using him for publicity. In short, don’t date. No life.
Oh yes…he is actually married to Yibo… isnt that the rumours? Anyway, it is just for a laugh.
I take it Funnlim is being sarcastic, cause how else can the comment be explained? Why can’t XZ date his manager? There is a Taiwanese singer dating his manager for a few years. Biggest open secret in Taiwan. I agree with that relationship as neither are married, unlike the other Taiwanese employer/manager where both are married.
XZ does not belong to the fans. They chose to support him, their free will. They need to wake up from their overwhelming delusional slumber and leave these celebrities alone to date whom they please.
Best wishes to Xiao Zhan. Jiayou!
Currently for a male actor I think Ren Jia Lun is the lucky one right now. He is married with two children and his career seems to be very stable. He keeps getting new dramas for the last few years. Things are very peaceful for him.
And that us how it should be. Ren Jia Lun’s life should very an example for all these artists to follow. You have to put your loved ones first, and don’t hide them under a bush for the sake of your career. If a celebrity does not have a home with a warm, loving family, and someone to love him or her at the end of the day, then the fame and fortune means nothing, absolutely nothing. I have to respect RJL for taking a risk with these delusional, obsessed fickle fans and basically making a point that his career means the world to him, but his family means even more. A lot if times, the managers force these artists to hide or deny they have a family or a significant other because it will upset the managers ‘ gravy train when fans ubfilliw them, or stop supporting them. These managers also take 70% of the earnings of their clients’ money. Do much trickery and skulduggary behind it all.
I would like an opinion, seeing we are talking about managers and their clients. The topic came up at work and the main topic was a taiwanese agent and her much younger charge. We are convinced they are having an affair, or she, is in love with him, obsessed too, lol.
She had an Instagram account which she accidentally deleted. All several hundreds of pictures were of him. Not her dogs, her cats, nothing she does or her beard. She made a different one and again, all photos are of him There is one of a place and apparently, that is where they slept together. Another is an image of an animal that he is nicknamed after. At events, he sits with her even when her beard is there. He rescues her from crowds and pulls her along to protect her, even when her so called man is there. She can’t keep her hands off him, even on his butt, and she would wear his clothes and lay down on his hotel bed. Even when he goes out with friends,she is there, sitting beside him, touching him, feeding him, or cuttingup his food for him. They go everywhere together. She is married, he is supposed to be secretly married. We think they are married to each other, or she has the hots for him. She wants no one else touching him or speaking to him. She has a problem keeping her hands off him, and she wears his shirts and sweaters. She made life hell for a costar who fell in love with him
What do you guys think?
Well, if both are happy to be in such relationship…they clearly profit from each other… Anyway, it is Taiwan…a very liberal and open Country…even if someone expose them, it will not harm them as there are tons of such scandals in the industry that are exposed daily… their are just one of many. Artiste in Taiwan do not have fears that China mainland artistes do… their career would not get black listed by Gov due to bad behaviours, unlike China. One wrong word or one wrong photo, you are doomed.
@Hohliu if this was in Mainland China, the manager and employer would be doomed. What is crappy about this is she flaunts the relationship in front of everyone, including her husband and is not afraid to sit with her young thing on planes, trains, busses, at events and even at restaurants, while hubby has to sit elsewhere. That is so insulting. She is abusive in every way towards her stud and her hubby. What gets me is the fans cannot see this, although portions of it is right there in plain sight. I mean every way that a person can be abused, yes, you heard me right. She has caused a lot of pain to someone who loves the stud and tens of thousands of people who backed that beautiful costar. The stud himself is married but refused to tell the beauty who fell in love with him. He wants to come across to his fans as an emotional, soft sweet innocent giant who cries easily and who is a boy next door angel. Well the delusional fans of his like her as she is a gateway to him, or so they think but she will not let anyone too close to him. Most sponsors, directors, producers and product brands do not want to work with him, or eork with him anymore, because of her. If they work with him, it is because of him, not her. Some have outright refused to collaborate with them because of the affair and the fact that she is married to a really sweet guy who cannot do anything because she is the boss of the relationship, including the money. They refuse to work with him, or work with him anymore because they do not like the hypocrite image he is portraying, while having close contact with his mistresse’s husband, while he himself is married, has the hots for a costar, and can’t get enough of another costars rear end. Do you think his career still stands a chance if this is exposed? I highly doubt it. There is so much more I can say but will not right now.