Jia Nailiang Confirms Divorce Rumors On Variety Show

Is the actor finally divorced from Li Xiaolu?
Revelations of actress Li Xiaolu (李小璐) cheating on husband Jia Nailiang (贾乃亮) made headlines and rocked the Chinese entertainment industry last year. Appearing on a variety program recently, Nailiang was asked by host Shen Mengchen (沈梦辰) to indicate his relationship status by retracting a finger if he did not have a partner at the moment. The actor appeared embarrassed at the thinly veiled attempt to get him to divulge his status, while responding helplessly that he will retract a finger, which meant that he was probably divorced.
Shen Mengchen Criticized for Insensitive Question
Nailiang’s response led netizens to speculate that it affirmed his ongoing divorce rumors with Xiaolu. Other netizens criticized host Shen Mengchen for her inappropriate question, which not only intruded on the actor’s privacy, but was also insensitive to his feelings.
Some also pointed out how Du Haitao (杜海涛), who was Shen’s boyfriend, had just joined Jia Nailiang’s management company as an artiste, and would most likely be privy to his boss’s situation. If Shen Mengchen had known about the actor’s divorce beforehand, it put her in even worse light as she was deemed to be rubbing salt onto his wound by bringing up the sensational topic up deliberately.
Netizens Concerned about Their Daughter’s Custody
In April, a document which looked like Nailiang and Xiaolu’s divorce papers surfaced, setting off heated discussions on the Internet as it revealed details about the separation of their financial assets. Although both Nailiang and Xiaolu have denied the authenticity of the document and called upon netizens not to spread mistruths, concern over who would win custody rights of their daughter Jenela‘s remained fodder for gossip.
Nailiang had been captured looking extremely saddened and in tears at the prospect of leaving his six-year-old daughter behind, when he had to leave home for some time previously due to work commitments. As for Xiaolu, she seems to be an involved mother as she was often spotted bringing Jelena out to play. Screenshots of the two’s conversations about Jelena also showed how much the child loved and relied on her mother. Thus, many are concerned about how the young girl would take to her parents’ divorce.
Source: QQ
This article is written by JoyceK for JayneStars.com.
Divorce is not a good thing, but in this case it’s a good thing for him. No one in this world needs a cheater – especially someone like her. Sometimes you are better off being single than being in that situation.
Exactly! She is not someone who is suitable for marriage since she cannot stay with one guy. I heard she did not treat him or his parents well. She made him do everything while she sat on her butt. They only married because she got pregnant. Divorce in this case is a blessing in disguise for him as he deserves better.
@hetieshou so if she did everything for him, but she cheated, she’s worth forgiving?
No, she is still not worth forgiving as she never treated him well on top of the cheating.Cheating should be another category but badly treating your husband and his parents who are so good to you is just like adding more salt to the wound. I must say that Li Xiao Lu does not seem like the type that is suitable for marriage as she cannot stay with one guy. It is just a matter of time before she looks for another guy to cheat with.
I still do not get how Sammi forgave Andy so easily. I guess maybe her religion brainwashed her.
@hetieshou idk whether she made him do everything, however, from all the articles, it does seem she is not good to him. It felt like he is the one at home taking care of stuffs, while she’s always out and about. Even with her daughter, she takes her out, show on social media, however the timing has always been after a bad news of her surface. It felt like she uses her daughter to demonstrate she isn’t a bad person.
@coralie I don’t think this is an “or” situation: she did this, it’s ok, or she didn’t do this, it’s not ok. More the case, it’s a bonus. So what Hetieshou said the fact she just sit on her butt make it easier (seem more justified) to divorce her, on top of the cheating. There is no mention of forgiving
so it’s irrelevant 
Yes and that was the feeling that I got. My brother’s wife is the same way. The only thing that makes my brother’s wife a bit better is that she has not cheated on my brother yet. I am not sure about the future though. I think you are right about the daughter. She seems to use her daughter to make it seem like she is such a good mom.
@hetieshou is your SIL the breadwinner?
She makes the most but keeps most of it to herself. My brother makes a good income but I think she makes a little bit more. However, she saves it for herself and spends any of it on mostly herself. She buys clothes for herself, buys make up, skin treatments and mostly spends on herself. They live off of us while making money and putting whatever they make in their own pocket. I hope for them to buy a house and move out but sadly I do not see that happening at all. Freeloaders they are. They have 3 kids on top of it too.
@hetieshou Does your brother and SIL pay “rent” or money to help out with utilities? Since they are working adults and if living with you and other siblings, they should help out with the housing costs.
Yes they do but not much as we are “helping” them out as my cousin says. They only pay like $1000 for everything and that is it. They make over $10000 after taxes each month too. We live in California where rent and everything is very expensive. I am just praying they move out one day because it is hard to live with them.
@hetieshou I’m sure it’s perfectly reasonable to call a family meeting and discuss the rising costs of housing, and what is an appropriate amount for your brother and SIL to pay. Just do this matter-of-factly and it may be necessary to have this conversation in stages. Initially, they may not be willing to pay more than they’re used to, but it’s necessary if other siblings in the household are contributing more money towards living costs under the same roof.
Since they’re saving so much money, they may already have plans to move out one day. Usually married couples live with family for a few years to save up until they can afford their own home. Maybe they just don’t want to announce it yet until they’re ready to make that house offer.
I know money can be sensitive topic among siblings, especially now that your brother is married. Your SIL’s attitude towards family contributions will affect your brother’s perspective. But you also have to do what you need to protect your interests. If you feel more comfortable to involve other siblings (who support your view), you can do so. Just try to remain matter of fact without throwing in any accusations or sounding judgmental about their lifestyle. Just talk about the numbers and why you feel that an increase in family contributions is justified.
My sister, who is 8 years older than me, had paid for part of my college tuition since she was already working. Back then, I was naive and didn’t keep a good record of the exact amount. When my sister got married, she was tight on money. I was still in college and couldn’t afford to help her out. Now that she is married, I realize that although my sister may not ask me back for the college money, my brother-in-law may mind. Eventually, I paid her back more than what she had contributed, as I factored in cost of inflation. I actually don’t mind paying more as I was already glad that she pitched in to help me during my time of need. In our household, we are not very clear-cut on money contributions, but we help each other out when we can.
@jayne I did the same with my younger brother and paid him some spending money every month in college (equivalent of high school still in UK) because by that point my parents couldnt contribute that much.
Also with other sister we paid her mortgage for a year when she lost her job. I never felt that I wanted this money back though, your sister might have felt the same.
@megamiaow You’re very generous in helping out your siblings!
I think this is how family members should treat each other, and not be so precise in who contributed what amount, especially if we make enough money and can afford it.
But marriage can change this, so it may be necessary to be more precise to preserve the peace in the family. Because once married and there are kids, the couple will want to save money for house and later on, college.
You’re right, my sister didn’t intend to ask me back for the money she gave me as she didn’t record the amount down. She was still single when she paid for my college tuition. But I know my brother-in-law had a big fallout with his brothers over money, so I don’t want my debts to my sister to cause them any conflict. I was late in paying back my sister, but I felt it was still necessary to do it.
@hetieshou *Three* kids and they’ve still not found their own place?! You must have a very big house lol.
It is not that they cannot find their own place but just do not want to. They complain how expensive houses are as we live in California. They just want to work and put money into their pockets. No, our house is not big so it is hard living with them. But they refuse to move out as they are too dependent, cheap and cannot handle raising a family. I wonder why they had kids in the first place? Sigh…
@hetieshou Id be embarrassed if I was them. $1000 a month between them is ridiculous too for a whole family. They are indeed living rent free.
Well, they can only do it so long. Its not good raising kids up in that environment. They might not remember as much if they are small, but as they grow up they will probably ask why they are still living with their aunty.
Yes you are so right! They actually used to live with my brother’s wife’s parents and they are old and had enough of caring for them and their kids. That is why they live off of us now. My other siblings do not care as it does not affect them but bothers me a lot because it affects me the most.
They have no shame or pride as long as they get all of the benefits of living with us. Some of my aunts say they have no pride as they should have their own place by now as they cannot live like this forever. My brother’s wife is like Yang Mi, just work and maintains her looks and sits on her butt. Her kids are invisible to her. They are starting to know that and although they are young are beginning to hate her. That is karma right there.
Srly netizens? You’re calling for privacy and insensitivity?!?! This is like a pot calling a kettle black. LMAO. Who dug up divorce papers, financial records, and social posts? Hilarity xD
And dude, if you’re divorced, say you’re divorce. Unless they’re still in legal hearing or amiss of divorce case. Regardless, what’s the big deal? The woman was at fault with cheating anyways. If you don’t want to answer, then say no comment. All these strings and hesitations are annoying af. Then again, it indeed created buzz so yea.
Anyways, their daughter is super adorb looking.
Are you freaken serious? Do you understand this news is not the happy good news but a sensitive one?
If somebody has good news and denying it then yes it is annoying. If you are talking about example like people such as ZLY, she was in a serious relationship and being pregnant, those are happy news, and hesitating to answer those questions IS for the purpose of creating buzz. But for a bad news about yourself like this, why the hell would anybody want to get buzz about it? Even if he wants to create buzz, do you see him being on top search like ZLY? He asked for space, netizens and hosts are the ones not leaving him alone. It is not the other way around like you say, he isn’t the type who uses his family and kids to gain attention like some desperate idols. Does he have control over this news? Did he asked for his wife to cheat? The answer is no. Take another example, somebody got violated and people posted news about them, do they have control over that? Did they asked for it? Then answer is no. But, if you go have a affair and people post news about that, do you have control over that news? Yes, if you don’t want to get caught then don’t do it.
@davy lol. Well written opinion. Now, here’s a chill pill. Cheers!