It’s Going to Be Another Boy for Grace Chan!

While Grace Chan (陳凱琳) and Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) announced in May that they are expecting a second baby, the couple gave few details of the pregnancy and decided to reveal the baby’s gender at their baby shower instead.
The party was held today and featured a clever tag line, “Ba-Bee shower, What will it be(e)?” that matched the bee-themed party and kept their friends guessing the baby’s gender. Finally, the big moment came when Grace would reveal the baby’s gender by cutting the cake, in which the color would tell their friends whether she is carrying a boy or girl.
Enjoying her shower, Grace did not immediately update her social media account to share the gender reveal with her fans. Instead of Grace being the first person to make the important announcement, it was Ruco Chan’s (陳展鵬) wife Phoebe Sin (單文柔) who spoiled the surprise.
Phoebe must have been very excited at the party and posted many videos and photos on her social media page. In one video, Grace revealed that she is having a son by popping a giant balloon filled with many smaller blue balloons. Grace can also be seen cutting a beautiful blue cake as Phoebe expressed her joy for the couple.
Now that the baby’s gender is known, fans are impatiently waiting to find out the baby’s name. Grace’s eldest son is named Rafael after the famous tennis player Rafael Nadal, so fans are wondering if the baby’s name will be inspired by another famous athlete. Since the baby shower was decorated with signs that read “Baby Y”, it appears that the couple may have already decided on their baby boy’s name already.
Source: Sky Post
This article is written by Sammi for
I think that was a pretty messed up thing for phoebe to do. It’s ok to take pictures and videos but she should have waited for grace to post first. It’s like all those wedding videos youtubers post people usually wait for the couple to post their own videos first.
I agree, I was thinking the same thing while reading the article
Baby Y.. first name that comes to mind is Yousef. Other than that, can’t think of any boy names starting with Y
It wasn’t actually phoebe that revealed it, I think being in the industry and having a child of her own, she’s smarter than that to take the special moment away from the expecting mother.
The real culprit was Grace’s friend Allie Chan who she does a lot of charity work with. Allie posted the gender reveal on her IG stories but will have disappeared by now due to it being 24 hours (her fan IG has reuploaded it though!).
Gonna try for a girl next. Third baby coming next year.
Too bad it’s not a girl for them this time maybe next time. Well the cake can be a clue by the color. I don’t really know any name that started with the letter Y accept Yvonne? Or they can made it up well have to see later. I think the baby shower looks adorable!!
@cutie777 my friend’s husband’s name is Yves (sound like Eves). That’s the only boy name start with Y I know off lol.
@littlefish that’s unusual name I don’t think I’ve heard of it before until you mentioned it. Like I said all I can think it’s Yvonne for the name that started with the letter Y. Also Yvonne can be a girl name too. Not sure if Kevin and Rafael at the baby shower because they’re not in the picture? I guess not many people names started with the letter Y so it’s kinda hard to think of a name unless they’re going to made up a name or something.
@littlefish Or it could be Japanese name? A lot of Japanese men names start with Y
@pompidur Yuzuru !
Thought it might’ve been a boy as well lol. Congrats to the couple.
@littlefish, yes my first thought for Y was Yves too. Yousef is a possible second. These celebrities have interesting taste in names lol
Maybe Y for Y chromosome? Lol, j/K.
Congrats to them, she looks pretty far along.
Ahh yes! I was right! But then the odds are 50/50 lol. Grace looks amazing being pregnant. Still skinny but also radiant. Phoebe and whomever else that leaked it should know better than to have post it before the couple themselves announced it. I know it’s an honest mistake for her to do that but that’s the exact problem with social media these days. People are so eager to share and overshare stuff online for “likes”, that we forget to acknowledge and be truly present for the actual moments of the events we are partaking in. Just like someone who is busy trying to take pictures of fireworks to post online that they don’t really get to see and appreciate the fireworks that’s in front of them. Rather they are too busy looking at the fireworks thru their cellphones and cameras instead of the real thing. Smh.
another boy…, oh well, since she’s still young and so pretty can always try for a third.
There are actually a lot of girl names that start with a Y.
Example: Yannisa, Yvonne, Yessenia, Yuri, Yana, Yasmine, Yulia, Yuliana, Yvette, Yan, Yuki, Yohanna, Yannis
But I agree boy names that start with a Y is very uncommon other than Yousef