Jasper Liu and Lee Seung-gi Become Friends in Netflix’s “Twogether”

Taiwanese actor Jasper Liu (劉以豪) and South Korean singer Lee Seung-gi (李昇基) both star in the upcoming Netflix travel show, Twogether <男神一起來看你>. Overcoming their language barrier, the two heartthrobs quickly become friends as they travel across Asia to meet their fans. In the first episode, Jasper and Lee Seung-gi took on Indonesia – the first leg of their trip – “twogether.”
However, their journey started on the wrong note when the producers took away some of their allowances. It turns out Lee Seung-gi had borrowed money from the producers to treat the crew to coffee when they first arrived. As a result, the producers took the money back from the pair’s spending allowance. Jasper appeared confused as to what happened, while Lee Seung-gi asked, “Why is the coffee fee more expensive than living?”
Blunders aside, the stars had a blast exploring Indonesia. Upon their fan’s recommendation, they went to Jomblang Cave in Semanu to complete a mission. Jasper said he producers refused to give hints for their missions. Still, he was glad to have good partner Lee Seung-gi to complete them together despite the lack of aid from the producers.
They also traveled on small boats when they visited the night markets in Thailand, but Jasper’s favorite moment was when they climbed the Nepal Mountains together. Lee Seung-gi, on the other hand, really enjoyed Yogyakarta because that was where Jasper waited for him with a welcome sign in both English and Korean.
Source: EtToday
This article is written by Hailey for JayneStars.com