Jinny Ng Returns to Work After Giving Birth

Since giving birth in April, Jinny Ng (吳若希) moved in with her boyfriend Alex in Macau. Taking a three-month break to care for her daughter, Jinny has officially returned to work. Currently residing in Macau, the 25-year-old singer is traveling back and forth to Hong Kong for work.
The family of three was spotted at a clinic recently for a routine checkup for their baby girl. Although a nanny was with them, Jinny did not hand over the responsibility of a mother and personally held and took care of her daughter the entire time. While waiting for their departure ride, Jinny shared the doctor had expressed the baby girl is healthy. Nearly three months old, the baby already weighs 15 pounds. Did the doctor indicate that the baby was overweight? “No. The doctor said she has similar weight as a western baby.”
When asked whether she plans to return to Hong Kong once her daughter is a little older, Jinny looked over at Alex and said, “I’ll let him decide.” When reporters praised Alex for being a good dad, he smiled and said, “Yes. I didn’t even go to work today.”
Source: On.cc
This article is written by Huynh for JayneStars.com.
15 lbs for a 3 month is a good size. Love chubby BB!
I’m surprised she still have to work since her boyfriend are loaded with moneys.
i really doubt that they are the filthy rich type. the media often portray people are well loaded when they own some small business. you still got to run them. not like they inheritted huge amounts of money where they can just live off of the investment.
i am however, suprised that jinny still have opportunity to come back. she’s not great as a singer. is she popular with the younger kids?
@m0m0 Not sure if she’s popular with the younger crowd, but TVB did promote her for a while with all the theme songs she was singing for the more grand dramas.
Slightly off topic – very weird to me seeing someone my age already a mother. I know 25 isn’t that young to be one, but being a mother is not easy, and people don’t even have the financial means to start a family so soon anymore. I do wonder how “rich” her boyfriend really is…
but she seems to be someone who’s independent. She’s pretty outspoken in general, especially when fans attack her anyway.
@m0m0 well I do like her songs especially the one from Line Walker?
i think she’s got some good songs but it’s not b/c of her skills. i think she’s an average singer did not expect to see that she’s made it this far in her career w/ her skills. she’s just okay, lot more talented singer out there.