Jessica Hsuan Enraged By Breast Implant Lies; Throws Money Back At Client!

A plastic surgery center in Suzhou, China alluded that Jessica Hsuan (宣萱) had enlargened her breast size. Although Jessica had signed a contract to appear at a promotional event for the plastic surgery center, she was infuriated by the false claims. She refunded the money back to the center, refusing to appear at the event due to their unethical practices!

A fan alerted Jessica earlier that a plastic surgery center had posted images of Jessica on their website. Although the center did not directly claim that Jessica had received plastic surgery, they suggested that she had done so, pointing out that Jessica’s chest appeared to be smaller in the past. To achieve Jessica’s marked difference in current cup size, the plastic surgery center urged prospective clients to visit their facilities and discover how to do so!

After realizing that the plastic surgery center had alluded that she received breast implants and used her name to promote their services, Jessica was extremely angry. She apologized to fans in Suzhou that she may not appear at the center’s promotional event on May 12th, as originally scheduled.

Jessica wrote on her Weibo blog, “The plastic surgery center’s website claimed that I had received plastic surgery for breast augmentation! For their promotion, they made such lies! This is complete disrespect towards me! I am extremely angry! Lying in this manner, who will go to this plastic surgery center site from now on? To me, they are a big liar!” Jessica’s complaint drew Ada Choi’s (蔡少芬) support as well.

Jessica indicated that she has refunded the plastic surgery center the initial deposit for her appearance fee. However, since the initial agreement was in writing, she may have to appear at the event if legally bound to do so.

Jessica further stated that she will not do anything immorally wrong for the sake of money. She emphasized that her body was natural and did not receive any breast augmentation.

Source: Oriental Daily

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Jayne: Good for Jessica! Perhaps she is one of the few actresses that we can trust she actually uses the products that she endorses? 

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  1. She has every right to he upset with this company. But the above picture does make her girls looking kinda fake : )

    1. you mean she is upset with “money”?

      Common jessica, don’t talk rubbish?

  2. I’m confused… if she reacts SO STRONGLY at the suggestion she had plastic surgery, then why in the world would she accept money to appear at this company’s promotional event? You’d think if she was this upset that she wouldn’t even have anything to do with the “services” offered.

    I guess $$$ speaks for Jessica…

    1. TVBFanatic,
      Jessica took the deposit to appear at a promo event for the plastic surgery center. Promo events can just be showing up at the event, which is not the same as filming ad for them.

      Plastic surgery center website then alludes she had breast enhancement. She was not aware until fan told her. She returns deoposit, angry and refusing to appear at event.

    2. TVBFanatic,
      I don’t think she is necessarily against plastic surgery, but just never saw need to get it herself. Also she did not wish to be used and portrayed in false light. Vendor knowingly did this fir their gain, thus her anger.

      1. But if she doesn’t see the need for it herself, and doesn’t use the product and reacts so strongly against it, then why endorse it?

        I fully understand her anger, I just don’t understand why she would endorse something she doesn’t use and reacts so strongly against.

        I myself would have an issue with being paid to show up and endorse something that I don’t believe in/don’t use.

      2. @TVBFanatics

        Perhaps she just doesn’t want others to lied about something that she didn’t do.

        It’s not necessarily that she didn’t believe in plastic surgery, but that she didn’t feel the need to do it for herself. It could be as simple as that minor flaws on her body don’t bother her as much and she can live it. Whereas, for others, these “flaws” are major issues and they couldn’t be happy, then by means, go for it. Use the advanced science and technology to improve one’s self-esteem.

      3. @TVBFanatic: Jessica is not “endorsing” the product/service. She is just “making an appearance.”

      4. Yap, totally agree with Hannah. Making an appearance doesn’t mean using it.

      5. her face is full of botox just like charmaine sheh….and you know botox is a form of plastic surgery..

        Can anyone tell me is there anybody pursuing her now?

      6. Is it so hard to understand that appearing at an event is basically a form of promotion? Or else why would the company pay her to appear at an event? It’s a form of promotion. And what is that company in business for? Plastic surgery! Wow! It really does take a rocket scientist to understand this doesn’t it?!

      7. Thank you Jules. That’s exactly the point I was making. She is endorsing the product by agreeing to promote it.

    3. I can see your point, but I don’t agree.

      1) Ethnically, the company violated their contract terms w/ Jessica. She may have agreed to show up at the promotional event, but in no way, did she agree to appear in any FALSE advertisements. Speaking from a business point of view, I can absolutely see why she is angry… the company violated any kind of mutual trust and respect they had for one another.

      2) The advertisement damages her image by false advertisement. Image is everything to a celeb… by advertising that she got any kind of boob job could potentially damage the image that she’s worked hard to cultivate over the past 15+ years.

      3) She may have agreed to appear at this company’s promotional event because she doesn’t disagree with plastic surgery and she believes that the clinic does good work. This is not the same as proclaiming to the world… ‘I got breast implants.’

  3. I don’t think she endorsed anything for the company. She just accepted a stage job FOR the company. Endorsing a company, and appearing at their promo events are different things. Artists are exclusive to brands/products under endorsements, but can appear in different promo events as long as they aren’t endorsing products for direct competitors.
    Just like how lots of artists attend store openings, magazine promos, etc etc.
    Kudos to Jessica for standing up for herself!
    Not the first time that companies link themselves to famous artists for promo without permission.

    1. Appearances are a form of promotion. They do not have to use the product or endorse it but they are promoting it. They are there to attract the general public, they are there to attract the pappaprazzi and that’s a form of promotion.

  4. Jessica seems like someone who will speak for herself, so much like Steven Ma.

  5. I am totally admirable Jessica. She always speaks for herself and I think if this company does something stupid or unreal, she is ready to let this company go to the court.

  6. Nah she could easily endorse say, Neutrogena but actually use Lancome. But breast impants are different, it affects her image.

  7. One of the reasons why I LOVE Jessica so much! She has her own principles and not afraid to stand by them! YAY JESSICA! And thank you for realising you don’t need to have plastic surgery! Cause you’re amazing, just the way you are! =P

  8. She should have seen this coming before accepting the job in the first place. Even if they did not lie, then when she attends such function, a large number will automatically think that she has done plastic surgery, isnt it logical?

    It’s just sound funny for me when she make a big deal out of what she can easily predict.

  9. With a woman (not girl) like her being so depressive after being recently dumped by boyfriend due to presumably either unappealing inner self (flat chest) or poor performance on the bed or clashing (troublesome) personality (with boyfriend), who could dare to say that she would not do something stupid to enhance its sexual appeal/prowess to attract new boyfriend?

    She maybe accepted to endorse the cosmetic company but thereafter changed her mind to reject the offer. This does not appear surprisingly to us because we all know that she’s a very good/talented actress who can twist fact at any given time. Her act of rejected the offer that she’d agreed initially is nothing less than a (sarcastic) public (monkey) stunt to me….

  10. I think you all misunderstand here. She signed a contract to promotion for this hospital and for sure she is not their customer and use their treatments. So, if you don’t use it and everyone say like the way you use, what do you think about it, especially she is an actress.

    1. All actress are like that particularly those popular ones. Can you tell me who has never gone 2 breast implant or plastic surgery of any kind?

      Their (including jessica) actings are so good that we cannot even uncover their fLawlessness…. How they negotiate/repackage their endorsement deal is beyond our knowledge.

      Jessica, you stupid liar…..! mou gutsy!

  11. Maybe she did have the surgery. The act was just to cover up

  12. Yes, she has every right to be angered by the plastic surgery “false” claim that she had breast implants.. but, why on earth associate yourself with a plastic surgery centre/hospital at the first place…
    If the plastic surgery hospital did not mention or use her as advertisement even, i would indirectly think she might have done something to herself in that particular plastic surgery centre.. Its just connection by association… Grow Up Jessica.. this is the perils of being an artist….

  13. I just wonder why she agreed with the contract at first place?

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