Jasper Liu Gains International Attention After “Twogether”

The Taiwanese actor can already converse in basic Korean. 

Joining Netflix’s travel show Twogether <Twogether: 男神一起來看你>, Taiwanese actor Jasper Liu (劉以豪) teamed up with Korean star Lee Seung Gi to meet their loyal fans in cities across Asia, while engaged in a battle of popularity. Interviewed by 35 Korean media outlets this week, Jasper also took an interview from US finance magazine Forbes, earning himself a new nickname of “International Liu”.

Picking Up Korean Diligently

The 33-year-old, who has been dubbed the “New Face of Asia”, said he did not worry about the popularity of the show during filming, “I only thought of putting in my all and taking on the challenges seriously to complete every difficult task, to see our fans, instead of thinking about the ratings.”   

The actor picked up the Korean language through listening to music and watching dramas, as well as hiring a home tutor. He also shared about making use of his free time daily to master a few Korean phrases, and hopes if time permits, to “live in Korea independently for three months, attend lessons to learn [the language], as immersing in the environment would be helpful and a real experience.”

Having built popularity for himself in Korea, Jasper has been working hard on the language, and interacted with the Korean press in basic phrases during interviews. Praised for his linguistic talent, he replied humbly that there is still room for improvement in his Korean. He shared, “Before this, I have done Korean press interviews. I feel happy to be able to chat about my new program with everyone. I also made very good friends and got to know and work with a fabulous team–chatting about the fun we had on our travels lifts the stress off.”

Loves the Calmness of Being Underwater

A lover of water sports, Jasper put his diving skills to good use on the program and shows off his muscular physique. Since he was young, he has accompanied his parents in various sporting activities and share’s his father’s love of snorkeling and diving. With a diving license now, Jasper is ready to move on to challenge himself with free diving. “It’s very silent in the water and you can forget everything on land, listening to the waters, and seeing the fish swim by. The appeal of free-diving is different from diving with an oxygen tank , but I enjoy both a lot.”

Now filming Chinese drama Use For My Talent <我親愛的小潔癖>, Jasper takes care to regularly apply sunscreen as he gets tanned easily, and also keep himself hydrated by drinking plenty of water. During summer, he would take vitamins B and C and drink lotus seed soup, while keeping to a low oil, low salt and less spicy diet, and avoiding fried foods. His main diet consists of boiled chicken breast and cauliflower during filming.

Source: Ettoday

This article is written by JoyceK for JayneStars.com.

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